
关于春运的文章 铁路春运的文章

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【 – 字数作文】














春运,对于政府和老百姓来说,都是一个老大难问题。要想把这个问题写深写透,没有几千字是不行的。怎样才能在有限的字数里,表达清楚自己的意思呢?小作者借用了童话的写法,以一列火车的口吻,从“当事人”的角度,娓娓讲述了对春运的感受和看法。文笔虽然稚嫩,但构思巧妙。文中小标题的运用,增加了作文的逻辑性,让人一目了然。文末,一句“春运?春运!”表达出无限的感慨与无奈,令人浮想联翩。 《关




Every year the traffic is very busy during the Spring Festival,especially the train station.


Many people decide to return back to their hometown by train,so it make the traffic very crowded and busy.



Now,the number of the people who go home by train is increasing quickly.


For the train tickets are cheaper than the airplane tickets,many people would rather travel round by train instead of airplane.{关于春运的文章}.



春运(passenger)transport during the Spring Festival period

客运量 volume of passenger transport

客运列车 passenger train

客流高峰期 peak time for passenger transport

加开列车 operate / arrange extra trains{关于春运的文章}.

开通24小时售票窗口 open 24-hour ticket sales windows

集体预定火车票 group ticket-booking

送票上门 deliver train tickets to the doorsteps

规范售票 regulate ticket sale

打击票贩子 crack down on scalpers

缓解交通压力 ease the traffic pressure


The volume of passenger traffic reaches its climax before and after the Spring Festival 。


The train ticket prices will not be raised during the Spring Festival period this year 。


Most of the passengers are college students on their winter vacation and migrant workers returning home for Spring Festival.


Passenger flows will be concentrated in Beijing , Guangzhou , Chongqing , Wuhan and some other cities .


Only when I leave for another province to continue my study, can I find that how hard it is to go home during the spring rush which is an annual busy period when most of the migrant workers, students come back to their hometown for Spring Festival .Unfortunately, I’m one of the migrant students and suffer a lot from the spring rush.{关于春运的文章}.

Due to the large flow of people and the undeveloped transportation, it’s not easy to buy a train ticket during the rush period. Sure, I also have some other choices, such as by air or taking the long-distance bus, but compared with the last two choices ,I prefer to the first one.

First of all, there’s a relatively developed railway transportation in China, and the railroads can almost lead to everywhere, let alone my hometown, Chongqing. To a certain extent, it’s a convenient way to take the train home. In addition, students can get a preferential price when taking a train. So, it’s much cheaper than taking the airplane and almost everyone can afford it. But most of all, I can enjoy the spectacular views along the line, which attracts me most.

Personally speaking, taking the airplane is not so good. Not everyone can afford the high cost of taking airplanes, and once a accident happens, no one can survive. Another thing that I can’t stand is that the air trip is boring for the plane flies so fast that all what I can see outside the window is only the endless sky with clouds. As a general rule, I will give up the expensive and unsafe way to go home.

To me, the long-distance bus is the most unfavorable way because of my serious carsickness. If so, I’d rather stay in school than come back home.

Every year when winter vacation comes around the corner, buying a train ticket is no less hard than getting a success to a war. It’s a terrible thing, but not the worst. The worst thing happens when I get on the train. People are everywhere, the benches, the passage. I can’t find a way to get through the crowd, and I think even an ant can’t do that either. I struggle to move and about thirty minutes later as people are well-ordered , I already have been tired to die.

Coming back home by train during the spring rush is really a difficult task, but once I think of my Family members, the energy appears to me again, and then I enjoy the bitter coming from the tough trip as if it were malt sugar.

第四篇:《归 途 作文 春运》

归 途

春节前夕,在去上海的动车上,我见到了这家人。 孩子爸爸额头上的皱纹,一道道又粗又深,仿佛是用刀在那黝黑而粗糙的土块上刻出来的。妈妈背着背篓,牵着两个孩子——姐姐三四岁的样子,扎着一对羊角辫,小脸上嵌着一双山泉般清澈的大眼睛;弟弟还在蹒跚学步,一岁左右。这一家子一看就是外出打工、要回家过年,他们就坐在我们旁边。

起初老妈怕两个小孩闹,让我给他们俩每人一个棒棒糖。孩子爸爸有些“受宠若惊”,只是冲着我们笑,妈妈喃喃地对孩子说:“说谢谢了没?” 小女孩满脸灿烂地笑:“谢谢姐姐!”,说完就只顾吮吸手中的棒棒糖。





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