
friendship英文说课稿 friendship演讲稿英文

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Unit 1 Friendship说课稿

Unit 1 Friendship





本节课是本单元及本教材的第一节课,本节课的教学内容是Warming up 和 Pre-reading 部分,课型为口语课,用时45分钟。本节课谈论的话题为朋友、朋友的重要性、如何与他人进行交往以及真正的朋友应具有哪些品质等等。学生从初中来到高中,来到一个新的学校,同学们彼此陌生不熟悉,渴望与新同学进行沟通,建立友谊。这样的话题正好引起同学们的兴趣,让同学们有话可说,有情可表。作为教师引导同学们的交友观显得十分重要。因此学习本节课意义重大。新课程标准对本节课的要求呢是学生在学习掌握大纲规定的单词、短语、句型的基础上能清楚的表达对某一事物肯定或否定的态度,简单说明理由。能与同伴们进行交流,了解一些如何与人交往的方法以及初步了解Skimming 和Scanning的阅读技巧等。





语言知识方面:在这节课中,学生将学习、掌握的单词、短语和句型如下:survey, add up, upset, ignore, calm…down, have got to, should have done等。 技能方面,初步了解阅读技巧。








2、陈述句和疑问句的直接引语和间接引语的互相转换(人称的变化、时态 的变化、指 示代词、时间状语、地点状语和动词的变化)。


在新课程背景下,教师要成为学生学习的促进者、组织者和合作者。本课采用讨论法,主要采用小组合作讨论的方式。在读前提出问题,让学生思考讨论是不是只有人与人之间才可以交朋友,然后在阅读中通过安妮的日记向学生说明我们也可以与动物及无生命的日记交朋友。在深刻理解、充分训练的基础上,再引导学生深入讨论几个与本课有关的话题,展开教师为主导、学生为主体的师生互动活动。通过创设真实自然的语言环境,使学生在语言实践中把语言知识和技能主动转化为交流能力,变苦学为乐学,从而培养学生大胆用英语进行交际的能力。 教务于学。通过创设话题,寓教于乐,让学生学会自己动手,收集信息、处理信息,用所学语言去实践和解决问题,使学生在运用语言的过程中感悟体验所学语言的规律,培养语言意识,积累语言经验,形成语言感觉,达到语言运用的目的。从而使学生真正成为学习的主人。



Step 1 Lead in

Look at the proverbs, and guess what they are about.

A life without a friend is a life without a sun.

A friend in need is a friend indeed.

You can buy friendship with friendship, but never with dollars.


Step 2 Warming up

Brainstorming (group competition)

Which kind of friend do you think is the best friend? In groups of four to list as many as possible the qualities a good friend should have.


Step 3 Pre-reading

1. what else can be our friends besides human beings?

2. look at the title and skim the first paragraph of the text to find what Anne’s best friend is.

设计意图:这两个问题对接下来阅读板块的学习提供了很好的铺垫,学生在阅读过程中可以将自己的观点和文章内容进行对比。达到阅读前的充分准备。 Step 4 While-reading Skimming

问题设计:What is Anne’s dairy mainly about?



Read the text again and join the correct parts of the sentences.

1. Anne kept a diary because (she couldn’t meet her friends. )

2. She felt very lonely because (Jews were caught by Nazis and killed.)

3. They had to hide because (she could tell everything to it.)

4. Anne named her diary Kitty because (She wanted it to be her best friend.)


Careful reading:

Read the passage again carefully and answer the following questions.

1.About how long had Anne and her family been in the hiding place when she wrote this part of her diary?

2.How did Anne feel about nature before she and her family hid away?

3.Why do you think her feelings changed towards nature?

4.Why did Anne no longer just like looking at the nature out of the window?


Step 5 Post-reading

With a partner brainstorm some adjectives to describe her feelings. Make a list of at least five.


Step 6 Homework

1.Prepare to retell the text.

2.Find out the important language points in the passage and preview them.

七、 板书设计


Unit 1 Friendship

1、Useful words and expressions 2、 Important structures




各位评委老师大家好!我是12号考生,今天我说课的内容是人教版高一英语Unit 1 Friendship。以下我将从说教材,讲教学目标,说教学方法,教学过程,板书设计和教学效果,六个阶段来完成今天的说课。

首先,我们分析下教材,This unit is to introduce the friendship to us. The reading passage is the center of this unit. It is the most important teaching material in this lesson, which contains most of the vocabularies and grammar points that students should learn.

根据对教材的理解和内容的分析,我将从知识,技能和情感三个方面来说明教学目标: The knowledge aim is to help students understand and master the new words, phrases and sentence patterns and have deeper understanding of the topic —-friendship. The ability aim is to grasp some reading ability such as guessing, skimming, scanning and so on. The emotional aim is to make students value the friendship.

下面我们来说下学生的情况,Although the students have the basic abilities of learning, speaking, reading and writing, they still need many opportunities to practice what they have learned and to develop their autonomous and cooperative learning ability.

Based on the requirement of the syllabus, the important point is to help students understand and master the important words, phrases and expressions. The difficult point is to help students master the grammar points. (—identify examples of Direct Speech & Indirect Speech (I): statements and questions in the text)

下面来探究我们的教学方法。Teaching methods and studying ways

Generally speaking, I adopt task-based language teaching and communicative approach in my class. As for learning, students will master the knowledge through independent reading, discussing and cooperating.

本课教学时,以多媒体教学为主,给予学生更直观的感受,也能够适当加快教学的节奏。 Here comes the most important part, the teaching procedure. It includes 5 steps: they are Lead-in, While-reading, Post-reading, Consolidation, and Homework.

Step 1: lead in and pre-reading, it will spend 7mins.

At the beginning of the class, I will lead in the reading material by the following two activities:

First I will make students watch a short video of the movie The Diary of Anne Frank. Let the students guess what today's topic is. Audio-visual method is adopted here to attract students' attention and interest. The classroom atmosphere can also be activated by guessing.

The second is predicting. Students are required to predict what happened to Anne's family by looking at the picture and the title of the passage. So students' learning strategy of predicting can be improved and their curiosity is aroused.

While-reading is the main part and it will take 21mins. Here I adopt the top-down reading model. This step is divided into 2 parts: fast reading and careful reading. Before reading, I will ask students to predict what will talk in the text according to the title. It can exert the students ' imagination.

First is Fast reading (6mins)

I will let students skim the whole passage quickly and silently then get the main idea of each paragraph, so that they will have a clear understanding of the passage.

Second is careful reading (10mins)

While reading, I will make students try to find the detailed information about the story by discussing and answering the following questions: for example

“What is a true friend like in Anne’s opinion?” and

“Why was she so crazy about things to do with nature?”

At the same time, let the students learn the new words, such as go through, German, set down, a series of, be crazy about, on purpose, face to face and so on.

Step 3: Post-reading(10mins)

In this step, I will spend 10 minutes on them. The activity is retelling. Students are required to introduce Anne and her diary, using the linking words like first, then, after that, now, and so on. It can help students learn better about words and expressions of this lesson and content of text as well.

Step 4: Consolidation (6mins)friendship英文说课稿

After dealing with the detailed information of each paragraph, I will ask students to read the whole passage again and do exercise 1 and 2 on the page 3 to consolidate what they have learned.

Step 5: Homework (1min)

Finally it comes to the homework. Students are required to

1.Prepare for the reading task on Page 44 and think about what different ways of showing friendship are in Hawai.

The second is that suppose you are Anne, please write another diary to express yourself at that time, about 100 words.

Blackboard design







您们好!我的考号是――,今天我说课的题目是人教版高一英语《英语1》中第一单元Friendship中Warming up and pre-reading的内容,此内容为本单元的第一课时。下面我就以下几方面来进行我的说课:


1. 教材的地位和作用

本课是friendship单元的第一课时,主要包括Warming up 和 pre-reading板块的内容。通过学习Warming up板块中关于朋友间应该如何相处的问卷调查和讨论,检测学生对友谊这个主题已有哪些认识,并帮助学生学会审视自我,引导学生形成正确的价值观和处事原则,培养高尚品格。随后pre-reading板块中的关于好朋友的三个问题的讨论,使学生对涉及到后面Reading板块中文章的内容进行思考,同时学到了新东西从而丰富和增加了对朋友这个话题的认识。学好本课知识点,可以为接下来第二课时Reading板块中“安妮最好的朋友”的学习做好预热和铺垫。




好的朋友做了错事,你会怎么办?”,并分享彼此的想法。然后让他们小组讨论其他问题(每组一个问题)。在以上两环节中,让他们使用这些结构:如I (don’t)think. . . , I (don’t)believe. . . , In my opinion, . . . , I (don’t) think so, I

(don’t)agree, Exactly, I’m afraid not, That’s correct, Of course not, and so on.



① 知识目标:

⑴让学生掌握以下生词和短语: survey add point upset ignore calm concern loose cheat add up calm down

have got to be concerned about walk the dog

⑵让学生学会使用以下结构来表达态度,同意和不同意和肯定程度: Are you afraid that. . . ? I (don’t)think. . . In my

opinion, . . . I (don’t)think so, I (don’t)agree, I believe. . . , I’m afraid not, Exactly, That’s correct, Of course not.

② 技能目标:

1.列出朋友间通常存在的问题,并找的不同方法来解决这些问题。 2.鼓励学生用本课学到的一些短语和结构来思考和谈论朋友和友谊。 3.了解并初步掌握Skimming 和 Scanning两种阅读技能。

③ 情感目标

1.了解自己,了解与人交往的一些方法。 2.引导学生做一个受尊敬的,快乐的人。

四. 教学重点,难点及确定依据



2. 掌握同意和不同意(agreement and disagreement)及肯定程度(certainty)的在谈话中的表达及运用。 教学难点

1.掌握Skimming 和 Scanning两种阅读技能。 2.与搭档讨论并找出解决问题的方法。

五. 学情分析





1.任务型教学法 2.合作学习法 3.讨论法






1. How did you spend your summer holidays? How did you feel? What did you do in your summer holidays? What did you do in your spare time?

2. What do you think of our new school? Do you like it? Could you say something about it?

3. Do you like making friends? How do you get in touch with your friends? Do you have many friends? Where are they now? Do you have any old friends in our school? Have you made any new friends in our class?



第二步:Warming up 热身





第一步:做问卷调查Make the survey 1.让学生做书中的问卷调查。


Question 1:This question deals with how thoughtful you are towards others and how much you value your friends.


Question 2:This question is concerned with fairness.

Question 3:This question also deals with your concern for others. Question 4:This question is concerned with responsibilities to a friend. Question 5:This question is concerned with honesty. 2.让学生按课本第8页的计分表给自己打分。


4~7 points:You are not a good friend. You either neglect your friend’s needs or just do what he or she wants you to do. You should think more about what a good friend needs to do.

8~12 points:You are a good friend but you sometimes let your friendship become too important, or you fail to show enough concern for your friend’s needs and feelings. Try to strike a balance between your friend’s needs and your own responsibilities.

13+points:You are an excellent friend who recognizes that to be a good friend you need balance your needs and your friend’s. Well done. (老师也可以给学生展示以上的评分说明,让他们反思自己的友谊价值观。)


第二步:讨论和分享Talking and sharing 1.让学生成对讨论:

If your best friend does something wrong, what will you do? 尝试使用以下表达方式:

I think. . . I think so. I agree.

I don’t think. . . I don’t think so. I don’t agree. I believe. . . That’s correct. In my opinion, . . . What to do Reasons 2.小组讨论:


Topic 1:Why do you need friends? Make a list of reasons why friends are important to you.

Topic 2:There is a saying “To have a good friend, you need to be a good friend. ” What do you think of the saying and how can you be a good friend?

Topic 3:List some qualities of a person who does not make friend easily.





1.Why do you needs friend?Make a list of reasons why friends are important to you? 2. Does a friend always have to be a person? What else can be your friend?

3. Look at the title and skim the first paragraph of the text to find what Anne’s best friend is.








第一步: 做练习册Workbook 1.讨论(课本第41页)

在学生听材料时,要求他们就说话者关于交朋友的观点做笔记。 建议步骤:

1) 听加拿大人Leslie Clark对在中国体验友谊的看法 2) 让学生分小组讨论他们是否同意她的观点。

3) 然后学生们会为2派:至少有1个学生会支持Leslie的观点,其余的学生将不支持,让学生们思考为什么他们同意或不同意Leslie的观点。

2.说的任务(课本第45页) 建议的步骤:

1) 让学生阅读下面的对话内容并2人一组讨论,他们会怎么做。 2) 每对做出共同解决方案后写在并交给老师。

3) 将持不同意见的2对组成4人一组再就同样的情况展开讨论。 4) 让他们互相展示他们这样做的理由,试图达成一致的最佳方案。 5) 每个4人小组派1名成员向全班报告他们新的方案。 6) 如果时间允许,可以让学生组对并展开对话。




1.让学生们总结什么是友谊,以及朋友间交往最重要的是什么。 2.老师向同学展示更多关于友谊的信息和诗歌,并一起欣赏它们。

What is friendship?

I want to find the answer to the question: What is friendship?

When it rains, I think friendship is a small umbrella. It can give me a piece of clear sky.

When I’m crying, I think friendship is a white handkerchief. It can wipe my tears dry.

When I am sad, I think friendship is a warm word.


It can bring me happiness again.

When I am in trouble, I think friendship is a strong hand. It can help me escape my troubles.

When I sit in a quiet place, I think friendship is a very wonderful feeling. It can’t be pulled and torn, because it is in everyone’s heart. It is there from the beginning to the end of our lives.



学生完成以下评估表。标准:A,B,C Contents

1. I’m active in talking with others. 2. I’m active in cooperating with others.

3. I can express myself fluently, accurately and appropriately. 4. I know more about friendship after this lesson.

5. Do you think you need to improve yourself in some aspects? Which aspects?






1.完成练习册中相关练习。 2.写一篇关于你朋友短文。





Unit 1 Friendship

useful structures

I (don’t)think. . . I (don’t)think so. In my opinion, . . .

Types of friendship

. . . long-distance friends friends of the same age friends across generations


1. Why do you need. . . 2. There is a saying “To. . . 3. Does a friend always. . . 4. List some qualities of. . .


A British newspaper once offered a prize for the best definition of a friend. If you were the editor, choose the best one from the following entries, and explain why.

英国报纸曾经出悬赏征求一个朋友的最佳定义。如果你是这个编辑, 从以下条目中选出一个最好的,并解释为什么。 One who understands my silence. A friend in need is a friend indeed.

To have a friend, you need to be a good friend.

Friends are just the people who share your happiness and sorrow.

When you look at your watch at 4 am, but still know you can call them and wake them up, and they’ll still want to talk to you. That’s friendship.


I think “Friends are just the people who share your happiness and sorrow. ” is the best definition of a friend. In my opinion, a friend is a treasure to his or her friend(s). He or she is always devoted and helpful to his or her friend(s). Friends should help each other and share their joys and sorrows—true friendship isn’t one-sided. (设计意图)



Friendship 说课稿

Friendship 说课稿

Good afternoon,everyone!It’s my great pleasure to be here sharing my lesson interpretation with you.

The content of my lesson is Senior English Book 1 Unit 1 Friendship

I will begin my lesson interpretation from these six parts.

1.Teaching material analysis教材分析

2. Students analysis学生分析

3. Teaching and learning methods 教法和学法

4. Teaching procedures 教学程序

5.Bblackboard design 板书设计

6. Teaching evaluations 教学反思

一.Teaching material analysis教材分析

Firstly, let me talk about the teaching material. I’ll explain it from these three aspects.friendship英文说课稿

1. Status and function

2. Teaching objectives

3. Teaching key points and difficult points

As for the status and function, this unit is from New Senior English for China, Student’s Book 1 By People’s Education Press and the topic is Friendship. This is the first English class in senior high school. Whether this class is successful will have a direct effect on the students’ interest in English learning. So this unit is in the very important position of the textbook.

2. Teaching objectives

According to the new standard curriculum and the syllabus, and after studying

the teaching material, I think the teaching objectives are the followings:

Knowledge objectives:

The Ss will learn the new words, useful expressions, and grammar in this text.

Ability objectives:

The Ss will learn some basic skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing. Reading is the focus in this lesson. Reading skills for Ss include fast reading, intensive reading and summary.

Emotional objectives:

The Ss will have a better understanding of friendship and value the friendship.

3. Key points and difficult points

Key points: Learn the important words, phrases and sentences and help students to master some reading skills.

Difficult points: Train the Ss to sum up the information from the text and learn to change direct speech into indirect speech

二. Analysis of the students学生分析

My students are first-grade students of senior high school. They have been learning English in junior high school so they have accumulated a certain number of vocabularies and have

mastered some simple learning strategies and skills. However, the differences in students' personality and English proficiency are very large and we know that the general condition of Chinese students is that they are too shy to speak English.

三.Teaching and learning methods 教法和学法

i. Teaching methods

Now let’s come to the teaching and learning methods. In this lesson I’ll mainly use

Communicative Approach(交际教学法),

Co-operated method(合作教学)

Task-based language teaching (任务教学法).

Situational Teaching method(情景教学)

At the same time, I want to introduce my teaching aids to you.

A multimedia room and blackboard are needed in my class.

ii. Learning Methods:

We know that a successful teacher should care for their learning strategy,in this lesson,I will teach my students to master the following strategy;friendship英文说课稿

o 1)Basic learning strategy;

o The students can get the meaning of the words and phrases

o 2)Practice strategy;

o Practice can help the students get the general idea and have a better understanding of the


四. Teaching procedures 教学程序

All right, now it’s time to introduce the most important part of my teaching interpretation—the teaching procedures. By the way, my class is as long as 45mins. Here, I would like to divide my teaching procedures into five steps, lead in (5mins), pre-reading (8mins), while-reading (22mins), post-reading (7mins) and homework (2mins)

Step 1 Lead in, to start with, I‘d like to play a popular English song to my students, then I’ll give a brief introduction to my students about the origin of the song and ask them to tell me it’s implied meaning..

(Here, I believe that a popular English song will help to arouse students’ interests to the class, and also help them to concentrate on the lesson)

Secondly, I will show them some proverbs about friendship.

(Here, I introduce the topic friendship to my students naturally.)

Step 2 Pre-reading

The first one is group discussion and my students have been divided into several groups before class. They are asked to discuss the following questions.

1.Why do you needs friends?Make a list of reasons why friends are important to you?

2. What else can be our friends besides human beings?

3. Look at the title and skim the first paragraph of the text to find what Anne’s best friend is. Then I‘ll ask some students to express their views.

(My purpose here is to focus student’s attention on the main topic of the reading passage. Also it prepares students to think critically about friends and give them an opportunity to compare their

real life to the textbook.)

Then come to the background information about the passage. I’ll talk about the book Anne’s Diary and the background information about the heroine-Anne.

(My purpose here is to help students to understand the passage easily and arouse their interests to read the passage)

Step 3 While-reading, I prepare two kinds of reading tasks here.

1. Fast reading

Here, I will introduce some skimming skills to the students.

Read the title Read the introduction of the first paragraph Read the first sentence of each paragraph Read the headings and sub-headings Notice any pictures and charts Read the summary or last paragraph

Then ask students to read the passage Anne’s best friend quickly, and finish the following chart

(In this way, students’ reading skill and speed will improve and they will form a simple idea o f the passage.)

2. Intensive reading:

I leave two tasks to the students. First, ask the students to read the text again and choose the best answer for each question.

The other exercise is summary.

Let the students to grasp the key information and main idea of each paragraph and write down the main idea of each paragraph.

This is one of the difficult points of the lesson.

(From fast reading to intensive reading, students learn the passage step by step. And after doing so many exercises, they have a better understanding of the passage. I believe it’s not too difficult for them to sum up the main idea here.)

3. after doing some practices, it’s time to learn some language points

In this part, I will first play the radio about the passage. Then teach key points to help students understand the passage and introduce the direct speech and indirect speech to them.

Considering it is also the difficult point of the lesson, I would like to do some oral practice here. For example, I invite two students to do the practice. One student talk to the other whatever she wants, and then the other changes it into indirect speech.

(My purpose here is to have a fully understanding of the passage and learn some useful words, phrases and sentences and help students to make good use of what they learned in the daily life.) Step 5 Post-reading

After learning the passage, I’ll create a situation for them, like:

Imagine you had to go into hiding like Anne and her family. What would you miss most? Give your reasons.

(Purpose: The situation will enable students to experience the context, and form emotional attitude through heroine. Most importantly, it’s a good means for students to practice their oral English under certain situation.)

At the end of the class, homework is also important.

My homework for students

1. Prepare to retell the story.

2. Read the book Anne’s Diary and share with other classmates in the next lesson.

(They can not only help students to practice their oral English but also broaden their knowledge.)

After talking the teaching procedures, I want to show my blackboard design to you. This is the whole process of my class, and I have my teaching evaluation.

Try every effort to improve students’ skill of reading, listening, writing and


Always remember that students first and teacher second.

Provide students with more opportunities in the class.

Keep revising the teaching plan in the teaching process


高中英语必修一Unit1 Friendship——Reading说课稿

高中英语必修一Unit1 Friendship——Reading说课稿



1、本单元围绕友谊这一话题开展听、说、读、写多种教学活动在本单元中涉及 到 的 话 题 有:人 们 为什 么 要 交 朋 友 ,如 何 交 朋 友,怎 样 处 理 朋 友 的 关 系 , 生 活 在 二战时期的安妮是如何渴望朋友,如何与朋友相处的等。

2、Reading部分承载着整个单元中最重要的语言和文化信息,也是教师在整个 教学过程中需要重点处理的部分。本文讲述了犹太女孩安妮为躲避纳粹的迫害而 藏身于小阁楼中,并把日记当作自己的朋友,通过写日记来表达自己孤独和郁闷 的心情。通过阅读这篇课文,学生不仅要进行阅读技能的训练,学习一些新的词汇和短语的表达方法,还要去阅读过程中学习并欣赏英语语音的美感,感受主人公乐观自信的人生太度,纯洁美丽的心灵。



①学习一些重要的新单词,短语和句式,如go in rough make+o+n作宾补

1、wonder whether/if一句式等




如guessing key sentences ,skinning ,scanning and so on


















教师提问:What is important in your Life ?

学生的答案会有money study time hip etc

再问:DO you want to know what important in my life?

Listen to a song《朋友》

导入的同时引出一句谚语:A f riend in need is a friend in deed (拓展学生的知识)




1、Why do you need friends?

2、What do you think a good friend should be like?

3、Does a friend always have to be a person?

4、Have you ever considered making friends with animals,plants or even an object?


介绍这篇文章的写作背景,二十世纪四十年代纳粹德国统治欧洲大部分地区。 德国纳粹政策之一是对犹太人残酷迫害包括杀害:送到集中营强迫劳动,驱逐 出欧洲等。——指出当时的历史北京,学生就能自然而然地习得语言。能从时代背景出发思考安妮面临困境,就不难理解安妮当时的心境和为什么将日记视为自己的朋友,从而深刻地领悟安妮日记的内涵。








1、Anne made her diary her best friend because she was afraid her friends would laugh at her

2、Anne and her family had been in hiding place for two years

3、Anne thought nature is one thing that really must be experienced

(五)知识点(language points)

1、go through

2、Make her diary her best friend

3、I wonder if /whether

4、do with/deal with

5、it was the first time that





My Representation of Unit 1, Friendship

Good afternoon, teachers. It’s my great honor and pleasure to be here sharing my lesson with you. Today I’m going to represent my lesson with six parts: My Understanding of the Lesson; The Analysis of the Students; Teaching Methods and Aids; Learning Strategies; Teaching Procedures and Blackboard Design.

Part 1: My understanding of the lesson

I. Analysis of the Teaching Materials

The content of my lesson is unit 1, Friendship of Senior New English for China Book 1. This unit mainly tells us about friends and friendship, which is closely related to students’ school life. So this topic will surely arouse students’ interest in learning this unit. My representation is the reading part of this unit. Since reading is one of the most important ways for students to get information, it is of great importance if they develop effective reading strategies and master some useful reading skills, such as skimming, scanning detailed reading and so on. Therefore, this lesson plays a great important part in this unit.

II. Teaching Aims

According to the new English curriculum, teaching material and my students, I will set the teaching aims from three dimensions.

1. Knowledge objects

1) Help the students to learn about the topic of friendship;

2) Enable the students to master the words, phrases and expressions in the passage.

2. Ability objects

1) Develop students’ reading skills of skimming, scanning and so on.

2) Help students to express their own opinions about friendship;

3) Cultivate students to co-operate with each other.

3. Emotion or moral objects

1) Enable the students to realize the importance of friends and learn to value the friendship.

2) Enable the students to appreciate the beauty of nature and cherish it.

III. Important and Difficult Points

1. Teaching important points

1) Mainly train the students’ different reading skills, such as skimming, canning and so on;

2) Enable the students to master the important words and expressions as well as sentences

structures in the text.

2. Teaching difficult points

1) Get the students to master the reading skills of skimming, scanning and so on;

2) Let the students learn to use the difficult sentences structures of the passage.

Part 2: The Analysis of the Students

The students are new senior high school students. Most of them have interests in making new friends and getting along with friends, so the topic of this unit will surely arouse students’ interest. But since they don’t have systematic reading training, they may have difficulty in fully

understanding the text. Therefore, it is necessary for the teacher to guide them to read and catch the information step by step and help the students to improve their reading skills.

Part 3: Teaching methods and aids

I. Teaching methods

As is known to us all, effective teaching methods can achieve perfect teaching effect, so in this lesson I mainly adapt task-based, co-operative and communicative teaching methods.

II. Teaching aids

Blackboard and computer

Part 4: Learning strategies

I. Teach the students how to be successful language learners;

II. Let the students learn about the reading skills to understand the whole passage; III. Teach the students give their own opinions on the topic of friendship.

Part 5: Teaching procedures

Step 1: Lead-in or warming up

1. Play the song Shinning Friends to the students.

2. Ask the students the following questions:

After the listening the song, do you think friends are important for us? Why?

By playing music, it can create a relaxing learning atmosphere

for the students.)

3. Finish the Warming Up on Page 1.

4. Ask the students the following questions:

After finishing the Warming Up, what do you think a good friend should be like? List the qualities of a good friend should have.

:The funny investigation can arouse the students’ interests in

learning the passage. Through answering these questions, the students can be able to improve their ability of co-operation.)

Step 2: Pre-reading

Ask the students the following questions:

1. Does a friend always have to be a person? What else can be your friend?

2. Have you ever considered making friends with animals, plants and even an object? Why

or why not?

( The students can have a chance to talk more related to this lesson by free talk.)

Step 3: Fast reading

1. Let the students look at the title and the pictures of the passage and then try to predict

who was Anne’ best friend.

2. Get the students to skim the first two paragraphs to confirm their guessing and find out

the time, place and heroine of the story.

3. Let the students read paragraph 3 and ask them:

What’s the main idea of the letter?

(Anne’s love for nature)

(Through task-based learning, the students can have a general idea of the passage and also can practice their reading skills of skimming, scanning, prediction very well.)

Step 4: Careful reading

1. Ask the students to read the text carefully and finish the exercises on Page 3. (Exercise 1

and 2)

2. Play the tape and let the students go through the whole text.

The students can be able to consolidate the knowledge they

have learned by doing exercises. Listening to the tape and going through the whole text can let the students have a more clear idea of the passage.)

Step 5:Post reading

Let students work in groups of six to discuss the following question: Imagine you have to go into hiding like Anne and her family, what would you miss most? Give your reasons.

( Discussion can provide a free platform for students to

communicate with each other and they can improve their abilities of spoken English, co-operation, and communication.)

Step 6: Homework

1. Write a short passage: Students write down what they would miss most if they had to hide like Anne.

2. Finish the exercises in Learning about Language.

(Homework is so important and necessary for the students to

master the knowledge they learned during the class. It will also check whether teachers achieve the teaching aims or not.)

Part 6: Blackboard design

In my opinion, blackboard design can reflect the teacher’s ability of teaching the text and lead the Ss to master the text easily. So I will write down some key words of my teaching goals to let the students know what they should master.

Skimming (read quickly to get chief points)

Scanning (read the text in search of a particular item)

Task-based; co-operative; communicative teaching methods

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