
与父母互换身份的作文 与父母互换角色的作文

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【 – 写作指导】






听了这句话,阵阵笑声像摇着的银铃,在家里回荡、回荡…… 这次与妈妈换身份,不但换出了欢乐,还换回了一个坚定的信念“以后一定要多帮妈妈,因为做一个妈妈实在太难了!”



worry about everything and everybody, such as our study, entertainment and friends. As is often the case, they sometimes read our diary without our permission. “It’s good for you.” explain they every time we ask them why.

get on well with our parents? It’s a problem.

However, there is no reason for us to be against our parents just because of it. Only when we try our best to communicate with them can we make each of us understand. It’s your sincerity and patience that can call their respect on you. Why not have a try?{与父母互换身份的作文}.

2. It seems that our parents care too much about us.

For example, they are telling us what we should do and what we mustn’t do all the time and they also worry about all that we do. In order to keep us growing healthily and happily, they even want us to stay at home for a whole day at weekends if possible. However, we feel it difficult to breathe under such heavy pressure. We want to have more freedom and make decisions by ourselves.

All in all, we should give more understanding to our parents. As we know, all the parents love their children. So if we show our love to them properly, they will understand us, too.{与父母互换身份的作文}.

3. What we must face with is that our parents always get everything of us under control, which makes us feel rather uncomfortable.{与父母互换身份的作文}.

To our disappointment, parents always worry about what we wear everyday, how we behave at school and our studies, our meals, even the friends we have made. What’s more, they often say that the intension for these is to let us grow up healthily and happily. For fear of their feeling sad, we have to act as they require, rather than say a word.

Child as I am, I entirely understand my parents. I think the key to it is to understand them. On the other hand, we should make our parents understand us, either. With the love between parents and us, we can lead a comfortable and senseful life!

4. It is believed that our parents always pay attention to everything we do. They make it a rule that whatever we do, we should tell them. For example, tell them the reason and you can get the money which you ask for. Tell them where you go and then you can go out.


They always worry about us. They take it for granted that whatever they do for us is good. They only want us to live happily and healthily. However, hardly do they change their mind no matter how we complain.{与父母互换身份的作文}.

The approach to solve the problem is to understand our parents and make ourselves understood. Only in this way can we get on well with our parents.

5. Our parents care for everything we do. They always tell us what we should do and stop us doing whatever we like to do, which makes our generation gap deeper.

However, as our parents, whatever they do is make us grow up healthily and live happily. From the time we were born, they worry about what we eat, how much sleep we get and how we behave at school. In fact, we have been becomg part of their lives and carrying all their hopes and expectations from our birth. It is they who bring our lives as well as comfort in life.

Therefore, more understanding between us is a must to shorten our gap and improve our relationship. Only in this way can we get on well with each other and enjoy the companionship.

Some wonderful sentences

1. Not until we understand our parents’ concern and hope on us can we feel the love deeply from their hearts.

2. What really makes us uncomfortable is that our parents worry about everything we have done.{与父母互换身份的作文}.

3.The better we understand our parents, the easier it will be to get along with them.

4. Only when we try our best to communicate with them can we make each of us understood.

5. We have every reason to believe their purpose of our growing up healthily and happily.

6. Our parents manage everything of us, which is beyond what we can stand.

7. What they don’t know is that it will take away our freedom and make us unhappy.


与父母的沟通 作者:北港小学 504班彭奕 “沟通”就是平静地谈谈心,互

相理解,互相交流自己的想法。如果不沟通,就是自己的亲人也猜不出你心里的想法。 我的爸爸妈妈现在越来越忙,而我的学习任务也越来越重,所以我们沟通的时间却越来越少。 记得那一次,我很快要期末靠考试了,并且是英语、科学、语文和数学都快要考了,考试的前一个周末功课比平时多,好不容易做了语文、数学和英语的作业时,手都有点酸了。可当我告诉妈妈做了这么多作业时,她却说:“你休息一下,一会儿把科学的那张考卷也做了,早的话再加一点儿做做。”我听后吃惊地说:“今天还要做吗?”妈妈一听,问:“你是不是累了?如果实在太累就去看看电视休息一下吧!明天再做。”其实我并不想看电视,现在也不是看电视的时候,心里一定不怎么放松,因为毕竟就要考试了,还有作业没做。于是对她说:“我还是去做吧!”妈妈可能是以为我生气了,便走过来,对我说:“还是别做了,太累了,对身体不好的。”我对她说了我的想法。妈妈听后对我说:“我看你作业多,怕你来不及,才叫你再做一点的。不过你也别太累要适量休息一下的。要不我们去散散步吧!”于是我和妈妈在小区里逛了一圈,放松一下,回来后我觉得轻松多了。 你想,我和妈妈沟通了,妈妈就能理解我,许多事情都可以得到圆满的解决。一旦沟通不够,容易产生一些小误会。




母爱是伟大的,它不要任何报酬,尽管在它的温暖的阳光之后换来的是一阵无情狂风暴雨。 一岁时,妈妈把刚切好的一块生日蛋糕捧到我手里时,我无情地把蛋糕仍得远远的。然后无缘无故地大哭起来。




有时候,在和妈妈撒谎时,妈妈的语气是那么的温柔那么的和气,我知道妈妈是那么的信任我,而我却利用妈妈对我的信任来欺骗她,我心里感到酸酸的,感到非常难过,非常懊悔。 懊悔过了,又是一次和妈妈的风雨大战。中午,妈妈坐车跑了四五公里回来专门为我做饭。而在饭桌上小谈时,又因为某些事情而和妈妈大吵,摔筷子,碗里剩下半碗饭,转身走进自己的房间,啪!把门砸得巨响。妈妈只有孤零零的吃完剩下的饭菜。妈妈去上班时,仍用甜美的声音和我道别,好像什么事也没发生,那时我气也消了,也甜甜地和妈妈说"再见"。


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