
台湾泡面 台湾碗素泡面

写作指导 zuowen 2浏览

【 – 写作指导】




So after sampling so many varieties of instant noodles over the years, of course there have been some that I didn’t like. There also were some that are so memorable for how awful they were. After people asked what my least favorites were a few times, I thought I should just make a list of them.

多年来我一直试吃不同种类方便面,当然会遇到我不喜欢的类型。有些方便面甚至难吃到让人无法忘记的程度。好几次都有人问我最不喜欢那些方便面,所以我觉得应该列个清单出来。 I should point out that these are on the list because I couldn’t stand them. I’m pretty sure they are all still in production, and the only reason they would be is that people somewhere find them enjoyable.


So who knows – you might have a completely different opinion on these than me, but I found them to be absolutely the worst of the worst. With that, here’s The Bottom Ten Instant Noodles Of All Time, 2013 Edition.



#10: Wei Lih Instant Noodles With Artificial Beef Flavored Soup Stock – Taiwan


I’ve had issues with broth being too salty before, but the lack of flavor in this one wasn’t tolerable. The flavor had a very ‘fake beef’ taste to it which was not at all enjoyable.




#9: GreeNoodle Miso Made With Moroheiya – Thailand


The noodles had a flavor I found to be akin to dirt – very strange. In the original review, I comment that the broth was ‘nightmarish.’



#8: Fashion Food Oriental Flavor Instant Noodles – Thailand

第八名:Fashion Food东方口味泡面——泰国

These noodles came in a nice little plastic bowl with lid, As cool as that is, it didn’t make up for some seriously funky noodles and vile broth and veggies. 这种方便面装在带盖子的塑料小盒里,看着很漂亮,却没法弥补里面令人作呕的面条和肮脏浑浊的面汤、蔬菜。



#7: Baijia Hot & Sour Flavor Instant Rice Noodle – China


The broth was of a deep crimson color. While interesting to look at, the slimy noodles and overly greasy broth with odd bits floating around were a turn-off trifecta. I couldn’t finish this bowl.



#6: Noodle Time Spicy Thai Instant Ramen Noodles With Real

Vegetables – Canada

第六名:Noodle Time辣味泰式拉面——加拿大

A prime example of noodle I dislike: watery broth, exceedingly mushy and spongy noodles and veggies that were lackluster and of the most minimal quantity and quality.



#5: Nan Hsing Vegetarian Rice Noodles – Taiwan


The noodles were akin to cobwebs – not the ones spiders make, but the fake ones you get for Halloween. The veggies didn’t hydrate well at all, and the broth wasn’t much. Couldn’t eat it.{台湾泡面}.






康师傅于1996年2月在中国香港联合交易所有限公司上市。两大股东顶新(开曼岛)控股有限公司和三洋食品株式会社分别持有该公司33.27%及33.18%的股份。 除此之外,本报记者在康师傅官方网站上获悉,康师傅一共有6位执行董事,其中魏应州担任康师傅的董事长暨行政总裁,另外5位执行董事中,有3位是日本人。




的投资,今麦郎也引入了日资企业。 有一位不愿署名的行业知情人士告诉本报记者,在方便面行业日资参与投资康师傅并不是唯一案例,日本日清株式会社也参股了今麦郎食品,目前将近持有一半的股份了。 早在2004年4月19日,今麦郎正式与日本日清食品株式会社成立合资公司“华龙日清食品有限公司”,当时的投资额是5.439亿元。 由于看好中国市场,日本日清株式会社增加对今麦郎的注资。今年4月27日,今麦郎日清食品有限公司宣布,今年日本日清株式会社将分两次向今麦郎公司追加投资10.1亿元人民币,持有今麦郎的股份增至33.4%,今麦郎公司也正式变更为今麦郎日清食品有限公司,双方将联合打造中国大型食品生产企业。 今麦郎饮品股份有限公司成立于2006年2月19日,由今麦郎投资有限公司与统一企业(中国)投资有限公司共同出资设立,位于全


篇三:《The Ramen Rater 公布2015年评选全球最好吃的10大方便面》

The Ramen Rater 是一个知名的方便面评选网站,由身为泡面控的美国青年Hans Lienesch和 The Ramen Rater两人创办,自2002年开始就致力于发现世界上更美味的泡面。每年该网站都会公布一个本年度全球最好吃的十大方便面排行榜,2015年评选结果:



第三: 泰国妈妈牌青咖喱鸡味方便面{台湾泡面}.


第五:大马Mamee Chef 招牌Seribu Rasa咖喱面

第六:新加坡百胜厨Prima Taste 咖喱拉面

第七: 大马佳珍娘惹热咖哩叻沙

第八: 新加坡百胜厨Prima Taste 叻沙拉面


第十: 大马MyKuali槟城红酸辣汤面(东阴功面)



So after sampling so many varieties of instant noodles over the years, of course there have been some that I didn’t like. There also were some that are so memorable for how awful they were. After people asked what my least favorites were a few times, I thought I should just make a list of them. 多年来我一直试吃不同种类方便面,当然会遇到我不喜欢的类型。有些方便面甚至难吃到让人无法忘记的程度。好几次都有人问我最不喜欢那些方便面,所以我觉得应该列个清单出来。

I should point out that these are on the list because I couldn’t stand them. I’m pretty sure they are all still in production, and the only reason they would be is that people somewhere find them enjoyable. 需要指出的是,这份清单里的产品都是我个人最不喜欢的。我确信这些方便面在市面上都有销售,因为总会其它地方的人喜欢它们的口味。

So who knows – you might have a completely different opinion on these than me, but I found them to be absolutely the worst of the worst. With that, here’s The Bottom Ten Instant Noodles Of All Time, 2013 Edition。谁知道呢,你也许和我有完全不同的观点,但我认为没有哪种方便面能比下面的更难吃。以下就是“史上十大最难吃方便面(2013年版)”。

#10: Wei Lih Instant Noodles With Artificial Beef Flavored Soup Stock – Taiwan第十名:维力香辣牛肉面——台湾

I’ve had issues with broth being too salty before, but the lack of flavor

in this one wasn’t tolerable. The flavor had a very ‘fake beef’ taste to it which was not at all enjoyable。我以前总不喜欢太咸的汤,但这种方便面的寡淡无味简直难以忍受。调料包里的牛肉味特别假,一点儿都不好吃。

#9: GreeNoodle Miso Made With Moroheiya – Thailand第九名:绿泡面味噌口味——泰国

The noodles had a flavor I found to be akin to dirt – very strange. In the original review, I comment that the broth was ‘nightmarish.’我发现这种面的味道跟土一样,特别奇怪。在我之前的评论中,曾说它的面汤就是“一场噩梦”。


#8: Fashion Food Oriental Flavor Instant Noodles – Thailand第八名:Fashion Food东方口味泡面——泰国

These noodles came in a nice little plastic bowl with lid, As cool as that is, it didn’t make up for some seriously funky noodles and vile broth and veggies。这种方便面装在带盖子的塑料小盒里,看着很漂亮,却没法弥补里面令人作呕的面条和肮脏浑浊的面汤、蔬菜。

#7: Baijia Hot & Sour Flavor Instant Rice Noodle – China第七名:白家过桥米线酸辣味——中国

The broth was of a deep crimson color. While interesting to look at, the slimy noodles and overly greasy broth with odd bits floating around were a turn-off trifecta. I couldn’t finish this bowl。深红色面汤看起来非常诱人,面条太细、面汤太油,再加上汤里漂浮的奇怪碎片,这三个缺陷立刻让你没有食欲。反正我是吃不下这碗。 #6: Noodle Time Spicy Thai Instant Ramen Noodles With Real Vegetables – Canada第六名:Noodle Time辣味泰式拉面——加拿大

A prime example of noodle I dislike: watery broth, exceedingly mushy and spongy noodles and veggies that were lackluster and of the most minimal quantity and quality。这是我最讨厌方便面里的典型代表:面汤清汤寡水,面条像海绵一样多孔稀松,蔬菜毫无光泽,质量差不说分量还少。

#5: Nan Hsing Vegetarian Rice Noodles – Taiwan第五名:南兴新竹素食米粉——台湾

The noodles were akin to cobwebs – not the ones spiders make, but the fake ones you get for Halloween. The veggies didn’t hydrate well at all, and the broth wasn’t much. Couldn’t eat it。吃这种面条就像是在吃蜘蛛网一样,还不是蜘蛛织出来的那种,而是布置万圣节用的假蜘蛛网。蔬菜太过干瘪,也没有多少面汤,总之难以下咽。 #4: Paldo Green Tea Chlorella Noodles – South Korea第四名:八道御膳海藻鲜


While this company makes some noodles I really enjoy, they also make this one which I deplore. It’s just got such a funky flavor to it and a smell I can’t take。这家公司出产过几种我喜欢的面条,但也有我讨厌的。这种面条总有一种恶臭味,闻起来真让我受不了。

#3: Fu Chang Chinese Noodle Company Pork, Seafood & Noodles Combo – United States第三名:Fu Chang海鲜泡面——美国

The noodles in this one were really mushy, and while it had a retort pouch with meat and seafood, it was really nasty。这种面条一点都不劲道,虽然它还带着装有肉类和海鲜的蒸煮袋,但实在是太难吃了。

#2: Baijia Instant Sweet Potato Noodle Spicy Fei-Chang Flavor – China第二名:白家辣味肥肠味方便粉丝——中国

A strong ‘dirt and urine’ scent accompanied by slimy sweet potato noodles. As it turns out, Fei Chang relates to fried pork intestines。细细的粉丝里带着很重的“土味尿味”。“Fei Chang” 指的是油炸过的猪大肠。

#1: Baijia Single Noble Black Bone Chicken Flavor Instant Sweet Potato Noodles – China第一名:单身贵族黑骨鸡粉丝——中国

Here is my least favorite variety of all. Slimy sweet potato noodles, thick, greasy broth and horrid veggies that didn’t hydrate well。这是所有方便面中我最讨厌的。粉丝过细,汤汁浓而油腻,还有恐怖的风干蔬菜。

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