
关于第一印象的文章 文章第一段的作用

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【 – 写作指导】






more than ever before, COUNT(第一印象很重要). We are We are information overload and are forced to find ways of what not to. First impressions increasingly determine what we read and The following list of tips should help you to avoid some of the most common slip-ups.


【1.Capitals 大写】

Avoid the temptation to capitalize words in the middle of a sentence Just To Provide Emphasis Like This. If you want to be more emphatic consider using bold face, italics, color or larger text.

【2.Commas 逗号】

or, but, yet, for, nor, or so.

For example:

Notice that the sentence could each be sentences in their own example, need a comma: We have finished the work and are

【3.Ellipsis 省略号】

The ellipsis is a series of three — and ONLY THREE — full stops used to mark missing words, an uncertain pause, or an abrupt interruption. Avoid the temptation to use six


or seven dots — it looks amateurish. For example, we write:

Niles: But Miss Fine's age is only …

Fran: Young! Miss Fine's age is only young!

【4.Excessive punctuation 避免使用过多的标点】

following over-punctuated examples:

Buy now!!!

Great bargains!!!!!!!!!!

Avoid it.

【5.Headings 学会建立阶级标题】

For long works, hierarchy of headings. Microsoft Word's heading styles are for (They also allow you to automatically create a table of

【6.Hyphenating prefixes 带有“-”的前缀】

Most prefixes don't need a hyphen; i.e. we write "coexist", not "co-exist". There are exceptions, though. The prefixes "self-" and "ex-" are almost always hyphenated.



Numbers of ten or less are normally written as words.


【8.Quotation marks 注意引号的使用】

single quotes.

【9.Tables 制表】








新颖是现代社会追求的一种潮流,无论什么时候,我们都不能忘了想出办法让自己的东西新颖,那就是用一种与众不同的视角,道出自己的 个性思考。但是,新颖决不是标新立异,必须合情理。应该说,我们所说的新颖只是别人想漏了的,或者说只是一时还没有想到的,而决不是怎么想也想不通的,想 不到的东西。


话题作文虽然没有一个明确的主题思想,但大都有一个主题意向,写作者在写作的过程中也会把这个主题意向尽量的明确化。这时,如果你 的作文题能够{关于第一印象的文章}.


对作文的主题有一定的暗示或提示作用,那当然是最好不过的了。这样,阅卷教师可以很快地抓住你的作文的主题思想,给阅卷者一个先入为主的阅卷 思考,有利于考分的提高。就算你的作文对主题的表现不是很突出,但有文题的补充也是相得益彰的。















《时间,带不走我心中永恒的记忆》《爱我 追我 别浪费我》《午餐1800秒》《时间在晨雾中飘落》










《风雨中那把伞》《懂你》《慈母手中线》《母爱无价》 《悠悠亲情》《亲情伴我行》






Two weeks ago, I came toLiaocheng University withfull of joy, which is a beautiful place. When I first saw Liaocheng University, I fell in love with it. She is located in the beautiful water city in the northern china –

Liaocheng, which is famous for Dongchang Lake. The gate of Liaocheng University looks like a pair of wings, which means she welcomes students from all around the country to come to learn.

Liaocheng University is made of two campuses, and they are linked up by a long bridge, whose name is Rainbow Bridge, with many photos and profiles of some famous people related to Liaochenghanging on the railings. There are rows of teaching buildings and students’ dormitories, and all of these buildings are bright and clean, which provide a good living and learning environment for students.What is more, there are also well-equipped laboratory for teachers and students to do research. There's plenty of books in the library, where students can surf in the ocean of knowledge and broaden their horizons. We can enjoy delicious food in the dining hall, and one of the peculiarities of the dining hall in Liaocheng University is that you can eat something that comes from other provinces of China.

The roadway outside the west gate is narrowed byshopes where goods of every kind are sold. Fried chickens and fried tofu are so popular that you can see a lot of students who are eating while walking and thingkingwhat to buy.There are also some shops full of clothes. Though quality of these clothes is not good enough, the price is acceptable. In this shops, some girls try their best to choose from the variety of stlyes.

I love Liaocheng University 13887379267



2017考研英语作文:第一印象重要与否 2017考研复习倒计时进行中,英语最后两个月复习,大家一要抓阅读,而要突击作文提分,而对于作文的训练,大家要多练习话题,多积累素材,背背模板,看看范文,争取拿高分,下面是凯程考研频道分享一些常考话题及范文,大家多看所思多总结。


Some people trust their first impressions about aperson’s character because they believe thesejudgments are generally correct. Other people do notjudge a person’s character quickly because theybelieve first impressions are often wrong. Comparethese two attitudes. Which attitude do you agreewith? Support your choice with specific examples.

Model Essay(范文):

Any opinion is, in fact, a judgment. I feel that as Americans we would do well to judge othersless often. Still, we must be able to decide whom to spend our time with and whom we’d ratherforget. In my opinion, this type of judgment is best after we get to know other people. Firstimpressions are not always accurate impression.

Judging a person based on a first impression does save time. There are more people thananyone could possibly get to know in one lifetime. It is frustrating to waste time getting toknow someone, only to find out that your first impression was correct and that you reallydon’t like him or her. So is it a waste of time getting to know people your probably won’t like?That seems to be a valid point of view, but I believe that it is not the best attitude to take.

It’s more humane to spend time getting to know people before judging them. I know that Idon’t always make a good first impression even when I truly like the person with whom I aminteracting. We all have bad days, I wouldn’t want to lose a job or a potential friendship simplybecause I picked out the wrong clothing or said something wrong. I think everyone deservesthe chances make a second impression.

If we all base our final opinion of others on first impression, it would be hard to get to knowanyone. There is always more to people than meets the eye. If we don’t give someone a chance,we may be missing out on meeting a life-long friend. That would truly be shame. 第 1 页 共 1 页




开头是作文在阅卷老师面前的第一次亮相,它将决定你所写的文章在阅卷老师心中所留下的第一印象。如果第一印象好,就意味着有了良好的开端,也就成功了一半。Good beginning is half done,我们该怎样一提起笔就让自己成功一半呢?

1. “开门见山”式开头


①. 对于叙事类的文章,可以在开头把人物、时间、事件和环境交代清楚。如“A Trip to Huangshan(黄山之旅)”的开头可以是:Last month, my family went to Huangshan by train. It took us ten hours to get there. What a long and tiring journey! We were tired but the beautiful scenery excited us.

②. 对于论述性的文章,可以在开头处先阐明自己的观点,接着展开进一步的论述。如“The Time and the Money(时间和金钱)” 的开头可以是:Most people say that money is more important than time. But I don’t think so. First, when money is used up, you can earn it back, but

2. 回忆性开头

在描述事件或游记类的文章中,采用回忆性的开头往往更能吸引人的眼球。这种类型的开头中通常含有描述自己心情或情绪的词汇,如never for get_r(永远无法忘记)、 remember (记得)、unfor gettable_r(难以忘怀的)、 exciting(令人激动的)、

surprising(令人惊讶的)、sad (难过的)如“A Trip to Huangshan(黄山之旅)”的开头还以这样写:I will never forget my first trip to Huangshan. 或It was really an unforgettable experience I had.

3. 疑问性开头

在叙事类或论述性的文章中,都可采用疑问型开头,这样既可以吸引阅卷者的注意又容易抓住中心。如“Planting Trees(种树)”的开头可以是:Have you ever planted trees? Don’t you think planting trees is 再如“Traveling Abroad(出国之旅)”的开头可以是:If you have an opportunity to travel abroad, why not consider Singapore?

4. 倒叙式开头

在有的文章,特别是叙事类的文章中,可以采用倒叙的写作手法,先写出事件的结果,再陈述过程。如“Catching Thieves (捉贼)”的开头可以这样写:I lay in bed in the hospital. I smiled at my friends even though my legs hurt. Do you want to know what happened to me? Let me tell you. It’s a story.

小升初英语作文范文集(一):My Good Friend

Zhang Ying is my good friend. Shes in Class1, Grade4 of Tianjiao Primary School. Shes a model student. Shes clever and shes helpful, too. She often helps teachers and young students at school. She is good at Chinese, maths, English, arts and crafts, music and so on. She has a lot of hobbies. She likes painting and drawing. And she likes listening to music, having picnics with her parents. Oh yeah, she likes fishing, too. But she doesnt like playing basketball, football, table

tennis or volleyball. Zhang Ying is the best friend of mine. I like playing with her. We always work together and help each other.

小升初英语作文范文集(二):How to be a Model Student I want to be a model student. What shall I do?

I should be polite. I should study hard. I should capful and helpful. I should walk in the

corridors. I should throw rubbish in the bin. I should be quiet in the library. I shouldnt walk and run on the grass. I shouldnt throw rubbish on the floor. I shouldnt run in the corridors. I shouldnt fight. I shouldnt be noisy in the library.


Im going to the sun on my holiday. I will go there by a spaceship. I will take a big blue spaceship.

Then Ill pilot the spaceship to the sun. The sun is very hot. So I put on the super-shirt. In the morning, I will have some sun burger for my breakfast.

At eight oclock, I will play with my friends there. They are super dog and super girl. Super dog is white and black. Super girl is very clever. Super girl and super dog like to play with me. So I play with them for forty minutes. Then I do my homework in my little red room on a small blue table. After my home work, I will have my lunch. I will eat sun salad. I will make some red toy bear to the sun babies. I will have red juice, red fish and red rice. All the things are red. Then I need a lot of water on the sun because the sun is too hot. So I will walk to the spaceship. Ill pilot the spaceship to the earth.

This is a good holiday on the sun.

小升初英语作文范文集(四):My New Teacher My new teacher is science teacher. Hes very strong. He has a big mouth, two big ears, two big eyes and a not too big and not too small nose. He often wears a black new shirt and brown pants, with two big shoes.

My science teacher is very kind. And he is very smart, isnt he? Today, we have science class. We are very happy. Because he is so funny. Who is he? Hes a Mr. Zhou .

小升初英语作文范文集(五):自我介绍 I am a 10 years old boy. Smart and handsome. I am proud of myself. Because I can get perfect scores in Chinese, math and English. It is not good enough, I am also proud of being an elder brother. That is a Friday evening, my baby brother was crying all the time. My parents were both cooking for dinner. I said to my mum, let me look after this little thing. My mum said, “Are you sure you can?” “ Yes ,believe me I can.” I answered. Then mum went to the kitchen. I went

towards my baby brother. “ Oh baby, dont cry. I will sing a song for you…” I carried him and sing songs for him. After a while, he was asleep. I was so tired. My parents were happy and praised me a good boy. This is my first time to look after my baby brother and I feel proud of myself. 小升初英语作文范文集(六):我的小兔子{关于第一印象的文章}.

One day, my mother bought two little rabbits for me. Im very happy.

From that on, the two little rabbits became my good friends. They have two little ears, red eyes, with white and fat boby. Theyre marvellous.

Everyday, they play with each other happily. One day, I couldnt find them. I asked my

mother: ”Where are they? ” My mother told me that She didnt know. At last, I found them in the grass. They were very dirty. I was angry, but when I looked at their lovely faces, I was happy again. I love my little rabbits, and they love me. They are my good friends forever.

小升初英语作文范文集(七):Happy day Today I'm very happy,after I have breakfast,I go to park.

It's a sunny day ,the bird is singing,I'm singing too.When I get to park,I see some girls are playing games ,so I join them.We play very happy.Then I have lunch with my friends.We both have a good time.what a happy day!{关于第一印象的文章}.

小升初英语作文范文集(八):My holiday

My holiday was good. I stayed at home for sometime. I went to Tianyi Square and bought same games. But one day, my monther, my younger brother and I went to Tianyi digital square to buy games. And I bought a new uniform in the evening. I'd like to have a glass of apple juice my monther bought it for me. I says, " Thanks a lot. " I bought some shoes. I want a pair of sports shoes. In the shop, the wonderful song added tour pleasure. I see the black shoes. my monther says, " There are beautiful !"

I was happy that day, because I went to Tianyi Square and had a lot of fum.

小升初英语作文范文集(九):My Doll

Today is S

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