

话题作文 zuowen 2浏览

【 – 话题作文】














Lj你昨晚再次喝醉了,与其说喝醉,还不如说你自我陶醉,因为我们都没让你喝那么多.记得第一次聚会,你还是你,没有发福,年幼时就被当做大家心仪对象的你也还是人群中会多看一眼的人,因你的疯癫,因你的热情.简单的首饰就可以让你俨然成为你一个风一样的女子.当你大声说话时,我就会观察周围人的目光,他们是惊讶的,呵呵,大概惊讶于你的洒脱.你比我大两岁,理所应当就成了我姐.,或许以前思想上还有点不愿意,因为被叫弟好像不成熟一样,现在我也认了.昨天我跟你讲你和某人性格相近的让人想到缘分一类的东西,跳跃性思维让一般男子无法驾驭.因为他们猜不透你在想什么,不是他们是大家包括我.不过她应该了解你的跳跃,她甚至知道你何时拥有一颗玻璃心,她就是你的闺蜜,我的新朋友,黄姐.说你们天造地设一点也不为过.因为黄姐和你一样是个大嗓门,和你一样即使对陌生人也不会存半个坏心眼.昨天吃饭喝酒时玩了游戏,也不是什么游戏,就是说人生之最吧,说不出就要喝酒.印象就深刻的当属黄姐,你最尴尬的事就是当了很多同事的面送男同事围巾,结果让人给拒绝了,是个人都能体会这个感受,此后被当个玩笑说出也再正常不过了.就拿这个成为你暂时单身的理由吧.lj最近恋爱了,我知道你们交往过程中的喜与乐,当然还有偶尔的尴尬,你现在享受着许许多多的小感动吧.不过真心希望有个人能懂你的跳跃或不让你跳跃.最近看到人推荐的歌曲叫I knew I loved you before I met you—–<<爱在相遇前>>大家都要相信世界上存在这么一个人,能给你真正的幸福,同时又因为跟你在一起而幸福,和她在一起看电影,吃东西,一切的一切都是那么自然的事,大家一起等待吧,waiting!


iPhone手机中的“i”到底是什么意思 苹果的iPhone是最知名的手机品牌之一,它已经成了时尚的标志。现在几乎人人都知道这种手机的名字,学过英语者也都知道Phone是telephone(电话)的缩写,然而几乎没有人知道其中的“i”是什么意思。













( ) 1. Mr. Zhang teaches us ____________, and we all think his classes are interesting and easy.

A. good B. well C. sure

( ) 2. I want to know ______ Chinese history.

A. about B. with C. of

( ) 3. The girl in red ______ help. Let’s go and talk to her.

A. to need B. needs C. need

( ) 4. My sister likes music, but she can’t sing ________ dance.

A. or B. and C. but

( ) 5. The school needs students to help _______ that day.

A. on B. in

( ) 6. After ______ they go out to play basketball. C. at

C. to eat A. eat B. eating

( ) 7. You need to eat vegetables and fruits ______.

A. healthy B. be healthy C. to be healthy

( ) 8. He is always the first ________. He is never late.

A. to school B. get to school C. to get to school

( ) 9. Joe likes ______ with people, and people are good with him.

A. talks B. talking C. talk

( ) 10. When do you arrive ______ home every day?

A. at B. in C. /

( ) 11. ______ to school, Liu Mei walks to the bus stop and then takes the bus.

A. To get B. Getting C. Get

( ) 12. How do you ______ the school show?

A. think of B. think about C. find

( ) 13. It’s ______ difficult for the kids _______ answer the question.

A. too, to B. either, or C. between, and

( ) 14. I sit ______ Lucy ______ Lily. I’m in the middle.

A. between, and B. next, to C. after, before

( ) 15. These books are ______ good friends to me. I can never leave them.

A. of B. like

( ) 16. Mr. Li often tells ______ run in the hallways. C. for

A. not B. don’t C. not to

( ) 17. Our parents usually ask us ______ play computer games before we finish our homework.

A. not B. don’t C. not to

( ) 18. Mary _____ look after her younger brother because her mother is out.

A. can B. have to C. has to

( ) 19. The mouse runs quickly because he doesn’t want the cat ______ him.

A .to catch B. catch C. catches

( ) 20. Fujian Province is in the ______ of China.

A. south B. north C. east

( ) 21. Because the notebooks are very good and cheap, ______ many students come to buy them.

A. /

B. so 1 C. but

( ) 22. Do you have to wear ______ uniforms at school?

A. / B. a

( ) 23. Do you have ______ brothers?

A. some B. any

( ) 24. We enjoy ______ this new movie very much.

A. seeing B. sees

( ) 25. I know one of the koalas ______ a baby. A. has B. have ( ) 26. Do you sleep ______ noon? Yes, I do. A. in B. on C. are C. at C. an C. a C. see

( ) 27. What ________ books do you like? I like storybooks.

A. kind of B. a kind of C. kinds of

( ) 28. Don’t ______ the toy panda any more. It’s time to sleep.

A. play with B. play for C. play

( ) 29. A tiger ______ Bob is in the second cage.

A. name B. names

( ) 30. How many kilograms ______ Gina?

A. am B. is C. are

( ) 31. Lucy is talking ______ her good friend ______ the new teacher.

A. with, to B. with, with C. with about

( ) 32. ——What are you doing, Jerry? Playing or doing your homework?

—— ______, Mum.

A. Yes, I’m doing my homework.

( ) 33. —— Is that Julia speaking?

—— Sorry, ______ her sister, Judy.

A. I am B. this is C. there

( ) 34. ——_______ do you like the TV show? —— I think it’s kind of funny.

A. What B. How C. How much

( ) 35. He likes his job in the library very much, because he can do a lot of reading at ______.

A. work B. there C. study

( ) 36. It’s 8 pm. My parents ________ their favorite TV show.

A. watching B. watch C. are watching

( ) 37. What are you doing ______ the rainy weather?

A. at B. on C. in

( ) 38. My watch ______ so I must buy a new one.

A. works B. isn’t work C. doesn’t work

( ) 39. The students are having fun ______ soccer.

A. play B. to play C. playing

( ) 40. What do you do ______ different kinds ______ weather?

A. on, in B. in, for C. in, of

( ) 41. ——My mom is ill. ——I’m sorry ______ that.

A. to see B. to sound C. to hear

( ) 42. The weather her is hot and right ______swimming.

A. to B. of C. for

2 C. named B. No, I’m not C. Sorry, I’m playing.

( ) 43. I don’t want to go out ______ rainy days.

A. in B. on C. at

( ) 44. Tom, it’s cold today. I’m ______ my warm clothes. Please ______ your sweater.

A. wear, put on B. wearing, put on C. putting on, wearing

( ) 45. My father isn’t a ______. But he likes ______ for us.

A. cooker, cooking B. cook, cooking C. cooker, to cook

( ) 46. My mom is not at home so my dad is ________ me.

A. looking at B. looking for C. looking after

( ) 47. There ______ lots of fish in the lake and there ______ some people sitting by it.

A. is, are B. are, are C. is, is

( ) 48. We often go shopping at a store ______ our school.

A. is near B. near C. in near

( ) 49. It’s relaxing ______ weekend like this.

A. spending B. spend C. to spend

( ) 50. I like spending weekends _______ my dad ______ fishing

A. with, on B. about, in C. with in

( ) 51. ——Could you tell me how ______ to the hospital?——Oh.It’s just around the corner.

A. can I get B. to get C. can get

( ) 52. ——My mom always makes the food ______, because she knows me ______.

A. I like, good B. I don’t have, best C. I like, well

( ) 52. _____ quiet. The baby is sleeping.

A. Don’t be B. Be C. Not be

( ) 53. The woman ______ short curly hair is my mother.

A. has B. with C. is

( ) 54. Don’t always think about the bad things. Think ______.

A. different B. the same C. differently

( ) 55. They often go to the supermarket ______ fruit on weekends.

A. buy B. for buy C. to buy

( ) 56. It’s the first time for Tim ______ his grandfather.

A. to see B. to look C. look at

( ) 57. The most ______ thing is that his hair isn’t white at all.

A. surprising B. surprised C. surprise

( ) 58. She always talks about the same thing. She is ______.

A. interesting B. boring C. bored

( ) 59. Why ______ go to the zoo?

A. don’t B. not C. not you

( ) 60. Do you know what Tom _______ of the school trip?

A. think B. thinks C. thinking

( ) 61. Any other ______ can go to the movies but he can’t. Because he has other ______ to do.

A. people, things B. person, things C. person, thing

( ) 62. ______ for half an hour every day and you can be healthy.

A. Exercise B. To exercise C. Exercising

( ) 63. Jim with his friends often ______ people. And they ______ a girl over there.

A. help, help B. helps, are helping C. help, are helping



I know

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网络释义: 我知道;我认识;我了解;我明白

I know双语例句:

1. I know it's nothing serious and I feel quite unemotional about it. 我知道那根本没什么大不了的,所以有些无动于衷。

2. I know how to darn, and how to sew a button on.


3. "I know you," he said flatly, matter-of-fact, neutral in tone. “我认识你。”他平淡地说道,就事论事,不带任何感情。

4. I know you will join me in wishing them Godspeed.


5. We'll manage somehow, you and me. I know we will.


6. I know that you'vebeen studying chimpanzees for thirty years now. 我知道你研究黑猩猩至今已有30年了。

7. I know of no one who would want to murder Albert.


8. "Let's get a coffee somewhere."—"I know just the place." “我们找个地方喝杯咖啡吧。”——“我知道个好地方。”

9. "I know you don't believe me," I said resignedly.


10. I know this is an imposition. But please hear me out.





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