
关于嫉妒的作文 关于嫉妒的作文素材

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太仓市双凤中心小学 六(3)班 陆静逸{关于嫉妒的作文}.





指导老师 王银菊 《有关嫉妒的作文》


Reading Materials II: Patterns of Paragraph Development

1. Literature gives us many examples of jealousy, but a look at daily life yields an ample supply closer at hand. Take the three-year-old child who lives upstairs. His parents have just brought home a newborn baby sister, and the three-year-old acts as if an enemy had entered the house. He is jealous of his sister. Or look at the wife whose husband is talking to another woman at a party. The more interested he seems in talking to the woman, the more unattractive and irritated his wife feels. The wife is jealous. For another example, picture a young computer programmer, considered a whiz, appreciated and praised by his co-workers and boss. In comes a new programmer, who starts to share some of the limelight and accolades that were formerly given to the first programmer. The programmer feels jealous. In all three cases, the people feel their relationships threatened by a rival: They feel jealous.{关于嫉妒的作文}.

2. The terms jealousy and envy are often used in place of each other, but there is a basic distinction to be made between them. Envy is the feeling that we want to have something that we do not have. It could be the neighbor’s car or the classmate’s high score on a test. Jealousy, on the other hand, is the feeling or thought that we might lose something (more usually someone) that we already have. A jealous husband fears he will lose his wife; a jealous child fears losing a parent’s love to a new sibling. If the distinction does not seem important, consider that society’s reaction to the two is very different. Western society accepts jealousy but rejects envy. Westerners sympathize with the jealous lover’s situation and may even secretly endorse the lover’s rash actions against a rival. However, pity the person who is envious of a neighbor’s swimming pool. That person is covetous according to Western religious and cultural values and receives no sympathy.

3. An anthropological look for causes has led some experts to conclude that jealousy is biological — that it is instinctive behavior, in other words. A more interesting approach might be to look at why some people are more jealous than others. In surveys, psychologists have discovered three personality characteristics that the very jealous have in common. The first is insecurity in relationships, stemming from low self-esteem. The jealous person does not see him- or herself as worthy of the love and attention of the other person, perhaps. Another characteristic of the jealous person is a greater than normal discrepancy between how that person is and how he or she would like to be. Looking at it another way, we could say this person was quite dissatisfied with him- or herself. The last characteristic is that the very jealous tend to put a lot of stock in worldly items such as wealth, fame, popularity, and physical attractiveness. These are, of course, important to most people but not to the same degree that they are to the very jealous. That we might call these personality traits causes of jealousy is possible only because those with the characteristics exhibit abnormal levels of what is a normal human emotion, jealousy.

4. The first time I remember feeling jealous was many years ago when I was three or four. I had been carefully choosing the right crayons to color pictures in a new coloring book on the floor in the dining room. Satisfied that I had done a good job, I wanted to show my new masterpieces to my mother, who was busy with morning chores in the kitchen. My father, too, might like the pictures, but he was sleeping. So into the kitchen I went carrying the new pictures. I found my mother there, but to my dismay, she was not waiting to “ooh” and “aah” at my artwork. Instead,


she was in the arms of this man, who was kissing her. My attempt to interrupt this nonsense was met by, “We’re busy, can’t you see?” from my father. There was no response from that woman — that woman who preferred him to me, that nonsense to my masterpiece. I ran to my room broken-hearted.

5. Though the basic feelings involved in jealousy may be the same no matter what the cause, it can be useful to look at the different faces jealousy can wear. All cases of jealousy probably fall into one of four categories. The first, the one that probably pops into most people’s minds when jealousy is brought up, is sexual jealousy, between husband and wife or between lovers. Another kind of jealousy, found within the family unit, is jealousy among brothers and sisters. All children, with the possible exception of the youngest, have probably felt this kind of sibling rivalry. Professional jealousy is yet another kind of jealousy. Here we are talking not only about the jealousy that can exist among employees in relation to their boss or co-workers, but also about the jealousy that often exists between athletes on the same team or students in the same class. Last, and perhaps the slowest to be acknowledged by many people, is jealousy between friends, which develops when one friend feels threatened by another friend’s other friendships. This kind of jealousy, possessiveness, would even include a husband who feels jealous because much of his wife’s former time and affection for him is now going to the children. That we even attempt to classify jealousy is not to imply that the jealous feeling is different in people from one classification to another. Rather how a jealous person might try to deal with the jealousy is very likely influenced by its classification.


6. Although a subject of many songs and much literature, jealousy is not a topic that has a long life span in most daily conversations. What is this unmentionable emotion that all people feel at times, many suffer agony over, and some are led to crime by? Jealousy is the feeling of fear, unhappiness, or even ill will that arise when a person feels that an important relationship with someone is threatened. The negative feelings are a reaction to loss — real, potential, or imagined — of someone important in our lives. Some psychologists speculate that the origin of jealousy lies in biology, i.e., that jealousy is an instinctive response in humans. Others see an economic basis for jealousy; there is a limited amount of care a parent can give a child and limited amount of emotional and sexual energy a spouse can give a partner. A new child in the family or a lover encroaches on these attentions. Still other theories exist to explain jealousy, the emotion difficult to talk about because it poisons the very relations that it wants to keep and nurture.

7. John had no idea what to do about his feelings. He was ashamed of himself for how he felt when his wife spoke to another man, even the mail carrier or a clerk at the store. He could feel anger building in his head, which was like a bomb about to explode. Underneath the anger was an emptiness, a feeling that perhaps there was nothing in him to love. Were other men better-looking than he was? Somehow more attractive to his wife? He couldn’t actually talk to her about it because she would think he was silly for feeling jealous. More often, he would just turn away so that she couldn’t read the jealousy in his eyes. The one time he had confronted her with his feelings, she didn’t know what he was talking about. And when she had found him snooping in her purse (was he looking for a tell-tale note or some sign of infidelity?), her reaction was a soft sigh of disbelief and then a look of confusion. Could he end this agony before it ended his marriage?

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