
children's,day children s day 作文

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【 – 小学作文】

篇一:《《Children's Day》教学设计》

Children’s Day教学设计

教材内容: ( 略 ) 适合年级:五年级

课型: 阅读课 设计者: 杨妙萍


这是一篇关于儿童节的小短文。阅读材料从Children’s Day这一主题出发,主要讲述了世界各地儿童节的时间及庆祝方式,让学生了解到“六一”不是唯一的儿童节,有些国家(像日本)的儿童节与众不同,孩子们庆祝的形式也是各不相同的。让学生在阅读中对世界和中西文化的差异会有所了解,丰富了知识、拓展了视野,提高学生阅读分析能力,激发学习英语的兴趣。


五年级的学生,有一定的英语学习基础:已经掌握了大量的常用词,能在老师的帮助下看英语插图小故事,初步具备阅读简单小短文的能力。再加上Children’s Day是孩子们最熟悉最喜爱的节日,他们会对本篇短文持有浓厚的兴趣。




(一)认知目标:1、掌握下列单词和词组:UK、 America、 Japan、raise

get presents、go to parties、fish-shaped flags、best clothes

2、能正确认读present, June,July,October,March,May,November,UK,America,Japan等词汇。学会日期的表述方法,如June 1st ,July 14th等。


They do not go to school/get presents/go to parties……

In the UK/America/Japan, children ……









教学难点:日期的表述方法,如June 1st ,July 14th等。


多媒体课件、单词短语卡片、各国旗帜图片、fish-shaped flags、best clothes图片等


一. 热身{children’s,day}.

1. Greetings.

T: Hello,children.What day is it today?() What’s the date? () Today is Ann’s birthday,please sing a song for her.

2.sing a song: Happy Birthday


T: Oh,can you tell me when is your birthday,Lulu、Marry、Joe(活动方式:在屏幕上呈现12个月份月历卡,指名五名学生回答,并在相应的月份上打勾)



4. leading:

T: Thank you for telling me yours birthdays. I like my birthday too. It’on September 10th.It’s Teacher’s day. When is your birthday,children?


T:“In China, Children’s Day on June 1st? And what about UK? America? Japan? (大屏幕出示国家名字,与国旗,指名生上台连线)


T:When is these countries’ Children’s day? Are they the same? Now let’s read together.





填完表格,师让生用句型:In China,Children’s day is on June 1st.进行汇报交流。





June 1st. Children get presents and go to parties.



1)In many countries, Children’s Day is on June 1st.()

2)In UK, It is on October 31st.()

3)In Japan, children have many Children’s Days. ( )

4) On Boys’ Day, boys eat hamburgers.( )

5) On Girls’ Day,families with sons raise fish-shaped flags on their houses.( )



(3)、让生再次仔细阅读最后短文一段关于日本的Children’s Day ,并在小组内{children’s,day}.


(师穿插出示图片:fish-shaped flags、best clothes帮助生更形象地理解){children’s,day}.

【设计意图】:日本的Children’s Day是本课的重点、难点,通过重点阅读、



Children’s Day的有关内容。










2.写一篇专门介绍日本Children’s Day的短文。


Children’s Day

In China June 1st

In the UK July 14th

In America October 31st

In Japan many Children’s Days.


篇二:《五年级英语作文 Children's day》

Children’s Day is coming. It’s on June 1 st. I like it. Because I will play lots of games with my friends. I will eat sweet candies. On Children’s Daythat day, we will have

a school trip too. Will you come?

篇三:《My children's day 作文范文》

My children’s day

Sample 1:

Yesterday was my last children’s day. We had a great time at Shunyi. In the morning, we had a two-hour ride by bus. When we got there, we took a walk in a wetland park. It was peaceful and quiet. We rested and had lunch there. Then we got on the bus again and wet to a pottery art village to learn to make potteries. We used mud to make potteries and it was so exciting. Later we got colors to paint on the plates. We all enjoyed ourselves.

Sample 2:

Today I had a school trip with my classmates. The weather was sunny and hot. First we went to a pottery art village and did some ceramics. We had fun working on the pottery. I spent one hour making some pottery works—three pigs. That is my favorite animal. It was interesting. Then we went to a wetland park. It was so beautiful a park that we enjoyed it very much. We had picnic on the grass and played together. I had a great children’s day. I prefer going to the nature to studying at school.

Sample 3:

Yesterday was the last children’s day for me. I had a school trip with my classmates. At first, we went to a pottery art village to learn how to make pottery. It was really fantastic and I was excited about that. We all did some pottery works by ourselves. Next we went to a wetland park and had lunch there. We were really tired and hungry so we ate quickly. In the park we found a lot of plants we have never seen and we made some leaf samples. Finally, we came back at 4:00 pm. It was a meaningful and unforgettable day.

Sample 4:

Yesterday was the children’s day and we had a great school trip. On the trip, we went to two interesting places. The first place we went to was the wetland park. It took almost two hours to drive there. The wetland park was hot and very big, but it was very beautiful. I saw many plants there which were so amazing. I had lunch with my friends under a big tree. Then we went to the pottery village. What a great place! In the village, all the students made some pottery things by themselves. I made so perfect a pottery article that it made me feel very proud.

On the way back, I was quite tired but I was happy, because I had a good time. What an unforgettable children’s day!

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