
olympics作文 olympics 英语作文

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篇一:《英语作文The Olympic Games and Me》

×÷The Olympic Games and Me


The Olympics was onece so far away from my life ,that as a senior one student here in China, I've never been involved with anything about Olympics. But next time, things will be different.

The 2010 Olympics will be held in Beijing. Though it's still a few year from now, I still feel the enthusiasm of our Chinese people. Last time I wandered in the streets and saw a crowd of people buying something in big amounts. I was so curious that I went up and had a closer look. they were fighting to buy the new mascots for the 2010 Olmpics. the mascots were made in different sizes and styles, but they all come from the original features of Fuwa . From then on , I realised how close the international and historical game is to me!

As a high school student, I'd be a freshman in college during the Olympics in Beijing. How I wish I could be a volunteer, and really devote myself into it! Time flies, and two years is just a blink of an eye. Tomorrow, I'll be a pround Chinese, who is able to be proud of his own to have a memory of the glorious game.

篇二:《作文The Olympic Games》

×÷The Olympic Games

the olympic games are held every four years in a different city in the world.

athletes from different countries compete in a variety of sports which are divided into winter and sum mer games.

the olympics began in greece more than 2 700 years ago. the first recorded

olympic competition was held in 776 b. c. it was held in an outdoor stadium and about forty thousand people watched the event. the first thirteen olympics consisted of only one race running. the games had been held regularly for about 1 200 years. then, in the year 397 the olympics were prohibited by the roman emporor.

it was not until 1896 that the first olympics of modern times were held in athens. from then on the games are held every four years rugularly. the olympics have

become the world's most important athletic events and a symbol of sporting friendship of all the people of the world.


Olympic and Me

I am looking forward to the days coming of Aug 8th of 2008, the day Beijing Olympic games will be opened, the day Sports family gather in Beijing, and the day All the Chinese feel proud.

As a little host, I really want to be honorable volunteer for it, however, I am still too young to be a real volunteer, but I can still contribute for it (according as I am able) First, as a citizen of Beijing, I will welcome every friend from all over the world with my enthusiasm and smile to show us Beijing people’s friendship and hospitality. And let the foreign friends know (feel) Beijing from the smile on our face

Then/second, I will study English harder. During the Olympic Games, I can communicate with the foreign friends in English and serve for them such as to be a interpreter and show them the way, let them love Beijing more from our enthusiastic help

Third, I will learn more knowledge about Beijing and The Olympic Games in order to introduce the beautiful Beijing to foreigners and its long history and splendor culture in the future. Let them know more about China by talking to each Beijinger At last I will mobilize every students around me to learn civilized manners and strength the consciousness of the protecting the environment .we should do from now on for Beijing

Olympic Game to be a real Green Olympics, humanities Olympics, technology Olympics

“One word One dream” I hope my dream will come true





再次,我也要学习更多的有关北京、奥运的知识,将来可以为外国朋友介绍咱们美丽的北京,以及北京悠久的历史和灿烂的文化,要让他们通过和每一个北京人的交流更加了解北京,了解中国。 爱爱英语学习风站




New Beijing, Great Olympics

The 2008 Olympic Game has been the most cheerful and anticipated event throughout Beijing ever since Beijing was rewarded the right to host the 2008 Summer Olympic Games, yet the focus should be shifted from making a promise to fulfilling the promise made.

In my point of view, to bridge the gap between the promise and reality, Beijing still has a long way to go. To begin with, infrastructure construction should be the primary concern. Such infrastructures as communications and transportation system and facilities ought to draw our constant attention. First, traffic jam has been an ageold headache in Beijing. The scene of long queues of vehicles worming their way inch by inch will surely cause great incontinence, and blemish the image of the city meanwhile. Next, to add enchantment to convenience, overall cityplanning is indispensable. Time permitting, a redesign of city layout and adjustment of architectural style would provide a better environment for fostering the characteristic, blending, oriental elegance with international grandeur, will tower aloft among surrounding architectures. To achieve such effect, Beijing shall solicit opinions from firstrate architects and make an overall plan. Thirdly, quality of the population should be improved. To make an international metropolis, both “hardware” and “software” are important.

However, Rome was not built in a day. To carry out the promise of “New Beijing, Great Olympics”, deeds speak louder than words

北京奥运中文口号为:同一个世界,同一个梦想;英文口号为:One World,One Dream。首次举办奥运会的中国人民希望通过口号告诉全世界:我们和全世界人民一样,都热爱奥林匹克运动。

"One World, One Dream": Slogan for Beijing Olympic

One world, One dream. In the coming years, even for decades to come, the four simple English words will be closely, unmistakably linked to the Summer Olympic Games and the Paralympic Games that Beijing will be hosting in 2008.

"One world, One dream" is the slogan for the Beijing 2008 Games. It was announced at a grand ceremony held in the Chinese capital this evening and was broadcast live on CCTV and Beijing TV, the country's two heavyweight broadcasters.

Immediately after the announcement made by Li Changchun, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central

Committee, a big round of applauses echoed in the Beijing Workers' Indoor Arena, where the ceremony was held.

A promotional video for the Beijing Olympic Games slogan was shown at giant screens erected in the indoor arena. A jubilant mood filled the air, and festive art performances by Chinese and foreign artists followed. China Mobile, one of the official partners for Beijing 2008, sent the slogan, in the form of a short message, to all its subscribers across China only minutes after the slogan was announced.

More than 6,000 guests were present at the slogan announcement ceremony, among whom were Liu Qi, president of the Beijing Organizing Committee for the Games of the XXIX Olympiad (BOCOG), and BOCOG First Vice-President Chen Zhili, and representatives from different walks of life, including Beijing-based foreign dignitaries.

"‘One world, One dream' is an embodiment of the wisdom of hundreds of thousands of people," BOCOG President Liu Qi said in his address, "It is a slogan that conveys the lofty ideal of people in Beijing as well as in China to share the global community and civilization and to create a bright future hand in hand with people from the rest of the world. It expresses the firm belief of a great nation, with a long history of 5,000 years and on its way towards modernization, that is committed to peaceful development, harmonious society and people's happiness. It voices the aspirations of 1.3 billion Chinese people to contribute to the establishment of a peaceful and bright world."

"The Olympic Games are unique in their ability to attract the world's attention, using sport to promote peace and understanding. The IOC is delighted that BOCOG's slogan for the 2008 Olympic Games has captured that Olympic spirit," IOC President Jacques Rogge said in a letter of congratulations to BOCOG.

BOCOG issued a call for the slogan on January 1, 2005, and the response was unexpectedly good. By the deadline at 17:30 on January 31, 2005, the office for the Solicitation of Slogans for the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games received at least 210,000 entries of slogans that people sent in by 10,123 emails and 10,038 letters.

The letters and emails came from all over the world, including all the provinces and autonomous regions on the Chinese mainland, Hong Kong and Macau Special Administrative Regions and Taiwan,as well as the United States, Great Britain, France, Japan, the Republic of Korea, Cuba, Norway, Brazil and many other countries and regions. Most of the slogans submitted are in Chinese, some are in English, French and Spanish.

After the deadline, BOCOG invited experts in the Olympic studies, sociology, sports, culture and linguistics to evaluate, pre-select, preview all the submissions based on the pre-set standards and in line with the principles of equality and fairness. The finalized slogan is the outcome of collective wisdom.

The slogan Beijing used during its bid campaign was "New Beijing, Great Olympics". It has successfully helped the world to recognize that Beijing, a city with a history of more than 3,000 years and at the heart of China's splendid culture, is also one of the fastest modernizing cities in the world. The new slogan shifted the focus from the city itself to the three concepts of 2008 Games (namely, Green Olympics, Hi-tech Olympics and People's Olympics) and the universal values of the Olympic Movement. Games organizers have increasingly used Olympic slogans as an

important platform to launch their communications campaigns. Slogans from past Games, such as "Share the Spirit" of the 2000 Sydney Games, and "Light the Fire Within" of the 2002 Salt Lake City Winter Games, have caught people's imagination and inspired millions around the world. "Welcome Home" also became a highlight during the Athens Games last summer and was a source of boundless pride for Greeks.


2006-2-20 0:0 页面功能 【字体:大 中 小】【打印】【关闭】 acrobatic gymnastics——技巧运动

athletics/track & field——田径


boat race——赛艇

bobsleigh, bobsled——雪橇 boxing——拳击

canoe slalom——激流划船






downhill race——速降滑雪赛,滑降 dragon-boat racing——赛龙船 dressage——盛装舞步



figure skating——花样滑冰

football(英语)/soccer(美语)——足球 freestyle——自由式

gliding; sailplaning——滑翔运动 golf——高尔夫球

Greece-Roman wrestling——古典式摔跤 gymnastic apparatus——体操器械 gymnastics——体操



篇四:《Olympic Games 英语作文》

The Olympic Games{olympics作文}.

The world has a lot of different sports tournament every year. In the year of 2010, we had the World Cup game in South Africa. In the year of 2012, we will have the Olympic Games in London, the capital city of Bratain.

Each four years, the Olympic Games hold at different major cities around the world. The lastest Olympic Games took place in the heart of our country, Beijing. In the summer of the year 2008. This is probably the most exciting summer of my life. Even though I did not the opportunity to watch these wonderful games at the stadium, I was the same excited as the audience when I watched them on the TV.

The opening ceremony was one of the best parts of the Beijing Olympic Games. It was directed by Zhang Yimou. One of the most famous movie directors in our country. The performance was of great delicacy and it was beyond words. I guess everyone was impressed by these performers.

My favorite player is Liu Xiang. Unfortunately, he couldn’t perform his game during this time. He was forced to leave the stadium due to his recent injury. I hope he will take a gold medal from the London Olympic Games. Yao Ming is another favorite player of mine. I used to wish get grow as tall as he is. But he retired last year, so I won’t to have a chance to see his game during the London Olympic Games.

The new Olympic Games is going to start in 3 months. I hope our athletes will have a great performance during their games, and earn as many medals as they can. For the rest of us, I hope we are all going to enjoy our times during this summer.










The year of 2008 is getting closer and closer to us. We need to take actions from now on to prepare for the game. What we need to do most is to work on our disadvantages and shortcomings. As a student of Senior high, I can do my own part. Although I can’t transform our city into more a beautiful place on my own, I can help Beijing in small ways and encourage our classmates and people around me to follow my lead.

Let me take the environment for example, the atmosphere around Beijing is quite disappointing, factories and cars keep giving off exhausts into the air, we can hardly see the blue sky with our naked eyes, because the sky is covered with a thick layer of harmful substances. The sky is gray instead of blue. To our delight, the government has passed some laws of protecting the air, and we can do something useful, too. For example, whenever we go out for a long distance, ride the bike or take the buses and subways instead of taxis. You may not have a clue how it works. Of course doing that only by one person is far from enough, but we can let more people do that together. In that case the result may be more than we bargained for.

Another thing we need to work on is our English skills. Teachers and parents often put great emphasis on our English skills especially listening and speaking. I want to be a volunteer in 2008, to be an interpreter. For now, I must do something helpful to improve my spoken English. Rome isn’t build in a day, so is English. It can’t be improved in a day or two. It takes time and energy. There are no shortcuts to improve your spoken English; the most productive way is to grab all opportunities around you to open your mouth. For instance, taking part in all kinds of English contests is a good way, you can meet some excellent contestants, and you can share the experience of learning and some good method of learning. I will keep participating in all English activities to polish up my English. I’m sure by the year of 2008, I will be able to master English well just as my mother tongue.

All in all, I’m sure that Beijing Olympic Games will be one of the most successful Games in history. I believe our long-cherished dream will be fulfilled in a perfect way!{olympics作文}.




让我以环境为例,北京周围的大气环境比较令人失望,工厂和汽车不断地向空中排放废气,我们几乎用肉眼看不到蓝色的天空了。因为天空被一层厚厚的有害物质所覆盖, 天空成了灰色,而不是蓝色。令我们高兴的是,政府已经出台一些保护大气环境的相关法规。我们呢,也可以做一些有用的事情。比如说,每当我们要出远门的时候,骑自行车或乘坐公交车和地铁来代替出租车。你可能不知道这会有什么用。当然,只靠一个人的力量是远远不够的,但是我们可以让更多的人一起去做。 这样的话,结果才有可能收效显著。



主要内容: 1)充当来自世界各地的运动员及官员的向导兼服务员. 2)为各客房配送毛巾,香皂,牙刷,笔,纸巾等日用品. 3)帮助运动员们提东西. 4)每天工作8小时 注意: 1)不能逐条翻译上述要点; 2)词数:100词左右

参考词汇: 配送 prepare and deliver 毛巾 towel

Dear Peter,

Nice to hear from you. You are welcome to be a volunteer of 2008 Olympic Games of Beijing. As a volunteer, you first act as a guide for the officials and athletes from all over the world. You are also an attendant. You need to prepare and deliver daily supplies, such as towels, soap, toothbrushes, pens, paper and so on, to the rooms of the officials' and athletes'. If necessary, you may help the athletes to carry luggage. The job is simple, but tiring. None the less, it is very important and meaningful. What's more, you need to work 8 hours a day.

I am looking forward to the day you come to Beijing. See you then.

Yours truly,

Li Ming


New Beijing, Great Olympics

The 2008 Olympic Game has been the most cheerful and anticipated event throughout Beijing ever since. Beijing was rewarded the right to host the 2008 Summer Olympic Games, yet the focus should be shifted from making a promise to fulfilling the promise made.

In my point of view, to bridge the gap between the promise and reality, Beijing still has a long way to go. To begin with, infrastructure construction should be the primary concern. Such infrastructures as communications and transportation system and facilities ought to draw our constant attention. First, traffic jam has been an age old headache in Beijing. The scene of long queues of vehicles worming their way inch by inch will surely cause great inconti

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