
two,roads,diverged,in,a,yellow,wood,i,will,go,back,and,rechoose,if,i,could什么歌 two roads

节日作文 zuowen 3浏览

【 – 节日作文】

篇一:《TWO roads diverged in a yellow wood》

罗伯特·弗罗斯特(1874年3月26日——1963年1月29日)是20世纪最受欢迎的美国诗人之一。他曾当过新英格兰的鞋匠、教师和农场主。他的诗歌从农村生活中汲取题材,与19世纪的诗人有很多共同之处,相比之下,却较少具有现代派气息。他曾赢得4次普利策奖和许多其他的奖励及荣誉,被称之为“美国文学中的桂冠诗人”。只是在他的下半生才赢得大众对其诗歌作品的承认。在此后的年代中,他树立起了一位伟大的文学家的形象。他诗歌中常常出现与孤独、绝望、死亡等关联的意象如冬、雪、冰、霜、枯叶等。因此,弗罗斯特常常以凋零的玫瑰、干枯的花朵等以喻体以映衬孤独、悲哀、寂寞的内心世界。 1895年12月19日结婚,其后两年,与妻子帮助母亲管理一所私立学校。其间,写诗投稿给各种刊物,但很少得以发表。他卖出的第一首诗《我的蝴蝶:一首哀歌》1894年发表在文学周刊《独立》上。 1897年秋,弗罗斯特入,以便成为中学拉丁文和希腊文教师。但不到两年因为肺病而中断学业,从事养鸡。1900年举家迁往新罕布什尔州德里他祖父为他购买的农场。经营农场失败,又重新执教(1906年——1912年)。这前后他徒步漫游过许多地方,被认为是“新英格兰的农民诗人”。其最著名的诗歌大多是在德里创作的,但并未引起编辑们的兴趣。

TWO roads diverged in a yellow wood, (黄树林里有两条路)

And sorry I could not travel both (只可惜我不能都踏行)

And be one traveler, long I stood (我,单独的旅人,伫立良久)

And looked down one as far as I could (极目眺望一条路的尽头)

To where it bent in the undergrowth; (看它隐没在丛林深处)

Then took the other, as just as fair, (于是我选择了另一条路)

And having perhaps the better claim, (一样平直,也许更值得)

Because it was grassy and wanted wear; (因为青草茵茵,还未被踏过)

Had worn them really about the same, (若有过往人踪)

Though as for that the passing there (路的状况会相差无几)

And both that morning equally lay (那天早晨,两条路都覆盖在枯叶下)

In leaves no step had trodden black. (没有践踏的污痕)

Oh, I kept the first for another day! (啊,原先那条路留给另一天吧!) Yet knowing how way leads on to way, (明知一条路会引出另一条路,) I doubted if I should ever come back (我怀疑我是否会回到原处。) I shall be telling this with a sigh (在许多许多年以后,在某处,) Somewhere ages and ages hence: (我会轻轻叹息说:)

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—— (黄树林里分*两条路,而我,) I took the one less traveled by,

(我选择了较少人迹的一条,) And that has made all the difference (使得一切多么地不同。)

篇二:《选修6 Unit2 诗歌朗读文本》




The farthest distance way in the world


The furthest distance in the world


Is not between life and death


But when I stand in front of you

而是 我就站在你面前

Yet you don't know that I love you


The furthest distance in the world{two,roads,diverged,in,a,yellow,wood,i,will,go,back,and,rechoose,if,i,could什么歌}.


Is not when I stand in front of you

不是 我就站在你面前

Yet you can't see my love


But when undoubtedly knowing the love from both

而是 明明知道彼此相爱

Yet cannot be together


The furthest distance in the world


Is not being apart while being in love

不是 明明知道彼此相爱 却不能在一起

But when painly cannot resist the yearning

而是 明明无法抵挡这股思念

Yet pretending you have never been in my heart


The furthest distance in the world


Is not when painly cannot resist the yearning

不是 明明无法抵挡这股思念

yet pretending you have never been in my heart


but using one's indifferent heart

而是 用自己冷漠的心对爱你的人

To dig an uncrossable river


For the one who loves you

乡愁 Homesick


小时候 As a boy

乡愁是一枚小小的邮票 I was homesick for a tiny stamp

我在这头 I was here

母亲在那头Mom lived alone over there

长大后 When grew up

乡愁是一张窄窄的船票 I was homesick for a small ship ticket

我在这头 I was here

新娘在那头 My bride remained over there

后来啊 later on

乡愁是一方矮矮的坟墓 I was homesick for a little tomb

我在外头 I was here

母亲啊在里头 Mother rested over there

而现在 and today

乡愁是一湾浅浅的海峡 I was homesick for a shallow strait

我在这头 I am here

大陆在那头 The Mainland lies over there


未选择的路The Road Not Taken

– –by Robert Frost (美国)

TWO roads diverged in a yellow wood, (黄树林里有两条路)

And sorry I could not travel both (只可惜我不能都踏行)

And be one traveler, long I stood (我,单独的旅人,伫立良久)

And looked down one as far as I could (极目眺望一条路的尽头)

To where it bent in the undergrowth; (看它隐没在丛林深处)

Then took the other, as just as fair, (于是我选择了另一条路)

And having perhaps the better claim, (一样平直,也许更值得)

Because it was grassy and wanted wear; (因为青草茵茵,还未被踏过) Though as for that the passing there (路的状况会相差无几)

Had worn them really about the same, (若有过往人踪)

And both that morning equally lay (那天早晨,两条路都覆盖在枯叶下) In leaves no step had trodden black. (没有践踏的污痕)

Oh, I kept the first for another day! (啊,原先那条路留给另一天吧!)

Yet knowing how way leads on to way, (明知一条路会引出另一条路,) I doubted if I should ever come back (我怀疑我是否会回到原处。)

I shall be telling this with a sigh (在许多许多年以后,在某处,)

Somewhere ages and ages hence: (我会轻轻叹息说:)

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—— (黄树林里分两条路,而我,) I took the one less traveled by, (我选择了较少人迹的一条,){two,roads,diverged,in,a,yellow,wood,i,will,go,back,and,rechoose,if,i,could什么歌}.

And that has made all the difference (使得一切多么地不同。)

Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening雪夜林边小驻

– –by Robert Frost

Whose woods these are I think I know, 我知道林子的主人是谁,

His house is in the village though. 虽村落是他所居之地。

He will not see me stopping here, 他不会看到我停留于此,

To watch his woods fill up with snow. 凝视他的林子雪花纷飞。

My little horse must think it queer, 我的小马一定以我为怪,

To stop without a farmhouse near, 近无房舍,为何停伫。{two,roads,diverged,in,a,yellow,wood,i,will,go,back,and,rechoose,if,i,could什么歌}.

Between the woods and frozen lake, 况只有林子与冰湖,

The darkest evening of the year. 和一年中最黑之夜。

He gives his harness bells a shake, 他轻摇铃具

To ask if there is some mistake. 询问有错与否。

The only other sound's the sweep, 唯一的回复来自,

Of easy wind and downy flake. 软雪和清风。

The woods are lovely, dark and deep. 林子很美——昏暗而幽深,

But I have promises to keep, 但我已有约定。

And miles to go before I sleep. 沉醉前还有一段路要走。

And miles to go before I sleep沉醉前还有一段路要走。


Sonnets from the Portuguese

– –by Elizabeth Barrett Browning{two,roads,diverged,in,a,yellow,wood,i,will,go,back,and,rechoose,if,i,could什么歌}.{two,roads,diverged,in,a,yellow,wood,i,will,go,back,and,rechoose,if,i,could什么歌}.

How do I love thee? Let me count the ways. 我是怎样地爱你?让我逐一细算。 I love thee to the depth and breadth and height 我爱你尽我的心灵所能及到的

My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight 深邃、宽广、和高度--正像我探求 For the ends of Being and ideal Grace. 玄冥中上帝的存在和深厚的神恩。 I love thee to the level of everyday's 我爱你的程度,就像日光和烛焰下

Most quiet need, by sun and candle-light. 那每天不用说得的需要。我不加思虑地 I love thee freely, as men strive for Right; 爱你,就像男子们为正义而斗争;

I love thee purely, as they turn from Praise. 我纯洁地爱你,像他们在赞美前低头。 I love thee with the passion put to use 我爱你以我童年的信仰;我爱你 In my old griefs, and with my childhood's faith 以满怀热情,就像往日满腔的辛酸; I love thee with a love I seemed to lose 我爱你,抵得上那似乎随着消失的圣者 With my lost saints, — I love thee with the breath,而消逝的爱慕。我爱你以我终生的 Smiles, tears, and all my life — and, if God choose,呼吸,微笑和泪珠--假使是上帝的 I shall but love thee better after death.意旨,那么,我死了我还要更加爱你!


– –by Christina Rossetti克里斯蒂娜.罗赛蒂

When I am dead, my dearest,在我死了以后,亲爱的,

Sing no sad songs for me;不要为我唱哀歌;

Plant thou no roses at my head,不要在我头上栽种玫瑰,

Nor shady cypress tree;也不要栽种成荫的松柏;

Be the green grass above me但愿你成为雨露滋润的绿草,

With showers and dewdrops wet;铺盖着我坟墓上的山坡.

And if thou wilt, remember,如你愿意就怀念我,

And if thou wilt, forget.如你愿意就忘记我!

I shall not see the shadows,我将看不见松柏玫瑰,

I shall not feel the rain;也感觉不到草地洒满了雨水;

I shall not hear the nightingale我将听不到夜莺的啼唱,

Sing on, as if in pain;彻夜诉说心中等苦悲.

And dreaming through the twilight我住在不生不灭的混沌世界, That doth not rise nor set,没有黑夜,也没有日出的光辉.

Haply I may remember,也许我偶然想起谁,

And haply may forget.也许我偶然忘了谁!


《The One You Love》你所愛的人

——Sung By "Glenn Frey"

I know you need a friend我知道你需要朋友

Someone you can talk to一個可以談心的對象

Who will understand what you're going through能夠了解你經歷的事 When it comes to love當它牽涉到愛情

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