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【 – 写作指导】



我生活学习在八九班这个集体中,在这个“家”里充满欢歌笑语,每一位家人都好快乐。 我的同学们每天努力学习,很多人因为挤时间而不吃饭,很多人都在宿舍认真学习,写作业。但苦中有乐,下课的时候同学们在一起嬉戏玩耍。考试后同学们也能得到自己的“劳动成果”。同学们团结一致,和睦相处。




数学老师头发短而黑,他对待教学的认真和努力令每一位学生感动。他也很幽默,他经常在课堂上用一些其它地区的方言或电视剧里人物的独特语言对我们讲话。每当课间或自习课的时候,教室后面总有他的身影,他把作业出错的同学叫到他身旁,细心耐心的为他们讲解。 英语老师同样也很幽默,她还是我们班的班主任。她对待班级的事务总能一丝不苟地完成。在她的课堂中,同学们都感到很快乐。虽然她有时也会生气,但她如此严厉地批评我们也是为了我们好啊。她对待学生非常平等,她经常帮同学们打扫卫生。

在一次大扫除的时候,我们组要去打扫厕所,没想到班主任竟跟着我们一起去了。我心想:老师这次来监督我们了,可一定要认真打扫呀!到了厕所,没想到她竟然拿起拖把放在水池里开始拖地了。她说:“我来帮你们,这样就可以快一些,你们就利用挤出的时间写会儿作业吧。”这一刻, 我被深深地震撼了。

大约半小时过去了,厕所终于打扫完了, 看着班主任半条被水浸湿的裤子,我认为那就是优秀班主任的奖章。



她是我的好朋友,她也是一个活泼,自信,认真的女孩。她最喜欢画画,理想是漫画家。我偶尔会佩服她,偶尔会有喜欢她。在她身上我身上我学到了一个词叫认真。 有一次,王老师布置教师时给了她一个任务,就是让她画一些漂亮的漫画人物。课间她就忙了起来,我跑过去找她玩,她头也不抬一下。于是我知趣的坐在旁边看她画画。她速度很快,马上匆匆忙忙地画了脸和身体,服装。我认为她画完了,开心的想:耶!今天的课间又可以出去玩了!谁知她抬起头轻松的对我说:冰,我的画稿画好了!我有点吃惊的问她:你这张已经画得很好啦!难道只是草稿?她嗯了一声又拿起画笔修改她画的人物。又过了五分钟,她终于改好了,我问道:这下可以出去了吧?突然她说道:哦!这眼睛还有一点问题,你等会儿!说完她又开始修改眼睛。她画完后脸上浮出了笑容。这种笑容是自信的,是开心的,是骄傲的!她拉起我的手刚想下楼玩,我说到:时间也不多了,这样吧,我问你一个问题。你为什么把这个任务看得那么重?她笑眯眯的对我说:画画是我的爱好,每当我画画时,自然会想到这是我的任务,自然就会很细心了。叮铃铃上课铃响打断了我们的话。 正是因为她的细心,活泼人缘很好。有时我想到一些她的故事,会佩服她,佩服她的自信,佩服她的执着,佩服她的认真。我也为能有她这样的好朋友开心。现在我告诉你,她的名字叫:汤静文。五年级:刘冰茹



(1) 模版1

Different people have different views on_____.Some people think that_____,whereas others argue that __________.

As far as I am concerned, I agree with the opinion that ___________.For one thing,I firmly believe that ___________.For another,_____________.Just think of________,who/which_______.

Taking all these factors into consideration, we may come to the conclusion that______.Only if只要_______can we _______,just as the saying goes,________________.


In recent years there have been many reports of ________.It turns a new 来临adj. 即将来临的years.


The biggest benefit,in my eyes,is that_______.In addition,_______.Finally,______________.

Apart from the benefits mentioned above,we should also face several adj. 不可避免的;不能废除的 challenges.In the first place,_____________.In the second place,________. What’s more,_______________.In summary,we should_______________.


Nowadays more and more ______are commonly and widely used in everyday life,ranging from __________to_____________.

The popularity of _______will have a great influence on ______.On the one hand,_________.On the other hand,__________.

To conclude,____________are just like a double-edged sword.With them we may________.However,one point should be kept in mind that we should make sensible use,always being a master instead of slaving of them.



It is quite natural for ________to ponder over the question of whether to _______________.

Many _________will choose not to______________,generally for three reasons.On the one hand,___________.On the other hand,______________.Most importantly(most important of all),__________.Nevertheless(however), other people adopt a completely different view,thinking that_____________.

Moreover, they further argue that___________.

From what we have discussed above,we can draw the conclusion that the question quite depends on personal choice.In my own eyes,________.


When talking about whether _____________,we will be most surprised to find 完全地;绝对地;全然地;彻底地,十足地 complicated,For one thing ,__________.For another,_________.{我们班的六大家作文}.

Three factors,in my point of view,account for this phenomenon.First and adj. 最重要的;最先的adv. 首先;居于首位地,________.Secondly,____________.Last but not least,____________.

As far as I am concerned,I firmly believe that____________,only when_____________.


A national debate has sprung up on_____________.Many people welcome it with applause and enthusiasm,believing that___________.

However, those who strongly oppose the _________are not among the minority n. 少数民族;少数派;未成年adj. 少数的;属于少数派的.They hold that______________.Moreover,____________.In a word,______________.

From my perspective,________should be____________.On the one hand,personally I would argue that_____________.On the other hand,____________.In conclusion,____________.




With the rapid growth of national economy,more and more_________,which causes a serious problem of_________.

Urgent measures are needed to tackle the above-mentioned problems.On the 在手边;即将到来.On the other hand,_____________.More importantly,____________.

All in all,only when______can we solve the problem of _____________so as to meet everyone’最后;根本;基本上,_____________.


Nowadays, __________.It has become such a serious problem that it is arousing the concern of the entire society.

To put an end to结束;终止 the serious problem, in my mind, it calls for要求;需要 the efforts from all sides. First of all,__________. Moreover,___________. Last but not least,___________.

In my point of view在我的观点看来, only when all of us join in the efforts of __________ at all levels各个级别 在各个层次 can we expect to have _________ and ___________.


If the Chinese people even want to improve their life quality, the problem of __________ has to be solved. With more and more people _______, this problem is 规模和范围.

First of all,_________. What’s more,__________. Only when all the people stop 以……的价格;以……的代价 以…作牺牲 ________ can we hope to put an end to this unfavorable situation.

The _________ is of great importance to every member of our society. As long 关节adj. 共同的 efforts, a

solution is not far away.


Recently it seems that____________.many people,especially__/_________,think it will certainly 对.…有益


Nevertheless,after careful consideration,I have to state that the above view is more than adj. 有偏见的;结果偏倚的,有偏的,given the following reasons.First of all,____________.Besides,__________.Furthermore,__________.

We can see clearly that although_________may bring favorable adj. 有利的;良好的;赞成的,赞许的;讨人喜欢的 results,there are still problems concerning_______.It seems necessary for ___________to make a careful consideration before________.

(2) 模版2

Until recently most people hold hostile n. 敌对adj. 敌对的,敌方的;怀敌意的attitudes towards_______.Some people view it as_____________while others consider it____________.

Recent research,however,shows that___________is of great benefit in many respects._________,scientists tell us,_____________.Surprisingly 卓越的;非凡的;值得注意的 thing about_______is that_______.

Now we can draw the conclusion that_______.I strongly advocate that we it to_________.

(3) 模版3

In current society,we come across v. 偶遇;无意中发现;讲得清楚明白;给人…印象 too many peole who put much emphasis on __________.In many cases在许多情况下,________has become the sole n. 鞋底;脚底;基础;鳎目鱼adj. 唯一的;单独的;仅有的vt. 触底;上鞋底criterion n. (批评判断的)标准;准则;规范;准据for judging a person’s__________.

I argue that we should not put too much emphasis on________.To begin with,we should not take it for granted that those who__________will naturally______________.


The above discussion points to a fact that_上面的讨论指出一个事实______________.Consequently adv. 结果,因此,所以,it is of vital importance for us to realize that_____________.



According to the chart / graph n. 图表;曲线图vt. 用曲线图表示 / diagram n. 图表;图解vt. 用图解法表示/ table n. 桌子;表格;平地层vt. 制表;搁置;嵌合, we clearly learn that _________. As early as早在…的时候 _________,___________. Then,_________. Last,__________. In contrast与此相反;比较起来, by _________,__________.

There are many reasons accounting for对…做出解释;说明……的原因 _________. Firstly, _________.Secondly,__________. Finally,_________. As a result,_________.

As far as I am concerned,_________. For one thing,__________. For another,________. In brief简言之, I hold that__________.


What is shown in the chart / graph / diagram / table above indicates that in recent years, more and more people pay attention to _________. The number of those who _________ has increased ________, and furthermore,____________.

There are two factors responsible for 对……负责;是……的原因the changes. In the first place,_________. Moreover,__________. Yet, it is noticeable adj. 显而易见的,显著的;值得注意的 that __________.

From the analysis由分析可知, we can safely draw the conclusion that__________. It is possible that in the future, the tendency will__________.


As is shown in the chart / graph / diagram / table above, __________ has changed adv. 彻底地;激烈地 in the past _________. While ___________,now the percentage of__________ is __________. Meanwhile, the 高飞, 翱翔, 升高 to ________.

There are mainly two possible reasons contributing to the rapid changes. The first is that _________. Secondly,__________.

In my point of view, the changes have a great influence on _________. At the same time,_______. To sum up总结;概述;计算…的总数 ,_________.





Is Failure a Bad Thing?

1. 很多人都认为失败是一件坏事;{我们班的六大家作文}.

2. 我认为失败有时也是一件好事;

3. 对待失败应该有正确的态度。

Is Failure a Bad Thing?

Many people take it for granted that failure is a bad thing. They don’t like failure because it means all their efforts being wasted and that they have to try again. What’s worse, if failure becomes a constant visitor to someone, he may even lose interest in life.

However, as far as I am concerned, failure is not the end of the world. Sometimes, it can also be beneficial to us. Just as the old saying goes, “Failure is the mother of success.” By analyzing the cause of failure we can get a better knowledge of ourselves. Thus, when we start again, we will be more likely to achieve success.

To conclude, failure is not as bad as many people had imagined. As long as we develop a correct attitude to failure, it will turn out to be a help to us.


描述现象+分析原因+列举利弊 (包括图表题)

My view on Campus Security

1. 在校生安全问题越来越严重;

2. 对如何搞好校园治安给出你的建议。

My view on Campus Security

With the frequent occurrence of campus crime, the security of students has become a more and more serious problem. It not only affects students’ study, but also poses great threats to their lives. In view of the seriousness of the problem, we should take drastic measures to tackle it. First, a department of security should be set up to ensure the security of campus. Second, more crime prevention equipment such as dead-bolt locks and electronic alarms should be used to keep the criminals at bay. Last but not least, teachers should teach their students to grow more conscious of self-protection.

In a word, as long as we pull together, the risk of campus crime will be greatly reduced and our campus will be an even safer place for students.



On Overseas Study

1. 现在有很多人都出国留学;

2. 分析出国留学的利弊;

3. 你的看法或建议。

On Overseas Study

Nowadays, overseas study has been a very common phenomenon in China. According to the latest statistics by the Ministry of Education, more than 600,000 people chose foreign schools for their further study in the past five years.

In fact, overseas study is a double-edged sword — it has both advantages and disadvantages. On the one hand, it will broaden one’s horizon and mind due to a different environment of living and studying. Since foreign school are probably better facilitated and staffed, one can acquire a good knowledge of science and technology.

On the other hand, someone who studies abroad may face with many troubles. First, he has to solve the problem of language to communicate with the local people. Second, he has to try to get acquainted with the local customs in order to avoid misunderstandings. Third, he has to pay much more money for his tuition and living, which will lay a heavy burden on his family.


Therefore, before studying abroad, one must take both its advantages and disadvantages into consideration.



解释No pains, no gains这句谚语,并通过具体的例子谈谈它给我们的启示。

No Pains, No Gains

The proverb “No pains, no gains” has been well accepted by all of us. It signifies that only those who work harder and tolerate more than others can achieve success. On the contrary, if one is lazy and unwilling to go through any hardships, he will never be successful.

Take studying English as an example. Many students complain that English is difficult to learn because of its unfamiliar pronunciation and large vocabulary. But if they turn their eyesight to their classmates who are good at English, they will find one thing in common on them — diligence rather than intelligence.

From this case, we can easily draw a conclusion: Efforts and hard work always come before success. If you want light, then you must first conquer darkness.


Directions: For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a narrative composition on the topic: A Day on

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