【 – 写作指导】
Nicolas Copernicus
Polish astronomer and mathematician who, as a student, studied canon law, mathematics, and medicine at Cracow, Bologna, Rome, Padua, and Ferrara. Copernicus became interested in astronomy and published an early description of his "heliocentric" model of the solar system in
Commentariolus (1512). In this model, the sun was actually not exactly the center of the solar system, but was slightly offset from the center using a device invented by Ptolemy known as the equant point. The idea that the Sun was the center of the solar system was not new (similar theories had been proposed by Aristarchus and Nicholas of Cusa), but Copernicus also worked out his system in full mathematical detail. Even though the mathematics in his description was not any simpler than Ptolemy's, it required fewer basic assumptions. By postulating only the rotation of the Earth, revolution about the sun, and tilt of Earth's rotational axis, Copernicus could explain the observed motion of the heavens. However, because Copernicus retained circular orbits, his system required the inclusion of epicycles. Unfortunately, out of fear that his ideas might get him into trouble with the church, Copernicus delayed publication of them.
In 1539, Copernicus took on Rheticus as a student and handed over his manuscript to him to write a popularization of the heliocentric theory, published as Narratio Prima in 1540. Shortly before his death, Rheticus convinced Copernicus to allow publication of his original manuscript, and De Revolutionibus Orbium Coelestium was published in 1543. Copernicus proposed his theory as a true description, not just a theory to save appearances. Unlike Buridan and Oresme, he did not think that any theory which saved appearances was valid, instead believing that there could only be a single true theory. When the work was published, however, Andreas Osiander added an unauthorized preface stating that the contents was merely a device to simplify calculations. Copernicus adapted physics to the demands of astronomy, believing that the principles of Ptolemy's system were incorrect, not the math or observations. He was the first person in history to create a complete and general system, combining mathematics, physics, and cosmology. (Ptolemy, for instance, had treated each planet separately.) Copernicus's system was taught in some universities in the 1500s but had not permeated the academic world until approximately 1600. Some people, among whom John Donne and William Shakespeare were the most influential, feared Copernicus's theory, feeling that it destroyed hierarchal natural order which would in turn destroy social order and bring about chaos. Indeed, some people (such as Bruno), used Copernicus's theory to justify radical theological views.
Before Copernicus formulated his theory of the solar system, astronomy in Europe had stagnated. After the Almagest had been translated into Latin, European astronomers such as the Austrian mathematician Georg von Peurbach and the German astronomer Regiomontanus proposed no new theories, attempting instead to refine the flawed system already laid out by Ptolemy. The astronomy textbook used for teaching was still The Sphere, the same book that had been in use since the 1200s. Rather than formulating new theories, astronomers had busied themselves in "saving appearances," which consisted of trying to patch it up Ptolemy's cumbersome and inaccurate model. Copernicus, however,
wiped the slate clean in a single broad stroke, and proposed a fundamentally different model in which the planets all circled the Sun in De Revolutionibus Orbium Coelestium. While radically different from Ptolemy's model, Copernicus's heliocentric theory was hardly an original idea. Similar theories had been proposed by Aristarchus as early as the third century B. C., and Nicholas de Cusa, a German scholar, had independently made the same assertion in a book he published in 1440. We know for a fact that Copernicus was well aware of Aristarchus's priority, since his original draft of De Revolutionibus has survived and features a passage referring to Aristarchus which Copernicus crossed out so as not to compromise the originality of his theory. In his belief that his theory was an accurate description of nature rather than just a mathematical model, Copernicus was therefore not truly revolutionary.
What was a little revolutionary was that Copernicus worked out his system in full mathematical detail in De Revolutionibus. By doing this, Copernicus went a step beyond Ptolemy, de Cusa, and Aristarchus. Ptolemy had regarded his theory as simply a mathematic tool for calculation, having no physical basis. On the other side of the coin, de Cusa and Aristarchus had proposed a purely physical model, not endeavoring to mathematically investigate its consequences. Copernicus's most significant achievement was his combination of mathematics and physics, adapting physics to conform to his view of astronomical truth, with a good bit of cosmology thrown in for good measure. This achievement alone, however, hardly qualifies as a "revolution." Copernicus offered mathematics which were every bit as entangled as Ptolemy's, and because he retained circular orbits, his system required the inelegant inclusion of epicycles and their accompanying complication. To Copernicus's credit, although his description was not any simpler than Ptolemy's, it did require fewer basic assumptions. In addition, Copernicus's theory explained some problems, such as the reason that Mercury and Venus are only observed close to the Sun (their orbits always kept them nearer the sun than Earth ) and Mars's retrograde motion (the Earth, traveling in its smaller orbit, overtakes Mars, causing Mars to appear to move change direction and move backward relative to distant "fixed" stars). However, like Ptolemy, Copernicus could still not explain variations in the brightness of Venus.
Copernicus was the first person in history to create a complete and general system, combining mathematics, physics, and cosmology. Yet, by themselves Copernicus's achievements, do not constitute a revolution. Copernicus had been motivated to this theory by Neoplatonic and Pythagorean considerations. His reasoning seems to have been predominantly motivated by
aesthetics. In his view, equally spaced planets in circular orbits would represent harmony in the universe. But Copernicus had made no observations and stated no general laws. His mathematics could describe the motion of the planets, but his theory was of a very ad hoc nature.
It took the accurate observational work of Brahe, the exhaustive mathematics of Kepler, and the mathematical genius of Newton to take Copernicus's theory as a starting point, and glean from it the underlying truths and laws governing celestial mechanics. Copernicus was an important player in the development of these theories, but his work would likely have likely remained in relative obscurity without the observational work of Brahe. It would have been discarded by the wayside, until subsequent investigation brought it back to light. It is likely, in fact, that given Kepler would have independently arrived at a heliocentric theory just in the process of
interpreting Brahe's data, and the scientific revolution would have been born anyway. To a large extent, then, Copernicus has achieved his prominent place in history through what amounted to a lucky, albeit shrewd, guess. It is therefore more appropriate to view Copernicus's achievements as a preliminary step towards scientific revolution, rather than a revolution in itself.(小马过河国际教育)
本节课我们学习了人物传记这一文体,了解了传记类文章应选取人物的突出事迹来表现人物的事业与品格,这类文章可综合运用各种表达方式,如本文教议结合、夹叙夹议的方式。学习时,我们可采用这样一种阅读方法:概述事迹一学习评议一揣摩词句一课外延伸。 (解说:意在总结本节所学重点及总结学习人物做己的方法。)
布鲁诺信奉哥白尼学说,所以成了宗教的叛逆,被指控为异教徒并被革除了教籍。公元1576年,年仅28岁的布鲁诺不得不逃出修道院,并且出国长期漂流在瑞士、法国、英国和德国等国家,他四海为家,在日内瓦、图卢兹、巴黎、伦敦、维登堡和其他许多城市都居住过。尽管如此,布鲁诺仍然始终不渝地宣传科学真理。他到处作报告、写文章,还时常地出席一些大学的辩论会,用他的笔和舌毫无畏惧地积极颂扬哥白尼学说,无情地抨击官方经院哲学的陈腐教条。 由于布鲁诺不遗余力的大力宣传,哥白尼学说传遍了整个欧洲。天主教会深深知道这种科学对他们是莫大的威胁,于是公元1619年罗马天主教会议决定将《天体运行论》列为禁书,不准宣传哥白尼的学说。 布鲁诺不畏火刑,坚定不屈地同教会、神学作斗争,为科学的发展作出了贡献。他的科学精神永存!1889年,人们在布鲁诺殉难的鲜花广场上竖起了他的铜像,永远纪念这位
为科学献身的勇士。 布鲁诺后被人们称为“继哥白尼之后的天文学家”。不仅如此,布鲁诺越发受人尊敬,教会也为当时的行为感到可悲……
伽利略1564年生于意大利的比萨城,伽利略来到人世时,他的家庭已经很穷了。就在著名的比萨斜塔旁边。他的父亲是个破产贵族。17岁那一年,伽利略考进了比萨大学。在大学里,伽利略不仅努力学习,而且喜欢向老师提出问题。哪怕是人们司空见惯、习以为常的一些现象,他也要打破砂锅问到底,弄个一清二楚。 眼睛盯着天花板 有一次,他站在比萨的天主教堂里,眼睛盯着天花板,一动也不动。他在干什么呢?原来,他用右手按左手的脉搏,看着天花板上来回摇摆的灯。他发现,这灯的摆动虽然是越来越弱,以至每一次摆动的距离渐渐缩短,但是,每一次摇摆需要的时间却是一样的。于是,伽利略做了一个适当长度的摆锤,测量了脉搏的速度和均匀度。从这里,他找到了摆的规律。钟就是根据他发现的这个规律制造出来的。 失学了就努力自学 家庭生活的贫困,使伽利略不得不提前离开大学。失学后,伽利略仍旧在家里刻苦钻研数学。由于他的不断努力,在数学的研究中取得了优异的成绩。同时,他还发明了一种比重秤,写了一篇论文,题目为《固体的重心》。此时,21岁的伽利略已经名闻全国,人们称他为“当代的阿基米德”。在他25岁那年,比萨大学破例聘他当了数学教授。
篇四:《哥白尼 教学设计示例-教学教案》
哥白尼 教学设计示例