
最想去的地方作文 我最想去的地方作文

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【 – 小学作文】

篇一:《英语作文我最想去的地方I would like to travel to Darnassus》

I would like to travel to Darnassus. That’s really a beautiful place which lies under the world tree called taidaxier. It’s my hometown and a purple world. When you wander around, you can see tall ancient trees above your head,crystal streams running through the grass.

Of course, it’s safe here and don’t worry about your enemies because I’m an Night Elf, and it’s also our night elves harbor. Our ancestors built vast palaces, which looks so spectacular. In a word,if you ever came,you would never want to leave. However, I consider it as my paradise because I am a warrior, and I can take much freedom to enjoy myself ,besides, most of the regulations are reasonable and satisfies me.

When I kill many people and finish my daily tasks,with tired steps,I come back to Darnassus which would make me relax and calm. Life here is so simple that the only thing you need to consider is to kill more enemies. I love simple life which is far more different from the real world, you know, sometimes it’s not our fault, but the environment and regulations are wrong. The slogan“for alliance”get us together here which makes you feel a sense of belonging. If I want to go out fighting, Darnassus is always here waiting for us all. Even the wound hurt you most can be cured here when you step into this beautiful pacific place. Maybe the only pity is that I{最想去的地方作文}.

can’t study physics here.

篇二:《英语作文 最想去的地方》

Write a short passage about a place you know or you would most like to visit in the world. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words. You may describ the points as follows:

Describe where it is and who you would most /least like to meet .

Say why it's a good place to travel.

Give examples of what you can do to be a responsible tourist there.

What would spoil your trip?

There are absolutely many places of interest all around the world. Some enjoy the mystery of Tibet but others may be keen on the

peacefulness of Norway. Anyway, the places that people are longing to go to are decided by their personalities and emotions.

The country which attracts me most is England, where


unaccountable extraordinary arts and literature are born, where the whole eastern culture are born and where my favorite work, the Adventure of Sherlock Holmes, are born.

What attracts me most in England is its fabulous cultural

atmosphere, fortunately filled with plenty of galleries, theaters and museums.

Obviously, Mr. Holmes is the one I would most like to meet. Of course I know he is a virtual character .But he is so vivid that I

believe he exists in every corner of London. I’m eager to meet him, to touch him and to communicate with him there. I’m longing to see the 221B Baker street.{最想去的地方作文}.

To maintain the order and regulations there, I will definitely

treasure the antique, keep voice down and never cut in line.{最想去的地方作文}.

If I was robbed or be stolen by the thief, there nothing more

annoying, which may well spoil my trip. But maybe I can meet a “Sherlock” because of this.




最近刚读完毕淑敏老师写的一本书,叫《蓝色天堂》 。书中作者写到了她环球一周到不同的国家的所见所闻所感,其中我被她描写的蓝湖深深吸引了,经过了解这个神奇的温泉大湖是属于冰岛的,记得在上《走进欧洲》这门课时应老师也讲到冰岛,那时候我就已经对这个国家充满好奇,“冰岛”,光听这个名字就给人一种寒意,加上老师跟我们提到它的地理位置贴近北极圈,让我误以为冰岛的温度会很低很低,即使有阳光照射,一年四季都会被大雪覆盖。我无法想象这个国家的人群会怎样生活,后来上网查了才了解到冰岛虽然地处高纬,但由于受到北大西洋暖流的影响和西风带的控制,属于温带海洋性气候,是同纬度地区一种特殊的气候。而且深受北大西洋暖流影响,主要从其南面流过,并有一支绕行于它的西面和北面。所以虽然地处北极圈附近,冬季气温并不低,夏季气温全岛在7至12℃之间。查了资料后才让我消除了担忧,而且我也了解到6月至8月底冰岛会出现极昼现象,几乎没有夜晚。虽然早就在中学时期就知道在北极附近会有这种现象,但是毕竟没有真正见识过,如果有机会好想亲自去感受一下这种特殊的自然现象。{最想去的地方作文}.


当然对于冰岛我最想去的就是一开始提到的蓝湖,在《蓝色天堂》这本书中,作者是这样描述蓝湖的:当一丛丛烟岚环绕的蓝湖路标出现时,第一次来的人简直不敢相信,在这片狰狞锐利的黑色熔岩之间,会有传说中的美丽湖泊。蓝湖出现在你面前的时候,首先吓你一跳的是它魔鬼般调出的颜色。蓝湖是浑浊的,还不是一般的浑浊,简直就是伸手不见五指的蓝白浆液。第二个让你惊讶的是蓝湖在冒烟。这个所谓的 “烟”,就是热腾腾的水汽。冰岛气温低,汽就冒得格外腾云驾雾。众多泡温泉的人,在一锅浑了吧唧的蓝色浆汁里扑腾,完全看不见他们的躯体,只见一堆湿淋淋略带青色的脸庞浮动在乳白色的黏稠蓝浆之上,令人惊骇莫名。蓝湖的四壁和地面绝不光滑,带着火山岩疙里疙瘩的粗糙感。我想作者的描述多少有点夸张。但我在网上查到蓝湖就是位于一片荒芜的黑色山融岩之间,史瓦特森格尼地热发电厂三根巨大烟囱是它著名的地标。它是冰岛著名的户外浴池,是世界著名的地热温泉,位于雷克雅未克市东南方向。它被誉为“天然美容院”。而蓝湖的形成十分特别,是那些被用来经过地下高热火山融岩层而吸收热量来发电的海水聚积而成,水中含有许多化学与矿物结晶,这些结晶已被冰岛医学家用证明能舒解精神压力和具有某种疗效,因此从蓝湖中提炼出来的各种产品也受到欢迎。蓝湖已成为冰岛最典型的宣照片,看着那些图片我为之震撼。


颗纯粹无杂质,捧起一把满手乌黑,轻轻一抖,黑沙四散,手上却纤尘不染。 等到有机会了我一定要亲自去感受冰岛不一样的美。

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