
artificial,intelligence,作文 artificialaiming

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篇一:《Artificial Intelligence》

English 32 2131001033 Tang Ling(唐凌) Francis

When I was young, I don’t know what artificial intelligence is and I Artificial Intelligence couldn’t imagine I will live a amazing world which is full of artificial intelligence.But for me,I don’t know what the artificial intelligence is ,as well.Especially,when I just live with artificial intelligence.

Then I have to know what the artificial intelligence is,so I search it through the internet.Artificial intelligence is the intelligence exhibited by machines or software.(from Wikipedia)One is said AI is the system that think like humans.“The exciting new effort to make computers thinks machine with minds, in the full and literal sense. ”(from Haugeland 1985)The other is said AI is the system that think rationally.“The study of mental faculties through the use of computational models.”(from Charniak et al. 1985)One is said AI is the system that act like humans.“The art of creating machines that perform functions that require intelligence when performed by people.”(from Kurzweil, 1990)The other is said AI is the system that act rationally.“A field of study that seeks to explain and emulate intelligent behavior in terms of computational processes.”(from Schalkol, 1990)

It means that I will be controlled by machines or software?

Artificial intelligence is to use computers to analog and instead of human brain . The advent of computers has made artificial intelligence a major breakthrough. The computer can not only replace some of the

human brain function, but exceed the human brain greatly in speed and accuracy .It can not only simulate part of analysis and the comprehensive function, but is getting to display a certain characteristics of consciousness. It really became an extension of the human brain.So I could say computer is the most common product of AI.

As computer is playing a more and more important role in our modern lives.We can almost see it everywhere.In the office,people can type documents with the use of computer.In your house,your little brother is playing computer games and surfing online.In the cinema,people can book tickets in front of a computer.In the library,people can search for books with the use of a computer.With the help of computer programming,scientist have invented robots which can speak and walk like man.So,we believe that in the near future,man can invent more and more updated computers which can make our lives easier and more convenient.In this fast-developing world,computer,as a very important part of our lives,tends to make our lives more convenient and easier.Without computer,we may not have the weather forecast.Without computer,we may not know so much about the updated information of the world.Without computer,scientist may not invent so many amazing inventions.So,the development of computer in the future is going to be faster and faster.It maybe means AI has bright future.

I cannot say that the invention of computer means humans become

smarter or more stupid.As far as I’m concerned,I think we should know what the computer even AI bring to us.

On the one hand,let me talk some advantages of AI.AI makes our society much richer than before.Because AI makes the same labors can produce more products in the same time.Then AI makes our world become smaller and smaller.AI makes the long distance communication become possible.Nowadays,production begins to globalize,trade begins to globalize,finance begins to globalize,education begins to globalize,politics begins to globalize and information begins to globalize.Everything begins to globalize.Our world become into a whole,a small town.What’s more,AI makes the number of information increase sharply.In a word,AI changes our life in everywhere and we can see AI in everywhere.Maybe we think there is not any weakness in AI. On the other hand,AI also bring some hidden troubles.For example,we should know if one day AI exceed the human intelligence(HI),whether it means human will be controlled by AI.You should know AI is the complementary product of human intelligence.But the speed of the development of artificial intelligence is much faster than the speed of the development of human intelligence.According to the Darwinism,it means artificial intelligence evolved faster than the evolution of human intelligence faster.Because AI has a low start,then AI has some disparities in some ways.However,AI surpasses HI in some

ways.Thus we can believe AI will win the competition of HI.There are some theory evidences.First is Darwinism.Second is creativity of humans.It means the development of AI will make humans give our creativity to AI.Third is quantitative change and qualitative change law.And the father of AI John McCarthy once said:“there is no reason we cannot write a formula which can think as human.”And there is a presumption that humans become vestigial because of AI.The smart phones,auto-drive cars and medical robots are coming.We are in the revolution of AI.Though,we don’t realize the AI’s being,our life are changed by them stealthily.Humans have tendency to live a comfortable life.Then AI appears,it satisfies many human's material needs.This will make us enjoy the comfortable life and forget the basic abilities.Those abilities which we hardly use them will become vestigial when humans are developing.The development of AI makes human’s eating,living,clothes and walk have simple way to solve.However,human beings are dependent on AI.We can live without the most basic phone before,but you can guess there is how many people can live without the most basic phone.Nobody!How dangerous we are.You can imagine if we cannot live with AI,what our life will become.Become as before?No way!We have become vestigial.We don’t have the abilities to live as before.

Finally,AI applied at expert system,smart search,theorem proving,automated programming,intelligent control and robotics.It seems to impel our science technology become more advanced.But we should pay more attention to controlling limit of the AI’s application.It is just like clone that has double faces.AI as a tool should be limited to develop.First,we should make sure the security of the AI.Then make use AI in the safe condition.I am not a negativist.I just want to become a real human.I don’t want to be the puppet of robots.


Artificial Intelligence

Future trend in computer science is one of the artificial intelligence. Artificial Intelligence is a new science of researching theories, methods and technologies in simulating or developing thinking process of human beings. It including the research in the field of robotics, speech

recognition, image recognition, Natural language processing and expert systems.

AI is an embranchment of Computer Science, and it is foreland of research field of computer science. The field of AI research was founded at a conference on the campus of Dartmouth College in the summer of 1956.Artificial intelligence has the impact in natural science. The need of using mathematic computer to solve the problem, AI brings many benefits. Artificial intelligence has the impact in economy, the expert system more depth in all, to bring the great benefit. AI also promoted the development of the computer industry, but at the same time, also brought the problem of employment services.

With the development of artificial intelligence and intelligent robot, we have to say, artificial intelligence is advanced research, so it may touch the bottom lines of ethics. I believe that the science of artificial intelligence is waiting for humanity to explore the real connotation.


How will artificial intelligence affect our life? AI will make people's life more convenient, before the mechanical and electrical era, only to save energy, AI will be able to save brain power. For example, first of all, artificial intelligence will become people's life assistant, we can ask him a lot of questions. Secondly, If natural disasters occur, it is difficult to deal with the information in a timely manner and to make comprehensive plans. Artificial intelligence can help us to make some thinking. AI can help us to deal with information and make judgments in time, such as how many people to send rescue. Also,there are driving, education and medical treatment, which can be achieved with artificial intelligence.Artificial intelligence will make people's life very easy. However, the attendant problem is that artificial intelligence will lead to tens of millions of people unemployed, more serious is likely to cause people to lose morale.


Artificial Intelligence

With the development of society, the progress of science and technology, the product of artificial intelligence to bring many benefits and convenience. The computer is in twenty-first Century the most valuable artificial intelligence method, since it, the world has become smaller, and people all over the world are becoming more and more closely. There is a network establishment, the invention of the computer, a variety of computer chip used in our Home Furnishing products.Now we are bombarded with many intelligent products. Such as intelligent refrigerator to bring people to the benefits of fresh meat, before people buy or cooked food like, must be finished within 24 hours, and now people don't have to worry about not eating food will spoil quickly, can be frozen for several days. Before

television, picture quality and sound effects are not good, can watch TV is also very small, in front of the TV radio also up-regulated, intelligent TV now not only can see a lot of different kinds of programs, but also according to their own want style different conversion. Not only is the furniture product, artificial intelligence is to each country's military, aerospace, medical, education plays an important role in.

We live in an intelligent age, these intelligent products the distance between people and people closer, so I can not help but sigh to thanks to my life in the intelligent Era.

The pollution of electronic rubbish Do you know of a button battery can pollute little how much water? It can pollute six hundred thousand liters of water, equivalent to a person's life drinking water. Electronic waste pollution force seems far beyond Other Waste.

In our country every year scrapped fifteen million sets of waste household appliances. At present, China's TV about Three hundred and fifty million Taiwan, One hundred and seventy million Taiwan refrigerator, washing machine, computer and air conditioning also considerable. According to estimates, every year in our country every year to scrap the television above about five million units, washing machine five million sets, four million refrigerators. Every year out of fifteen million waste home appliances not including computer, mobile phone, VCD, DVD, music .Have so many electronic wastes a year. Few years can pollute the water all over the world!

The government's response to the unauthorized disposal of

electronic waste, to certain punishment established some laws, for operating without a license, unauthorized disposal of electronic waste units and individuals, confiscation of tools, equipment and so on.

electronic pollution is very strong, if it is buried near pollution soil, so that nearby plants can not grow normally; burn will pollute the air, is a human or animal inhalation, health effects; recycling of words, some harmful substances can not be recycled or harm to workers and nearby residents.; into the sea will certainly pollution of water resources, human or animal drink the poisoned.

Network Security

With the rapid development of computer network, especially the popularity of the Internet in the world, network security is becoming more and more serious.

Network security has been involved in many major problems in the country's sovereignty. When large amounts of data transmission in the network are likely to be with a variety of motivated people to theft and tampering, brought huge economic losses and negative influence to the user.

The three aspects to measure of network security. First, security

technology, Including information filtering, fault tolerance, data mirroring, data backup and audit. In recent years, the network security issues and put forward many solutions. Data encryption is transmitted on the network data encryption and decryption, after the arrival of the original data, the purpose is to prevent the illegal people after stealing information. The firewall technology is through isolation and restricted access method on the network to control network access. Second, security awareness. With the awareness of network security is an important premise to guarantee the network security. Many network security events and the lack of security awareness. Third, the host security check, to ensure network security, network security construction, the first step is to understand the system, safety evaluation system, realize their own risks, so as to rapidly, accurately solve the network security problem.




1. It is extremely

students are~~ as well as

3. One point is being left out… vital / essential

4. The advantages derived from A disadvantages of B…carry more weight than 5. The fundamental 6. A may be superior to

7. There is no doubt that it has its drawbacks as well as good points merits 8. It may produce a considerable / drastic 9. There is every that chance

10.Like anything else, it has also its disadvantages

11.When the advantages and disadvantages are weighed, the most striking findings are . obvious / apparent

12. Although the belief is that…a current study reveals that the is that…. commonly-accepted

13.A resent indicates that~ survey / investigation 14. A new survey indicate / demonstrate 15. that The majority of people 16. Now in many countries, … a significant proportions of the pubic 17. Some people may that… argue

18. At first glance, it may seem a praiseworthy

19. To assume that ….is Far from being prove

20. The decline mainly fact… stems from 21. The success is several factors largely attributable to

22. A number of factors could account for

23. No amount of sacrifice can compensate for 24. The improvement can bring about…

25. It is almost inconceivable

26. One of the burning questions our society confront 27. Now to


people in growing numbers

28.studying too hard may be harmful to students…. It goes without saying that

29. The …has now arisen as noteworthy… issue 30. There is no effective approach to the problem of… but…might be 31. The is not quite encouraging prospect 32. However sound 33. He an excuse to avoid trouble… fabricates 34. He had great achievements 35. Let us pray for the sick, the old and the …needy 36. She couldn’t laughing at. resist 37. I statement that…. be amazed at 38. The best for grief is hard work… remedy 39. He took a vow to abstain from 40. He fail the exam if he doesn’t do any revision was bound to 41. We feel sorry for his 42. Great have been made in the field of leaps 43. He couldn’t account for 44. errors from the typescript eliminate 45. All our efforts were in vain 46. the thing you want to keep. Sort out 47. He has consult 48. The boy is crazy about 49. You’d better keep an eye on 50. Parents often their children’s taste for music. cultivate 51. I feel unable to talk with anyone about anything converse 52. Your help is project indispensable 53. I to 54. It changed his whole of life mode 55. They live in a spacious 56. We backwards and forwards on the lawn stroll 57. They came 58、危害harm—-endanger/damage/threaten 59、获得get —–obtain/acquire/derive from 60、解决solve—-settle/resolve/tackle 61、问题/危机/灾难problem—difficulty/crisis/disaster 62、著名的famous —-distinguished/prestigious 63、充足的enough—-sufficient/adequate/abundant 64、出色的good/great—–remarkable/marvelous/impressive

65、严重的bad —–serious/severe/grave


66、快乐的happy—–delighted/in good mood/in high spirits

67、很多的many—-innumerable/countless/a large number of 68、表明,揭示:Show —-indicate reveal reflect, demonstrate, imply, suggest, illustrate



表格图table ;图表chart;diagram graph column 描述:show; describe; illustrate; reveal; represent officers 失学儿童 dropout student 扫盲 eliminate illiteracy 脱贫致富 shake off poverty and set out on a road 数字figure; 数据 statistic; 百分比percentage; 比例 proportion

一般have 10%; at 20%; over 40% 在面积上in area

最高peaks; reached a peak/high point

最低bottomed out; reached the bottom

变化 increase; jump; rise; climb; decrease; fall; drop; decline; reduce; fluctuate; remain; steady; stable; stay; same

程度sudden/suddenly; rapid/rapidly; dramatic/dramatically; significant/significantly; sharp/sharply; steep/steeply; gradual/gradually; slow/slowly; slight/slightly; stable/stably; almost; nearly; approximately; exactly; precisely;increase by /decrease by (写出变化幅度)

合计200美元add up to $200 总数达:add up to 占世界总人数的20% make up 20% of

从……增加到 rose/grew/climbed from…to

增加到 grew up to 增至最高峰:Rise to a high of decrease to 跌至最低谷:drop to a low of 相当于……的3倍three times as ….as

大幅度增长increase sharply 飞速:rapidly;sharply;steeply

高居榜首 Top the list/head the chart

饼状图/圆形图(pie chart) 稳固下降steady decline

由…组成:consist of/be made up of /be composed of

占44%比例:account for /make up 44 percent 位居第一:rank the first 仅次于is second to 居第二位:in second spot 倒数第一is the last one

第二大部份rank the second/the second largest section{artificial,intelligence,作文}.

与..相比:compared with A与B成比例A be in proportion to B

差不多:About/around/roughly 多达as many as 正好:Exactly/precisely 水平:level off 柱状图(bar chart)

递增:on the rise/increase 急剧上升: grow sharply;{artificial,intelligence,作文}.

递减:on the decline/decrease


从图表上看:From these graphs

得到结论:draw a conclusion


人口爆炸 population explosion

计划生育birth control

加强执法strengthen law enforcement to prosperity 人才外流brain drain 腐败和受贿 corruption and bribery 浮夸风tendency toward boasting and exaggeration 青少年犯罪 juvenile delinquency 可持续发展 sustainable development 安居工程 housing project for low-income urban residents 素质教育 education for all-round development 知识产权intellectual property fights 拜金主义money worship 保护生态环境preserve the ecological environment 产品科技含量 technological element of product 大学生创业university students’ innovative undertaking 打假crake down on counterfeit goods/fake products 盗版VCD pirated VCD 恶性循环vicious circle 复合型人才inter-disciplinary talent 共同富裕common prosperity 基因工程genetic engineering 基本国情 fundamental realities of the country 教书育人 impart knowledge and educate people 精神文明建设 promote cultural and ideological progress 经济全球化 economic globalization; economic integration 科教兴国 rely on science and education to rejuvenate the nation 两个文明一起抓place equal emphasis on material and ethical progress 民工migrant laborer 申办奥运会 bid for the Olympic Games 双赢局面 win-win situation 实事求是 seek truth from facts; be true to facts 实现中华民族伟大复兴bring about a great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation 首创精神pioneering spirit 团队精神 teem spirit 信息高速公路information super highway 经济不景气economic recession 经济萧条economic depression 价格体系price system 少到

商品价格commodity prices

价格指数price index

企业管理business management

商业伙伴 business partners

经济复苏economic revival 伤害索赔injury claims 扩大消费市场tap the consumer market 全球化过程globalization process 2

贸易顺差surplus in trade

一揽子交易package deal

点击point and click

网上经营web business

网上文化online culture

吸取世界文明成果assimilate the achievements of civilizations over the world

依法治国manage state affairs according to law

忧患意识awareness of unexpected development

与时俱进advance with times

因材施教teach students according to their aptitude

义务教育 compulsory education

知识经济knowledge-based economy

振兴中华make China powerful and strong; 富裕affluence

平衡预算balanced budget{artificial,intelligence,作文}.


购买力buying power


生活费用 cost of living

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