
曹操简介400字 曹操简介100字

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1、 曹操的简介

曹操(155~220),即魏武帝。三国时政治家、军事家,诗人。字孟德,小名阿瞒,谯(今安徽亳县人)。东汉末年,在镇压黄巾起义军中,逐步扩充军事力量。 初平三年(公元192年)占据兖州,分化、诱降青州黄巾军的一部份,编为“青州兵”。建安元年(196年)迎汉献帝都许(今河南许昌东)。挟天子以令诸侯,先后削平吕布等割据势力。 官渡之战大破军阀袁绍后,逐渐统一了中国北部。建安十三年,进位为丞相,率军南下,被孙权和刘备的联军击败于赤壁。后来被封为魏王。子曹丕称帝,追尊为魏武帝。

曹操堪称一个时代的文豪。他行文惜墨如金,率真老辣,直抒胸臆。鲁迅赞赏其文风,称之为“清峻”、“通脱”、“简约严明”。比如,在《抑兼并令》中,他说:“有国有家者,不患寡而患不均,不患贫而患不安。”这两句话,成了中国的千古名言。在此文中,他还评论说:“袁氏之治也,使豪强擅恣,亲戚兼并,下民贫弱。”一针见血地指出了天下不宁的根源。而在《让县自明本志令》中,他除了反击政敌攻击他有“不逊之志”外,又坦言自己身为宰相,决不能退隐:“设使国家无有孤,不知当几人称帝,几人称王”,定然还会大乱不止。所以鲁迅说,曹操是“想写的便写出来”,“是一个改造文章的祖师”。 曹操大半生征战不止,“登高必赋,及造新诗,被之管弦,皆成乐章”。他同儿子曹丕、曹植都工于赋诗,同时团结了一批才士,开创了中国诗坛的“建安风骨”,备受后世推崇。曹操作诗,继承汉代乐府民歌的传统,大胆创新,前无古人。其显著特色有三: ——积极进取。诗如其人。曹操一生百折不回,奋斗不已,因而他的诗歌也是积极进取的。仅举《龟虽寿》为例,它以长寿的神龟、腾蛇作铺垫,突出自强不息、老当益壮、养怡延年的积极进取的人生观。“老骥伏枥,志在千里;烈士暮年,壮心不已”四句,更被人千载传诵,有极大的鼓舞作用。

气象宏大。曹操作为一代雄杰,具有平定天下的志量,下笔写诗,亦有吐纳星辰,驾驭雷电的宏大气象。《观沧海》由“以观沧海”引领,写海岛景物及大海波涛,融入作者的想象与艺术夸张,气势极为壮阔。 ——慷慨悲壮。曹操是一代霸主兼文豪,下笔高妙,善于把写景、叙事、说理和抒情熔于一炉,形成慷慨悲壮的诗风。其《蒿里行》反映了群雄争夺、百姓受难的残酷现实。诗尾四句,写白骨满野,生民百不存一,读来令人泣下。它历来被称为优秀史诗,“汉末纪实”。 文如其人、诗如其骨。曹的政治功绩是周旋于东汉末年的剿除动乱、维护安定;曹的文学功绩则是开创、领率了一代建安文学。对其人格的具体描述,则有《资治通鉴》中操的谋士荀域、郭嘉关于曹操与袁绍的一番对比式分析评价,说曹有十胜,袁有十败,从中可见一般。这十项是“道、义、治、度、谋、德、仁、明、文、武”。其中的“道”即方法,言操的处事不计排场、不肆铺张,法于自然、求其实用。“义”即规范。此处讲君臣规范。“治”即法纪,操令厉法严,且能以身率之,传曾因坐骑踏青苗而割发代首以自警。“度”即器度,操选人唯才是举、唯能是用,不拘出身、不务虚名、不妒才。“谋”即计谋,操以重谋士、喜变通、善决断著称,是三国时的智谋之才。“德”即诚信。操多以正直诚信待人,当时的智能之士多离袁绍而趋曹操。“仁”即爱心,操关心、爱护所用之人多在大处、隐处,细枝末节的小事小情通常不大在意,这种关心往往给人以意外。


晨上散关山。此道当何难。晨上散关山。此道当何难。牛顿不起。车堕谷间。坐盘石之上。弹五弦之琴。作清角韵。意中迷烦。歌以言志。晨上散关山。有何三老公。卒来在我傍。有何三老公。卒来在我傍。负揜被裘.似非恒人。谓卿云何。困苦以自怨。徨徨所欲。来到此间。歌以言志。有何三老公。我居昆仑山。所谓者真人。我居昆仑山。所谓者真人。道深有可得。名山历观。遨游八极。枕石漱 流。饮泉沉吟不决。遂上升天。歌以言志,我居

昆仑山。去去不可追。长恨相牵攀。去去不可追。长恨相牵攀。夜夜安得寐。惆怅以自怜。正而不谲。乃赋依因。 经传所过。西来所传。歌以言志。去去不可追。

赏析 《秋胡行》是乐府题,按题意,是写鲁国男子秋胡戏妻的故事,夸奖秋胡妻坚贞的情操。但曹操只是利用《秋胡行》的乐调,内容却是写游仙。要说游仙,也是汉乐府中常见的题材。但曹操这诗,却又不是真正的游仙诗,而是借了游仙的虚构,表达一种人生失落的情绪。所以说,这是一篇比较特别的作品。全诗分为四解。“解”是音乐的段落,诗意也依此划分。



Hello everyone,today our topic is 曹操,but we all first talk about a little of Killers of the Three Kingdoms。OK,these are some gorgeous character card。Then the first is our leading role,he have two ability,pretender and call on escort。 Early life

Cao was born in the county of Qiao in 155. His father was a foster son of , who in turn was one of the favorite of . Some historical records,

including the Biography of Cao Man, claim that Cao Song's original family name was .

Cao was known for his craftiness['kra:ftinis] as an

adolescent[d'les()nt]. According to the Biography[ba'grf] of Cao Man, Cao's uncle complained to Cao Song about Cao Cao's indulgence[n'dld()ns] in hunting and music with . In retaliation, Cao Cao feigned a fit before his uncle, who immediately rushed to inform Cao Song. When Cao Song went to see his son, Cao Cao behaved normally. When asked, Cao Cao replied, "I have never had a fit, but I lost the love of my uncle, and therefore he deceived you." Afterwards, Cao Song ceased to believe his brother

regarding Cao Cao, and thus Cao Cao became even more blatant

['blet()nt]and perseverant in his wayward pursuits.

At that time, a man living in named was famed for his ability to evaluate one's potentials and talents. Cao paid him a visit in hopes of receiving an evaluation that would help him

politically. At first, Xu refused to make a statement; however, under persistent questioning, he finally said, "You would be a capable minister in peaceful times and an unscrupulous hero in

chaotic[ke'tk] times." Cao laughed and left.

Statue of Cao Cao At the age of 20, Cao was appointed district captain of . Upon taking up the post, Cao placed rows of multicolored stakes outside his office and ordered his deputies to flog those who

violated the law, regardless of their status. An uncle of , one of the most powerful and influential eunuchs

under ['emp()r] , was caught walking in the city after the evening curfew by Cao's men and was flogged. This prompted Jian Shuo and other higher authorities[:'θritis] to promote [pr'mt] Cao to the post of governor of while actually moving him out of the imperial capital. Cao remained in this position for little more than a year, being dismissed from office in 178 for his distant family ties with the

disgraced .[3] Around 180, Cao Cao returned to court as a Consultant and presented['prez()nt] two memoranda against the eunuchs' influence in court and government corruption, to limited effect.

When the broke out in 184, Cao was

recalled to Luoyang and appointed "Captain of the Cavalry" (騎都尉) and sent to to suppress the rebels. He was successful and was sent to Ji'nan as Chancellor (相) to prevent the spread of Yellow Turban influence there. In Ji'nan, Cao Cao aggressively enforced the ban on unorthodox cults, and supported

state . He offended the local leading families in the process, and resigned on grounds of poor health around 187, fearing that he had put his family in danger.He was offered the post of Administrator of Dong Commandery (東郡), but he declined and returned to his home in Pei county.



治世之能臣 ,乱世之枭雄


目录………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2

第1章 曹操简介 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 4

第2章 生平 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 5

2.1 出身 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 5

2.2 早年 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 5

2.3 元年纪事 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 6

2.4 崭露头角 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 7

2.5 三战徐州 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 8

2.6 官渡之战 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 9

2.7 远征乌桓 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 13

2.8 赤壁之战 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 14

2.9 平定关中 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 15

2.10 建立魏国 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 15

2.11 相争汉中 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 15

2.12 壮士暮年 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 17

2.13 选官标准 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 18

2.14 历史功绩 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 18

第3章 作品 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 21

3.1 短歌行(二首) ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 23

3.2 步出夏门行·观沧海 …………………………………………………………………………………………… 25

3.3 步出夏门行·龟虽寿 …………………………………………………………………………………………… 25

3.4 苦寒行 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 26

3.5 薤露行 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 26

3.6 蒿里行 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 27

3.7 轶事典故 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 27

第4章 历史评价 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 29

4.1 史书评论 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 29

4.2 古今评说 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 29

4.3 后人赞诗

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