
天天作文 天天酷跑作文

写作指导 zuowen 2浏览

【 – 写作指导】



一、 内容要求:

1、 星期一、三,摘抄优美文段,每篇不少于300字,并能够对摘抄的优美文段背诵;


3、 星期二、四、六,写阅读感悟,每篇不少于300字; 星期五、日,自由写作,星期五完成一篇300字左右片段作文,星期日完成一篇不少于700的作文。

二、 格式及其它要求:

1、 每篇习作,不管是优美文段摘抄,还是阅读感悟,还是自由习作,都必须写明时间、星期、标题、类型; 2、

3、 书写必须做到认真、工整; 年级将对《作文天天练》完成情况不定期进行抽查,并进行展评。



篇二:《天天作文 美丽家园》


杨市中心小学 四三班 杨天铭 昨天和妈妈去超市,看见一个衣着光鲜亮丽,打扮时尚的女人下车时将自己车上的几个空饮料瓶随手扔到了停车场上,然后昂头挺胸地走向超市。饮料瓶在地上乱滚,一个七八岁的小女孩跑过去捡起来丢到了垃圾桶里。妈妈说:“那个女人选择了一个乱七八糟,垃圾满天飞的世界,而那个小女孩选择了一个整洁干净和谐的世界,我们都应该向那个小女孩学习,自觉地保护环境。”















过年时最有特征的一点,那就是家家户户放烟花,往年的烟花全是千篇一律,全红,全绿,绿中夹红,爆炸后成数十个小烟花的,多了一种飞盘状的中间是红,外是红,椭圆形的两个圆另我大开眼界,而且,各种烟花交织在一起,简直是漫天火网。同时这个一年一度的夜晚,我真正地守了岁,当邻近0点时,我原以为全世界没几个人可以像我一样守岁,可当2010年最后几秒钟的钟声敲响时,我的热血一下子沸腾起来,各处都燃放起了各种美丽的烟花。 啊!2011已经到来,让我们为了新的一年而奋斗吧!




读了这篇文章,我的心头为之震撼,因为人们的迷信,几年内把玛宝哈从一个有血有肉的人变成了一个冷若冰霜的“神”,难道这即是所谓的神吗?人们被自己骗了,“神”本来就是人们构思出来的虚幻的东西,而人们却将自己制造出来的“神”,成为了自己尊敬的神。黑白颠倒,无中生有,同时出现在了这些迷信者的身上,他们如罪犯一样把一个活生生的小孩脱胎换骨成了一个泥塑。但同时这也是民族的传统文化,也为我们带来了许多好处。如:它告戒人们分辨善恶等,而这些坏处全是因为人们过于迷信,依赖这些文化而早成的。 所以,我相信,只要人们好好地运用这些祖先传给我们的文化遗产,取其精华,去其糟粕,那么它们就是百利无一害的!



车棚里挤满了人,默默地等待着公共汽车的到来。大概没想到天会忽然下雨,他们身上都微微地湿了。 汽车还没有来,人群里有了埋怨声, 车棚里乱哄哄的,埋怨声“嘀嘀咕咕”地进行着。 汽车可听不到这些埋怨,不知道在哪个地方仍旧慢腾腾地走着。 人群渐渐变得安静了,雨好像下得大了些。{天天作文}.

“听,什么声音?” 一下子,大家好像从梦中睡醒般,不约而同地支起了耳朵,眼睛里射出几分热切地希望来。

雨声中,仿佛从远处传来“咕噜咕噜”的几声。 失望再次笼罩了大家——那可不是汽车令人快活的声音。车棚里又有些骚乱起来。雨也有些不安静了,忽东忽西地飘舞着,令人心头烦闷。“咕噜咕噜”,让人失望的声音执着地响着。 远处的拐弯处冒出一个推着小车的老大娘,车上绑着两个筐子,不知装着什么。 人们漠然地看着.“哐当”,仿佛晴天霹雳,小车好像也痛叫了一声,翻倒在地。 顿时,满筐的苹果逃了出来,蹦着,跳着,满地都是。 “快!”不知是谁大吼一声。 人群顿时炸开了锅。“呼啦”,仿佛乌云,急速涌向那些苹果。 拾的拾,捡的捡,抢的抢。有袋子的用袋子装,连小孩手里都拿着两个可爱的大苹果。 老大娘木然地呆立着,嘴唇分明有些哆嗦。 “快,这边!”不知是谁又大吼一声。 人群仿佛得到了命令似的,聚拢过来,纷纷把苹果放进了筐子里。“呼啦”,“乌云”散去,车棚里又重新聚满了那群人。 那些苹果好像调皮的孩子在马路上打闹了一番,重新回到了筐子里,满脸的红润,满脸的兴奋。

老大娘瞧瞧这个,瞅瞅那个,嘴唇哆嗦了几下,可终于没说什么,推着车缓缓地离去了。 人群安静了下来,默默地注视着老大娘离去。 雨也变得安静了许多。







作文1: A successful experience in my memory我记忆中的一次成功经历 Use the following points as reference.(以下问题仅供参考)

1. When did you have your successful experience?

2. How did it happen?( please write in details){天天作文}.

3. What have you learnt from the experience?

Learning swimming last summer was the successful experience in my memory. At first, knowing nothing about swimming and being afraid of the water, I dare not swim in the pool. However, my coach was patient and encouraged me constantly. Gradually with his the help, I dared to swim myself. Successful and unforgettable, I shall keep this valuable experience in my mind forever, which has built up my confidence and taught me the true essence of perseverance. Thomas Edison once put it “Whenever there is a will, there is a way”. Whatever well confront with in the future, we must stick to it. If I can, so will you.

作文2: An unforgettable …..lesson‖.记一堂难忘的……课

Use the following points as a guide.(短文必须包含下列要点)

1. Which lesson do you think was unforgettable?{天天作文}.

2. Why do you think it was so unforgettable? (give at least two reasons)

3. What have you learned/got from it ?

An unforgettable English lesson

So far the most unforgettable lesson is an English lesson that I had two years ago. Lack of self-confidence and being shy, I seldom looked at my English teacher or even spoke English in class. Until one day, she suddenly called my name and asked me to answer a question. Honestly speaking, her soft smile, her sweet voice as well as her encouragement did cheer me up. They were a great help to build up my self-confidence. I slowly realize that the more self-confident I am, the better study achievements I can make at school. It is the unforgettable lesson that enables me to have the power to learn English well.{天天作文}.

作文3: What‘s Your View on Setting off Firecrackers? (以―你对燃放爆竹的看法‖为题写一篇不少于60个词的短文。)

Use the following points as a reference. (以下问题仅供参考)

1) Do you usually set off firecrackers during the Spring Festival? What about last Spring Festival?


2) How do you like this Chinese traditional custom?

3) Do you think it is good or not? Why or why not?

Peoples attitudes towards setting off firecrackers differ greatly from person to person. Some strongly think it a good way to celebrate the Spring Festival while others are fully convinced it should be banned. As far as Im concerned, I agree with the latter view. On one hand, not only can it pollute environment but also it can do harm to peoples eyes and ears, injure or disable people and even kill them. On the other hand, people who still work in holidays wont get enough sleep due to its noise. To sum up, setting off fireworks ought to be banned especially in holidays.

作文4: The best teacher I know

During my English learning journey, I have met a large number of English teachers. Among them, Mr. Zhang, in my mind, is the best teacher I know for the reason that his class never fails to fascinate us. I often laugh to tears in his class because of his vivid explanation. Besides, after his class, he is just like my friend. Whenever I feel sad or unhappy, he is always the first that I can turn to. Whenever I find something amusing, I often share it with him. To sum up, he is the best teacher I know and he has made my campus life meaningful and colourful.

作文5: A lucky ______.一个/件/…幸运的______

注意:请补全题目,记叙或描述你认为幸运的人/事/物…,并阐述理由。 If you were unable to see the world clearly, what would you think of your life?

I thought “unfortunate” until a blind girl changed my idea completely. One day, when I was wandering around a beautiful garden, I saw a strange girl who waved her hands in the air and moved slowly. She seemed to be lost in the fascinating view. To my surprise, I found that she was blind. So I came up to her and spoke to her politely. She smiled to me and said, “Although I cannot see at all, I can still touch the world and hear birds sing. Its lucky of me to enjoy the nature freely.” I was deeply moved by her words, so I gave her a hug. The girls luck came from her love for life. How lucky and positive she was!

作文6: An Unforgettable Visit to ____ Everyone likes to have a trip to relax, myself included. Two years ago, I went to Hainan, the most beautiful island in China, with my family. And I still remember the amazing scenery. We went to Sanya, which is called “the oriental Hawaii,” to start our journey. Sanya is famous for its tropical beaches, Tianya Haijiao and Nantian Yizhu. Imagine that you are lying on the soft sand in warm sunshine and you are walking around the coconut trees under the blue sky. How wonderful everything is! We had a great time on Hainan Island. Ive never seen such a magical place that I want to go there for a trip once more.

作文7:Suppose you are a member of ―Green Club‖, which is welcomed by many students in your school. In the following table, there is some information about the club. Please write a passage of at least 60 words on the topic ―Green Club‖ to recommend it to new students. You can add



Green Club is welcomed by many students in our school. Do you know why? Please follow me to have a close look. First, it is an interesting club. We have three sections. In the first one, we grow many vegetables, such as tomatoes, cabbage and lettuce. The second section is used to planted fruit trees, like apple trees and orange trees. In the third section, some fish, birds and rabbits are raised. Since most children are animal lovers, I am sure you will like it. However, it is not just for fun. We can learn a lot of meaningful things here. Its an amazing and unforgettable experience to learn how to grow vegetables and how to take care of animals. More importantly, we learn the importance and different ways of protecting the environment. Now you have learned a lot about our club. Do you want to join us?


As a member of Green Club, I am very proud to introduce it to you. It is the hottest club in our school mostly because we have many interesting activities and we have the garden as our classroom. There, you can see fish swimming in the pond, birds singing in the trees and rabbits chewing carrots. Also, we plant some vegetables and fruits in the garden. We even make salad and pies with them to treat our teachers and parents. Whats more, we can learn a lot of knowledge and skills. That is why I think it is very meaningful. For example, we get to know how to take care of plants and animals. We realize how hard for a seed to grow into a fruit. Only by working hard can we understand how beautiful and precious life is. Welcome to join our club. Lets share the joy of working and harvesting!

作文8: I have changed

情景:假设你所在的学校组织了一场演讲比赛,题目是: “I have changed”。你作为参赛选手,请写一篇不少于60词的演讲稿。



Good morning, everyone. Im glad to stand here to share my speech with you. My topic is “Ive changed.” In the past, while I was talking in public, my face always turned red and my voice began to shake. I wanted to make a change, being confident. Therefore, as soon as I was told that our school would hold a

speech competition, I entered for it. I started to practice speaking every day. Now, Im here. Obviously Im no longer nervous and I can show myself to the public. It means that sometimes things are not so difficult as they seem to be. Just try your best without fear and you might make great changes. Thanks for listening!


Good morning, everyone. Its my honor to stand here and share my topic with you. My topic is “I have changed”. As we all know, a person will change for many different reasons. And I have changed when I went to Shanghai alone to further my study. During my first year in Shanghai, I realized that my parents wouldnt help me any more. I must do everything by myself. I felt lonely often and admired those who could stay with their parents. But I believed that “all growth is a leap in the dark”. I made every effort to study. Gradually Ive changed. I become more independent and study well. I can manage all the things in my daily life. Behind every beautiful thing, theres some kind of pain. But as soon as you overcome the difficulty, everything will be fine. I have changed in my own way. Will you try your best to make yourself a better man? Thats all. Thank you for your listening.

作文9: A good experience有益的经历


Good experiences help us to grow up. I still remember the first time when I was learning to ride a bike with my brother. At first, I didnt dare to get on the bike because I was afraid to fall off. My brother helped me get onto the seat. As I rode the bike, he ran beside me and held the seat. But after riding for a few steps, I lost the balance and fell off. Although my hands hurt a little, I decided to have another try. This time, I stayed on the bike longer and I rode farther. Every time I fell off, I got onto the bike again. To my joy, after a few times, I could ride a few meters without the help of my brother. It gave me confidence and I knew I would be able to ride a bike if I kept practicing.

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