
goodhabits英语作文 good habits作文

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【 – 小学作文】

篇一:《五一英语作文:Good habits》

五一英语作文:Good habits

良好的习惯(Good habits)

There are many kinds of good habits. As a student, he should

study hard and finish the homework on time. It is a bad habit to copy other’s homework. He should not spend too much time playing computer games. He should take an active part in sports and recreation.

That’s a good habit, too. It is important for students to have good habits. Good habits will help a lot in our daily life.

篇二:《英语优秀作文good habits make good health》

Good habits and good health a twins. Good habits can make people health. For example, getting enough sleep, having breakfast, and doing exercise regularly. But some bad habits make people feel bad.

I had such a experience, in the past I often went to bed very late at night. So I felt very tired and sleepy the next day. I couldn’t learn well. So my mother ordered me to go to bed before 10 o’clock and little by Little, I have formed this habit. Now I feel much better and I can learn well.

From my experience, I know having a good habit important and. I’m going to form more good habits. I believe I will certainly have good health.

篇三:《五一英语作文:Good habits》

五一英语作文:Good habits

良好的习惯(Good habits)

There are many kinds of good habits. As a student, he should

study hard and finish the homework on time. It is a bad habit to copy other’s homework. He should not spend too much time playing computer games. He should take an active part in sports and recreation.

That’s a good habit, too. It is important for students to have good habits. Good habits will help a lot in our daily life.



As we know ,It's important for us to be healthy all our life. We can't study or work well without healthy body.

There're many ways to develop our good healthy habits. First of all, we should keep taking exercise every day. We can walk to school instead of taking a bus. After school, we can spend an hour playing ball games. If we live in a high-rise, we can walk upstairs or downstairs. Second, we should have a balanced diet. Third, We should often open windows to keep the air fresh. Wash our hands often, drink enough water every day. We shouldn't spit everywhere. If everyone has a good habit, we must keep fit.

In my opinion, we should try to develop healthy habits to build up a strong body. Only in this way we can have enough energy to study better.

篇五:《中考英语作文范文-2011永州 巧用提示信息 How to Develop Good Living Habits》

湖南省永州市2011年中考英语 巧用提示信息 How to Develop Good Living Habits? 情景英语(10分)

每个人都有不同的生活习惯,养成良好的生活习惯,会使我们拥有健康的体魄。良好的生活习惯有哪些呢?例如:每天按时起床和睡觉;饭前洗手;多吃水果和蔬菜,不吃垃圾食品;多参加体育锻炼;不乱扔垃圾和随地吐痰;不要再马路上玩耍,横过马路注意交通安全等。 根据以下提示,以How to Develop Good Living Habits为题写一篇英语短文。



提示:before meals (饭前); junk food (垃圾食品); rubbish (垃圾);spit(吐痰);exercise (锻炼);cross the road (横过马路); traffic lights (交通灯)。

How to Develop Good Living Habits?

Everyone has different living habits. Good habits can make us keep healthy. As teenagers, what should we do?

In my opinion,

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ In a word, if we want to keep healthy and happy, we must develop good living habits.


大致审题,发现题目差不多给出作文的大致内容。这类作文,就要巧用提示信息。用平时的学习中学会多用熟悉的短语、句子来表达。把每一个句子写清楚。注意句子之间的逻辑关系,适当地采用一些表示转折、递进、因果意义的连词,把提示信息连句成篇,如果字数可能不够,适当增加类似的内容, 如增加跟开头呼应的结尾。

How to Develop Good Living Habits?

Everyone has different living habits. Good habits can make us keep healthy. As teenagers, what should we do?

In my opinion, everyone should get up and go to bed on time every day. Don’t stay up to later. Everyone should washing hand before meals. It is good to get less sickness. Everyone should eat more vegetables and fruit. Don't eat junk food. What is more, everyone should do exercising. No littering and spitting. It is not allowed to play on the road. When crossing the road, everyone should obey the traffic rules. In a word, we must develop good living habits so as to keep healthy{goodhabits英语作文}.


观点型:in my opinion

递进型:what is more

总结型:in a word,



版权归英语角外文书店 店主 李连发, 英语角外文书店 店主预推出《最近5年湖南中考英语作文范文与方法点评》欢迎关注淘宝网店:英语角外文书店



优秀习作1 上海市世界外国语中学 吴思怡


“Sow a habit, reap a destiny.” What do you think of habits? What can our habits bring us? Write a passage of at least 60 words on the topic “Habits”. 优秀习作{goodhabits英语作文}.

Good habits are foundations on our way to success, while bad ones get in the way and hold us back. To begin with, good habits help us work more efficiently. If we get into the habit of tidying up our rooms, we will find it easy to obtain the things we need. Moreover, good habits leave others positive impressions. Showing our warm smiles is a habit which enables us to get along with our classmates and teachers well. On the other hand, bad habits can be destructive. Lots of people develop lung cancer just because of their habits of smoking. As you can see, habits really make a difference in our lives.



从语言驾驭能力看,本文句式丰富,语言流畅,既善于活用考纲词组如 “get into the habit of”,又有如“leave others positive impressions”等地道的表达,既有较复杂的主从复合句,又有短小有力的简单句,错落有致,一气呵成。



Your class would like to make time boxes for people in 2040. You start collecting things today and put them in the boxes. The people in 2040 will be able to compare their life with life now. You also need to write a letter to the people in 2040 introducing one thing in the box. 【Oxford 9B Unit 2 Writing】


To the people of 2040,

In the box you can find an energy-saving lightbulb. They all come from 2014. By holding the little bulb in your hand, you can sense its smooth, transparent glass-made shell, which is of oval shape. Inside the shell, some metal-made wires tangle with each other in a regular order. This is used to enable electricity to pass through the whole bulb to provide energy. Attach the bulb to a base and then turn on the switch, you’ll find the little bulb lighting up the dark room. Another characteristic of it is that it saves more energy than other kinds of bulbs. So this lightbulb is “green”.

We hope this will give you some information about life in 2014.

Yours faithfully, Angel








Write a passage of at least 60 words on the topic “The thing that made me angry”.

( 以“让我生气的事”为题写一篇不少于60个词的短文,标点符号不占格。) Use the following points as a guide:

What made you angry?

Describe the thing that made you angry in detail.

How did you deal with the situation?

(注意:短文中不得出现考生的姓名、班级及其他相关信息,否则不予评分。) 优秀习作

There are few things in life more annoying than being laughed at. When I failed to solve the question on the blackboard and just stood in front of it without saying a word, I could hear those annoying whispers. This really made a perfectionist like me get angry. But I couldn’t let the anger get me out of control. Instead, I chose to ignore those ironic words and focus on the question. In addition, I decided to work harder after school to get myself improved. Due to all the changes I made, I believe I can avoid being laughed at in the future.


全文结构清晰,层次分明,衔接流畅。本文从内容来看观点新颖、构思巧妙,以”being laughed at”被动语态的结构体现作者内心的不情愿,紧扣题目中的angry。作者侧重对于第二个问题的回答,以生动、细腻的文笔描写了站在黑板前的心理活动,让人读来有生临其境之感。而在结尾,作者不忘传播一丝正能量,驱赶了这个作文题可能带来的负面情绪。本文的内涵和语言都反映出作者的语言驾驭能力,以开头”There are few things … more … than …”来看,作者有丰富的语言积淀和极强的语言运用能力,因而全篇行文流畅,句式丰富,用词精准。本文值得初三学生学习借鉴。



Write a passage of at least 60 words on the topic “I like reading ________ (detective stories, newspaper, magazines, comic strips, etc.) best.”

Use the following points as a guide:

What do you like reading best?

Why do you like reading them best?

How do they influence your life?

(注意:短文中不得出现考生的姓名、班级及其他相关信息,否则不予评分。) 优秀习作

Magazines, as one form of ways to wisdom, are my favorite. Magazines combine the advantages of all forms of books. They have the diversity of information and at the same time, hold deep thoughts. There is rarely a thing that you can’t find in magazines. Reading magazines has provided me with the opportunity to broaden my horizon, gain knowledge and meanwhile, relax. Since they are more portable than others, you can roll them up and take them with you. In brief, reading magazines has brought laughter and knowledge to my life. I like reading magazines best.


该篇文章开宗明义,点名文章意图。从内容上看,从杂志包罗万象,开拓读者视野;到杂志放松读者心情;再谈到杂志携带方便可以随时取阅等优点,清晰详实地表达出了作者的观点。文章结尾再次点题,全文简短却简练,切题又精炼。从语言而言,作者具有较强的语言功底,能够熟练运用多样的句式和词组,如meanwhile, since, in brief, provide with等,使文章更富有变化和可读性。语句之间衔接通畅,用词准确自然。词汇量丰富,如wisdom, diversity, opportunity, laughter等。如果文章能在三点优点前用明显的词汇加以区分,如first, furthermore, what’s more等,能使其更加一目了然。



Someone says, “Sow an action, reap a habit; Sow a habit, reap a destiny.” What’s your opinion on this? Please write an article of 60-80 words on the topic “Habits”.





No one can deny that habits play an important role in our life. Everyone should have good habits and break their bad habits as well. In my opinion, habits can change your living style or standard. For instance, if you are an efficient person, you certainly won’t stay up late. This is a good habit that leads to a healthy life. Obviously, little habits undoubtedly change our life and even our destiny.



本文开门见山地给出观点: 习惯在我们日常生活中占据着非常重要的位置。我们应该养成好习惯改掉坏习惯。之后给出习惯何以重要的理由,并且以举例子的形式来辅助强调好习惯养成的重要性。最后一句总结首尾呼应,再次点题,全文虽短,却流畅通顺,一气呵成。{goodhabits英语作文}.


篇七:《英语作文范文Shopping Online》

Online Shopping

The modern technology has changed my shopping habits. I buy almost everything on the Internet such as books, clothes and electronics. While I need to do some shopping as usual, the convenience of shopping online, the wealth of merchandise’ information, the new system of payment are reasons for me to buy online.

To begin with, I don’t need to walk long distances to the nearest supermarket and bring the heavy goods home such as a sack of rice and flour. I can stay at home and find the goods online easily, then they will be delivered to my front door. What is more, I needn’t worry about the crowd and the opening hours. Second, I can get abundant information about products from network shop any time and any places. I can learn more about the design, color and size of the products. Particularly, other users’ feedback is very helpful for me. I can use these information to find the perfect item at the best price in different online shop.

The new system of payment is one of the reasons. I realize that I forget my wallet at home when I am standing in line at the supermarket many times. However, if I shopping online, I can pay bills over the Internet with my credit card. Additionally, I also can cash on delivery.

I used to go to supermarket once a week, but now I go there less than once a month. Because of these conveniences, I have gradually gotten used to shopping online. I believe that shopping online will became a part of people’s modern daily life.

Pan Lei

B115 Writing class








Directions: Your friend Lucy asked you for some information about successful interview.

Write a letter of no less than 100 words to give her some advice. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use "Wang Hua" instead. Do not write the address.

Dear Lucy,

You asked me for some advice on how to prepare for a successful interview and I will try to offer some useful suggestions。

First of all, find out all the information you can about the company before you go to the interview. Secondly, practice your answers to common questions and make a list of questions to ask, too. It will make you feel more confident and relaxed. Thirdly, try to make the best impression: dress appropriately, sell your strengths, arrive early, be enthusiastic, shake hands firmly, be an active listener, sit up straight and maintain eye contact. Finally, do not forget to say "thank you" after the interview。

I hope you will find these suggestions helpful. Good Luck!

Sincerely yours,

Wang Hua

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