【 – 小学作文】
当我知道三门功课的成绩后,我的心里沉甸甸的。因为我的粗心,语文只考了86.5分,试卷上的错误真让我伤心,我连“拼音写词语”,“按课文内容填空”这样简单的题目都做错了。就连平时我最拿手的英语也只有96分,只得了班第五名,那一道题错得真让我惭愧。 第二天,老师表扬了总分前十五名的同学,我名落孙山。我迷迷糊糊地听着老师上课。老师在讲些什么,我几乎没有听清,只有这句话一直在我脑海里翻腾着:“与其说是粗心,还不如说是对知识掌握不扎实、不熟练……”
当我知道三门功课的成绩后,我的心里沉甸甸的。因为我的粗心,语文只考了86.5分,试卷上的错误真让我伤心,我连“拼音写词语”,“按课文内容填空”这样简单的题目都做错了。就连平时我最拿手的英语也只有96分,只得了班第五名,那一道题错得真让我惭愧。 第二天,老师表扬了总分前十五名的同学,我名落孙山。我迷迷糊糊地听着老师上课。老师在讲些什么,我几乎没有听清,只有这句话一直在我脑海里翻腾着:“与其说是粗心,还不如说是对知识掌握不扎实、不熟练……”
让我印象最深刻的考试是二年级二期的期末考试。数学考了九十八分,语文考了九十五分。 考试前我认真复习,把课文都背地滚瓜烂熟,课后的生字,习题都成为了我的好朋友。 终于考试的日子来临了,俗话说:“自信是成功的第一。”我对自己充满自信,决定考试时大显身手。一声铃响考试开始了,教室里鸦雀无声。我一丝不苟的做着每一道题目。我牢记妈妈的话:看清题、动脑想、认真写、仔细查。这四点我一一做到了,最后我胸有成竹得把试卷交给老师。 下课了,同学们都凑在一起答案,对了的同学们兴高采烈的,错了的同学个个都唉声叹气。我心里也不安,害怕自己考不到高分。当我知道我得了九十八分时,我高兴得手舞足蹈。
今天,我要去学校拿期末考试成绩单。到了学校,我的心里非常紧张,因为我想知道语文和数学能考多少分。成绩单发下来了,我看到语文作文是满分,考试成绩是96.5分,数学是100分。太好啦,我的玩具有希望啦!因为妈妈答应我只要有一科考了满分,就给我买面包工坊的玩具。 我对这次考试不是太满意,但是妈妈夸奖了我,认为我考的很好,因为我没有犯马虎的坏习惯,错的都是我不会的题,所以妈妈下午要带我去买我想要的玩具和我喜欢的好吃的,我真开心。 我下学期一定要好好学习,争取考双百。 天津市河东区中心东道小学二年级:张周瑶
期中考试后的作文参考 (期中考试前的参看期中考试作文复习卷)
My Dream Job
I want to be a writer because I love books.I began to read at the age of six. Now I’ve read thousands of books. Among them are a lot of famous novels and short stories. Besides, I’m good at writing. Chinese is my favourite subject.I will work hard. And I think I’ll be a famous writer in the future.
A Famous Person (就写Bill Gates)
练习册P44 介绍你认识的人 ——这个题目类似于预备年级写的My Best Friend 等
参考:My mother is a tall woman. She is already over 40, but she still looks young and pretty. She is also very kind and patient. I love her very much. My mother works as a teacher in a middle school. She gives lessons to her students every day. She loves her work because she loves her students.
School Art Festival
We held our school art festival last week. We put on one performance after another. There was a chorus, a solo, a group-singing, a comic dialogue, a short play and some other interesting items. The most exciting item was the short play. We gave it a big hand. We also found the comic dialogue very humorous. We laughed and laughed. The group-singing was interesting, too. The most boring item was the dance. Neither my classmates nor I enjoyed it. But still we had a good time.
练习册P56也有一篇关于学校艺术节,根据图片和提示问题 (请翻看练习册)
We held our school art festival last week. During our school art festival, some students put on a short play. It was Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. The audience were very interested in the performance. Jane thought the performance was wonderful. She enjoyed it very much. When the performance was over, the audience gave the actors and actresses a big hand. Jane thought Wang Yun should win the Best Actress Prize because she played the part of Snow White very well.
School Sports Day
We had our school sports day last Friday. We had both track events and field events. Many students took part in the high jump, the long jump, the 100-metre dash and the football match. My best friend Zhang Ying came in first in the high jump. Quite a few students broke the school records. Our headmaster awarded gold medals to the winners. We had a good time.
课文P136 还有一篇关于学校运动会的报道
The school sports day has come to an end. It was a great success. The sports day began 8 o’clock. First, our headmaster made an opening speech. He encouraged us to take an active part in sports. The sports day ended at 5p.m. Quite a few students broke the school records. Wang Hai won the championship in the men’s high jump, and Song Li won first place in the women’s long jump. Class One, Senior Two got the highest team score. The headmaster awarded the prizes to the winners. The winners have decided to practise harder. They will do their best to set new school records on the next sports day.
A Football Match
I watched a football match yesterday. It was between Class One and Class Two. It began at 3
p.m. They played in our school playground. The captain of Class One, Tom, scored two goals in the match. In the end, Class One beat Class Two by 3:0. The students of Class One all cheered for their team. Class Two lost the game, but they would like to have another match with Class One. I thought it was a wonderful football match.
练习册P67 也有一篇关于足球赛{期中考试以后作文200字}.
I watched a football match at Hongkou Football Stadium last Saturday. It was between our school football team and the Tiger Team. It was an exciting match. Our school football team beat the Tiger Team by 2:0. My favourite forward Li Tian Shu scored the goals.
My Dream Job{期中考试以后作文200字}.{期中考试以后作文200字}.
1. I want to be a writer because I love books.
2. I began to read at the age of six.
3. I’ve read a lot of books.
4. Besides, I’m good at writing.
5. I will work hard.
6. I think I’ll be a famous writer in the future.
A Famous Person (就写Bill Gates)
练习册P44 介绍你认识的人 ——这个题目类似于预备年级写的My Best Friend 等
1. My mother is a tall woman.
2. She is forty years old, but she looks young.
3. She is also very kind.
4. I love her very much.{期中考试以后作文200字}.
5. My mother is a teacher.
6. She loves her work because she loves her students.
School Art Festival
1. We held our school art festival last week.
2. We put on a lot of wonderful items.
3. The best item was the short play.
4. We gave it a big hand.
5. The group-singing was interesting. 6. In a word, we had a good time.
School Sports Day
1. We had our school sports day last week.
2. We had track events and field events.
3. Many students broke the school records.
4. I won first place in the long jump.
5. Our P.E. teachers awarded the medals to the winners.
5. In a word, we had a good time.{期中考试以后作文200字}.
A Football Match{期中考试以后作文200字}.
1. I watched a football match last week.
2. It was between Class One and Class Two.
3. It began at 3 p.m.
4. They played in our school playground.
5. In the end, Class One beat Class Two by 3:0.
6. I thought it was a wonderful football match.
写考试的作文200字 考试 考试开始了,我有点紧张,做着做着,我不紧张了。可是有一道题难住了我,我怎么也想不出答an(),我急得像热gvo()上的蚂蚁团团转,一急,不小心把试卷下面的拼音声diao()给ca()掉了。试卷发下来,我得了98分,dun()时感觉眼泪就出来了。 回到家,妈妈从我手中拿过试juan(),脸突然阴chen()了下来、显得那么不开心。妈妈对我说:“不应该啊,会做的题一定检查仔细了!”我暗暗发shi():一定要好好学习,下次拿个100分给妈妈瞧瞧。
五年级刘杏果 辅导老师尚秋红
妈妈请您放心,我会考个好成绩让您开心,小学五年级作文《面临考试我想说作文200字》。 ◆分享好文◆在复习时我会认真仔细,不马虎不浮躁,让我变成会玩会学听话的好孩子,保证科科优秀。我会考好每一张试卷,让您开心。
朋友们为我们加油吧,为我加油也为自己加油,让我们的成绩好,暑假过得好! 老师,父母,我一定会考好,考个好成绩!
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