
it,is,never,too,late,to,learn it is never too late

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篇一:《It Is Never Too Late To Volunteer》

It Is Never Too Late To Volunteer

201006310 Linda

Last summer, I volunteered to be an English teacher in a primary school for the children of migrant workers. To be exact, I was not volunteering, I was dragged into it. When I came into the shabby classroom, I was shocked. The students were reading books loudly, which was distinctly removed from what I had in my mind. A week’s teaching passed away, I felt sad when I was leaving. This volunteer teaching made me unforgettable and reflected the significance of volunteer teaching. As far as I am concerned, volunteer teaching brings educational resources to the countryside. To the volunteers, they both practice their knowledge and gain new valuable skills and experience that will help them in the career path. In addition, they know more about the grassroots and win the thankful hearts. On the whole, volunteer teaching is a significant pursuit.

In the first place, volunteer teaching brings excellent educational resources to the countryside. In China, there is a gap between city and countryside in education. Volunteer teachers just like new blood of the body, which improve the countryside education. There is a special program in China which is organized by the government. Every year, there will be a large amount of volunteer teachers sent to western China to support the education. The college student named Xu Benyu is one of them. He is the person who won the “2004 China Prize for Who Move China”. He has been volunteering in the countryside and planed to live a life of selflessness to the education. He devoted himself to education and made progress in local education. Volunteer teachers do improve the educational level of countryside, and these friendly behaviors enhance the harmony of society. Volunteer teaching in countryside benefits

society in normal, spiritual and emotional ways.

Not only can volunteer teaching bring excellent education resources to the countryside, but also offer an important opportunity to apply knowledge and skills acquired in college to practice. In the meantime, volunteers can gain new skills and experiences. If you are a volunteer teacher who teaches the children in the countryside, you will easily find this fact. By doing this, you will be given the chance to see if you have got a good command of knowledge. Besides, it reminds me of the words of Mahatma Gandhi, “the best way to find you is to lose yourself in the service of others.” Volunteer teaching which is the most significant accomplishment will be the contribution you make to improve the lives of others. The children in that area are able to enjoy the sunshine again and gain a new life because of enormous efforts of volunteers. Although volunteering is the work without monetary compensation, you can enjoy the journey of teaching knowledge and awakening the poor children. Furthermore, during the process of volunteering, you learn the new skills and experience which is beneficial in the rest of your life. My English teacher Mike is a kind volunteer teacher. He told me that the Peace Corps which is the organization he joined, provided him with up to three months of intensive training before service began and offered continued training throughout his service. Obviously, these experiences will add to the beauty of Mike’s life. These precious experiences will help a lot in any career path, even the path of finding the true meaning of life.

Last but not least, volunteer teaching provides us with a chance to learn to be grateful. A friend of mine has been a volunteer teacher in western China. He told me a lot of things about the local society. In the shabby classroom, with the squeaky desk, the children are thirsty for

knowledge. He also told me a story about a little boy whose father built asphalt roads, tireless and enthusiastic. Inside myself a heart is growing, a heart that not only beats for myself, but cares for others as well. Volunteering gives us a little precious chance of saying thanks to people like the little boy’s father, who constructs highways and undergrounds, and makes our cities more and more beautiful. To help the children with their courses is all we could do at present to show our gratitude to these unsung heroes. Moreover, I was affected by it. I began to understand that everyone is able to do a good deed for this society. For a person like me, who is not working and who has absolutely no money at all, I can do volunteer, though. Maybe I would be a formal volunteer teacher in the future like Mike.

Winston Churchill once said:“we make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give.” Volunteer teachers just like the candles, which light others’ lives but consume themselves. They make a friendly bridge between big cities and countryside, spreading civilization to the poor areas. Their experiences and new skills lead them to the road of a new life. They also develop a heart of gratitude through volunteering. As I have shown, volunteer teachers belong to those people you have likely heard of and who in one way or another, directly or indirectly, by intention or accident, change the fate of countryside’s children, and gain a significant life of them.




一、基本形式:too+adj. / adv.+to do .其中“to do”修饰“too+adj. / adv.”作为结果状语或程度状语。“to do”通常包含否定意义。

1. The problem is too hard for a child to understand.(问题太难了,小孩子不能理解。)

2. Examples are too many to cite.(例子太多,举不胜举。)

3. It’s too cold to go in the sea yet.(天太冷,还不能下海。)

4. It’s too long a journey to make in one day.(路程太远,一天之内到不了。)

5. It’s too good an opportunity to miss.(那是一个不应该错过的极好机会。)

6. It’s too early for us to go yet.(我们现在就去太早了点。)

7. It’s too cold to go swimming.(天气太冷,不能去游泳。)

8. He is too much of a coward(too cowardly) to fight.(他太懦弱,不敢抗争。)

9. It’s too late to shut the stable door when the steed is stolen.(贼去关门,为时已晚。)

10. Lying in the pool of blood,she was too week to speak.(她躺在血泊里,虚弱得说不出话来。) 上述例句中,有的主语和不定式有逻辑上的动宾关系(即句子的主语在逻辑上是不定式的宾语),有的则没有这种关系。如果存在这种动宾关系,句子的不定式用主动语态或被动语态在意义上常无多少差别。当然,如果不定式采用被动语态,这种逻辑上的动宾关系就变成了逻辑上的主谓关系了。

1. Atoms are too small to see(or be seen)with naked eyes.(原子太小,肉眼看不见。)

2. It’s too hot to eat(or to be eaten).(太烫了,没法吃。)

3. The light is too dim to be used for close work.(这灯太暗,不能用来做细活。)

4. That was too complicated to be expressed clearly inone or tow words.



1. Novels in the original are too difficult to read.(主动语态)(原版小说太难读了。)

2. At that time he was too far away to be seen.(被动语态)



二、当“too to”结构之前加了not,only,but,all,never等词时,“ tooto”结构构成的句子也无否定意义。此时too后的形容词多为表示心情的形容词。因为,在此情况下,这些词加too在意义上相当于 very。

1. One is never too old to learn.(活到老,学到老。){it,is,never,too,late,to,learn}.

2. Swimming is not too difficult to learn.(游泳并不十分难学。)

3. We are only too pleased to go with her.(我们非常乐意和她一起去。)

4. Mary knew but too well to hold her tongue on that occasion.


5. It’s never too late to mend.(亡羊补牢,犹未为晚。)

6. They are all too satisfied to follow others suit without the pain of thought for themselves. (他们十分满足于依样画葫芦,自己不肯花力气、动脑筋。)


He is too cruel to sympathy for others.(他太残忍了,对人不会有同情心。)

此例句中,在too cruel 之前不能添加only,but 之类的词,否则会引起逻辑上的自相矛盾。{it,is,never,too,late,to,learn}.

He is only too lazy to do it himself.(他太懒了,哪会自己去干那种事。)

其中的only也属误用,应该去掉。由此可见,能否在too 之前加上诸如only,but 等词,关键是too 之后的形容词的意义。常用的形容词有glad,pleased,willing,thankful,good,true等等。

1. At another time I learned that no matter was too small to escape the Prime Minister’s attention. (另一次,我发现,事无巨细,总理事事关心。)

2. He was an all-round genius. Nothing was too difficult for him to learn.


3. The question was so easy. Noone in the world was too foolish to answer it.


三、此结构与ready,anxious,inclined,apt,easy,eager,willing,happy 这一类词连用时,也不再含有否定意义。 too不再只和to do 发生关系,而是修饰too 之后的整个部分了。

1. The old women was too ready to talk.(那位老妇人太饶舌。)

2. He is too ready to find fault.(他最喜欢挑毛病。)

2. The tradesman was too anxious to sell his pens.(这位买卖人十分急于卖掉他的钢笔。)

4. He was too willing to accept Mary’s invitation.(玛丽的邀请他求之不得。)

5. Beginners are too apt to make mistakes here.(初学者特别容易在这儿搞错。)

从这些例句中,我们不难发现,too 不仅没有使句子产生否定意义,相反,它还起了某种强调作用,使之成为一种加强语气的结构。这在教学中要引起注意。

四、在“tooto”结构中,to do前用 not加以否定。“ tooto”结构通常已含有否定意义,在其中加上not后便形成了“双重否定为肯定”。这样,“ toonot to do”所表达的意思就是:“如此是会”,或“如此哪能不”。

1. He was too angry not to criticize her.(他太生气了,哪能不批评她。)

2. The poem is far too beautiful not to be requited here.


3. His experience there was too bitter not to be remembered.


4. Mr. Holmes was too wise not to see the tricks of the criminals.


5. Tom is too hard-working not to pass the exam.(汤姆这么用功,哪有考不及格的道理。)

6. He read too many books about Africa not to known something about the social customs there.(他读了那么多有关非洲的书,不会不对哪儿的社会习俗有所了解。)

五、“Tooto”与“enough to”和“ sothat”的区别:

“tooto”结构与“enough to”和“ sothat”,它们间有共同点,也有不同点。


A. 它们都可做结果状语或程度状语。

1)A train was coming near quickly,and the boy was too frightened to move.


2)When we talk about the universe,we mean notonly the earth,the sun,the moon and the stars,but also all the things too far away to see.


3)At the end of six months he had learned enough to read articles and reports in Russian. (六个月他学习得能看俄文版的文章和报道了。)

4)Is the ice hard enough to skate on?(在冰上滑冰,冰硬不硬?)

5)In fact,his English inone of these articles was so good that Engels wrote him a letter and praised him for it.(事实上,从马克思的其中一篇文章中可以看出,他的水平是很好的,从此,恩格斯给他写信表扬了他。)

6)He had mastered the language so well that he was able to write the book in English. (他对英语掌握得很不错,能用它写这本书了。)

B. 它们之间可以相互转换,其意义不变。

1)“tooto”结构与“enough to”结构相互转换,要改用反义的形容词。如: I’m afraid I am too stupid to follow your argument.

= I’m not wise enough to follow your argument.

Spanish is not too difficult to learn. = Spanish is easy enough to learn.

Your nails are long enough to scratch anybody’s eyes out.

=Your nails are not too short to scratch anybody’s eyes out.

That box is not big enough to hold all these things.

= That box is too small to hold all these things.

由此可见,在“tooto”结构与“enough to”结构的相互转换中,如果一种结构为肯定,另一种结构则为否定,反之也如此。


It was too cold for us to go shopping. = It was so cold that we couldn’t go shopping.

You are so big and the jar is so small that it could hardly holdone of your feet.

= You are too big and the jar is too small for it to holdone of your feet.

3)“enough to”结构与“sothat”结构相互转换。For example:

It was cold enough to freeze our fingers.

= It was so cold that our fingers froze.

The boy’s father was so thankful that he taught Edison how to send messages by railway telegraph.

= The boy’s father was thankful enough to teach Edison to send messages by railway telegraph.


1)“tooto”结构通常表示否定意义,“enough to”结构则表示肯定意义。

He was too tired to go any further.(他太疲倦了,不能再往前走了。)(表否定意义) This book is easy enough for a six-year old child to read.


2)“tooto”和“enough to”结构不能引导状语,而“sothat”结构可以引导状语从句。For example:

It’s too hot to work.(简单句)

I was fool enough to believe her.(简单句)

He was so ill that we had to send for doctor.(复合句)


enough作为形容词修饰名词时,它的位置可以在所修饰的名词前面或名词的后面。 We have money enough to buy a car.

There was enough food left over to feed a dozen more people.


He’s not good enough for us to carry.(修饰形容词)

He plays the violin well enough to perform at a concert.(修饰副词)


眼见为实.Seeing is believing.

人生短暂,学艺无穷。Art is long, life is short.

三思而后行. Look before you leap.

有其父,必有其子。Like father,like son.

再晚也不算迟。Better late than never.

条条大路通罗马。All roads lead to Rome.

并非闪光的都是金子。All that glitters is not gold.

种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。As you sow,so shall you reap.

物以类聚。Birds of a feather flock together.

不劳无获。No pain,no gain.

入乡随俗,When in Rome,do as the Romans do.

那恰是我所喜欢的。It's my cup of tea.

一日一苹果,医生远离我。An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 患难见真情。A friend in meed is a friend indeed.

少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。A young idler; an old beggar.

熟能生巧。Practice makes perfect.

一分耕耘,一分收获。No sweet without sweat.

时间就是金钱。Time is money.

欲速则不达。Haste makes waste.

说起来容易做起来难。Easier said than done.

人各有所好。Every man has his taste.

物极必反。Extremes meet.

活到老学到老。Live and learn.

事出必有因。Nothing comes of nothing.

隔墙有耳。Walls have ears.

失败是成功之母。Failure is the mother of success.

江山易改,本性难移。A leopard can not change his spots.

好心有好报。Good mind,good find.

得饶人处且饶人。Forgive others whenever you can.

爱乌及乌。Love me ,love my dog.

行动比语言有力。Actions speak louder than words.

年华不虚度,生命自悠长。Life is long ,if it is full.

既来之。则安之。Take things as they come.

岁月不待人。Time and tide wait for no man.

美德胜于美貌Virtue is fairer than beauty.

活到老,学到老.Never too old to learn.

礼尚往来.Give and take.

知足者常乐.Content is happiness.

言出必行 So said ,so done.

光阴似箭.Time flies.

忍耐是美德.Patience is virtue.

天下无不散之筵席.The best of friends must part.

经一事,长一智.It is easy to wise after the event.

少说少错.Least said soonest mended.

少壮不努力,老大图伤悲.The young idler;an old beggar.

诚实为上策.Honesty is the best policy.

切莫半途而废.Never do things by halves.

积少成多.Many a little makes a mickle


You have to be the first, the best or the different.


Work banishes those three great evils: boredo

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