
家长签字作文 我从没有这样后悔过

字数作文 zuowen 2浏览

【 – 字数作文】




那天是星期三,数学期中考试卷子发下来了,我一看,呀!才83,要是让妈妈知道了我就完了。老师讲卷子时我心里暗暗地说:老师啊!千万不要让家长签字,那样我就惨了。但是事情偏偏不合我意,老师刚讲完卷子立马就说让家长签字,谁没签字就送谁回家。放学后我闷闷不乐,一进家门妈妈就说:“你怎么愁眉苦脸的?”“没什么。”我不敢说出卷子的事。吃饭的时候我和妈妈聊到了考试这个词,一不小心我把卷子的事给说了出来,妈妈说:“你们考试了?”“恩。”“考了多少?”“8……83!”我吱吱唔唔地说。我把卷子给了妈妈,妈妈看了之后说:“你看这道填<和的题,多简单呀,你居然会看错题目,扣了12分!”我一看,是呀,我真是太马虎了。我又想:妈妈会不会批评我呀?看她说话的口气好生气呀。哎……我完了!妈妈又说:“瞧这道题,上次你舅舅还给你讲过又搞错了,从今天起你就不要出去玩了,在屋里学习吧!”妈妈把签完字的卷子给了我。我真后悔当初舅舅讲那道题的时候我没认真听,现在失去了玩的自由,都怪我。 通过这件事我明白了:做事要认真,不能马虎,学习也要认认真真的学,决不能三心二意。



1.—What’s this? —It’s ________ alarm clock.

A. a B. an C. / D. the

2. What color ________ the chairs?

A. am B. is C. are D. it’s

3. Her name is Jenny Green. So her family name is ________.

A. Green B. Jenny C. Green Jenny D. Jenny Green

4. —Is this your pencil? —No, it is ________ pencil.

A. you B. she’s C. his D. my

5. —Your backpack is very nice. —________.

A. Thank you B. Not nice C. OK D. You, too

6. —________ is my soccer ball? —Under the bed.

A. What B. Who C. How D. Where

7. She ________ TV ________.

A.watch; every day B. watchs; everyday C. watches; every day

D. watchs; every day

8. For lunch, Tom likes ________, salad and pears.

A. banana B. chicken C. tomato D. apple

9. Come and see ________ yourself ________ Huaxin Clothes Store!

A. on; for B. at; for C. for; at D. for; on

10. —When is your birthday? —My birthday is July ________.

A. 12 B. twelve C. twelfth D. 12nd

11. —What ________ do you like best? —Comedies.

A. kind of movies B. kind of sports C. color D. kind of food

12. My brother can’t play chess, but he can play the piano ________

A. very good B. very well C. very nice D. very fine.

13. Ann’s mother often ________ the No. 8 bus to go to work.

A. take B. have C. goes D. takes

14. Scott’s favorite day is Friday ________ he has art ________ Friday.

A. because; on B. but; on C. so; on D. because; at

15. —________?—It’s Thursday.

A. What’s the time B. When is today C. What day is today D. Is it Thursday

第二节 选用方框中所给句子补全对话。有两项多余。(共5小题,计5分) A: Hi, Barry! Do you like sports?

A. When do you usually play it?

B. That sounds great.

C. What kind of sports do you like?

D. No, I don’t.

E. Where is your basketball?

F. Yes, I do.

G. How much is your basketball?

B. (16) ________ I often play sports.

A: (17) ________

B: I like basketball.

A: (18) ________

B: I usually play it in the afternoon.

A: Let’s play basketball this afternoon.

B: (19) ________ But my basketball is not at home.

A: (20) ________

B: It is at school. Do you have one?

A: Yes, I do. We can play with my basketball.

B: OK.


( )16. Rush Hour is action movie, and story happened in America.

A. a, the B. the, a C. an, a D. an, the

( )17. Excuse me. Where is your mother? I can’t find A. her B. she C. him D. he

( )18. — Does your brother an orange backpack?

— No, he doesn’t. But my sister one.

A. has, has B. have, has C. has, have D. have, have

( )19. is a student from Australia. name is Tina.

A. She, Her B. He, Her C. She, His D. He, His

( )20. I really like playing and I have two rackets.

A. chess B. volleyball C. tennis D. baseball

( )21. In our class there are healthy students, and they have

healthy food for


A. many, many B. lot of, lots of C. many, lots of D. much, much

( )22. my mother.

A. In, with B. On, with C. At, and D. For, and

( )23. His cousin often has French fries, tomatoes and for dinner.

A. chicken B. a chicken C. the chicken D.


( )24. I’m a little thirsty. Can you me some A. take, drink B. bring drink C. get, eggs D. buy, bananas

( )25. — Let’s have hamburgers for breakfast today.

— .

A. I like noodles better B. Let’s have bread

C. yes, let’s do D. That’s sounds great

( )26. It’s only 10 yuan! You buy it at a good .

A. way B. sale C. price D. money

( )27. The is only 31 dollars.

A. shorts B. T-shirt C. pants D. socks

( )28. I can’t paint well I like are very much.

A. and B. so C. but D. because

( )29. Edward thrillers because he thinks they are too scary.

A. wants to see B. not wants to see C. likes D. doesn’t like

( )30. Do you want some A. egg B. chicken C. hamburger D. banana


This is our classroom. It’s not big, but it’s very nice. The walls are and the desks and chairs are new. On the wall is a and we can find Beijing, Hangzhou, and Shanghai in it. There are some on the teacher’s desk. They are for our , Miss Wang. She is a good teacher and we all like her.

I’m on duty today. I school early. I help my teacher her book, map and pictures on her I tell her everyone is here. But I’m . Li Hong is not at n’t know she is . But I guess she is at home.

( )31. A. old B. short C. fine D. white

( )32. A. map B. clock C. racket D. photo

( )33. A. balls B. flowers C. lights D. food

( )34. A. friend B. daughter C. mother D. teacher

( )35. A. leave B. come to C. start D. join

( )36. A. know B. find C. put(放) D. show

( )37. A. desk B. bike C. floor D. chair

( )38. A. well B. young C. right(正确的) D. wrong(错误的)

( )39. A. home B. work C. party D. school

( )40. A. what B. who C. where D. how



This is a picture of Bill’s family. The man in a car is Mr. Read. He’s in his car. The woman is in the black car, too. She is in a yellow sweater. She’s a worker. Mr. and Mrs. Read have a son and two daughters. Their son, Bill, is on a bike. He’s in a blue coat. His sister, Ann, is a teacher. She’s not here. She’s at school. Sue is Bill’s sister, too. She is behind her father’s car. She has a nice cat. It’s black and white. Look, it is on the car.

( )41. Mr. Read’s car is_______.

A. red B. blue C. black D. white

( )42. Who’s Bill’s mother?

A. The one on the bike B. The one in Bill’s car.

C. The one behind the car. D. The one in a sweater.

( )43. How many people can you see in the picture?

A. Two B. Three C. Four D. Five

( )44. Who’s a school teacher?

A. Bill’s father. B. Bill’s mother. C. Sue’s brother. D. Sue’s sister.

( )45. Where can you see a cat?

A. In the bike. B. On the car. C. In the car. D. On the bike.


I’m Philip. I’m a writer(作家). I write books for the kids. I draw pictures for them, too. I get up at 8 in the morning. I write(写) from 9:00 to 12:00. In the afternoon I often do some sports in the park. My wife(妻子) Tina is a musician. She can play the piano, the drum, the guitar and the violin. She likes to help the kids in the music club. Julie is my daughter. She is a singer. She sings and plays the guitar. She makes CDs and cassettes. She sings in the evenings but not in the mornings. My son Peter is a sportsman. His days are full(满的). Every day, he runs, swims, and plays games. He can only basketball very well.

( )46. Who can write books in this family?

A. Julie. B. Tina. C. Philip. D. Peter.

( )47. Who often does some sports?

A. Julie and Peter. B. Philip and Tina. C. Philip and Julie. D. Philip and Peter.

( )48. When does Julie sing?

A. In the evening. B. In the morning.

C. In the afternoon. D. In the morning and evening.

( )49. How many people can play the guitar in this family?

A. One. B. Two. C. Three. D. Four.

( A. 教师 B. 工人 C. 农民 D. 运动员


56. How much are these (短袜)?

57. Dick is only five and his birthday is (十月五号).

58. Can you ?

59. Have a look at the T-shirts. We sell (它们)for only 5 dollars.

60. What is your favorite month?

61. What club do you want to (加入)?

62. Jerry can play the guitar very (好).

63. Mike usually to school at 7:30 in the morning.

64. Nancy (有)a white hat. She likes it very much.









妈妈的脸有些阴沉,我暗自窃喜,语文课上不是常提到“欲扬先抑” 吗? 看了试卷,妈妈忍不住笑了,我的心里乐开了花,正准备聆听进一步的赞许,妈妈已签上了名,将试卷沿着先前的折印轻轻叠好交给了我,平静地说:“还不错,继续努力!”便忙着做早饭了。我好似一条热带鱼被投进了北冰洋,冻愣了——这么冷淡!




《家长签字》家长签字 试卷发下来了,老师要求我们带回去请家长签字。 望着刚发下来的卷纸,我顿时感到欲哭无泪,心情一瞬间跌入谷底。“糟了,这次又考砸了。”我小声的嘀咕着,慢吞吞的背起书包,向教室外走去。 “这是什么鬼天气?”我低着头,暗自咒骂着。天空阴沉沉的,一切景物都变得朦胧起来,远处的几点灯光,,点缀着这没有夕阳的傍晚。一切都是灰色的,整个世界仿佛失去了颜色。我一个人背着书包走在幽暗的小路上,书包里只是多了几张试卷,却好像变得千斤重,压得我喘不过气来,脚步变得更慢了。风在我的耳边“呼呼”掠过,我仿佛已经听到了父母的训斥声。 终于挨到家了,推开门,我准备好接受“暴风雨”考验,但出人意料的是,家里没有人。 我拿起笔,翻开作业本,看着书上的练习题,所有的数字。字母。汉字仿佛组成了一串又一串的乱码,我看得头晕目眩,半天也没有头绪。我僵住了,怎么也无法下笔。我的大脑乱哄哄的,家里却异常的安静,我趴在写字台上,想像着妈妈好和爸爸骂我地点样子、这时,门铃响了,爸爸妈妈回来了。我的心猛然收紧。要知道,我这次成绩已经创造了历史新低,爸爸妈妈会怎样“处理”我呢? 晚饭后,望着正在看电视的爸爸和正在干家务的妈妈,心里做了决定,“现在是家长签字的最佳时机。”可是,从谁那里突破呢?最后,我还是选择了平时较为和善的妈妈。“妈妈”。我对妈妈挥舞着双臂,“什么事?”妈妈走进我房间。我连忙把卧室的门关上,生怕爸爸会听见我们的谈话,我拿出卷纸,递给了妈妈。妈妈先是一怔,然后仔细的看了看,眉头越州越紧,我的心也越来越紧张。妈妈舒展了眉头,潇洒地签上了自己的名字,就出去接着做家务了。我正想解释,但被妈妈那冷冷的目光制止了。“不用解释,重要的是你努力的结果》” 我坐回书桌前,想着妈妈的表情和反应,我更郁闷了。妈妈伤心了。如果老天能再给我一次机会,我一定会努力学习,考一个好成绩。妈妈,下次模拟考试,我一定会让您感到快乐和欣慰的!


《家长签字》家长签字 我小学人生中,有许多的签字作业,而最让我记忆深刻的一次家长签字是一次考试试卷的签字。 那次我拿着分数只有多分的语文考试卷,在回家的路上走着,心里总不是滋味。加到家,我立刻回到自己的房间,迅速的做起作业来,爸爸说:“嗯?今天他是怎么了,这么乖,好象有些反常。” 把全部作业(包括卷子)做完后,我慢慢的走到爸爸面前吞吞吐吐的说:“爸…爸我今…今天,我的试卷没…没考好,老师说让…让我给你签字。”“多少分”爸爸说多分。”我说。“给我看!”爸爸好象有些生气,“今天晚上把错题每个抄十遍,抄完后再给我签字!”我当时马上有一些泪水“霸占”了我的眼眶。 在我抄了一遍的时候,忽然爸爸拿着一杯热腾腾的牛奶来了,说:“非非快,写3遍就睡,来把牛奶喝了吧,我先给你把字签了。” 这时,我的眼泪又一次湿润了我的眼眶。 年11月18日星期日 


《家长签字》第八单元数学试卷发下来了!怀着急切的心情,我看到自己竟然考了98分,全班第三名,我心里自然比吃了蜜还甜。我心想:这回我一定要给爸爸一个惊喜!我蹦蹦跳跳地回到家里,刚进门,便大声叫道:“爸爸,我回来了!”爸爸走过来和蔼可亲地问我:“考试卷发下来了?”我回答道:“发下来了。”爸爸又问:“考得怎么样?”我含糊地说道:“还好吧!”我像往常一样,做完作业再给爸爸签字,我慢腾腾地把试卷递给爸爸,心里不禁咚咚跳起来:爸爸看了我考了98分,会怎么样呢?只见爸爸接过试卷,两眼盯住了那鲜红的98分,眼睛里露出一种欣喜的神情。我猜想:爸爸这时一定会大大夸奖我一番吧!可事实却大出乎我意料之外。爸爸仔细地看了一遍试卷,只用平静的口吻对我说道:“这次考得不错,有进步,下次要继续努力,争取永远保持这个水平啊!”我听了他的话,不禁大失所望,心想:难道我考了98分,换来的只是这些吗?我有些不满地问:“爸爸,您看了这张试卷,难道一点也不高兴吗?”爸爸听了哈哈大笑起来,连我都觉得莫名其妙,他笑了一阵子,说:“我的儿子考出好成绩,我怎会不感到欣慰、高兴呢?我之所以不称赞你一番,就是怕你被胜利冲昏头脑,下一次就难以考出好成绩了,这样是为你以后打算呀!”我心悦诚服地点点头,这才明白了爸爸的良苦用心,心中充满了对他的敬意。我向爸爸保证:今后一定要努力学习,不辜负爸爸对我的殷切希望!爸爸认真地在分数上签了字,写了评语。我感到这个字里似乎蕴藏着爸爸对我不尽的爱意……对于这,我还能说些什么呢?武汉市育才二小五年级 任灏鋆本文系本站用户原创文章,未经允许禁止!




第一项,是看拼音填空。她写错了两个字,减掉一分。Wo( )居,xu( )水,写错了,我问她蜗牛,积蓄,她都很正确地写了下来。看来不是字不会写的问题,而是对词的意思不理解造成的。那么以后就应该加强一字多词的练习,同时要把词语的含义搞清楚。于是,在此项大题的末尾签字“以后要注意一字多词的积累,哪怕是每周复习的时候,把一个字多组几个词来读一读,也会有颇多收益。”

再往下看,错的是一道选择合适的词语的题。“小李工作很出色,领导很( )他。”她填的是“赏识”。估计标准答案是“欣赏”。女儿说:“这样的题做过,老师说填赏识也可以。这一分给我减错了。”我想这题出的也许有点儿不太科学,标准答案也是中国考试的一点弊端。只有对女儿说:“分数不是最重要的,重要的是学到了丰富的知识,中国的语言确实是博大精深的。每一个词都值得仔细推敲。以后这样的填空在比较过之后,填最恰当的那个词吧。”

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