
神盾局持工简介 神盾局特工简介

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神盾11 第一季 第11集

科尔森被蜈蚣组织带走,蜈蚣组织为了得到关于他死而复生的原因,将它带到沙漠之中进行拷问与实验。在科尔森被抓走后,神盾局上下对科尔森实行了大营救。在其过程中,斯凯被特工汉德赶下了飞机,而正是这契机,斯凯在城市中假扮成特工梅,“威逼”一个大富豪给予帮助,并找到了蜈蚣组织的交易记录,从而找到了科尔森的确定位置。特别行动小组在得到了斯凯的消息后,赶忙前往荒漠之中营救科尔森。与此同时,科尔森正在被波先生拷打,企图逼迫他使用恢复记忆的机器,而在长时间的拷打未得效果后,千里眼对波的能力失去信心,蕾娜与千里眼通话中,千里眼指示蕾娜取代波的位置并将其杀死,,蕾纳对科尔森进行“糖衣炮弹”。在她的富有诱惑力的话语下,抓住了科尔森也想要知道答案的弱点使科尔森自愿使用了机器。在他的回忆中,他看见自己在手术室,脑壳被割了开来,许多的机器爪在他的脑子里刺来刺去。看到如此景象他痛苦的大喊:“Let me die(让我死)”随后,特别行动小组赶来,将痛苦中的科尔森给救了回去并且逮捕了蕾纳。在神盾局的全力围捕下,大部分的蜈蚣组织土崩瓦解,但千里眼仍然逍遥在外。事后,科尔森找到了给他做手术的博士,博士只得将事实告诉了科尔森。原来,在纽约事件之后,科尔森已经死去了许多天,但弗瑞局长把他从天堂拉回了人间,通过不断的手术将科尔森给救了回来。而为了他还能恢复最佳的工作水平,不再痛苦,给他植入了一段在塔希提的美好记忆。听完这番话,科尔森愤然离去。尾声,皮特森醒来,发现自己浑身是伤,掀开盖在身上的被子,发现自己已成残废,在他大声呼喊之时,他的“眼球”中出现了几个字:早上好,皮特森先生。

Episode 11 First Quarter

Colson was taken away centipede organization , centipede organizations in order to get him back from the dead on the reason , it would be torture to the desert with the experiment. Colson was arrested after Aegis Bureau Colson implemented and down on the big rescue. In the process , the agents Hande Skye was driven off the plane , and it is this opportunity, Skye posing as agents plum in the city, " coercion" a big spender for help, and found the transaction centipede organization in order to determine the position of Colson 's found . Special Operations Group in Skye got the news , rushed to the rescue of the desert into Colson . At the same time , Mr. Colson wave being tortured in an attempt to force him to use the recovered memory of the machine, but after prolonged torture,

without effect , clairvoyance lose confidence in the ability of the wave , Lena conversation with clairvoyance , clairvoyance instructions Lena replace the position of wave and kill , Leina on Colson a " sugar-coated bullets ." In the words of her tempting and grabbed Colson also want to know the answer weaknesses Colson voluntarily make use of the machine . In his memories, he saw himself in the operating room, the skull was cut open, many machines claw thorn in his mind to striking . His painful to see such a scene shouted : "Let me die ( let me die ) " Subsequently , special operations group arrived, the pain in the back of Colson to save and arrested Leina . In the effort to round up the Aegis Board, most of the centipede organization fell apart , but still Happy clairvoyance out . Later, Colson found the surgery to his doctor, Dr. Colson had told the truth . Originally, after the New York event , Colson has been dead for many days , but the Secretary Winfrey him back to earth from heaven , through continuous surgery to save the Colson back . In order to recover his best level of work can no longer suffering, give him some memories implanted in Tahiti . After hearing these words, Colson stormed off . End, Peterson woke up and found himself badly bruised , opened the quilt cover the body and found that he had become crippled when he cries , he 's "eyeball " appears in a few words : Good morning , Pete Mr. Mori .


1.He accepted the invitation, but was later forced to ———- himself.


A.jackass B.skull C.disengage D.ungodly

2.Her ———— was crammed with too many thoughts.


A.disengage B.skull C.disengage D.ungodly

3.Don't stand there like a ————-, get to work!


A.jackass B.skull C.disengage D.ungodly

4.I don't know who can be phoning us at this ———– hour.{神盾局持工简介}.


A.jackass B.skull C.unorthodox D.ungodly

5.Many doctors don't approve of ———– medicine.


A.jackass B.skull C.unorthodox D.ungodly



神盾12 第一季 第12集

在神盾学院的一间游泳池中,池水突然结冰,导致学员赛斯一只脚被冻其中,特别行动小组就此情况展开调查。在咨询赛斯后得知,有一个叫唐尼的学员智商高达190,但为人处事较冷漠,朋友很少。鉴于导致池水结冰的机器科技水平之高与唐尼的性情,特别行动小组决定调查唐尼。菲茨在与唐尼谈心的过程中却意外的帮助唐尼解决了一台制造超级风暴机器的能源问题。令人意想不到的是,赛斯与唐尼却是一伙的,他们带上了机器来到了学校西停车场,而幕后机器的买主却是先前已经出现过了的奎因,由于神盾局的出现,奎因反悔了购买决定,但诱骗了唐尼打开了机器。天气急骤变化,制造出了一个超级风暴,而他俩被困在了风暴中心,特别行动小组决定开飞机进入中心救他们,而突然的一道闪电,不仅让赛斯升天,还劈坏了那个制造风暴的机器。最终,唐尼被带到沙盒监视,而在科尔森与奎因的通话中,发现奎因也属于千里眼的组织。 在了解到斯凯身世的实情后,科尔森不得不把实情告诉了斯凯。原来斯凯就是代号「0-8-4」,几十年前,为了保护她,很多的神盾局特工都被杀害,斯凯听后感动流泪。

Episode 12 First Quarter

Aegis School in a swimming pool , the water suddenly freezes , causing students Seth foot was frozen where Special Operations Group in this case the investigation. Seth learned that after consulting with a man named Donny IQ up to 190 participants , but people skills than the cold, little friend. Given the results in high levels of water ice machine technology with Downey's temperament , special operations team decided to investigate Downey . Fitz Downey talk with the process but the accident helped Downey solve a super storm machinery manufacturing energy issues . Unexpected is that Seth and Downey is a group, they came to the school to bring the machine west parking lot , and the purchaser is behind the machine has previously appeared in the Quinn , because Aegis Bureau appears , Quinn decided to go back on the purchase , but the trick Downey opened the machine. Abrupt changes in weather , creating a super storm , which they were trapped in the center of the storm , special operations team decided to fly a plane into the center to save them , but suddenly a flash of lightning , not only Seth heaven, bad also split the manufacturing storm machine. Eventually, Downey was taken to monitor the{神盾局持工简介}.{神盾局持工简介}.

sandbox , while Colson and Quinn's call, found Quinn also belong clairvoyant organization. Upon learning the facts of life experience Skye , Colson had to tell the truth to the Skye . Skye was originally code-named " 0-8-4 " , a few decades ago , in order to protect her, a lot of Aegis Service agents were killed , Skye moved to tears to hear .

词汇练习12 1.Don't try to ——— of washing!


A.concur B.mingle C.duck out D.cross off

2.Several streams ———- in this river on their way to the sea.


A.concur B.mingle C.duck out D.cross off


3. Please ———- the wrong word in the sentence.


A.concur B.indomitable C.duck out D.cross off{神盾局持工简介}.

4.It'll require ——— will to accomplish the task.


A.concur B.mingle C.duck out D.indomitable

5. I ————- with the speaker in condemning what has been done. 我同意发言者对所做的事加以谴责。

A.concur B.mingle C.duck out D.cross off




导演: 乔斯·韦登

编剧: 杰克·科比 / 乔斯·韦登 / 斯坦·李 / 毛丽莎·谭查罗恩

主演: 克拉克·格雷格 / 温明娜 / Brett Dalton / Chloe Bennet / Iain De Caestecker / 伊丽莎白·亨斯屈奇 / 罗恩·格拉斯

类型: 剧情 / 动作 / 科幻

官方网站: abc.go.com/shows/marvels-agents-of-shield


制片国家/地区: 美国

语言: 英语

首播: 2013-09-24(美国)

集数: 22

单集片长: 45分钟

又名: 神盾局特工 / 神盾局 / 神盾特工 / Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

评分: 豆瓣 8.2 / IMDB ?


熟悉Marvel漫画的人都知道,「S.H.I.E.L.D」是「Strategic Hazard Intervention Espionage Logistics Directorate」(国土战略防御攻击与后勤保障局,或称神盾局)的缩写,百度百科上有一个词条专门对其进行了解释。在今年的热门电影《复仇者联盟》(The Avengers)中,「S.H.I.E.L.D」的主管Nick Fury召集钢铁侠、美国上尉、绿巨人、黑寡妇、雷神索尔等超级英雄共同对抗企图统治地球的洛基(索尔的兄弟)。据称电视剧版《S.H.I.E.L.D》的剧本将由Joss Whedon亲自创作,首集也由他亲自执导,他的弟弟Jed Whedon和弟媳Maurissa Tancharoen将协助构思(他们曾和Joss Whedon共同创作网络剧《恐怖博士的欢唱博客》)。这是近年来电视广播网上第一个获得试映集预订的Marvel漫画改编项目。剧中的主要人物为:Skye,年近30年的「完美女性」,幽默、聪明、体贴他人、充满自信。她善于利用智慧和个人魅力来达到自己的目的。Grant Ward特工,典型的肉盾角色,冷酷到家。他行事鲁莽,有一点牛脾气,有时会搞砸人际关系。他平时很安静,是那种能够吸引你好感的人。Melinda May特工(温明娜),人送外号「The Calvary」(耶稣受难),是一个强悍的女战士,精通武器和飞机驾驶技术。她有过很不好的经历,因此她平时非常安静,而且人格有一点受损。在必要的时候,Melinda不惜违抗命令自行其事。Elizabeth Henstridge扮演Gemma Simmons特工,是个科学天才;Iain De Caestecker扮演Leo Fitz特工,是个技术专家。两人一同接受训练,生活中和执行任务时都喜欢待在一起——尽管他们一见面就吵个不停。他们有「Nerd」倾向,把彼此的关系看做兄妹之情。Jemma擅长生物化学方面的技术,而Leo擅长武器研发和相关技术。Brett Dalton扮演技艺高超的Grant特工,勇敢无惧、处事冷静,但不善与人交流。此前制片方已经承认《复仇者联盟》电影中的演员Clark Gregg将演出该剧,再次扮演电影中的角色Coulson特工。

Marvel漫画中的「S.H.I.E.L.D」是「Strategic Hazard Intervention Espionage Logistics Directorate」(国土战略防御攻击与后勤保障局)的缩写,或称神盾局,由钢铁侠、美国上尉、绿巨人、黑寡妇、雷神索尔等超级英雄组成。如今电视剧版《S.H.I.E.L.D》对剧情进行了改编,重新组队,MT是Ward肌肉特工,输出是精通武器和飞机驾驶的女战士Melinda May,奶妈是技术天才Simmons和Fitz等,一起对抗要寻找超人真相的涨潮组织……

第三篇:《神盾局人员资料 English版》

Personnel data






原著 杰弗瑞·贝尔、乔斯·韦登、毛丽莎·谭查罗恩 斯坦·李、杰克·科比






摄影 乔斯·韦登、Bobby Roth、Jesse Bochco、David Straiton、Vince Misiano、Bill Gierhart、乔纳森·弗雷克斯、洛克萨妮·道森、Cheylov Maileen Williams、Harmony Gosbee、Katie Carroll 乔斯·韦登Joss Whedon、杰德·韦登Jed Whedon、毛丽莎·谭查罗恩Maurissa Tancharoen David Boyd、Feliks Parnell、Jeffrey C. Mygatt









展开 Bear McCreary Paul Trejo、Debby Germino、Joshua Charson Gregory Melton Roland Rosenkranz、Alex Hajdu Ann Foley、贝丝·海曼



菲尔·寇森探员(AgentPhil Coulson)是这个特工队小组组长。睿智,冷静,能够在任何时候做出正确决断。对很多复古东西痴迷,个人生活是个谜团。不擅长讲冷笑话。

第五篇:《神盾局特工 第1季》

神盾局特工 第1季 更新至10集 | 共13集

别名: 神盾特工 / 神盾局 演员: 克拉克·格雷格 温明娜 乔斯·韦登 导演: 乔斯·韦登 地区: 美国

简介: 复仇者联盟以及随后影响深远的纽约之战,让外星人和超能力者不再是坊间传说的秘密。纽约之战过后,世界格局即将重新洗牌,野心家们则蠢蠢欲动,神盾局面临前所未有的挑战。在此危急关头,一度传闻死于纽约的特工菲尔·科尔森探员(克拉克·格雷格 Clark Gregg 饰)“复活”,吸纳了身怀绝技的格兰特•沃德(布雷特·道顿 Brett Dalton 饰)、梅琳达·梅(温明娜 Ming-Na Wen 饰)、莱奥·菲兹(伊恩·德·卡兹泰克 Iain De Caestecker 饰)、盖玛·西蒙斯(伊丽莎白·亨斯屈奇 Elizabeth Henstridge 饰)以及来自黑客构成的民间团体涨潮组织的斯凯(科洛·本内特 Chloe Bennet 饰)加入进来。他们以一己凡人之力,投入到各种匪夷所思且疑云重重的危险事件的调查中去 收起

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