
压力文章. 释放压力文章

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2006-12-23 21:39

In this current society, everyone are required to work in a fast pace. The society is surrounded by different type of presure. Thus I will list out a few major stressor that most people will share in common.

The society is getting more and more materialistic. Everyone wants to strive to be the best. Food that we eat need to be nice. Things that we use need to be good. Clothes that we wear need to be up to date. In order to fullfill this on-going needs,one needs to earn more money. Thus to earn more money, one needs to work harder. All these accumulated together is a great stressor for human beings.

Financial income is also one major stressor. The living standard all around the world had increased tremendously. People need to worry about their housing loan, vehicle load, insurance, kids education fees, or even down to the basic; how to put food on the table.

Security is another big issue. The world is changing. World peace is no longer intact with everyone's mind. Wars are declared easily. Terrorism acts shatter everyone's sense of security. Everyone need to be in fear of any sudden disaster. Besides, it is painful to see the on-going increasing crime rate all around the world. More and more people had walked into the wrong path to obtain what they want. Robbery, rape cases, murder cases…are all aspects that burden our mental and physical health.























1. 就我的看法?…;我认为…

In my opinion, …

= To my mind, ….

= As far as I am concerned, …

= I am of the opinion that子句


In my opinion, playing video games not only takes much time but is also harmful to health.

2. … 是必要的 It is necessary that S (should) V

… 是重要的 It is important/essential that S (should) V

… 是适当的 It is proper that S (should) V

… 是紧急的 It is urgent that S (should) V


It is proper that we (should) keep the public places clean.

3. 每当我听到…?我就忍不住感到兴奋。Whenever I hear …, I cannot but feel excited.

每当我做…? 我就忍不住感到悲伤。 Whenever I do …, I cannot but feel sad.

每当我想到…?我就忍不住感到紧张。Whenever I think of …, I cannot but feel nervous.

每当我遭遇…?我就忍不住感到害怕。Whenever I meet with …, I cannot but feel frightened. 每当我看到… 我就忍不住感到惊讶。Whenever I see …, I cannot but feel surprised.


Whenever I think of the clean brook near my home, I cannot but feel sad.

= Every time I think of the clean brook near my home, I cannot help feeling sad.

4. 俗语说得好:「…」。

Well goes an old saying, "…"

= As an old saying goes(runs, says), "…"

= An old saying goes, "…"

= It's an old saying (that)子句


As an old saying goes, "Honesty is the best policy."




Pressure seems to be a natural part in our daily life in this competitive society. Like it or not there is always pressure of one kind or another. And it seems there is hardly any way to avoid it or get rid of it. Moreover, as the pace of modern life continues to quicken, pressure seems to be on the increase all the time.

Different people have different ideas about pressure. Some hold that pressure is something very vicious. If there is too much of it, it will lead to the decline of one's physical and mental health. So they are always complaining about it or trying to flee from it. They think, only relaxation, the opposite of pressure, is what we should desire. Others on the other hand, argue that pressure is not as bad as is often thought. In fact a certain amount of pressure is essential to provide motivation and meaning to our life. It is pressure that propels our progress and contributes to our success.

Personally, I'm in favor of the latter idea. I believe that a little pressure is certainly an important incentive in life. It is only when the pressure gets out of control can it lead to poor performance and bad health. Since it is impossible to avoid pressure, certainly there is no sense trying to do so or complaining

about it.


More Academic Pressure Does Harm to Health

Some people think working under pressure keeps us motivated. Maybe a little pressure does good to us, but too much pressure is not beneficial to students.

Scientific studies show people working under too much pressure generally don’t perform as well as they do when are not under extreme pressure. Psychologically, too much pressure can lead to mental problems or disorders. In recent years, there has been an increase in stress-related diseases among college and high-school students.

Psychologists say it is due to too much pressure from their academic studies. A newspaper article says many students admit that they have cheated in exams because of excessive pressure coming from their parents and teachers who demand high marks in their examination. When they fail to live up to their parents’ expectations, some may even commit suicide.

Student should be self-motivated. Fair competition should be encouraged. Most students do better when they are studying for themselves, not for their parents or teachers and definitely not under more pressure from school.


No pain , no palm; no thorns , no throne ; no gall, no glory; no cross, no crown. (William Penn, British admiral)

没有播种,何来收获;没有辛劳,何来成功;没有磨难,何来荣耀;没有挫折,何来辉煌。(英国海军上将 佩恩 W)


see two kinds of pressure working on college students today: economic

pressure, parental pressure. It is easy to look around for rebels– to blame the colleges for charging too much money, the parents for pushing their children too far. But there are no rebels, only victims.

The pressure is heavy on students who just want to graduate and get a job. If I were an employer I would rather employ graduates who have this range and curiosity than those who narrowly pursued safe subjects and high grades. I know incalculable students whose inquiring minds cheer me. I like to hear the play of their ideas. I don't know if they are getting A or C, and I don't care. I also like them as people. The country needs them, and they will find satisfying jobs. I tell them to relax. They can't.


Nor can I blame them. They live in a brutal economy.Today it is not unusual for a student, even if he works part time at college and full time during the summer, to increase to 5, 000 in loans after graduation. Encouraged at commencemerit to go forth into the world, he is already behind as he goes forth. How could he not feel under pressure throughout college to prepare for this day of reckoning?

Along with economic pressure goes parental pressure.Inevitably, the two are deeply integrated.

Poor students! They are caught in one of the oldest webs of love and duty and guilt. The parents mean well: they are trying to steer their sons and daughters toward a secure future. But the sons and daughters want to major in history or classics or philosophy– subjects with no "practical" value.Where's the payoff on the humanities? It's not easy to persuade such loving parents that the humanities do indeed pay off. The intellectual faculties developed by studying subjects like history and classics are just the faculties that make creative leaders in business or almost any general field.

Luckily for me, most of them got into their field by an indirect route, to their surprise, after many roundabout ways.The students are startled. They can hardly conceive of a career that was not preplanned. They can hardly imagine allowing the hand of God or chance to nudge them down some unforeseen trail.




愿雇佣那些有好奇心的博学之才而不是那些只选一些容易过的且能达高分的课程的学生。我认识无数学生,他们的好奇之心使我兴奋不已,因为我喜欢听他们阐述自己的观点,我不知道他们是得A还是得C,我不在乎这些。我也同样喜欢他们所散发出来的人性魅力。 国家需要他们,他们也会找到自己满意的工作。我告诉他们要放松,但他们做不到。


寒风白雪横扫万里,覆压一切,唯青松抵挡无穷压力,苍翠挺拔,构造了一幅冰封千里,青松傲立的琥珀世界;大漠黄沙,朔朔烈风,如饥虎恶狮吞噬一切,唯白杨任风沙肆虐,傲然挺立,在金色世界中展现一道亮丽风景。风雪为压力,松杨似人生,松杨因风雪而雄伟,人生因压力而精彩。 《南华经》云:巧者劳而智者忧,无能者无所求,饱食而遨游,泛若不系之舟。多么惬意。老子小国寡民的理想蓝图,渊明桃花园里觅宁静,多么令人神往。那却只是庄周梦蝶的了然一梦,神思向往的海市蜃楼。压力如明月清风,日光夜空,充斥天地间每个角落。令无处可躲,无处可藏,便只能坦然面对。

压力给了我生命的坎坷磨难,我却用它精彩人生。只有承担起那无可躲避的压力,才能充实人生。 自古英雄多磨难,谁曾想到,天才音乐家贝多芬竟是聋子,如此的压力让生命有太多不堪承受之重,但第九交响曲的激昂澎湃却在阐释着另一种伟大。在世态炎凉的社会中穿行,在热潮冷讽的人群中流浪,流言蜚语,似六月里的阴云,梵高冲破重重阻碍,以神来之笔令人瞠目结舌,既而刮目相看。人皆言是压力摧毁了梵高,我却说是压力成就了梵高。是压力让他们穿云拔月,是压力让他们与众不同,是压力让他们神采奕奕,是压力让他们精彩人生。





正因为梅花经受住了寒风暴雪的考验,才被它的傲骨折服;正因为蝴蝶冲破了蚕茧的束缚,才为那“留连戏蝶”而神往;正因为雄鹰逃过了无数次坠死的惊险,才使我们因它的矫健而感叹,同样,生命亦是如此,只有千锤百炼才能绽放耀眼的光华。 生命是一条漫流的河,没有点波澜,只是一潭寂静的死水,又有什么意义呢?因而,当我们遇到挫折之时,应该将苦难化为奋斗,把不满表达成信心,将压抑熔化为前进的动力。这样的生命不是更令人津津乐道吗?

似乎挫折压抑自古以来就是一柄双刃剑,正如巴尔扎克说的“不幸,是天才进升的阶梯,信徒的洗礼之水,弱者的无底深渊。”正如邰丽华,一次偶然的高烧,从此让她进入了无声的世界,堕入了无底的深渊,但十五年泪痕浇灌出的“千手观音”呈现在我们眼前时,你没有被他耀眼的生命之光灼痛吗?正如洪战辉,一次偶然的家庭变故,从此,13岁的小男孩但担负起了困境中的家庭,担负起了不属于他的责任,但12年里,他由小男孩成长为男子汉的道路,生命的火焰是如此的高涨。 他们的生命都被接种到了压抑的土壤之上,但,正是这样不甘心,不低头的精神,将命运的喉咙扼住,紧紧握在自己手中。当贝多芬伸出坚强的大手,敲在命运的锁链的时侯,当阿炳在黑暗里奏响“二泉映月”的时侯,当史铁生,张海迪用意志抒写传奇的时候,我的心久久地震颤着,生命的光华,不就是这样被燃烧的吗?而那些面对对压力而选择自杀自甘堕落的人在他们的前面,是多么的渺小,多么的自卑,更是多么的悲哀。

塞塞谬斯说:“当压力来临的时刻,我们正好是待发的箭。”不错,适当 的压力刚好是前进的动力,在压力面前,应该将自己锻造成一一支不折不挠的利箭,在那惊天的一刻,绽





压力并不可怕,关键在于你是看到“天黑”还是“星亮” 压力是我们必须面对的苦难,但它更是上天给们的财富,像是一担担沉重却又珍贵的珍宝,要你用生命担起。生活中,压力也是一种动力,“水激石则鸣,人激志则鸿。”若你承受住了压力,战胜精神上的惧怕与懦弱,那你就是强者,你的生命就因压力的催化而绽放光彩。世上没有生命不可承受之重,任何压力都可用生命担起。








借口。那些现实始终让我费解:清华大学生怎会因就业压力大就结束自己年轻的生命?中学 生怎会面对学习的压力而残害父母?真的震惊,迷惑。与最宝贵的生命相比,再大的压力又 算得了什么呢?面对压力,每个人都应该是勇者,都应该以坚强的毅力和坚定的笑容抬头直 视,用一颗宽博似海的心接纳一切会发现,原来汹涌如江的压力如今已不过成为自己面前的 一股细流。让我们铭记着徐本禹、王顺友、洪战辉……他们承受的压力或许比我们一生承受 的都要多,可又怎样?他们以粉笔,以双腿,以博爱,写下了辉煌,走出了黑暗,迎来了阳 光。他们知道,压力面前该以怎样的心去面对。

让我们铭记席慕容的话:请让我明白,每一条走过的路径都有它不得不这样跋涉的理 由,每一条要走上前的路径都有它不得不这样选择的方向。


态度 ·压力




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