
mygoodhabits的作文 my good habits作文

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【 – 小学作文】

篇一:《My good habits我的好习惯》

My good habits

Good habits make people happy, healthy and wealthy. As a middle student I have many good habits. Let me share them with you.

First of all, doing sports is an important part of healthy life. So I get up early every morning and run for half an hour. I also play ball games with my classmates at school. Doing sports make me happy and strong. At the same time, good eating habits are necessary. I eat different kinds of fruit and vegetables. As the saying goes,” An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” I don’t eat junk food. Finally, eight hours’ sleep makes me energetic. As you can see, good habits help me live a wonderful life.

篇二:《学生作文good habits1》

Good Habits

Once a habit is acquired, it will become a great force for us. Our habits will not only influence our body and health, but also will have an effect on our actions and minds. Habit isn’t a small issue, because it, to a great extent, determines people’s working efficiency and living quality. If one develops a good habit, he will gain acknowledgements from others and get a good image. Everyone understands the importance of good habits, but only a few people know how to form a good habit. To tell you the truth, the cultivation of a good habit isn’t difficult, especially for us—secondary school teenagers. However, to gain a good habit, we not only need to make a complete plan and put it into effect with our real positive actions, but also need to get rid of bad habits with backbone.

We all know that it is the first step that costs troublesome, but I believe everything is difficult before it is easy, and I believe that where there is a will, there is a way. If we make more efforts, we will cultivate a good habit, which will lead us to a better life.

All in all, let’s start to develop our good habits

篇三:《有关habits 的小作文》



Good habits lead the way to good health and success! Do you have any bad habits? How can you change those habits? Develop your good habits and improve yourself!

Knowing yourself is the first step towards success. Now I tell you my habits . . They are my good habits.of course,I have some watch TV only a few times a week. I often play basketball after school. And I keep my room clean and organized. I still don’t always make my bed, but I’m working on it.

篇四:《五一英语作文:Good habits》

五一英语作文:Good habits

良好的习惯(Good habits)

There are many kinds of good habits. As a student, he should

study hard and finish the homework on time. It is a bad habit to copy other’s homework. He should not spend too much time playing computer games. He should take an active part in sports and recreation.

That’s a good habit, too. It is important for students to have good habits. Good habits will help a lot in our daily life.

篇五:《英语优秀作文good habits make good health》

Good habits and good health a twins. Good habits can make people health. For example, getting enough sleep, having breakfast, and doing exercise regularly. But some bad habits make people feel bad.

I had such a experience, in the past I often went to bed very late at night. So I felt very tired and sleepy the next day. I couldn’t learn well. So my mother ordered me to go to bed before 10 o’clock and little by Little, I have formed this habit. Now I feel much better and I can learn well.

From my experience, I know having a good habit important and. I’m going to form more good habits. I believe I will certainly have good health.

篇六:《Unit 2 My good and bad habits》{mygoodhabits的作文}.

Unit 2 My good and bad habits

Hello, I’m a 13- year- old middle school student. Many people have their good habits and bad habits and so do I.

I have some good habits. For example, I exercise every day. And I always eat vegetables and fruit. I think they can make me strong and healthy. I usually get up early in the morning and sleep early at night. It is good for my health. I also like playing table tennis in the afternoon. It makes me happy and active. However, I still have some bad habits. For example, I often play computer games or go on line for a long time .It's bad for my eyes. I usually watch TV all day on weekends, so I can’t have a good rest. Of course, I like junk food, too. And I eat it two or four times a week. What about you?

篇七:《五一英语作文:Good habits》

五一英语作文:Good habits{mygoodhabits的作文}.

良好的习惯(Good habits)

There are many kinds of good habits. As a student, he should

study hard and finish the homework on time. It is a bad habit to copy other’s homework. He should not spend too much time playing computer games. He should take an active part in sports and recreation.

That’s a good habit, too. It is important for students to have good habits. Good habits will help a lot in our daily life.

篇八:《My Habits》

My Habits

Everyone has good or bad habits in all kinds of aspects.Today,I will talk about my eating habits because I am a food lover.

It is essential for people to develop good eating habits.Only we maintain a balanced diet can we lead a healthy life.In terms of eating habits, I have some preferences.

When I was only a little child,my mother had ever told me that breakfast was the most important meal in a day.I keep this in mind all the time.Therefore,my breakfast is changeable.In most cases,I will choose a bowl of porridge,a patty and a boiled egg.Sometimes,I will replace them by soybean milk,bread and noodles.When drinking soybean milk,most people are likely to eat deep-fried dough sticks because they think they’re classical collocation.However,I seldom choose them because I think they are not beneficial to my health.

When it comes to lunch, the food I prefer to eat is a great variety of vegetables that contain the vitamin.What I would like to eat are tomatoes, cabbage and eggplant.Occasionally, I also eat some meat and fish, which can provide me with lots of protein that my body needs.

As for dinner,I prefer some light food and adhere to the principle that dinner to eat less.After dinner,I am accustomed to eating an apple.As the saying goes,an apple a day keeps the doctor away.

All above are my good eating habits.Here comes the bad ones.In

reality,I am a sweet tooth.I am fond of eating a variety of sweet food like chocolate,cake and so on.Although I know that too much sugar will not only destroy my teeth but also make me fatter, I still can't resist their temptation.In addition,I usually lie on the bed after meals.It's bad for my stomach!In the course of time,this bad habit will result in gastritis.{mygoodhabits的作文}.

To keep fit, I would pay more attention to my eating habits!


作文1:My habits

What are your good habits?

What are your bad habits?

What do you do to change your bad habits?

With the time passing by, we gradually develop some habits. Some of them are good, but the others may be harmful to us. For example, I always go for a walk after meals because it’s good for our health. I think it’s a good one. But I have a lot of bad habits, too. I often eat a lot of sweet food. So I sometimes have toothache. And I only drink a little water every day. These sometimes make me feel terrible. I know that habits will affect your life style. So I’m going to change my bad habits. I’m going to eat less sweet food and drink more water.

Everybody has different habits just as they have different names. To me, my good habit is that I always finish my assignment on time. It helps me to have more extracurricular activities. I can learn lessons about life outside the classroom. I also have some bad habits now. Now I eat a lot of junk food like hamburgers. This makes my physical fitness become worse. So I have to have a balanced diet. I need to change my bad habits. I think my habits will become better and better.

Everyone has some good habits. So do I. I read books every day. I like reading books because books can make me knowledgeable. I do exercise regularly so that I can keep fit. However, I have to admit that I have some bad habits, too. For example, I often stay up late and get up late. It does harm to my health, so I need to change my bad habits. I should go to bed early and get up early. I have already bought an alarm clock to wake me up in the morning. I believe I will finally become much healthier as long as I persist in changing my bad habits.

作文2: You need to write a letter to your cousin Jason about your school arts festival. You shall tell him the following information in your letter.

1) When and where did your school have an arts festival?{mygoodhabits的作文}.

2) Why did you have it?

3) What did you do at the arts festival?

4) What do you think of it?

Dear Jason

How are you? Is everything going on well with you? My school had an arts festival in the gym last week. We had it because we wanted to celebrate the coming Chinese New Year. My classmates and I took an active part in it. I watched a lot of wonderful performances. The most exciting thing was that I acted as a prince in the short play of my class. The short play turned out to be a great success. I think this arts festival is the most successful and meaningful one I have ever experienced. I hope I can take part in the next arts festival. I promise to send you the DVD about it. I am sure you will like it.

Write soon.

Yours sincerely


作文3: You need to write a letter to your cousin Jason about your school international food festival. You shall tell him the following information in your letter.

1) When and where did your school have an international food festival?

2) Why did you have it?

3) What did you do at the international food festival?

4) How was it ?

Dear Jason

How is everything going on with you? My school had an international food festival in the gym last week. We had it because we wanted to raise money for some poor students in our school. My classmates and I took an active part in it. You know that I am not a good cook, so I worked as a volunteer in the activity. I helped my classmates to send food to others. I also helped to sell all kinds of foods. It was really exciting and cheerful that the money in my pocket was becoming heavier and heavier. We all couldn’t help crying when we learnt that we had raised 2056 yuan during the festival. I really enjoyed myself a lot at the festival and it was so meaningful. I hope to hear from you soon.

Yours sincerely


作文4: You need to write an e-mail to your penfriend Maria about your birthday party. You shall tell her the following information in your e-mail.

1) When and where did you have your birthday my party?

2) Who came to your birthday party?

3) What did you do at your birthday party?


4) How do you like your birthday party?

Dear Maria

How are you? Last Saturday was my birthday. We had a birthday party in my flat. My good friends Peter, Jason and Luke came to my birthday party. We had a great time. We sang karaoke and played chess. We had a lot of delicious food and drink. The most thrilling part was that we made a birthday cake ourselves. We named the cake Luck because we all hoped it could bring good luck to us. Of course, I remembered to take some photos so that I could keep these memorable moments in my life. I will send them to you soon.

I am looking forward to hearing from you.{mygoodhabits的作文}.

Yours sincerely


作文5:How to stay healthy

1) Is it important for you to stay healthy?

2) How can you stay healthy?

3) Why do you want to stay healthy?

I think it is important for us to stay healthy. I want to stay healthy because a healthy body enables me to study better and we can hardly achieve anything if we don’t have a healthy body. Although most people have realized the importance of health, they seldom know how to stay healthy. I think the most important thing we can do is to do exercise regularly. I usually spend at least 45 minutes doing exercise every day. In addition, having a healthy and balanced diet can also help us to stay healthy. I promise not to eat junk food. I should eat healthily. If I can persist in developing some good living habits like these, it won’t be difficult for me to stay healthy.

篇十:《中考英语作文范文 论习惯-On Habits》

中考英语作文范文 论习惯-On Habits






Habits, whether good or bad, are generally acquired. When a person does a certain thing once and again, he is impelled by some unseen force to do the same thing repeatedly; thus a habit is formed. Once a habit is formed, it is difficult, and sometimes impossible, to shake it off. It is therefore very important that we should take great care in the formation of habits. Some bad habits formed in childhood may remain lifetime. Older persons also form bad habits, and in some cases they are ruined by these bad habits.

There are good habits which, when formed in early life, are great blessings. Many successful people declare that they owe much of their success and prosperity to the formation of such good habits as punctuality, honesty, and perseverance in early life.

Such habits as rudeness, laziness, stealing and slandering are bad habits. If we want to be useful to society, we ought to keep away from ail these vices, and strive to acquire those habits that are proven to be good for ourselves and others.

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