
有关利大弊大的作文 利大还是弊大作文

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Some people think modern children’s games can help them to develop wide range of skills, but other people argue that traditional

games can be much better for developing such skills. State your opinion. Nowadays, It is widely acknowledged that games can stimulate the children’s intelligence, widen their horizons and benefit their inquisitiveness. However, the discussion about discrepancy between

traditional games and modern games greeted the individuals’ eyes. As far as I am concerned, despite their diversified difference, I consent to the following statement: in some occasions, modern games can do better.

Mass mediacarries extensive coverage of online games’ crawl and shock to people’s life. Why the online games are so attractive and how we can draw our kids back to the classroom are coming the focus of our educationists and principals. Maybe finding the answer is a long story,

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but we can easily draw the conclusion easily that children and even the adults like it so much. Modern games have special charming to people. Our kids liked indulged in the street games houses not long ago. With the computer and the World Wide Internet widespread. There are categories of online games whose vision effect and engrossing episodes lead the children into wonderland. Racing games can practice the kids sensibility, Puzzle games can develop their intelligence and dressing up games can cultivate the children’s art appreciation.

Modern games also are more suitable to our children’s appetizer. Times elapses, so does our interests. Not only the games’ contents are upgrading from generation to generation, but also the game technology and scientific level are evolving so quickly. There is no denying that modern children’s computer skills and creativity is better than us in many respects. In my own opinion, modern games contribute

considerably to this.

It must be emphasized that the traditional games are notneither rhyme nor reason. On the contrary, the traditional games also can sparkle in our eyes. For example, playing team games, like Word Puzzle, Game of Life and so on can enhance our family relationship and help the children build up collective conception and team spirit. But through the


meticulous scrutinizing between traditional games and modern games, I must appoint out the statement that in many functions to children , the modern games can do a better job.

Put all-above mentioned analysis into a nut, modern games have tremendous merits in comparison with the traditional games, but in the hoping to eliminate the disadvantages in modern games, the suggestion that parents, schools and the games companies should avoid the kids’ games addiction and make a correct direction will definitely good to our children and society.



第 1 页 共 1 页 手机的利与弊






20 × 20 = 400




Advantages and disadvantages of private cars.

With the fantastic spur both in industry and in economy in China, the number of people who own private cars is on the rise. Some people have bought cars of their own, and others are planning to buy cars. But there have been two quite different views on this phenomenon.

Some claim that there are many advantages brought about by cars. First, the automobile industry provides jobs for countless workers and strong support for other industries. Second, if conditions permit, owning a car can make us work more efficiently. Finally, life will become more convenient. A car allows one to move freely and with a car there is no need to wait for the bus in the cold or under the burning sun.

However, others strongly object to the increase in developing private cars. They hold that automobiles will give rise to a series of

problems. In the first place, as more and more cars are produced and run

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in the street, a large volume of poisonous gas will be given off, polluting the atmosphere and causing actual harm to the health of people. Next, private cars contribute to traffic congestion so greatly that the advantages gained in comfort and freedom are often cancelled out by the frustration caused by traffic jams. The last problem is the increasing number of car accidents that have killed and will kill a lot of people in a friction of a second.

In my opinion, although automobiles have been playing a vital part in the daily activities of our society, they also bring us numerous troubles such as more serious environmental pollution, more traffic accidents and more energy consumption. They drink up huge amounts of fuel and throw out huge amounts of pollutants. Traffic accidents kill thousands and thousands of people each year and cripple more. Jams waste our precious time. Therefore I am against developing private cars.



Nowadays both scientists and tourists can go to remote natural environments such as the South Pole. Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?



2、同义替换:distant and isolated/ remote areas/ unpopulated areas








雅思大作文名师Sample Answer:

Word count:281

Plenty of scientists and travelers make trips to isolated natural places,where is always brimming with breath-taking landscape and mysteries, such as the Mount Qomolangma and the South Pole. I firmly deem that the positive effects carry more weight than its adverse impacts.

Contemplated from the positive aspects, many benefits could be gained via exploring the distant regions. For one thing, as for tourists, traveling exposes them to new places and unique cultures, which is rewarding for them to read about cultural diversity. What travelers learn by meeting local people and absorbing the culture of these places is something that is hardly available in books. For another,it is understandable that much of scientific research on remote regions is devoted to

unraveling the mysteries of the universe in general. For instance, the researches on Antarctic aim to evaluate the influence of global warming in particular. And this must be considered as a positive development since scientists are making efforts to look into even the remotest natural environments such as South Pole.

Despite the seductive scenery and the value of scientific research, these tours bring about tremendous risks. It is often the case that travelers produce pollution to local areas. As reported in many cases, holidaymakers have left behind tons of waste in the Antarctica over the last century. This will not only threaten the survival of many creatures, including endangered species such as penguins and seals, but also cause irreversible damage to the ecosystem. As long as those explorers raise their awareness of eco-balance and protective efforts are made to prevent from

overexploitation, nevertheless, such risks mentioned above, can be ameliorated. To conclude, I confirm that traveling to unpopulated areas will bring far more gains, despite a slice of unfavorable facets.




The aging population has been regarded as a worldwide

phenomenon. (交代背景)Fundamentally, such trend is an evitable outcome of the improvement of educational level and medical progress and the achievement of public health programs. (分析成因)However, disadvantages brought with such demographic change can never be neglected.(提出个人观点)

First, as life expectancy has risen and will continue to increase, the pension system will pose a far more serious financial burden on

governments.(中心论点) Increase in the number of retired people means a higher pressure for those financing their pensions.(进一步论证) Such unsustainable situation calls for governments to carry out more effective measures to keep their pension systems afloat. Unfortunately, measures such as raising the retirement age to bring down huge public deficits has proved to be quite unpopular among people.(事例论证)

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In addition, with more employers retiring and less workforce

available, economy would definitely suffer. (中心论点)The number of job vacancies in China are predicted to reach over one hundred million in twenty years.(事例论证) If there are not enough young adults replenish the labor pool, Chinese government will probably have to rely largely on immigrants from South-eastern countries to guarantee a sufficient labor supply and even abolish one-child policy in response to its ongoing economic crisis.(反证)

From what is discussed above, different areas of aging research all point to the same conclusion that disadvantages of an aging society far outweighs its advantages.(重申观点)Therefore, countries should cooperate very closely with each other and establish more platforms for academicians and scientists to research and reverse the ongoing trend.(升华主题)




上网有无穷的好处,完全处于我们怎么利用它们。我们用它 查阅资料、在网上聊天,让地球变成了一个小村庄。大家都 可以交谈经验,正因为有了网络,世界才会发生巨大的变革,

从石器时代到铁器时代到电器时代到信息时代。人们不断开发网络 资源,改变世界,不断的进步,让大家充满期待,走向未来!









1.优点___________________________ 11.显然地___________________________

2.缺点___________________________ 12.首先___________________________

3.同意、赞成___________________________ 13.而且___________________________

4.不同意、反对___________________________ 14.更糟糕的是___________________________

5.持有相反的观点___________________________ 15.更好的是___________________________

6.积极的影响___________________________ 16.一般来说___________________________

7.消极的影响___________________________ 17.总而言之___________________________

8.遇到过……问题___________________________ 18.在我看来___________________________

9.一场激烈的讨论___________________________ 19.通过以上分析___________________________

10.引起人们的关注__________________________ 20.通过对比…..和……________________________


1. 总起句说明事物现状句型——良好的开端等于成功的一半!

1) There is a heated discussion about…{有关利大弊大的作文}.

2)In recent years, many cities have witnessed the serious problem…


3)Recently, the issue of … has aroused people's concern.


4) Recently, the problem of…has been brought to public attention.


2. 事物本身的利弊优劣对比句型

1)Evidently,… has both negative and positive effects.On the one hand,…On the other hand,…显然,既有积极的影响又有消极的影响。一方面;另一方面

2) Generally speaking, there are several positive aspects as follows. Firstly, …Secondly… However,its disadvantages/weaknesses are also obvious.One of the disadvantages is that….To make matters worse, …一般说来,有如下几个积极的方面,第一第二。然后,其不利的一面也显而易见,其中一个不利因素是;更糟糕的是

3)Generally,its advantages can be seen as follows.For one thing,…For another…But every coin has two sides.The disadvantages are also apparent. 一般可以看出,这有如下优点,一来,二来。但是事物都是一分为二的,其缺点也是显然的。


1)Through the above analysis,I believe that the positive aspects overweigh the negative ones.Therefore,I would like to… 通过以上分析,利大于弊。因此,我想

2)From the comparison between these positive and negative effects of … we know that its advantages far outweigh its disadvantages.Therefore,we should… 通过利弊分析,我们知道,其利远远大于弊,因此,我



There is a heated discussion about…(论题). Evidently,… (论题)has both negative and positive effects. Some people in favour of it think that …(理由). However, other people hold the opposite opinion that…(理由). As far as I am concerned, …(个人观点).


There is a heated discussion about one-child family. Evidently, one-child family has both negative and positive effects. Some people in favour of it think that if people only raise one child they can afford better education for the child and many people can have more free time to try their best to achieve career success. However, other people hold the opposite opinion that it is better to have a big family, because everyone in the family can help each other when they have difficulties and the more children they have, the better life they will live when they grow old. As far as I am concerned, it's enough for a family to have one child because nowadays population expansion contributes to a series of problems: shortage of natural resources and food supply,crowded cities and high rate of unemployment.



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Recently, the problem of…(论题)has been brought to public attention. Generally speaking, there are several positive aspects as follows. Firstly, …(理由一)Secondly… (理由二)

However,its disadvantages/weaknesses are also obvious.One of the disadvantages is that….(理由). To make matters worse, …(理由二)

Through the above analysis, I believe that the positive aspects overweigh the negative ones.

Therefore, I would like to….(个人观点)


Recently, the problem of whether the students in middle school should go on-line in their spare time (论题)has been brought to public attention. Generally speaking, there are several positive aspects as follows. Firstly, through the internet , the students can gain plenty of the knowledge and the latest news at home and abroad. (理由一)Secondly, network offers a convenient way to communicate with each other and can makes their lives outside class colorful and various. (理由二){有关利大弊大的作文}.

However,its disadvantages are also obvious.One of the disadvantages is that the radiation from the computer will do harm to students' health if they keep on watching the computer for a long time.(理由

一)To make matters worse, it has been found that more students are playing computer games on-line instead of studying their lessons. As a result, a few students are often absent from school for days.(理由二)


Through the above analysis, I believe that the positive aspects overweigh the negative ones. Therefore, I would like to say network is not that horrible, as long as we know more about it and it will become our right hand on our studies if we make good use of it in a correct way.(个人观点)




__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


The sword has two blades

In now days internet has brought huge change to our life.Without the internet, life will be tough for us.The internet faciliated our daily life in varied aspects.With the help of internet , we can have better efficiency both in work and in study. we also can make friends on the internet.It is good for the development of communicative skills.Everything has a limit. No matter in the real life or the virtual world if you spend too much time making friends with other people, you will not have enough time for study. Even in the real life the cheat still exist everwhere. The internet is not the direct cause of the cheat. Absolutely we can not live without the internet and it is not necessary to give up such a powerful tool.What we need to do is to control the time we spend on internet and be careful . Having a clear mind and decent behaviour is the most important thing .

These days many students like to make friends on line.Most of them think it's interesting to know a stranger through the Internet. As a matter of fact, only a few of them have succeeded in getting a real good friend in this way. Most of them have been cheated. Some of them have committed crimes with the friends on line. So we should be careful of making friends on line. We'd better pay more attention to our study.






参考词汇: 网络朋友on-line friend


Should students make friends on line? Some people say yes. The internet helps make many friends, Chatting on line, students can more freely express their feelings and opinions, and even get help with their foreign language studies.

Others, however, think students should not. They say making friends on line is a waste of time, which should be spent more meaningfully on study. Besides, some students get cheated on line.

It is my opinion that students should place their study, health and safety before other things. As for friendship, we can readily find it in our classmates and other people around us.


According to the Guangzhou government Office, the bus rapid transit (BRT) system will be piloted on Zhongshan Road (from Tianhe intersection to Xiayuan Section) this year. The BRT system will be adopted throughout the city before the 2010 Asian Games, said Mayor Zhang Guangning. Many people hold the opinion that the advantage of BRT system far outweighs the disadvantages, because it shows concern for common{有关利大弊大的作文}.

passengers. What’s more, the performance of BRT system will surely speed up the ride and save much time. Last but not least, it will definitely bring about a great advance of public buses and also reduces air pollution. However, some people hold the opposite opinion that BRT system may give rise to a lot of problems, such as

more people needed to manage the traffic. What’s worse, it is inconvenient for people to cross motor and bicycle lanes when getting off the buses.

篇八:《雅思大作文点评 国际旅游利大于弊?》



Some people think the advantages of international tourism outweigh its disadvantages. To what extent do you agree?{有关利大弊大的作文}.

Recently, it is reported that tourism covers a growing proportion of gross global production, from which we can conclude that there is an increasing tendency for people to experience the joys of travel. In the circumstances, some people suppose that the benefits from international tourism are more important than its negative effects. But, I hold the opposite opinion with three reasons given in the following text(这句改成as follows是不是好一点). (66words)



Admittedly, international tourism can bring money and job opportunities to many countries, especially some developing countries, such as Thailand, Philippines, where tourism plays a vital role in domestic economy. However, tourism, with irretrievable damages to the ecosystem, gives rise to serious

contamination. In most travel resorts(好像holiday resort比较常见吧,或者你是想说tourist attraction, scenic spots等等???), some tourists always abandon rubbish(这个动宾搭配的怎么感觉那么怪!!!) anywhere instead of into the ash-bins. Furthermore, some carve their names on the trees or stones, only for marking(这个很明显是Chinese English了,应该是to mark不定式作目的状语吧) the spots where they used been(???这个错误有点低级吧!!!). Unfortunately, it is not only purely ecosystems which are destroyed(又是chinese english!!!你是不是想说Not only has the ecosystem been damaged, but some ancient monuments are under attack), but also some ancient

monuments. With the awareness of environmental pollution, now, the concept of “sustainable tourism” has been focused on, which gave(为什么要用过去

时?!) birth to “eco-tourism”. Whereas,(它是连词,不可以这样用的,用法相当于while,自己查,这个我就不浪费笔墨了!!!) so-called “eco-tourism”, I am afraid, can not help at all. People are so attracted by this new tourism style. Ironically, some countryside where used to be peaceful(很明显,首先定于从句没学好!应该是which/that used be,因为这里需要个充当主语的关系代词!), with their capacities challenged, now are(应该倒一下吧!!!再读读看,是不是) ruined by ever(even吧) more visitors. (152words)



In addition, often a large amount of money are(都知道money是不可数,你还用are,你是想气死考官,还是想气死我啊!!!) needed to attract tourists. Instead of the(这里不可数名词表泛指,所以the就不需要了) agriculture or industry, useless recreation facilities may be built up. Then, tremendous

capital may be wasted rather than providing(明显没有符合平行结构!应该是may be wasted rather than provided) for basic needs. (38words)


More seriously, tourism is not an independent industry(请大家注意,这里industry是行业的意思,作者用的很好,大家千万不要搞错了,和上面的industry不一样的意思!). It is affected by many variable factors, such as tourist tastes, weather, or natural disasters. For instance, tsunami from the Indian Ocean in 2004 swept Maldives relentlessly, which made the tourism market there almost collapse. (43words)

点评:此段还可以,没有明显错误,内容上还过得去,再充实点就好了。 In conclusion, I am convinced that it is wrong to outweigh(自己看看这里outweigh用的对不对,是谁outweigh the advantages啊?!) the advantages of international tourism. In spite of its contribution to the global economy, the sharply developing tourism is not worth for people being too optimistic(这个句

型都错啊!!!该打!中学就教过了,这里用worthwhile,后面应该是to be optimistic!!!) to some extent. (40words)(339words)

总评:看完了全文,我的感觉是该作者应该是读过大学英语的,因为从语言的老练性来说还可以,我能感觉到。但是,可以看得出,作者平时阅读有一定的量,但肯定不怎么写文章,所以有的地方写得很好,有的错误却很低级!!! 从这篇文章,我要再次声明:英语水平再高的同学,如果不练习写作,照样得低分!!!此文,6分。





摘要: 下面就是小马过河在线雅思频道为大家收集整理的雅思写作大作文范文:私家车普及的利与弊,供大家参考,大家在练习的时候要根据自己的实际情况来确定练习方法,这样才能在雅思考试上最大程度的发挥自己的实力,拿到雅思高分。

题目:Advantages and disadvantages of private cars.{有关利大弊大的作文}.

范文:With the fantastic spur both in industry and in economy in China, the number of people who own private cars is on the rise. Some people have bought cars of their own, and others are planning to buy cars. But there have been two quite different views on this phenomenon.

Some claim that there are many advantages brought about by cars. First, the automobile industry provides jobs for countless workers and strong support for other industries. Second, if conditions permit, owning a car can make us work more efficiently. Finally, life will become more convenient. A car allows one to move freely and with a car there is no need to wait for the bus in the cold or under the burning sun.

However, others strongly object to the increase in developing private cars. They hold that automobiles will give rise to a series of problems. In the first place, as more and more cars are produced and run in the street, a large volume of poisonous gas will be given off, polluting the atmosphere and causing actual harm to the health of people. Next, private cars contribute to traffic congestion so greatly that the advantages gained in comfort and freedom are often cancelled out by the frustration caused by traffic jams. The last problem is the increasing number of car accidents that have killed and will kill a lot of people in a friction of a second.

In my opinion, although automobiles have been playing a vital part in the daily activities of our society, they also bring us numerous troubles such as more serious environmental pollution, more traffic accidents and more energy consumption. They drink up huge amounts of fuel and throw out huge amounts of pollutants. Traffic accidents kill

thousands and thousands of people each year and cripple more. Jams waste our precious time. Therefore I am against developing private cars.

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