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With today’s seemingly irreversible trend toward globalization, countries interact with each other more often and more intensely. As a result, worldwide interest in intercultural communication has risen. Although we are familiar with the introduction of western culture into China by Chinese scholars, whose aim is “to learn others’ strong points in order to surpass them”, ways of spreading Chinese culture to the west remain a mystery to most of us. Who are the harbingers of culture? The answer may be surprising: religious missionaries.

Christmas in China is a homogeneous culture formed with the Christianity preaching,With the reform being furthered,Christmas culture is prospering in China.Different from the Chinese native culture,Christmas is "the other" constructed by Chinese Christians.In other words,Christmas culture reveals the tendency that Chinese Christians try to weaken the pressure from "the other shore" with their Chinese boon from their life-world.

PhD students say 'No' to Christmas

By Li Qian (Chinadaily.com.cn)

Updated: 2006-12-21 18:13

As Christmas draws near, ten philosophy and education PhD students from China's top universities jointly publicized a petition on the Internet, calling on netizens, especially the young, to be less excited about the exotic holiday, Shanghai-based Xmnext.com reported December 21, 2006. This is the latest instance of public resistance to western culture and lifestyles in China. In the online petition, titled "Out of Cultural Collective Unconsciousness, Strengthen Chinese Cultural Dominance" and dated with traditional Chinese Era Calendar, PhD students from China's most authoritative universities including Beida, Tsinghua and People's University hope to "wake up the Chinese people to resist western cultural invasion".

A Santa Claus model blowing the trumpet is seen in front of

the Oriental Pearl Tower at the Lujiazui financial district

in Shanghai December 19, 2006. [newsphoto]

According to the petition, "occidental culture has been more like storms sweeping through the country rather than mild showers," and cites the prevalence of Christmas celebrations as a typical example.

According to the petition, in China, "when Christmas nears, shopping centres, restaurants and hotels have decorated Christmas trees,

Christmas messages flood the Internet, newspapers, TV and radio programs, hundreds of millions text messages are sent by cell phones, friends exchange Christmas greetings when they meet each other, and people revel until very late on Christmas Eve." The petition claims that the ancient oriental nation of China is shifting towards becoming a western society. The authors of the petition claim that celebrating Christmas is a personal decision, but most Chinese join in the celebrations without clearly knowing the origin of the occasion.

One of the reasons for this, according to the authors is a failure on the part of the government to maintain Chinese traditions while

encouraging the economy. Retailers and other business people are also to blame for using the festival to boost business. On Christmas Eve, people must wait for seats at nearly every restaurant in Beijing and other cities in China.

The petition goes on to state that this case should not be seen as an isolated phenomenon as American and European culture expand throughout China along with their technological and economic domination.

It seems the petition will not receive much support, judging from the large number of critical responses on the Internet. And it's likely it will be drowned out in the mainstream, where Christmas and Valentine's Day are becoming more popular than the Spring Festival among youngsters. On the same day another report from the Henan Business News in central China's Henan Province said a commercial chamber was planning a nude running event on the evening of December 24, and had received more than 1,700 applications to join in the activity.

Just like Christmas, western cultures and festivals have entered people's daily lives in China, but a large number of Chinese still need to learn more about their background and the deeper meanings behind the social events so they don't blindly copy something they don't understand.











Origin of Christmas

The name Christmas is short for 'Christ's Mass'. A Mass is a kind of Church service. Christmas is a religious festival. It is the day we celebrate

as the birthday of Jesus.

There are special Christmas services in Christian churches all over the

world. But many of the festivities of Christmas do not have anything to do with religion. Exchanging gifts and sending Christmas cards are the modern ways of celebrating the Christmas in the orld.

The birth of Jesus had a story: In Nazareth, a city of Galilee. The virgin's

name was Mary was betrothed to Joseph. Before they came together, she was

found with child of the Holy Spirit. Joseph her husband was minded to put

her away secretly. While he thought about these things, Gabriel, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and told him did not be afraid to

take Mary as wife. And Mary will bring forth a Son, and he shall call his

name, Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins.

Before Jesus births, Joseph and Mary came to Quintus was governing Syria.

So all went to be registered, everyone to his own city. Joseph also went up out of Galilee, out of the city of Nazareth, into Judea, to the city of David, which is called Bethlehem, because he was of the house and of the lineage of David, to be registered with Mary, his betrothed wife, who

was with child. So it was that while they were there, the days were completed

for her to be delivered. And she brought forth her firstborn Son, and wrapped





A圣母玛利亚 B.耶和华 C.路易十四 D.耶酥 答案D


A是 B不是 答案:B (是耶酥复活的日子)


A公元300年古罗马 B公元500年俄罗斯 C公元700年德国 D公元900年印度 公元700年德国


A马丁.路德 B白求恩 C里根总统 D灰姑娘 答案:A


A有 B没有 答案:A


A没有 B有 答案:B


A法国和英国 B意大利和中国 C美国和伊拉克 D印度和巴基斯坦



A10亿 B20亿 C30亿 D40亿 答案:B


A日本 B台湾 C冰岛 D罗马 答案:D

10.传说中的圣诞老人将他的第一份什么礼物放在没有钱办理婚礼嫁妆女孩的袜子里。A金币 B人民币 C美元 D欧元 答案:A



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