

小学作文 zuowen 2浏览

【 – 小学作文】





"Protecting the environment,is everybody's business." Every time I go in the busy streets,always see some throw on the ground of dazzling things:the packing bag of brightly colored,the crush cigarette end,didn't chew clean apple and roll into a mass of waste paper.If everyone so don't speak hygiene,our beautiful home will become what look like?Spring outing,a lot of students litter the lawn or on the road.I asked them:"you didn't bring garbage bags?" They a face of vacant:"bag is used to hold snacks,why put on garbage?" Look at these throw away rubbish inside and many didn't eat "many fish","but beak","chips",I feel very distressed,parents pay for what they love to eat,so let them throw?Before lunch,I go to the bathroom,he found a faucet of the "huahua" alone flow "tears"!Is everyone who so careless?And forgot to turn off the tap.Have something says so:if it's not cherish water resources,then the earth up the last drops of water will is one of the eyes.Every time the water think about this sentence,will also have to forget to turn off the tap?"Protecting the environment,is everybody's business." Not only of an empty talk,but every little bit in our daily life.Never throw a waste paper to save every drop of water,the classmates,cheer,starts from me,from now to start,let us together to be the earth mother's environmental protection small guardians


“保护环境,人人有责。” 我每次走在繁华的街道,总是看到令人眼花缭乱的事物地面扔一些:色彩鲜艳,美眉烟头的包装袋,没有咀嚼干净的苹果和滚成了一团废paper.If大家如此?不讲卫生,我们美丽的家园会变成什么样子春游,很多学生乱丢草坪上或road.I问他们:“你没带垃圾袋?” 他们一脸的空缺:“袋子是用来装零食,为什么把垃圾?” 看看这里面扔掉的垃圾,很多都没有吃“很多鱼”,“但嘴”,“芯片”,我觉得很心疼,家长支付他们喜欢吃,所以让他们扔?午饭前,我去洗手间,他发现的“哗哗”流独“眼泪”水龙头是每个人谁这么不小心忘了关tap.Have东西是这么说的:!?如果它不珍惜水资源,那么地球起来最后水珠意愿的eyes.Every时间水想想这句话的,也必须忘记关闭水龙头?“保护环境,人人有责。” 不仅是一句空话,但在我们日常life.Never一点一滴扔废纸节约每一滴水,同学们,加油助威,从我做起,从现在开始,让我们一起为地球母亲的环保小卫士


Writing Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the title Immoral Behavior in Public according to the following OUTLINE given in Chinese. Your composition should be no fewer than 120 words.





To witness immoral behavior in public, one need only visit the Beijing subway. I still remember the first time I took the Beijing subway. It was an early morning. I was in a hurry to go to school. When I was trying to get a ticket, I found a lot of people waiting in front of me, but nobody was in the line. Immoral behaviors in public exert a series of problems. One of the most serious ones is that it may exert a negative impact on our sense of social responsibility. We will keep ignoring other people’s rights and feelings, and in turn, we too will be disrespected some day.{不道德的行为作文}.

The improvement of this phenomenon is certainly not easy. With an eye on practical implementation and cost effectiveness, I propose that society make it clear in every way that people who fail to respect the common good will be seriously punished. Stricter policies for this should be made to correct this phenomenon as soon as possible.{不道德的行为作文}.







Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic: Immoral Behaviors in Public. You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below:




范文:Immoral Behaviors in Public

We have all seen or experienced it before—those inappropriate and often unsanitary actions which disgust and annoy most cultured people in society. Spitting, littering, peeing in public—all these and others fall into this category. I personally had the embarrassing experience one late night of seeing a man peeing alongside the river. He was not embarrassed at all. Such inappropriate public behavior has a terrible effect on society. For one thing, most unsanitary behavior can spread germs and diseases to the general public. For another, they contribute to the pollution of the environment and show little or no consideration for the environment.

We must take steps as a society to improve this situation. Our government should sponsor public announcements and advertisements to emphasize the cultural inappropriateness of this kind of behaviors. Our schools and teachers should teach and enforce acceptable standards for all students. And in the home, parents, grandparents, aunties and uncles should all work together to teach the children what is right by example.





苏老师一想不妙,王皓要开溜,如果让他出了教室,自己的手机就别想找回来了。于是不管三七二十一,一下子抓住王皓,伸手往王皓口袋一摸,触到一个硬邦邦的东西,拽出来一看,果然是自己失的手机。王皓顿时无话可说了。 苏老师找回了手机,理应感到高兴,可麻烦却来了。 一个星期之后,她收到了一张法院的民事起诉书,说她用暴力手段搜查学生身体,严重伤害一了未成年学生纯洁的心灵,给他的成长道路留下了严重的阴影,要求苏老师赔礼道歉并赔偿精神损失30000元。














This time of year most students are focused on meeting new friends, joining new activities and upcoming classes. Thoughts of the past easily drift away while future exploits receive the most attention. But as you busy yourself with the new semester, pause a moment to remember the famous writer, Lu Xun, who would have celebrated his 124th birthday today.


In commemoration of this great man’s life, the Book Club has organized a guest speaker from Peking University to come speak to students about some of Lu Xun’s unpublished memoirs. The lecture will be in Classroom 204 in the main building, starting at 7:00 pm.

Such an academic lecture might not seem like the most appealing way to spend a Friday evening, but it promises to be an evening that will both entertain and inform even the most seasoned students of Chinese history.

2: 倡议书

Children’s Day is coming! To truly show your care for the next generation, students should use this Children’s Day to make a lasting gift — a donation to Project Hope in their honor.

As college students, we understand the value of education and the positive impact it can have on a person's future by increasing marketable job skills and earning power. Unfortunately, many children who have postponed their school plans to get jobs to support their families are unable to afford the expense of education today. With your support, Project Hope can continue to give deserving children the chance to strengthen themselves, their families and their communities through education.

To make a Children’s Day donation or for more information about Project Hope, check out our Web site at or you can contact the student union by the number 010-36227711


Dear Sir,

In reply to your advertisement in today's newspaper regarding a vacancy in your office, I wish to apply for the position of senior clerk, which you have specified.

I am strong and alert, and shall be twenty years of age in July next year. At present I am a student at Renmin University but I shall graduate from college this coming July, finishing the requirements in four years. Though I have had no experience, I feel confident that I can contribute to your company with the professional skills I obtained in college, including a high command of English.

I am enclosing my resume and letter of recommendation from the president of the University, I shall be obliged if you will give me a personal interview at your convenience.{不道德的行为作文}.


Greetings, prospective Lenovo interns!

This year, our program is heading into its 10th year of bringing China's best and brightest to the nation's capital to help China’s most successful technology company improve its reach into the next generation. We expect that 2006 will be the most exciting one yet!

Why, you might be asking yourself, do I want to be a part of this demanding, yet rewarding program? Check this out:{不道德的行为作文}.

You have the chance to see the inner workings of Lenovo’s marketing department from an insider’s perspective!

Over the course of just three months, you can build lasting relationships with some of China’s most influential business leaders!

Get access to first-class on-the-job training that is useful in a number of fields post-graduation!

The successful applicant will have a bachelor’s degree (or equivalent), and will have a working command of English. While the internship is unpaid, housing, food, and transportation are all provided.


5:Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the title Should Olympic Athletes Get High Salaries according to the following OUTLINE given in Chinese. Your composition should have no fewer than 120 words.

1: 雅典奥运会后,关于获奖运动员高薪的问题引起了社会的广泛关注。

2:有些人支持这种做法,认为运动员们付出了很多,赢得回报;有些人则持反对意见。 3:我的观点

After the Olympic Games in Athens, Greece, the topic of whether it is fair for athletes to pocket large sums of money from their Olympic participation is arousing more and more interest from the public.{不道德的行为作文}.

Those who support high salaries for these athletes may offer some of the following reasons. Firstly, just as the old saying goes, ―no pain, no gain.‖ The athletes in the Olympic Games must have undergone painstaking physical and psychological training. It naturally follows that they deserve commensurate compensation for these sacrifices. What’s more, they make significant contributions to a positive international reputation for their home countries. This gives them yet another reason to deserve monetary compensation in addition to the advantages already offered them. The main reason that the naysayers often have is that they do little to boost the national economy directly, and thus should not receive compensation of the monetary kind. Even the naysayers admit, however, that these athletes do offer a lot of positive encouragement to young people in persuading them to participate in physical activity.

As for me, I side with the supporters of greater compensation for Olympic athletes. The more we give, the more we deserve to have. On account of all the time and energy they spend in rigorous training, I firmly believe that they should get high salaries.

6. Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the title Immoral Behavior in Public according to the following OUTLINE given in Chinese. Your composition should be no fewer than 120 words.




Immoral Behavior in Public

To witness immoral behavior in public, one need only visit the Beijing subway. I still remember the first time I took the Beijing subway. It was an early morning. I was in a hurry to go to school. When I was trying to get a ticket, I found a lot of people waiting in front of me, but nobody was in the line.

Immoral behaviors in public exert a series of problems. One of the most serious ones is that it may exert a negative impact on our sense of social responsibility. We will keep ignoring other people’s rights and feelings, and in turn, we too will be disrespected some day.

The improvement of this phenomenon is certainly not easy. With an eye on practical implementation and cost effectiveness, I propose that society make it clear in every way that people who fail to respect the common good will be seriously punished. Stricter policies for this should be made to correct this phenomenon as soon as possible.


Direction: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition entitled Asking for Leave of Absence. You should write at least 120 words according to the following guidelines: Your name and role : Sam , a sophomore in English Class Two

Your Foreign Teacher’s name : Ms.Riddle

Incident: you cannot come to her class for some reason

Task: write her a note , asking for leave of absence

Asking for Leave of Absence

To: Ms.Riddle , my dear Oral English teacher

From: Sam , a respectful sophomore student of yours in Oral English Class Two

Date : January 8,2005{不道德的行为作文}.

Subject: Asking for Leave of Absence

Dear Ms.Riddle,

I would like to know if I could ask for a casual leave of absence from your Oral English class this Wednesday morning.

Yesterday evening I got a phone call from my cousin, who is now running a small firm in suburbs of this city. He needs an interpreter for two days but cannot find the most reliable person, so he wants me to have a try. Personally, I regard this as a golden opportunity to put what I have learned in your class into practice, but I need your permission of absence . If you think I may go and help him get over the difficulty, I am confident that I ’ll do a good job and both of us will be grateful.

Best wishes,

Earnestly yours,


8. Direction: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition entitled On Power Failure. You should write at least 120 words according to the following guidelines(given in Chinese):




On Power Failure

Recently, every morning when I wake up, I find my air-conditioner automatically turned off . I didn’t understand why at first, but soon I learned that there was a great shortage of electricity supply in our city – my air-conditioner turned off because of a power failure midnight.

With the rapidly developing industry and the ever-increasing population, demand for electricity supply is soaring. Besides, summers in recent years are much hotter than before , so most working places and households are air-conditioned , which consumes additional electricity.

Face with such a hard nut , we have to find ways to crack it . Above all , in western areas China , there is surplus of electricity supply. So , cities that are thirsty for electricity may ask for remote help. Then ,when we have electricity , we should remember to save it . Set your air-conditioners at 27C and you won’t feel less comfortable than when they are at 26C . In fact , some factories already shift their working hours to avoid the peak time of electricity consuming. My parents don’t work from Monday to Friday as before – they work form Saturday to Wednesday and have the following two days off instead. This is also a way out, isn’t it?

8 Away from Net-bar Campaign




Away from Net-bar Campaign

It has been reported that a middle school in Xuzhou City has recently launched a campaign named ―Away from Net-bar‖. More than a thousand students have signed for their solemn promise that they will not spend a single minute in the net-bars. With the nearing of the summer vacation, this campaign is especially meaningful for the healthy development of the minors.

The internet has brought people great convenience in getting information, entertainment and contact with others, and it has also benefited some businessmen, especially the owner of net-bars. While it is true that most net-bars are running legally, it is also true that some are offering unhealthy programs that involve violence and sex content. Since most middle school

students are prone to be influenced and they can hardly tell which bars are doing well and which ones are not, it is only advisable that they stay away from all. Besides , staying away from net-bars also does good to students’ physical health. By passively sitting too long in front of the computer screen, both their eyesight and physique suffer.

Obviously , the Away from Net-bars Campaign is an activity that is worth advocating

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