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开始Begin, start, begin with, spring, start up, set off on, break out, strike up, originate from,;

Initiate, launch, originate, sprout; unfold; unleashoutset, onset,Rudimentary, elementary,

出现Appear, appear to be, emerge, arise, loom, turn out, show up, com out, come into sight/view, come forth 发生Happen, occur, take place, come about,Happening occurrence

产生,创造create, produce, bring about, yield, give birth to, bear, bring into being, generate, beget,germinate; Invent, innovate, renovate, plan, design, imagine, conceive, devise, formulate, imagine, envision,

建立Found, set, built up, construct, institute, constitute, set up, establish{抽象类作文}.

制造,组成Make, make up, produce, construct, turn out, manufacture, form, shape, compose, compile, concoct, fabricate


复制,繁殖Copy, duplicate, reproduce, multiply.

发育,发展Grow, develop, breed, bring up, nurture, cultivate, hone, raise, foster, (主动)

Develop, advance, progress, move forward, go forward, proceed(自我成长)

Burgeon, flourish, thrive, bloom, blossom, boom, prosper;

保持,延续Continue, last, carry on, keep on, keep, remain maintain retainPerpetuate,Persevere, stick with, insist on, persist in,Continuous, incessant, permanent, constant, steady, unbroken, perpetual, everlasting, eternal, lasting, unending, uninterrupted, undying, immortal, invariable,

存在,生存Exist, found, stand, lay in, be rooted in,be embedded in,Substance, matter, object, material, stuff, things, entity,individual, creature, beings,Topic, subject, issue, theme, gist, item, content, point,Extant, existing, in existence, substantive, ubiquitous, omnipresent, universal,survive,outlive,outlast, remain alive,Endure, undergo,{抽象类作文}.


结束,停止stop,finish, be over, cease, discontinue, wind up, bring to an end(close, halt), end,come to an end, end up, terminate,quench,quell,run out, expire, concludeadjourn/dissolve/lull/subvert,abortaive,Surcease, cessation,impasse, deadlock, logjam, stalemate,Ultimate, final, eventual,Abeyance, suspend, interruption, brake, halt, pause,

死亡,毁灭Perish, annihilate, kill, exterminate, take life, slay, hatchet, slaughter, assassinate, famish, smother, throttle, strangle, stifle, decimate,Die, pass away, perish, expire, run out,decease,death, demise, Defunct, moribund, dying,Fatal, formidable, deadly, fatality.

取消,废除Cancel, annul, call off, do away with,Abolish, desuetude, disuse, abandon, repeal, revoke, invalidate, rescind, nullifyObsolete, out of date, outmoded, out of fashion, old-fashioned,

除去Remove,erase,delete, extinguish, exterminate, eliminate, eradicate, extirpate, efface,clear away, throw away, do away with, wipe out, get rid of , rule out,Obliterate, expurgate, expunge, purify, purge,

破坏Destroy, damage, wreck, devastate, raze, ravage, knock down, demolish, vandalize, tear down, ruin, spoil, dilapidate,Perdition,detrimental,harmful, injurious,topple down/inclement/

伤害Damage Bruise, mar, maul, do harm to, injure, wound, hurt, impair, harm, hurt, wound, harm, break, fracture, maim, cripple, mangle, mutilate;cut, gash, fracture, break

灾祸Disaster, catastrophic, calamity, cataclysm, carnage, massacre, holocaust, decimate, wreck, accident,Misfortune, hapless, mishap,

逐渐消亡Rot way, perish, decay, disintegrate, decompose, deteriorate, molder, aggravate, worsen, exacerbate, corrupt,Rotten, decayed, corrupt, damaged;decrepit ,decrepitude, dilapidate



能力,强,权力Enable, facilitate, empower, entitle, enhance,Strengthen, reinforce, sustain, countenance, consolidate,Able, be capable of doing , competent, potent, omnipotent, puissant, resourcefulAbility, capability, capacity, skill, forte,competence, facultyIntelligence, aptitude, flair, talentClever, bright, talented, astute, wisdom, wise, smart, acumen,Hegemony, puissance, resource, power, energy, authority, influence, impact, supremacy, potency, strength, force, vigor;

大Aggrandize, amplify, augment, broaden, widen, extend, enlarge, magnify, enlarge,Exaggerate, overstate, overstress, overemphasize,

多,增加Enrich, increase, add to, abound, fill, fill up, replenish, stock up, add, put in, raise, Accrue, mount up, augment, accumulate, riseAbundant, plentiful, more than enough, profuse, copious, rich, wealthy, generous, numerous, in great numbers;sufficient, enough, adequate, ample, as much as necessary,Increment, accretion, growth, augmentation,

高Raise, lift up, improve, enhance, elevate, escalate, heave, heighten, hoist,Rise, increase, ascend, mount, go up, climb scale, jack up, skyrocket, surge, upsurgeHigh, tall, in height, lofty, towering, lanky;Height, stature, elevation, altitude

有助Help, assist, aid, subsidize, help to, conduce to,, contribute to, function to, be of assistance, lend a hand, facilitate, enhance,Helper, aide, assistant, accessory, ancillary, accomplice, auspices,

支持Support, bolster, boost, brace, buttress, espouse, proponent, underpin, embrace, exponent,

快Accelerate, hasten, speed up, quicken up, expediteRun, scurry, scuttle, scamper, prance, gallop, sprint, scud, Dart, fleet, rush,Fast, quick, rapid, swift, expeditious, speedy, fleeting, briskSpeed, swiftness, pace, velocity, rapidity, tempo, rate, quickness, promptness,


Effective, efficient, effectual, successful, useful, helpful, functional, applicable, operative, working, active, functioning, in operation, in use,Available, serviceable,Impact, influence,

自由,解脱Release, free, set free, set off, liberate, unshackle, unfetter, emancipate, manumit, disentangle, untangle, extricate, unravel,


变Change, alter, modify, vary, turn, become, adjust, amend, transform, distort, modulate, transmute, shift, transfigure,Fluctuate, move, revolutionize, alternate, shiftDiversified, volatile, fickle, mercurial, protean, erratic, eccentric, irregular, inconsistent,Changeable, unsettled, variable, malleable, mutable,Change, alteration, variation, modification, transition, renovation, recondition, mutation;


修改Redress, rectify, revise, emend, renovate, innovate, recondition,


弱Weaken, enervate, vitiate, sap, impair, emaciate, attenuate, diluteWane, sag, fade, flag, deteriorate, exacerbate, wither, blight, dry up, wilt, sere, sear, shrink, shrivel,Weak, feeble, effete, wan, frail, lacking in strength, impotent, feeble, lethargicInfirmity, weakness, decadence, decadent,

减少,降低Lower, reduce, decrease, drop off, abate, decline, dwarf, dwindle, rarefy, curtail, shorten, abridge, truncate, dock, decline, slump, eclipse, subside, shrink, ebb,Diminish, lessen, debase, dilute, moderate, die down, grow less intense, cut down, ebb, cut back,

慢Decelerate, slow, slow down, retard, hold back,Slow, sluggish,Postpone, put off, delay, defer, procrastinate, adjourn,Dilatory, tardy, slack, sluggish,{抽象类作文}.

平息reconcile, comfort, placate, conciliate, reassure,allay, calm, console, soothe, pacify, assuage, mitigate, palliate, salve, temper,palliation, reconciliation,

禁止,限制Prohibit, proscribe, forbid, ban, restrain, interdict, overrule, veto, stop fromLimit, restrict, confine,{抽象类作文}.

blockade, fetter, shackle, circumscribeProhibited, forbidden, banned, illegal, outlawed, proscribed, taboo;Durance, taboo,

控制, 抑制Control, wield, hold, steer, helm, maneuver, manipulate, dominate, regulate, rein in, direct, rule, govern, reign, regimentCurb, bridle, yoke, restrain inhibit smolder, suffocate, refrain from

阻碍Hinder, hamper, check, stunt, impede, block, obstruct, retard, interrupt, hold back, prevent from, forestall, keep from, deter from, discountenance, lumber, thwart, stem, stymie, frustrate, stump, stem,Entangle, enmesh, ensnare, entrap,Barrier, obstacle, obstruction, impediment, setback, hindrance, hurdle, blockade, blockage,morass, predicament, plight, straits, quandary,strait,

预防Forestall, proselytize, preclude, prevent,{抽象类作文}.

干预Interfere, intervene, intercede, meddle, annoy, vex, nettle, perturb, disturb, discomfit, molest, pester, bother, annoy, harass, intrude,Mediate,Inroad, raid, assail, assault, attack, trespass, infringe, attack, foray, intrude, encroach,Turbulence, disturbance



给Give, offer, endow, endue, present, bestow, provide, supply, furnish Impart, instruct, apprise, teach, instill, inculcate,Proffer, confer, donate, contribute, subscribe, bequeath,Issue, flow out, release,

支出Cost, spend, pay, pay out, expend, disburse,Prodigal, profligate, splurge, spendthrift, dissipatefrugal, scrimp, skimp, abstemious,Expenditure, subvention,

归还,偿439Return, hand out, restore, reciprocate, remunerate, revert,Compensate, reimburse, indemnify, expiate, atonement,Salary, remuneration, Emolument, honorarium,

分配Distribute, allocate, issue, hand out, apportion, allot, dispense, ration, allot, assign, designate;Distribution, dispensation ration, allotment

施加impose, entail, exert, inflict, suppress, subjugate, compress ,repress, coerce,

使满Suffice, satiate, satisfy, cater, sate, meet requirement, gratify

Suffuse, implant, instill, infuse, fill, impregnate,

放弃Relinquish, give up, disclaim, abdicate, abjure, waive, renounce, recant, wean, forsake, abdicate, desert, forswear, renounce, repudiate, forgo, disown, disavow, abandonRenunciation,


得到Get, receive, Accept, attain, acquire, obtain, gain, repossess, retrieve, procure, catch,Earn, profit, embezzle, peculate, defalcate, graft, appropriate,Obtainable, accessible, receptive,Receiver, recipient, procurement

夺Deprive, take away, exact, extort, dispossess, bereave, divest, strip,Loot, ravage, ransack, sack, despoil, plunder, rapine, snatch, ,exploit, distill,Confiscate, impound, sequestrate, forfeit, expropriateExaction, depredation, spoliation,

吸引Attract, appeal, fascinate, draw, charm, intrigue, enchant, tempt, allure, enchant, enthrall, rivet, fix, spellbind, intoxicate, engross, occupy, captivate, enamor,Attractive, appealing, charming, pleasing, attractiveness, fascination, charisma, personal, magnetism, attraction, fascination,


Contain, consist of, comprise, cover, encompass, span, contain, encompass, subsume, consist of, include, involve, embroil, implicate, ;Configuration component,{抽象类作文}.

需要,Require, call for, need, demand, necessitate,Necessary, required, requisite, essential,

Requisite, prerequisite, requirement, precondition,

使Cause to be, make, lead to, render, turn into, trigger, activate, cause,

要求,请求,Request, ask, entreat, demand, petition, appeal toSolicit, invoke, plead, implore, beseech,

adjure,Dictate, command, mandate, order, instruct, charge,Imperative, essential, compulsory, mandatory, urgent, obligatory,Request, requisition, petition, invocation;

促使, 劝说,Advise, urge, argue, advocate, persuade, sway, influence,

Convince, expostulate, exhort, hortative

刺激, 激发,鼓励Stimulate, activate, spur, incite, agitate, inspire, arouse, excite, provoke, actuate, incite, foment, stir up, trigger, Kindle, enkindle, igniteencourage, motivate, invigorate, prompt, instigate,Impetuous, impulsive;Drive, motivation, incentive, inducement, impetus

推动,驱动,迫使Push, drive, propel, force, oblige, propel, compel goad

欺骗, 伪装Deceive, dupe, cheat, swindle, hoodwink,Disguise,

Duplicity, artifice, chicanery, deception, scheme, subterfuge, duplicity.

引诱Beguile, lure, tempt, allure, entice, tantalize, coax, delude, cozen, beguile,,Guile, deceit, cunning, wile, trickeryWily

威吓Threaten, menace, intimidate ,hector, frighten, bully,Threatening, menacing,Threat, menace

允许,承认Allow, let, permit, licenseAllowance, license, permission, consent, sanction, authorization 期望Expect, look forward to, wait for, look ahead to, suppose, anticipate, await

欲望,欲求Wish, want, desire, long, yearn, aspire, crave, hanker, covet:

Desirous, eager, avid, greedy, acquisitive, much desired, coveted, ambitious, enterprising;


Longing, aspiration, yearning, ambition, avarice, desire for, appetite, desire

意图Intend, tend to, mean, plan, be inclined to, predispose, resolve, prone to, apt to, disposed to, attempt to, aim to, be set to, have in mind, slantIntentionally, purposely, deliberately, consciously,Intention, motive, tendency, trend, proclivity, inclination, acclivity declivity,Liable, inclined to, willingly, likely

不愿意Waver, hesitate, oscillate, vacillate, boggle, pause, falter,reluctant, unwilling,irresolute, indecisive, undetermined, uncertain, undecided, unsure,Reluctantly, unwillinglyReluctance, unwillingness


感觉,察觉Sense, feel, savor, be conscious of, be aware of, regain consciousness, perceive, Cognize, regard,Detect, identify, notice, recognize, observe,Heed, pay/give heed to, take heed/notice of, notice, pay/give attention toConscious, aware capable of feeling, sentient, percipient, cognizant,Consciousness, awareness, feeling, sense, sensation,Attention, heed, notice

思考Think, consider, ponder, speculate, contemplate, reflect, muse, ponder, contemplate, muse, meditate, ruminate, chew, deliberate, take into account, take into consideration, cross one's mind, flash across one's mind, pass through one's mind, occur to sbthoughtful, meditative, pensive thought, consideration, reflection, contemplation

理解know, understand, realize, appreciate, grasp, apprehend, figure out, be informed about, read, make out, go one’s idea across, decipher, decode, recognize, comprehend, be acquainted with, be familiar with,

忽视,忘记, 没感觉Forget, not remember, neglect, ignore, overlook, disregard, pay no attention to, take no notice of Condone, excuse, and forgive, pardon, absolve, exonerate, extenuate,Oblivious, remiss, delinquent, negligent,Neglectful, forgetful Oblivion, remission, omission.Amnesia, amnesty, inattention, oversight Ignorant, unknown,unconscious, unaware, insensitive, unresponsive

清楚clarify, elucidate, shed light on, illuminate, make clear explicit, overt, precise, unambiguous, plain, clear, unequivocal,clarity, clearness, lucidity, transparency, simplicity, precision.

迷惑Confuse, puzzle, muddle, bewilder, perplex, baffle, nonplus, flummox, disconcert, confound, mix up, fluster, obscure, obfuscate, perplex Quandary, dilemma, plight, predicament,

赞成,同意Approve, endorse, grant, confirm, ratify, agree with, consent, endorse, approbate, assent, approve, accord, agree, accede, resonate,Unanimous, in full accord,Approval, agreement, concurrence, unanimity,

approbation. Uniformity, consistency, endorsement, confirmation, ratification, sanction,allow, permit, let, consent to

肯定,相信Certain, sure, ascertain,positive, confident, convinced, assured,Inevitable, certainly, surely, positively, definitely, confidently, assuredly, inevitably, undoubtedly, unquestionably, unequivocallyBelieve, trust, entrust, have faith in,fidelity, loyalty, faith, affidavit, conviction,

喜欢,赞美Love, be fond of, like, favor,worship, adore,Laud, praise, commend, extol, exalt, exult, eulogize, honor, pay tribute to,hymn, paean, carol, psalm, encomium,

不喜欢,Loath, hate, dislike, abhor, repulse, repel, abominate, detest,Heinous, odious, hateful, repellent, repulsive, repugnant obnoxious,Aversion, odium, aversion, revulsion, abhorrence,

不同意,反对Disagree, dissent, reject, and disallow discord,Contradict, gainsay, say the opposite to, oppose, counter, be in opposition to, go up against, defy, controvert, impugn,Inconsistent, contradictory, in disagreement, at oddsDisharmony, dissonanceOpposing, dissenting, opposite, contradictory, override contrariwise, oppositely;Dispute, argue,

反驳Refute, rebut, retort, deny, confute, contest, disprove

羞辱,贬义Embarrass, humiliate, disgrace, dishonor, mortify, demean, discomfit, degrade, undermineEmbarrassed, ashamed, unembarrassed, unabashedHumiliation, chagrin

忧虑Worry about, fret over, feel anxious, uneasy about, be concerned about,

fret, agony,Anxious, uneasy;Anxiety, concern, uneasiness, disquietedness, nervousness

疑问,不相信Doubt, query, question, inquiry,Discredit, distrust, disbelieve, mistrust, suspect, be suspicious of, have doubts aboutDoubtful, misgiving, skeptical, dubious, incredulous,;Doubt, incertitude, questioning, skepticism, implausibility, incredibility

批评,谴责Criticize, censure, condemn, denounce, attack, rail, rebuke, blame, reprove, reprimand,reproach; diatribe, reproof, reprimand

同,等, 似Accord, match, equal, like, resemble, approximate,Same, unified, matching, much the same, be similar to, akin to, the same as, equivalent, identical parallelEquivalent, congruity, concord, parallel, similarity, parallelism, tantamount, tally,Resemble, bear a resemblance to, be like, look like, simulate, take after, imitate, mimic, copy, emulate,

比较Compare, contrast, weigh against, judge against, balance, parallelComparatively, relatively

适合Suitable, fit, suited, proper, right, appropriate, apposite, apropos, opportune, fitting, apt,

suitably, properly, rightly, appropriately, fittingly, aptly,

相容Compatible, well-matched, well-suited, attuned, companionable, congenial, affable, amicable,Accommodate, Harbor, lodge,

陪伴Accompany with, go along with, go together with, go with, come with, keep sb. Company, join, escort, convoy, cling to

合作,合并Work together, cooperate, come together, and collaborate, join forces, team up, Merge, unite, connect, bond, bring together, combine, associate, amalgamate, swallow up, become one, come together, Affiliate, annex, coalesce, incorporate, integrate, put together, join together.Involve, embroil, include,Weld, join, solder,Merger, combination, solidarity, coalition, cohesion, conglomeration, agglomeration, confluence, Rapport, rapprochement, inseparable,

聚集Gather, accumulate, amass, collect, pile up, heap up, compile, assemble, garner, convene, summon, organize, call together,swarm, throng, teem, crowdRally, confer, muster, congregate, aggregate, put together, amass, convoke, convene, collect a supply of;Collection, group, multitude, flock, herd, array, accumulation, accretion, backlog.Gregarious,

联系,依靠Link, relate, connect, associate, correlate, attach, fasten, clinch, cling to, tie, adhere, affiliate,

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