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六年级三班 陈飞宇








In the nowaday society, the changing lifestyle has leaded us to a fast-paced life. Although our life is becoming more convenient and high-tech ,people are getting exhausted and bored of work.So to my preference ,I would like to live in a slow pace.

Firstly,I can enjoy the beauty of life through a slow pace.I don’t need to hurry up to finish working before the deadline every day ,so that I will have more spare time. I can spend a whole afternoon to have a cup of tea and enjoy the sunshine outside the window, which is luxury in the modern busy life. I can also have more chances to explore the nature and taste delicious food or enjoy a concert ,which are all my losing interests. Secondly ,students are learning knowledge carelessly at the only aim of passing the final exams. One main reason is that the school term is too short and the teachers are teaching in a hurry. If we study in a slow pace, students can discuss more and solute the study problems in a deep view.

All in all, the adventages of living in a slow pace are obvious. Though it is quite hard to come true today, we can also slow down our own steps, and try not to ignore the small sides of our beautiful lives.

China is always famous as a country with a long history and different kinds of traditional cultures. However, the fast-developed science and technology which raise the quality of living, at the same time, leads to the losing of some traditional cultures.

Some possible reasons are as follows. Firstly, in the modern life, people gradually focus more on the development of the society, while their cultural awareness are not strong enough. We can hardly find books, movies or lectures about traditional cultures, which seem to be neglected. Secondly, some

precious traditional cultures originated in some remote regions. Owing to the capture of high income and comfortable urban life, almost all young people in the mountainous area go to make a living in the cities leaving the old people who know the traditions well in their former hometown. As a result, when the old people pass away, the traditional cultures without any inheritors disappear as well.

In my point of view, we should attach great importance to the traditional cultures and every one of us should shoulder the responsibility of protecting them from losing. Traditional cultures represent our country's profound connotations, which are priceless. The government and the ministry of

education should take actions to raise people's awareness of protecting and treasuring the traditional cultures.



The Importance of Keeping a Good Mood There is saying that “Cheerfulness is health. Having a light heart is better than taking good medicine to relieve pain and sufferings”. I First, keeping a good mood is good for dealing with interpersonal relationships. All of us need friends and we all like to make friends with those who have a high spirit. Second, keeping a good mood is beneficial to our mental health. In other words, keeping a good mood is keeping a positive attitude. Finally, keep a good mood is a guarantee of efficient work and study. Keeping a good mood makes us stay in high spirit and concentrate on our work or study, which is Therefore, No matter how things will go, how the future will be, what we should do is keeping a good mood, being self-confident and hardworking.

Notes:1.There is saying that··· 俗话说·······

2.Be beneficial to 对······有益

3.Stay in high spirit 热情高涨···

4.a guarantee of ···的保证

5.No matter how 无论如何·······

More Certificates, Better Jobs?

When it comes to hunting jobs after graduating,many people may think more certificates stand for better ability. Every college student knows that ability is important.They would like to attend various more competent.However, can attending training programs and getting more certificates improve their competence? As far as I am concerned, the certificates do not really mean competence.

First of all, the certificates are simply several pieces of papers proving that you have attended some training programs. Whether you are competent or not really depends upon your cleverness and experience. Secondly, the ability must be obtained through hard work and long practice. The students should attach more importance The certificates hard and become more excellent and competent. Finally, the students should try to make themselves more marketable. They need to give up the

unrealistic assumption and realize the true fact.

To sum up, the certificates do not really mean competence. What we need to do is integrate the certificates with the development of our competence. The two should go hand in hand to make us capable persons.

Notes : 1. more often than not 往往

2. rest on 依赖于

3.attach importance to 重视···

4 go hand in hand 密切合作

5competent 有能力的,胜任的

The Importance of Low-carbon Lifestyle

With the spread of the consciousness of environmental protection, the word“low-carbon” has been very popular in life.Generally speaking, more and more people are advocating “low-carbon” lifestyle.Low-carbon life means lifestyle to the energy consumed, thereby reducing carbon dioxide emissions. And we can do a lot to live a low carbon life.

As is known to as that the resources are limited and will be used up one day.So it is inevitable for human beings to live a simple

live in the future. Too much manufacture and consumption make resources into useless trashes. What we need to do is developing the technology and seek for another way of life and economy.However,we make it possible to live in a low-carbon lifestyle,thus we can still live happily and conveniently as before. As college students, we also make some contribution in our daily life to reduce the emission of the carbon dioxide. For example, switch off the light when leaving and save water. In addition, we should do our best to arouse others’ concern about the importance of lowering emission of carbon dioxide and lead a “low-carbon” life by using our knowledge and action.

Notes:1.With the spread of 随着···的传递

2.Generally speaking 通常来说

3.As is known to as 众所周知

4.Use up 用光

5.make it possible 使···成为可能

6.make some contribution to 为···做出诸多贡献

7.switch off 关闭

8.arouse sb’s concern about 引起某人的关注

The Importance of Social Skills

Compared with other important skills of human beings, social skills are regarded as the most important skill .In an information age, communication with others in all walks of life plays an important role. No wonder that many students are deliberately working on their social skills.

It’s widely acknowledged that those who have excellent social skills have a easier and smoother way to success.No matter what happens, communication is the sky to the the development of economy and culture,the competitions between different individuals are becoming fiercer and more vital.People with excellent social skills can take advantage over others,so that they can beat others with assurance.

we must improve ourselves in such social skills as the skill in interpersonal relations and so on.

Notes:1.compare with 与···比较

2. Be regarded as 被 认为···

3.play a role 起··· 作用



The problems of justice in the schools


General statements:Students face many problems about schools related to justice in China .

Thesis statements:In the schools exist three kinds of problems at least. They have some connection with justice.


A. The schools often treat differently to different students.

1. The privileges to the students who have rich families

2. The benefits to the students who come from powerful families or their families are relevant to the leaders of the schools

B. The teachers in the schools provide unfair treatments to their students.

1. The teachers’ different attitudes towards the students who are in different levels

2. The teachers’ different attitudes towards the students from different families.

C. Some students have decision-making power to the others’ benefits.

1. The honor to the students who participate in the school organizations

2. Right of priority to the class leaders


To conclude, these three problems are popular with Chinese. Now the school problems related to justice is one kind of the most interesting problems that students are facing. If we can’t solve the problems, these students will be suffering from injustice .We should take measures to improve them.

The problems of justice in the schools

With the development of the society, many fairly problems about society appear in China. Now the students face a lot of problems related to justice in the schools. There exist three kinds of problems at least. They have some connection with justice.

In China, many schools always treat differently to different students. The students who have rich families have the privilege in some ways. For example, if one student was born in a rich family, then he or she will take more care from the schools. And the honor will be given to him or her when two students have the same score. Also the schools have benefits to the students who come from powerful families or their families are relevant to the leaders of the schools. These families will use their rights or relations to get a good environment and some benefits which are good for their children in the future.

Now the teachers’ unfair treatment to their students is becoming one of the problems related to justice in the schools. There are good students and poor students in one school. The teachers often like the formal students because they have good grades and they are more light-hearted. Then these students will become the attention of the teachers. You will always find that the teachers care little about average students and the students whose level is below average. They often pay attention to the best students in the classes and ignore the worse students. Certainly people believe that it is wrong. A few teachers have different attitudes to the students from different families. They show their patience to the students coming from good families but express their impatience to someone who is from a weak family. Even they care for strong students in the studies on their own initiative. It shows no justice to some students.

The third kind of the problem related to justice in the schools is that some students who are in particular positions have decision-making power to the others’ benefits. In high schools, some students are participating in the school organizations. Then they may get along well with some teachers working in these organizations. If there is something that it is related to joining the party or excellence selection, these students who weren’t chosen by their classmates in the classes will have advantages. It is likely for them to get places by using their relations with the teachers. And someone who doesn’t have a place will feel unfair for this decision. They may think that they are not entitled to receive the honor. Indeed, this action has no justice to most students. The campus has the same situation. Now there is a general phenomenon existing in the schools. The class leaders always have right of priority. I will set an example. Many students like to join the League and party because of the benefits for the future. But the places are limited. Not everyone can get the place. However, a teacher in charge of a class will firstly give the places to the class leaders. Maybe someone in the class will feel that it is unjust for head teacher to do so.

In conclusion, these three kinds of problems are very general in the schools in China. Because of their existence, the schools can’t achieve a hundred percent justice to every student in the schools. Certainly students in China are facing many fairly problems in the schools. Obviously, if we can’t change the situation, these students will be suffering from injustice. So we should take effective measures to improve this situation, otherwise the students’ confidence may come under attack.



看见什么讲什么,跟英语有关,最好来自课本内容有高于课本内容,我认为学生喜欢听这样的课,自然课堂气氛轻松活跃,老师必须知识丰富,不能满堂灌。另外,切记老师不是专家,不能跟学生兜圈子,只要以学生为本,充分调动其听课积极性,一堂课自然就会高效、事半功倍。 下面是我的一个课堂实录。(本文摘自我的新浪博客:



一开始,我没有理会黑板上的“评语”。我先让同学们分组探讨卷子上的错题,大家很快改完了,这时候还剩下很长时间。我忽然灵机一动,问学生:Who is on duty today?(今天谁值日?)

王* 仁站了起来。“I am on duty today.”(今天我值日)

我说:“Please answer my question—What's the weather like today?”


王*仁回答:Its a sunny day.”(今天是个好天气。)

“Now, answer me another question—You see a boy playing football on the road, a car is coming quickly. What do you want to say to him?(现在,请回答另一个问题—你看到一个小男孩在马路上踢球,一辆轿车飞驰而来。你会对小孩说什么?)

很多人抢答:Be careful!(小心!)

“好!”我在黑板上写下careful。“careful有小心的意思,还有细心、认真的意思。”我指着黑板上班主任对值日生的评价,说:今天我们就借题发挥。Who was on duty last Friday? Stand up?!(上周五谁值日?站起来!)

全班同学不知道我葫芦里卖的什么药,霎时间炸开了锅。等五组的同学都站了起来。我说:“You were not careful. You forgot sth after you cleaned the classroom last Friday. Now, look at the

blackboard. Please translate my sentences into Chinese.”(你们不够细心。上周五你们值完日忘了做一些应该做的事情。现在看黑板,请把我的句子翻译成汉语。)


“Nobody was careful in Group Five.They locked the door without turning off the fan or closing the windows. And the classroom wasnt well cleaned!”(五组值日生没有一个人有心眼儿,没关电扇、窗户就锁门了。而且值日值得不干净。)


turn off—关(指切断电源,当然用于电器。例:关电扇,关电脑,关电视等。

Its time to go to bed. Lets turn off the computer.


close— 关(门窗/合上书)。

I am cold. I want to close the window.


Nobody 在句子中是对“五组值日生”的“全部否定”。它的反义词是everybody. 例句:Nobody likes English.(没有人喜欢英语。) Everybody likes English. (每个人都喜欢英语。)

without+v.ing. 例句:He went to school without eating breakfast. (他没有吃早饭就去上学了。)

He left his room without turning off the light.





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