
形容雪的英文 形容雪的诗句

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滑雪场:ski resort

雪道:Ski slopes/runs/piste

初级道:the primary/elementary Ski

slopes/runs/Bunny Slope

中级道: The intermediate Ski slopes/runs


high-class/high-level/high-grade Ski slopes/runs

单板: Snowboard 双板:skis

滑雪靴: Ski boots 雪帽: snow cap 手套: gloves

雪服: Snow suit/wear 雪杖: ski pole

滑雪眼镜Ski glasses/goggle 头盔 helmet 护膝 kneepad

越野滑雪crosscountry ski 山地滑雪downslope ski 高山滑雪 Alpine Ski 滑雪教练: Ski coach 专业的: professional 业余的: amateur 坡度: slope

温度: temperature 湿度: humidity 海拔: altitude

坡面朝相: the slope orientation 自然资源: Natural resources 日照: sunlight

当地气候: The local climate 蓄水池: reservoir

蓄水池容量: Reservoir capacity 造雪面积: snow area 运力: transport capacity/ ability 缆车: The cable car gondolalift(吊箱



泵房: The pump room{形容雪的英文}.

泵站: The pump station 造雪机:Snowmaking


压雪车: Pressure snowmobiles、


供暖: heating 氧吧: Oxygen bar 停车场: park

戏雪区: Snow entertainment 儿童戏雪乐园: Children Snow

entertainment/Show Playing Area 娱乐设施: Entertainment facilities 滑雪区: Ski area 雪圈:Snow tubing

雪具大厅: Ski equipment hall/ski rental shop

间距:the distance between… 高尔夫球场: The golf course

冬季旅游项目: Winter tourism project 花草园林: sea of flowers/ Flowers garden

间距:the distance between…

雪场商业业态: Ski resorts business format

种类: kind/variety

布局: overall arrangement/ layout 雪场品牌推广渠道: Ski resorts brand

promotion channels、 门票: ticket、

雪场经营模式(怎么收费的): business

model/business pattern

冬季主题活动: Winter theme activities、管理制度: The management system /


安全管理: safety management 消防管理: Fire management

雪具大厅内部布局: Ski equipment hall function layout

滑雪流程: Ski process


你那里下雪了吗?跟雪有关的英语,你都会说吗? black ice 透明薄冰

blizzard 暴风雪

blowing snow 高吹雪

drifting snow 低吹雪/飘雪

flurry 阵雪/小雪

freeze 结冰

frosty 霜冻

granular snow 粒状雪

gritter 铺砂机

hail/hailstone 冰雹

have snowball fights 打雪仗

heavy snow 大雪

light snow 小雪

make snowmen 堆雪人

melt 融化

meltwater 冰雪融化成的水

powder snow 粉末雪

Sled dogs 雪橇犬

sledge 雪橇

sleet 雨夹雪

slippery toboggan run 湿滑的雪橇冰道

snow blindness 雪盲症

snow chain 雪地防滑链(汽车在雪地上行驶时用)

snow fence 防雪篱

snow plough 除雪机{形容雪的英文}.

snow shower 阵雪

snow boots 雪地靴{形容雪的英文}.

snow pack 积雪场

snow storm 雪暴

snowball fight 打雪杖

snowball 雪球

snowbank 雪丘,雪堆

snowbound 被雪困住的

snow-capped 积雪盖顶的

snowcap 雪顶

snow-covered 积雪覆盖的

snowdrift 雪堆

snowdrifts 被风刮在一起的雪堆

snowfall 降雪量

snowflake 雪花

snowman 雪人

snowmobile 雪上汽车

snowslide 雪崩

snowstorm 暴风雪

snowy 下雪的

stormy wind 暴风

transport agency 运输代理

transport infrastructure 交通设施



下雪了,真想吃炸鸡(fried chicken)、喝啤酒(beer)啊!(小孩子不可以喝酒!)



小雪:light snow


大雪:heavy snow



想到“暴风雪”,我们就怎么也诗意不起来了,吃倒是可以的!大家想到了什么?某冰激凌品牌的“暴风雪 Blizzard”系列冰激凌?


★ be snowed in:被大雪困住

Sorry, I’m late. I was snowed in.


★ be snowed under with:忙得不可开交

I’m snowed under with my homework.



1. cold-blooded 冷血的;冷酷的

例句:The real world is so different from what it is in my imagination.

But it is surely a real world, a cold-blooded world.


2. to get cold feet 临阵退缩

例句:She was to get married last month but she got cold feet.


3. cold shoulder 冷遇;冷淡对待

例句:Henry got the cold shoulder when he asked to have a date with Mary.


4. cold fish 冷酷无情的人

例句:Only he's like a cold fish,and there's just no life in him.


5. cold-hearted 无情的;冷淡的

例句:She is a cold-hearted person who does not really care about your



6. out in the cold 被冷落,遭排斥

例句:Every time I see you, you leave me out in the cold.


7. cold cash 现款,现金

例句:Jim bought a computer and paid cold cash for it.


篇三:《经典优美英语散文:First Snow初雪》


This morning, when I first caught sight of the unfamiliar whitened world, I could not help wishing that we had snow oftener, that English winters were more wintry. 今天早上,当我第一次看见这个陌生的银白色的世界时,我不禁衷心希望这里能够多下几场雪,这样我们英国的冬天才能更增添几分冬天的味道。

How delightful it would be, I thought, to have months of clean snow and a landscape sparkling with frost instead of innumerable grey featureless days of rain and raw winds.


I began to envy my friends in such places as the Eastern States of America and Canada, who can count upon a solid winter every year and know that the snow will arrive by a certain date and will remain, without degenerating into black slush, until Spring is close at hand. To have snow and frost and yet a clear sunny sky and air as crisp as a biscuit – this seemed to me happiness indeed.


And then I saw that it would never do for us. We should be sick of it in a week. After the first day the magic would be gone and there would be nothing left but the unchanging glare of the day and the bitter cruel nights.


It is not the snow itself,the sight of the blanketed world, that is so enchanting, but the first coming of the snow, the sudden and silent change.Out of the relations, for ever shifting and unanticipated,of wind and water comes a magical event.


Who would change this state of things for a steadily recurring round,an earth governed by the calendar? It has been well said that while other countries have a climate, we alone in England have weather. There is nothing duller than

climate,which can be converted into a topic only by scientists and hypochondriacs. 谁又肯拿眼前这般景致去换上个永远周而复始的单调局面,一个全由年历来控制的大地?有一句话说的好,别的国家都有气候,唯有英国才有天气。气候是最为枯燥和乏味的,或许只有科学家与疑难杂症患者才会把它当做话题。

But weather is our earth's Cleopatra, and it is not to be wondered at that we, who must share her gigantic moods, should be for ever talking about her. Once we were settled in America, Siberia, Australia, where there is nothing but a steady pact between climate and the calendar,we should regret her very naughtinesses, her willful pranks,her gusts of rage, and sudden tears.



1.degenerate v.退化,堕落

2.slush n.软泥

3.crisp adj.脆的

4.glare n.刺眼的强光

5.enchanting adj.迷人的

6.unanticipated adj.不曾预料到的

7.recurring adj.再发的,循环的

8.gigantic adj.巨大的

9.pact n.契约,协定

10.naughtiness n.顽皮

11.prank n.开玩笑,恶作剧

12.gust n.一阵强风


篇四:《英语散文,美丽的雪景The snow makes up the Hemu village》

The snow makes up the Hemu village,and making

it likes a Chinese ink painting

Spring exuviating her shyness, summer crossing her amorous, autumn walking away with her charming,the whole Kanas gradually keep silence,and quietly put on her dress.there is no air pollution, no noise,only the gleams white mountains, quiet and peaceful Tuva villages, the world of dreamlike fairy tale is regarded as the "last piece of pure land of mankind" of snow Township Hemu.

Every year starting from November, Kanas scenic area became silver-coated world of ice and snow,Kanas Township Hemu village is like a dream,As if it’s a freehand ink painting,At that moment, there is no green of spring, no flowers of summer and no colorful autumn, everything was covered in white snow, in general, the whole village is liking a landscape painting. Hemu River is in a world of ice and snow,Transpiration with bursts of water vapor, the pine, white birch on both sides are shrouded in fog, and Stained with the rime of white,the silent valley is like the fairy tale world.

In the winter, there is Hemu sunrise,everything from silence,no noisy tourists,no soliciting herdsmen,even wandering dog is still asleep at this moment, we carry our camera came to the platform so early to watch the sunrise.Hemu in the morning only 31 degrees below zero, although

very cold, but still excited to see the beautiful Hemu village for the first time in the winter.

In the morning,when the first sunshine comes from the tope of mountain,all the photography keep silent,only the sounds from the camera shutter.Everything is so beautiful and serenity in the village of Hemu that cover snow.

Hemu village has a long history,it has been called one of the most beautiful ancient village with other five ancient town and the garden of god in Xinjiang Kanas scend area by China national geographic.it is the most complete traditional living residence by the resident of Tuwa,it also known as one of the village that lived by Tuwa resident,what’s more is that it’s the largest village the only 3Tuwa village,Hemu village, Kanas village,and the white village of Haba.

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