
故宫游览300 故宫游览攻略

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M The streets of BJ look like a ocean of bicycles. 北京真是一个自行车的海洋啊

W 是的,这个城市大约有一大半的人骑自行车,全市有900多万辆自行车 More than one half of people here ride bicycles, there are more than 9,000,000bicycles here.

M I also want to ride bicycle, do you know where I can buy one? 我也想骑自行车。哪里可以买自行车?


You are not staying long in Bj, there is no need for buying one. You can rent one downstairs for 10yuan one day.

M Great. Let’s rent one, and ride to the palace museum, then to Beihai park.太好了,那就租一辆。先去故宫,再去北海公园


Ok. But cycling is forbidden inside the Palace Museum.

M I know that. But we can leave it in the bicycle parking load at the gate.我知道。我们可以把车放在门口的自行车管理处


Here we are in Tian’an men Square. This is the center of Bj.

M I hear it is the biggest square in the world. What are the buildings around the square? 我听说它是世界上最大的广场,你能给我介绍一下周边建筑吗

W 西边是人民大会堂,南面是毛主席纪念馆,东面是中国历史博物馆和中国革命博物馆,中间是人民英雄纪念碑。北面是天安门。天安门原是明清两代皇城的正门,由此进入故宫,现在天安门是新中国的象征。

To the west is the Great Hall of the People, to the south is the Memorial Hall of

chairman Mao Zedong, to the east is the China history museum and China revolution museum, in the middle is the Monument to the People's Heroes. To the north is Tian’an Men, which means the gate of having peace. It’s used to be main gate to Palace Museum of the Ming and Qing dynasty through which we can go into the museum, now this gate has become the symbol of the people’s republic of China.

M I read books about CiXi and the last emperor PuYi. They used to live in the imperial palace.我曾经读过关于慈禧太后和末代皇帝溥仪的书,他们曾经住在故宫里。



The imperial palace was originally called the Forbidden City. It was the imperial palace of Ming and Qing dynasty, which were the last two feudal dynasties in Chinese history.

The palace was built during the reign of emperor Yongle of Ming dynasty. It started its construction in 1406 and was basically completed in 1420. it has now a history of nearly 600 years. There are 24 emperors who lived here in the past. Though it was rebuilt and extended many times, it still remains its originally lay out. This former palace has been turned into a museum keeping more than 900,000 pieces of treasure and court relics of various dynasties. They are all important materials for the study of the history Ming and Qing dynasties and arts of various dynasties.

M What does the forbidden mean? 紫禁城的禁是什么意思

W 1911年辛亥革命前,普通人是禁止进入这个宫殿区域的,当然现在任何人都能进入.

Before the 1911 revolution, ordinary people were forbidden to enter the palace ground. Now of course, anyone can enter.

M Where can I get the plan of it?我从哪里可以得到故宫的平面图


There is one on the back of the tourist map of Bj.

M And it’s in English. Great. This must be the meridian gate coming on.还是英文的,太好了。前面就是午门吗


Yes. This gate was first built in 1420; our visit to the palace begins here. In the past, the passenger through the central opening was strict to the emperor. Civil military officials as well as imperial clansmen used the two side openings.

M And this is the golden river bridge.前面是金水桥吗


Obviously you don’t need a guide. The five white marble bridges are named Golden River Bridge. They span the golden river. Crossing these bridges, going up a flight of

steps, then we’ll arrive at the gate of supreme harmony, from here we can get an excellent view of the biggest courtyard, which is 300,000 square meters in the palace. Here a sea of flag stones surrounded by low buildings and gates gives the tourists an impression of vastness.

M Would you like to give me a detail account of the imperial palace? 你能给我详细介绍一下吗

W故宫东西宽753米,南北长961米,呈长方形,总面积72万平方米,由大小数十个院落组成,共有宫宇9999间半,建筑面积达15万平方米。殿宇巍峨,宫阙重叠,画柱雕梁,气象万千。皇宫四边有高10.7米的围墙环绕,周长约3公里。外有宽52米的护城河,形成一个森严壁垒的城堡。四域有角楼,精巧玲珑,异常美观。故宫是我国规模最大、保存最完整的帝王宫殿和古建筑群。The imperial palace is oblong in shape and covers an area of over 720,000 square meters. It is 753 meters wide from east to west, and 961 meters long from north to south. The palace is composed of dozens of compounds of various sizes, with 9,999 and a half halls and chambers. It covers a building area of about 150,000 square meters. With its magnificent and parallel imperial halls, painted pillars and carved beams, the whole scenery looks majestic. The imperial palace is defended on its four sides with a 10.7-meter-high wall, whose total perimeter is about three kilometers. The palace is surrounded by a 52-meter-wide moat which makes it a heavily-guarded castle. In the four corners of the imperial palace stand four turrets respectively. They are gracefully constructed and pleasing to the eye. The imperial palace is the biggest and best-reserved imperial palace and ancient architectural complex in our country.

M How many halls in the palace? 故宫里有多少间房子

W 9999间半

M That’s a strange number. 真是个奇怪的数字


M That’s interesting. Do you know all the stories about it?真有趣。你知道故宫的所有故事吗


M Where is he? Can we call him on? 他现在在哪里,我们能拜访一下他吗 W恐怕不能了。他在这里住过18年,后来去世了

M You mean PuYi, the last emperor, don’t you? What was the original use of the imperial palace’s halls? 你说的是末代皇帝溥仪。这些宫殿原是干什么用的 W故宫主要建筑分为外朝和内廷两大部分。外朝主要有三大殿,建于三层汉白玉石台基上,原来是历代皇帝举行即位、诞辰及节日庆典等重大活动,办理朝政和接见大臣的地方。后面的三座大殿是内廷的主体,原是明清两代24个皇帝居住和处理朝政的地方。东西两边各有6座自成体系的宫殿,这12座宫殿是嫔妃、


The main buildings of the imperial palace are divided into two sections: the outer court and the inner court. In the outer court are three grand halls built on a three-storey terrace of white marble. They were places where the emperors of the Ming and Qing Dynasties held such elaborate ceremonies as coronation, birthday and festival celebrations, attended to court affairs and received their ministers. The three grand chambers behind them were the principal part of the inner court. They were places where the 24 emperors of the Ming and Qing Dynasties used to reside and attend to state affairs. On their eastern and western sides are six self-independent units of imperial halls and chambers respectively. These twelve units of imperial halls and chambers were places where empresses, imperial concubines, princes and princesses lived, amused themselves and worshipped gods.

M What was the original use of the particular imperial hall?


This hall was first built during the Ming Dynasty and reconstructed during the Qing Dynasty when Emperor Yongzheng was in reign. This was a place where the emperors resided and did daily routine work. The room in the middle was the place where the emperor received their ministers. The room in the west was the place where the emperors read memorials to the throne and discussed state affairs with their ministers. The room in the east was the place where Dowager Cixi ruled court in place of the young Emperors Tongzhi and Guangxu from behind a screen. After the 1911 Revolution, Pu Yi, the last emperor of the Qing Dynasty, decided to abdicate in this very room, which symbolized the ending of China’s feudal dynasties that had lasted several thousand years.

M What are the characteristics of the buildings in the imperial palace? 故宫建筑物的特点是什么


There is a central axis running from north to south in the Imperial Palace. Both the three grand halls of its outer court and the three grand halls of its inner court are located on this central axis. The other halls and chambers lie on its two sides, so symmetrically and well arranged that they highlight the main buildings on the central axis. The Imperial Palace is built delicately and gracefully, with an imposing magnificence. It is a centralized indication of the excellent tradition and unique style of China’s ancient architectural art, and also a full reflection of the superb skill and artistic talent of ancient Chinese craftsmen and artisans. The Imperial Palace occupies

a very important position in China’s architectural history.



故 宫





中央工艺美院附中艺美小学 五(2)班 张泽阳









在紫禁城外面的那层,是皇帝下属办公的地方,叫皇城,四面开了7座城门,中间的那个门就是天安门。这一层皇城,以前老百姓也是不能随便跑进去的,它的墙是红色的,上面有黄色琉璃瓦,我们今天看到天安门两侧的红墙就是南城墙。 第三层就是内城,它除了有城墙包围,在四个角落还建有角楼,城墙外边就是护城河。









“我爱北京天安门”,刚才说了,天安门就是皇城的正门,它有12层楼那么高,也叫“承天门”,在古代的人看来,它好象高到快顶天上了。 天安门前有个桥,叫外金水桥,前面还有石狮子和华表。

高高的华表上刻着龙和云的花纹,在顶端,还有一只小动物,叫hou,可不是猴子哦。华表在天安门前后各有一对,但它们上面的hou的朝向是不一样的。 在门里的hou面向着皇宫,意思是跟皇帝说,喂,你不要老是呆在里面啊,出来跟老百姓交流一下嘛。在门外的hou是背向皇宫的,意思是跟皇帝说,喂,你不要出门逛太久了,该回来上班干活了!


紫禁城是最神秘的地方,以前老百姓不能进去,现在我们可以随便参观了。 进入紫禁城有4个门,南边的午门,北边的玄武门,东边的东华门和西边的西华门。门不是随便进去的,东华门是二品官员进出的,西华门是皇帝皇后到西边的园子去玩时进出的,而宫里其他人平常都走玄武门。皇帝要去景山玩,也是走玄武门。景山是皇宫北边堆起来的一座小山,有49米高,爬上去可以看到紫禁城的整个样子。那么,午门是干啥用的呢?午门就像一个凹字,好象有5只小鸟停在上面,所以又叫“五凤楼”,午门的门洞很好玩,“明三暗五”,也就是正面看有3个门洞,背面看有5个门洞,正中那个,是御道穿过的地方,皇帝一个人专用的,不过皇后嫁给他的时候可以走进去一次,如果有人考上了状元、榜眼、探花,也就是全国考试前三名,也可以走出来一次。而皇帝的下属,有一些大臣半夜就要起床赶路,为的是要在凌晨3点赶到午门这个地方排队等上班。如果他们没把活干好,或者不小心得罪了皇帝,皇帝还会喊人把他抓起来,在午门这个地方打他的屁股。。。。。。










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