
作文拒绝考试作弊 考试作弊英语作文

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记得那是十二月的某一天,爸爸正在网上浏览新闻,我正在写作业。 突然,爸爸生气的说道:“这些孩子怎么对得起养育他们的父母呢?将来哪个单位会要这样的庸才!”听到爸爸的话我和妈妈也不约而同的跑过来看个究竟。原来网上有一篇报道:12月23日举行的大学英语四级考试出现涉嫌泄题和用无线通讯工具作弊事件。刚开考七分钟,网名为“狼的诱惑”的人就在网上贴出四级写作题,并附有例文。北京市教委高教处处长也表示,已发现有考生用无线通讯工具作弊。在北方工业大学的考场里,听力考试的广播中居然同时传出一个人念“答案”的声音。教育部相关负责人称,将尽快查清此事{作文拒绝考试作弊}.




篇二:《英语作文考试作弊Cheating on Exams》


Cheating on Exams






{作文拒绝考试作弊}. {作文拒绝考试作弊}. {作文拒绝考试作弊}.


It is reported that the rate of cheating on exams has been on the rise in recent

years. Many students admit that they have committed cheating once or twice in the past. Despite the fact that school authorities have imposed severe punishments on dishonest students, cheating on exams still frequently happens nowadays.

作文号:217156 教师:zyl字数:100~500 满分:100 Recently the phenomenon of cheating has become very serious .It is a very

despicable behavior. We need to reflection why despite the fact that school authorities have imposed severe punishments on dishonest students, cheating on exams still frequently happens nowadays. There are many reasons cause students cheating on exams. First when we get high score we will feel good .Our teacher hope we could get high score but our teacher not encourage us to cheating on exams.Secondly our parents have great hopes for us, we do not want to see they treat us down. So we hope let they happy with high marks. Although we is filial we use the wrong way. Thirdly get high scores can meet our vanity.{作文拒绝考试作弊}.

School want to put an end to cheat in the exam must draw upstrict{作文拒绝考试作弊}.

system and always educated student not to cheaton exams. The teacher should promote students' learning at ordinary times and they need not to cheat on exams.The supervisor should be strict monitors. I think do these we can eliminate Cheating.

Recently the phenomenon of cheating has become very serious .It is a very despicable behavior. We need to reflection why despite the fact that school authorities have imposed severe punishments on students that cheating on exams, cheating on exams still frequently happens nowadays.

There are many reasons cause students cheating on exams. First when we get high score we will feel good .Our teacher hope we could get high score but they not encourage us to cheating on exams. Secondly our parents have great hopes for us, we do not want to see they treat us down. So we hope let they feel happy with high marks. Although we are filial we use the wrong way. Thirdly get high scores can meet we are better.

School want to put an end to cheat in the exam must draw up strict system and always educated student not to cheat on exams.The teacher should promote students' learning at ordinary times and they need not to cheat on exams. The supervisor should be strict when student on exam. I think do these we can eliminate Cheating.

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