【 – 字数作文】
壹-1、勤學讀書篇作文延伸 一、【範文】
題目:比讀書更重要的事。 【審題方法】
【段落大意】 一、 二、 三、
………………………………………………………………………………… 二、成語造句
2.人飢己飢,人溺己溺:即己飢己溺。形容以天下事為己任。 【造句】
3.嚴以律己、寬以待人:即律己嚴、待人寬。律己,約束自己。 【造句】
4.無忝所生:忝,辱。所生,指父母。 【造句】
5.烏鳥私情:比喻子女奉養親長的至情。 【造句】
7.冬溫夏凊:凊ㄐㄧㄥˋ。冬天為父母溫暖被子,夏天則涼其席。指侍奉父母的 禮節。
8.舐犢情深:舐ㄕˋ犢,老牛以舌頭舔小牛。比喻父母對子女的愛心深長。 【造句】
9.沉疴難癒:沉疴ㄜ,久治難癒的疾病。 【造句】
10.囫圇吞棗:囫圇,勿體完整者。比喻接受某事,不加消化,就含混粗率接受。 【造句】
11.披星戴月:形容早出晚歸,工作繁重辛苦。 【造句】
12.摩頂放踵:摩,磨損。放,至。踵,腳跟。比喻捨身救世,奔走勞苦,雖全 身磨損,在所不惜。 【造句】
B.用以努力向學,功夫切實。 【例句】 【例句】 14.逆水行舟:用以形容求學不進則退。 【例句】
15.孤陋寡聞:用以形容人見聞不廣;或自謙所知淺薄。 【例句】
………………………………………………………………… 三、名言佳句
1.慈烏有反哺之恩,小羊有跪乳之義。 2.出則銜恤,入則靡至。(出門則滿懷憂傷,入門則感到茫然無所依歸。)
4.聖經說:「身體是聖靈的殿。」 5.孔子:「弟子入則孝,出則弟,謹而信,汎愛眾,而親仁;行有餘力,則以學 文。」弟,尊敬長上。謹而信,行為謹慎而言語有誠信。 6.晉朝、李密孝事祖母,烏鳥私情,願乞終養。
7.身體的羸弱會影響到心理的健康,因為身體疼痛則會引起性情暴躁,容易為小 事動氣。
8.若心理苦悶,暮氣沉沉,則心境頹唐,悲觀厭世,旁人會和你保持距離,不願 親近你。若心理健康,心境寬和,少動氣,自己快樂,旁人才能分享你的快樂。 9.謹而信,汎愛眾,而親仁。(行為謹慎而信實。)
10.總角之好:童年時代的朋友。總角,束髮的帶子,指幼年也。 11.人沒有朋友,有如地球上沒有太陽。
12.推誠相與:以誠心交友。盡歡竭忠:朋友間盡心盡力,處處幫忙。 13.知己是最貼切的默契,知音是最甜美的摯情。
……………………………………………………………… 四、材料套用 (一)孝順父母: 1.青年守則第二條:「孝順為齊家之本。」能孝順父母,家庭就能「父子有親、 長幼有序」,一家人就能和睦相處,共享天倫之樂。反之,若不能克盡孝道, 則思想邪曲,情感虛偽,無情無義,人格墮落,必致敗壞門風。俗語說:「國 之本在家,家之本在身。」我們能夠行孝,家庭自然和順快樂,鄰里間亦能和 諧相處,推而廣之,社會自然安定。(這是比讀書更重要的事)
2.人之身體髮膚,受之父母;而我們有父母就像樹木有根,流水有源一般;樹木 無根便枯萎,流水無源便乾涸,人無父母,便如出則銜恤,入則靡至一樣,像 似沒有自己的存在了。
1.健康是人生最富裕的產業,沒有健康的身體,任何理想都會變成虛幻的妄想。 2.俗語說:「萬貫的家財,不如健康的身體。」西諺也說:「健康就是財富。」、「生 命的國王,比不上健康的乞丐。」在在說明了健康的重要性。身體的健康是一 切事業的基礎,一生幸福的根基,失去了健康就失去了一切。
1.擁有一顆善良慈悲的心,隨時隨地為別人設想,主動關懷別人。律己嚴,待人 寬,有包容的胸襟,不和人斤斤計較。
2. 身體健康、心情愉快的人,不可能有壞天氣。因為,任何天空都是美麗的。 所以生理的損耗必定會釀成心理的損耗,而影響到國家社會的生命力。
3.懂得挖掘生活情趣,在緊張忙碌的社會裡,保有從容自適的閒情,培養生活情 趣,為自己留住一片可供觀照玩味的心靈空間,必可使生命更豐美、更活潑。
1.風聲、雨聲、讀書聲、聲聲入耳;家事、國事、天下事、事事關心。不要把自 己禁錮在書本的象牙塔內,對外界發生的事麻木不仁或渾然不知,而應該主動 服務助人。人生最大的樂事,莫過於服務助人,服務助人所得的快樂,絕非物 質享受所能比擬。
2.人類之所以異於禽獸,是因為人類會發揮「仁」、實踐「仁」,而服務助人是仁 的最高表現,所以要培養「人生以服務為目的」的正確人生觀,摒棄功利思想 或拜金主義的作祟,做到「人飢己飢,人溺己溺」。
(六)讀書是現代人的開門第八件事,生活如讀書,讀書如生活。孔子云:「弟 子入則孝,出則弟,謹而信,汎愛眾,而親仁;行有餘力,則以學文。」 說得真有道理。如果我們要使生活充實,是不是應該有更重要的事來寄託 身心,發揮理想呢?這是該深思的問題了。(可用在末段)
……………………………………………………………………… 五、短文訓練 〔說明〕
2.試用提供的詞語,改寫原來的短文。提供的詞語須全部使用,可不依順序,使 用提供的詞語須加( )號。
3.內容力求簡明,可不分段,但須加標點符號,約一百五十字左右。 4.題目訂為「與好書為友」。
1. 內心深處的思想。2.孤陋寡聞。3.增廣見聞。4.擴充生活領域。5.陶冶性靈。
題目:比讀書更重要的事 一、布局建議:散列式 二、文思引導:
(一)孝順父母、尊敬長上:孝親敬長,友愛弟妹,謹守倫常,克盡孝道,這是 比讀書更重要的事。
(二)健康身體:鍛鍊身體,做一個允文允武的現代青年,這是比讀書更重 要的事。
(三)心理健康:情緒要穩定平和,不亂發脾氣,培養高EQ,人際關係和諧良 好,這是比讀書更重要的事。
(四)服務助人:急公好義,做事光明磊落,當仁不讓,助人最樂,這是比讀書 更重要的事。
【段落大意】 一、
二、 三、 四、 五、
我从《走进朱熹》里看了一篇有关朱熹小时候的文章,他的父亲为了让他多长些见识,借着中秋佳节给他讲嫦娥奔月的故事,还告诉他天上有云朵、雷雨和闪电他却问父亲:“天之上何物?”接着他又自言自语:“太阳为何那么热?月亮为何那么凉?太阳、月亮上又是何物?”连续追问令父亲惊讶不已。 跟四岁的朱熹比起来,我真的自愧不如。那是五年级时的一件事。那天,我正在教室里做数学作业,好不容易做到了最后一题,可偏偏这一题有些难度,我绞尽脑汁,又是分析数量关系,又是画线段图,还是做不出来。我正想去问同桌,可是我突然想起自己的成绩不错,经常受到老师的表扬,现在却被区区一小个难题难倒,那不正好让同桌有取笑我的机会?那不是很丢脸?看看同桌,她好像在嘲笑我:哈哈哈,你也有求我的时候?于是我愤愤地打消了这个念头,凭感觉随意写了个等式。谁知第二天考试时正好出现这一题,这下我可慌了手脚,也不知道自己原来的做法对不对,可现在是考试又不能问别人,能怎么办呀?眼看着考试时间就要到了,我只好照着原来的做法写。好不容易等到试卷发下来,我一看心里顿时凉了半截,那道题竟然扣了五分,让平时成绩一向很好的我来了个大退步。再看看同桌,她的这道题居然做对了。听老师讲评之后,我茅塞顿开,就差那么一小个弯没转过来呀,可这能怪谁呢?只能怪自己当时“耻于下问”,要是问了同桌,现在也不用吃这么大的亏了。
5. 有一个会议在你所在的城市召开,你想去参加。给会议的组织者写一封信。说一下你想参加的原因,并简单介绍一下自己。并请他提供一些会议的相关信息。
Dear Professor Huang,
I write for information regarding the forthcoming International Education Conference to be held at your prestigious university.
I am a firstyear student from Nanjing University majoring in Education,and have a particular interest in the teaching of work place skills and employer’s perceptions of new graduates.
I plan to attend the conference and would like information about the contributory speakers,the content of their talks,and their research interests. However,although I have been living in Nanjing in the past four years,I am unfamiliar with Nanjing. Therefore,if you could please also send the details of how to get to your university it would make my arrangements much easier.
In addition,if you could let me have details of the accommodation that is available I would be more than grateful.
I look forward to receiving the information and meeting you in person. Sincerely yours,
Cars and Air Pollution
Too many cars have created a lot of serious problems in our world. Besides congestion, accidents and fast fuel consumption, cars are responsible for a good part of air pollution in big cities. All the time, they are pumping huge amounts of waste gases into the atmosphere. These gases are very harmful, causing disease and even death.
One possible solution is to design and develop clean cars and clean fuels. In Shanghai, some of the public buses begin to run on natural gas, which does not give off as much carbon dioxide as the petrol. But it may take decades for the new models
of clean cars completely replace the traditional ones.Another solution is to develop modern public transportation systems and restrict the use of private cars. If the price of petrol rises constantly and the public vehicles are efficient and convenient enough, most people will not buy private cars. And the total number of cars in big cities will reduce greatly.
On the whole, the elimination of air pollution needs the collective efforts from the government, the public and the environmentalists.
7 1.目前很多父母在孩子高中毕业前就送他们出国学习
Overseas Study at an Early Age
Nowadays more and more parents are eager to send their children to study abroad before they finish high school by whatever means and at whatever cost.
It is quite understandable for parents to send their children to study overseas because they place high expectations on their children. They are encouraged by the success stories of those who have completed their overseas study. With the
development of economy, companies and institutions at home are giving more and more emphasis on overseas experiences, too. Consequently, pursuing overseas study became a kind of short cut in gaining a better future. Moreover, there is still one underlying reason for this rusheconomic reason. The rapid economic progress in the past few years in China has enabled more and more parents to afford the huge cost for their children’s overseas study.
As for me, overseas study is surely a helpful way to get both advanced knowledge and necessary experiences, but overseas study at an early age is neither necessary nor beneficial. The students may be too young to either tend for themselves or think
for themselves. I do think that overseas study can contribute to one’s self
improvement, but it’s better to be pursued after one has finished his college study at home, when he is more capable of learning and living on his own.
8. Statistics of Family Expenses in Shanghai
1980 1990 2000
Food & Clothing 68% 45% 20%
Recreation 3% 5% 8%
Education 6% 16% 22%
Health Care 6% 10% 16%
Others 17% 24% 35%
As is shown in the table above, dramatic changes have taken place in family expenses in the City of Shanghai within two decades (from 1980 to 2000). The most obvious change is in expense on food and clothing, which has dropped by 48%, while those on recreation, education and health care have increased respectively by 5%, l6% and l0%. Expenses on other things keep rising from 17% to 35%.The statistics of rise and fall seem to exist in isolation but are in fact closely related to one another. The most likely factors accounting for these changes are as follows: Development in economy is the fundamental one. The increased income results in the lowering percentage of food and clothing. That is to say, a small percentage of the total income is enough to cover food and clothing expenses.
Another factor lies in the development of people’s concept. When people are well fed and well dressed, they begin to interest themselves in recreation and education.
These changes should also be attributed to social reforms. In the 1990 s, college education was not totally free as it was before, which also accounts for the rising expenses on education. Soon after, the government gradually stopped offering houses to its citizens without charges. People had to save a large proportion of their money for housing.
That’s partly why the expenses for others doubled.As for the more expenses on health care, I figure there are two main reasons: the cancellation of free medical care and people’s awareness of the importance of health.The changes reflect the development of the city and indicate that people are enjoying more.
9. On Space Project
Dear Editor,
Thank you for your starting a special column for the discussion on space projects. Frankly, it seems to me that our space projects so far have been in the main a waste of money, time, energy, human lives and resources.
The richer countries are pouring large sums of money into space research programs which are of no benefit to human beings while in underdeveloped countries thousands of people are dying of hunger. Besides, many scientists’ time and energy are wasted, which could have been devoted to improving our living condition. What’s more, many astronauts have died completely uselessly in space vehicles which have been faulty. They were young people who hadn’t enjoyed the fruit of life yet.
Apart from human wastage, there is the wastage of resources which are finite and essential if man is to survive. I think it’s high time we stopped these meaningless programs.
10.Turn off Your Mobile Phone
Turn Off Your Mobile Phone
With the development of information technology and reduced price of
communication products, the mobi1e phone has become a necessity for most people. Obviously, it shortens the distance between people and makes our life more convenient. Thanks to it, it’s easy for us to contact or be contacted by others anytime and anywhere. We will never miss any important meetings,great deals or admirable opportunities.
But,have you noticed sometimes the mobile phone also brings embarrassment to us? It’s not rare to see someone pressing the mobile phone to his ear and shouting loudly in public as if there were no one else present. And I’m sure each one has had such an experience that the mobi1e phone ring continuously on a formal occasion. Perhaps these People have many lifeanddeath reasons to keep the phone working at all times, but it interrupts people around them who have to hear what they don’t care when they want to concentrate on what they’re doing.
So if you are one of them, please shut off your cell phone in public, especially on a quiet and serious occasion. It’s a respect for both others and yourself.
1. 各大学开设了各种各样的选修课{作文勤学好练}.
2. 学生因为各种原因选择了不同的选修课
3. 以你自己为例……
Selecting Courses
Recently, people in growing numbers show their concern about selecting courses. In some colleges, students are permitted to pick out their course’s professors freely. The reasons are listed as follows:
In the first place, students can choose the teacher according to their interests, which will be helpful for their future careers. Besides, selecting courses can reduce the rate of students’ absence indirectly for students usually choose their favorite teachers.
As far as I am concerned, every coin has two sides. On the one hand, students may learn the course better, because they may choose the professor they liked. On the other hand, if the professor who is very popular and a great number of students would like to attend his/her course, the classroom must be overcrowded. It will have a bad impact on the class.
April 16 Saturday
Today some universities were open to the public. … Sunday
1) 范文
Today some universities were open to the public. It’s good chance for me to know more about my dream university. So, I accompanied by my parents, went to BeingUniversity.
Early in the morning, we arrived there excitedly. Seeing the welcoming words on the gate, I couldn’t wait to explore the campus. Directly we went to the stands where teachers and voluntary students of different departments made introductions and answered questions. Since I intended to choose English as my major, we spent lots of time asking the teachers from the English Department for detailed information and advice. I was deeply impressed by the wonderful courses and learned professors.
Then we were attracted by the stands of various clubs. We walked around to see the interesting photos and posters of the Cycling Club and the English Play Club. It was really amazing that they organized such colorful activities! What impressed me most was the Peking Opera show from the Drama Club. I just couldn’t wait for such a wonderful college life!
Inspired by what I saw during the day, I am determined to try my best to get admitted to this university. My parents also encouraged me to work harder for my dream. It is not easy, but I’m sure I can make it.
My parents and I went to visit my dream school together. At the gate, we saw some signs with welcoming words. Walking into my dream school, I was really excited and curious.
Following the instruction, we went to the playground and saw that each department set a table for students to consult the volunteers for information. We went straight to the Foreign Language Department, which I am most interested in. The teacher there gave us brochures about the major, answering our questions patiently. Then we went to get some information of other majors. We received warm help and were satisfied by the introductions of the teachers.
Leaving the playground, we walked along the displaying boards. A variety of school societies were displayed. There were not only traditional societies as the Drama Club, the English Play Club, but also some unusual societies like the Cycling Association, which amazed me a lot. From these displays, I felt that life in the university must be fresh and interesting.
After the visit around the campus, my parents and I put our hands together and said “ Come on” together. They showed their care and encouragement to me in this way, which made me more confident.
The trip in my dream school made me get closer to it and my wish to be admitted by it grew stronger. I would try my best to be a member of it.
2) 语言素材
一大早,我在父母的陪伴下,来到我理想的大学参观。Early in the morning, I went to my dream university accompanied by my parents.
我打算将来学英语专业, 所以我们径直来到外文系的宣传处,问了老师一些问题,并且拿了宣传材料。I intended to major English, so we questions and 老师的热情和专业知识以及宣传材料上多样化的课程深深吸引了我。The teacher’s friendliness and professional knowledge as well as the diverse courses introduced in the brochure the teacher’s friendliness and professional knowledge as well as the diverse courses introduced in the brochure.
我们随后来到各俱乐部的展板前。英文话剧社,自行车协会和戏剧社精彩活动的图片给我留下深刻的印象。我真希望能马上成为其中的一员。Our attention was then attracted to the display boards / billboards of various clubs, especially those pictures showing activities of the English Play Club, the Cycling Association and the Theatre Club. How I wish I would be a member of one of the clubs right now.
父母和我的手握在一起,一同为我加油(信任和鼓励)。My parents put their hands on mine as a sign of trust and
我知道考入这所学校并非易事,但我会全力以赴不让他们失望。I know it is hard to be accepted by this school, but I promise I will .
3) 审题注意事项
(1) 审题人称:I, we 时态:过去时体裁:日记
(2) 要点和可添加的细节
(3) 注意:本文是记叙一天的活动,注意四幅图的内容要点为参观梦想大学,获得心仪专业信息,初步体验大学校园生活的丰富多彩,增强考进该大学的信心和动力。凡是不能服务于上述写作任务的细节视为无效细节。避免机械描图:只是描图,不清楚该图在全文中的作用。如:不要把第三幅图单纯写成看演出。注意详略要得当,第一四幅图应简写,二三幅图应详写。
注意: 1. 周记的开头已经为你写好。2. 词数不少于 60.
Last Monday,…
1) 范文
Last Monday, my father said goodbye to my mother and me and went on a business trip. He would be away for three days. Just the next morning, I found my mother wasn’t feeling well. She had a cold. I immediately went to get her some medicine and then prepared some noodles for her, with my special care. My mother recovered quickly. When my father came back home, my mother told him what had happened he praised me for what I had done. I feel very happy that I have done something for my mother.
Last Monday, my father would be on a business trip for a few days. Before he left, my mother and I waved goodbye to him and wished his a safe journey.
I thought everything would go well, but unfortunately, my mother caught a cold and had a fever the next morning. Seeing her lying in bed witha pale face, I was very worried. However, I told myself to calm down and look after my mum, as I promised to my dad. I got her some medicine andcooked some noodles for her to eat. Soon she recovered. I felt quite relieved.
When my father came back home, my mother told him what had happened when he was away. Both my father and mother praised me for whatI had done. Hearing their praise and seeing bright smiles on their faces, I really felt happy that I managed to take good care of my mother by myself when she was ill.
2) 语言素材
跟某人道别:say goodbye to sb./ 挥手道别wave goodbye to sb.
出差 be (away) on business / go on a business trip
我发现妈妈身体不舒服。I found (that) my mother wasn’t feeling well.
感冒 catch a cold/flu 发烧have/suffer from a (high) fever
看到妈妈躺在床上脸色苍白,我感到很担心。Seeing my mother lying in bed with a pale face, I felt really worried/concerned/anxious.
让自己冷静下来 tell myself to calm down
照顾我妈妈 take care of/look after/attend to/care for my mother
给她拿来药 get her some medicine 让她吃药 ask her to take some medicine
为她做面条吃 prepare/cook noodles for her to eat
妈妈很快痊愈了。My mother recovered quickly. / 很快妈妈好了起来。Soon my mother got better.
爸爸妈妈竖起大拇指为我所做的事情表扬了我。My father and mother praised me for whatI had done with their thumbs up. 自己独立照顾了妈妈 manage to take good care of my mother on my own/by myself
3) 审题注意事项
(1) 审题:人称:I, my mother, my father时态:过去时体裁:周记
(2) 要点和可添加的细节