
一只猴子的西游作文 我是一只猴子作文400

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【 – 字数作文】





物质的天空下,一切不再重要。都需要明码标价,量化物化。残酷的世界真正的自我暴晒着,并流淌着名利的油脂。我不喜欢super market,一排排的货架,贸易着大小商品的尸体。低头看看,我一脸惨白,皮肤生了条码,我便有了价钱。只要我愿意,我的卖价可以一路飚升,虽然现在我还是印花特价商品,很不想就这样一次次地被出卖给需要廉价商品的人。于是我努力的生出尾巴,磨光屁股,每天梦想着变成一成猴子爬上高高的竿子。踢下无数老弱病残。笑着对他们说

活该 。然后一口浓痰,从牙缝里挤出几个字:“物竞天择,猴子也不例外。”




A Monkey Tale

Scene One To Be A Follower

Acted by Shen Shiyi from Quanhai Primary School

"Uhh, ahhh! Help!"

Once upon a time, in China, there was a monkey king.The monkey king had magic powers, but he was naughty.So the Buddha trapped him under a mountain.

One day, a monk named Tripitaka came riding by on a horse.{一只猴子的西游作文}.

"Monk, help me! Help me!"

"Uh, huh? Who's that?"

"Look over here. I'm under the mountain."

"Oh, it's a monkey."

"Come on. Help me!"

"That's right! You're the naughty monkey. Buddha told me about you."

"I'm the Monkey King!"

"Oh, yes. I'm sorry. You're the Monkey King. I think I can help you."{一只猴子的西游作文}.

"Really? How?. "

"I'm on my way to lndia to get the Buddha's teachings. I need some help. Will you be my follower?"

"Be your follower? Hmm… okay. I'll be your follower."

"That's good! Now put this ring on your head."

"What's that?"

"It's from the Buddha. It shows you're my follower."

Then Tripitaka began to pray.

"Amida Buddha, Amida Buddha. If it is your will, free this Monkey King to be my follower.

Take the seal away."{一只猴子的西游作文}.

Thunder roared. Lightning flashed.

" Ow! Oh!"

The mountain rose in the sky. The monkey king was free.


" Hooray. I'm free. This is great! "

"Are you ready to go?"

"Sure. I'm ready."


"Magic cloud, come here. Master, have a seat. We can ride to India on my magic cloud."

"No, Monkey. That's too easy. Buddha doesn't like the easy way. We have to walk."

"What? Walk? Well, you can go by yourself, then. I'm going to ride on my cloud. See you."

"Wait, Monkey."


"Ow! That hurts! "

"Come back. Huh? Ah!"

"You're making me mad."

"Don't hit me."{一只猴子的西游作文}.

"Don't say spells."{一只猴子的西游作文}.



"Ow! Oh! That hurts! I'll be good. I promise. Ow! Ow!"

"See? Listen to me, or I'll say the spell again. Now, let's go."

"Yes, Master."

"Let's get going."

Tripitaka and the Monkey King walked on and on.

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