
光电子专业就业环境 电子商务就业环境分析

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2008-06-01 15:12









本领域主要覆盖光电子技术、光信息技术和光学仪器及技术三个方面。 光电子技术:激光及激光器技术、激光应用技术、微结构光学、光子集成技术、光纤光学及技术、非线性导波光学、光电探测器及光探测技术、光电子材料。 光信息技术:光通信器件与系统技术、光电成像技术、显示技术、光存储与记录、全息技术和三维成像、光计算、自适应光学、光电信息处理。







学位论文选题应来源于生产实际或具有明确的生产背景和应用价值。可以是技术攻关研究专题,或者是新设备、新材料、新工艺、新产品的研制开发,产品质量的检测与分析;也可以是与光学工程有关的系统设备管理或维护技术研究。 论文工作一般应包括选题、调研,开题,论文撰写与答辩。论文选题应有一定的技术难度、先进性与足够的工作量。学位论文应在导师指导下由学生本人独立完成。


Optical Engineering

Optical Engineering applies the principles and processes of optics to solve engineering problems. Topics include light sources, light transmission and transformation, the detection and storage of light signals, optical information processing, optical holography, photo electronic imaging and display, optical communication and sensing, laser processing, micro-photo and infra-red thermal imaging, photo-electric measurements, optical integrated technology, photoelectron

instrumentation and devices, optical remote sensing techniques, and other facets of engineering involving optical devices, system

fabrication, measurement and controls. The Optical Engineering Master‘s Degree trains senior engineers and technicians for research, design, fabrication, operation management and control of optical engineering processes. The major courses of study are political theory, foreign language, fundamental theory of engineering mathematics, engineering

optics, photoelectron devices and technology, applied optics and optical devices, mathematical image processing, optical system design,

guided-wave optics and technology, photoelectron sensing and measurement technology, optical integration technology, information display

technology, electron optics, fundamentals of modem management science, etc.

I. Introduction

Optics is a branch of science with a long history. In 1960s the birth of laser made photon an effective carrier of information and energy. With the development of optical technology, laser technology and

optoelectronic technology, optics plays a more and more important role in various fields of science and technology, such as information science, energy science, material science, space science, computer science, fine mechanics, microelectronics, biomedicine, etc.

Extending from the application of optics in engineering and

technology, optical engineering, with principles and methods of optics, tackles and solves engineering problems related to optics as well as scientific research and production practice in relevant fields. It is mainly composed of such engineering techniques as source of light, transmission and transformation of light, detection and storage of optical signals, process of optical information, optical holography, display of optoelectronic imaging, optical communication and

optoelectronic transducer, laser machining and processing, micro light and infrared thermal imaging techniques, optoelectronic measurement, optical integration techniques, optoelectronic devices and elements, optical remote sensing techniques. Additionally, it includes any engineering technique related to the manufacturing, operation, measurement and control of all the optically relevant elements and systems. Optical engineering is inseparably related to many fields of science and technology, including physics, electronic science and technology, information and communication engineering, instrument science and technology, computer science and engineering, material science and engineering, control science and engineering, mechanical engineering, biomedical engineering, etc.

II. Program Objectives

The specialty of optical engineering aims to provide students with not only a solid background in basic theories and a wide scope of expertise but also necessary management knowledge. They must master advanced technical methods and modern means to solve engineering problems

independently. They must be application-oriented and versatile talents who, with a good command of a foreign language and computer skills, can handle technical problems and engineering management on their own. They must be able to handle and solve independently problems in optical engineering and related fields, such as system and element design, optical and electronic system operation, technical analysis, introduction, development and control of new technology and new equipment, research, development and maintenance of new products. III. Scope of the field

The specialty of optical engineering covers three areas:

optoelectronics, optical information technology, optical instrument technology.

Optoelectronics: laser and laser technology, laser application technology, microstructure optics, photon integration technology, fiber optics and technology, nonlinear waveguide optics, optoelectronic detector and optical detecting technology, optoelectronic materials. Optical information technology: optical communication elements and systematic technology, optoelectronic imaging and displaying

techniques, optical storage and recording, optical holography and 3D imaging, optical computation, auto adapted optics, optoelectronic data processing.

Optical instrument and technology: optical instrument,

optoelectronic detecting techniques, optical system design, optical element fabrication, thin film optics and technology, optical metering techniques, near field optics and nanometer measuring techniques, radiometry and colorimetry, optical spectral techniques, infrared techniques, space optics, marine optics, astronomical optics, biomedical optics, synthesized optical devices and engineering equipment.

IV. Curriculum

The basic courses, basic technical courses and specialized courses are as follows:

theory of Marxism, foreign language, fundamentals of engineering mathematics, optoelectronic elements and technology, engineering optics, applied optics and optical instrument, digital image processing, optical system design, waveguide optics and technology, optoelectronic imaging, laser techniques, optical communication techniques, optical

and electronic transducer and detecting techniques, optical integration techniques, information display techniques, electronic optics,

computer application techniques(computer networks, computer languages), modern management theory.

The above courses can be classified into degree courses or non-degree courses. In addition to them, optional courses can be offered to meet the need of the home enterprise. The total credits of each student must be no less than twenty-eight.

V. Thesis

The subject of the thesis must originate from production practice or definite production background with practical value. It can be key research projects, or research and development of new equipment, materials, technology and products, or product quality measurement and analysis. Moreover, technical maintenance research or systematic

equipment management related to optical engineering can also serve as the subject.

The thesis procedure includes subject selection, pre-research, open discussion, thesis writing and defense. The subject should be novel with proper technical difficulty and enough workload. The student should complete the thesis independently with the guide of his supervisor. To qualify the degree of Master of Engineering, the thesis must be of importance or practical value to the production and development of the home enterprise. It must reflect the student‘s comprehensive ability not only to conduct research and development independently but also to solve practical engineering problems with his own expertise.



电子信息专业在各个学校有不同的偏重点,大多数学校是在电气与通信学院开设这个专业,它和电子信息工程有相近之处.有些学校开设此专业在物理与电子科学学院,其偏重于物理学. 两者虽然有不同的偏重点,但是我觉得这个专业对计算机的要求应该是比较高的,你应该努力学好计算机方面的知识. 至于考研方面,其实象电路与系统和通信、计算机这方面的专业都可以考的,其专业跨度也不会很大。 控制科学与工程是就业率相当高的一门专业,他也是用来解决现在计算机和电子这些专业就业瓶颈的一个专业,应该是属于自动化方面的一个专业。要考的话应该问题也不大。 本专业培养具备电子信息科学与技术的基本理论和基本知识,受到严格的科学实验训练和科学研究初步训练,具有本学科及跨学科的应用研究和技术开发的基本能力,能在电子信息科学与技术、计算机科学与技术及相关领域和行政部门从事科学研究、教学、科技开发、产品设计、生产技术或管理工作的电子信息科学与技术高级专门人才。本专业是一门新兴的综合性学科,是目前相当热门的专业。 一、专业综合介绍 面对一个带有“电子”、“信息”这些字眼的专业,恐怕没人会怀疑她的前途。电子行业的飞速发展、信息技术的迅速应用,使以它们为代表的“知识经济”大潮席卷全球,成为当今世界经济增长的主要推动力量,所有国家概莫能外。展望未来,电子产业(包括方兴未艾的光电子专业)还将继续站在世界技术发展的最前沿,一如既往的带动全球经济的发展。尽管它的前途一片光明,然而当我们面对“电子信息工程”(Electronic Information Engineering)、“电子信息科学与技术”(Electronic Information Science and Technology)这些非常相近的专业名词时,相信肯定仍有很多人感到迷惑。通常说来,前者指的是“无线电”专业,偏应用;后者,也就是本专业指的是物理电子、微电子、光电子等专业,比较偏理论。前者所要研究的主要是无线电波、电路与系统,后者主要研究微观领域中的电现象、电性质及其制成器件后能够实现的功能。可以说两者是并重的,是电子科学平行发展的两个方面,都是硬件工业发展的基础。信息技术已是经济发展的牵动力量,而在关系到一国生死存亡的军事领域,电子工业更是扮演着举足轻重的角色。现代战争越来越向高技术、信息化的方向发展,电子战已经成为杀伤敌人的一种强大手段。任何国家都不想在全球的信息战中处于被动挨打的地位,包括我国在内的世界上比较有“实力”的国家,对于信息技术的投入都非常大,即便是非常“烧钱”

的电子信息科学与技术专业,国家也不惜重金投入,以期在新时代经济及战略争夺中屈于主动地位。国家信息产业部部长吴基传曾经在“信息技术与微电子产业发展研讨会”上表示,未来10年是我国发展微电子产业的关键时期,国家将微电子产业作为重中之重,优先扶植发展。 让我们来看一看这样一个专业需要学习哪些知识吧。首先是要求数学和物理的水平比较高,其次像激光原理、量子物理、半导体物理等专业课,很多都涉及微观领域,理论性相对较强一些,这对于那些数学水平较高、抽象思维能力强的同学来说,本专业是个相当好的选择。不过本专业的竞争相当激烈,除了在高考录取时的竞争外,由于课程比较抽象,难度高,学习过程中压力也相当大,换句话说就是“很累”。国内大部分高校都没有此专业,一般隶属于信息学院或者电子工程系,其中,清华大学电子工程系微电子和光电子专业、北京大学电子学系、南京大学电子科学与工程系无线电物理专业、复旦大学电子工程系、南开大学电子科学系均属于国内各院校中的佼佼者。 本专业的毕业生在找工作时游刃有余,既可以到IBM、INTEL、SIMENS、MOTOROLA等跨国公司工作,也可以到华为、华宏等国内知名企业工作,这些公司待遇都很高,发展环境好,管理水平也比较高。在读研方面,除高校外,还有中国科学院一些研究所可供选择。此外,同其他热门的专业相比,电子信息科学与技术专业在出国上也方便得多。由于其偏理科的特点,使其申请难度较小,这也是值得考虑的一个重要因素。 电子信息科学与技术专业代码:071201。 二、专业教育发展状况 20世纪下半叶,电子信息学经历了发现、发展、走向辉煌的历史。在这五十年中,取得的主要里程碑的成就是:计算机技术(包括计算机系统、网络)。从1944年冯·诺依曼提出程序存储和顺序计算的概念到1968年摩尔、诺宜斯和管理能手格罗夫创立Intel公司,Intel成为现代计算机的主流。而通信技术则从1837年莫尔斯发明电报发展到光通信,1969年9月第一台传感器在加州大学由克来因罗克制成,实现了计算机互连,1995年4月,ARPAnet完成向Internet的转化。标志着计算机和通信的结合,开始了新的电子信息学,从此信息技术进入新的时代,信息技术也推动人类进入知识经济时代。






















*你若熟悉linux,完全可以在linux世界里自由竞争,你只需要一台电脑,连上internet以及一个好的头脑就足够了。你的linux战友们将会根据你的意见,你的代码和你的其他贡献来判断你的能力,不愁找不到工作,工作会来找你拉! *你能熟练使用protel,可以找排线路板方面的工作,如设计PC机板卡等等。循规蹈矩,安安静静,与世无争,但不能干一辈子吧?






专业是个好专业:适用面比较宽,和计算机、通信、电子都有交叉; 但是这行偏电,因此动手能力很重要;





而线性代数要求就高一些,因为任何书在讲一个算法时,最后都会把算法化为矩阵计算(这样就能编程实现了,而现代的电子工程相当一部分工作都是编程) 对于动手能力,低年级最好能焊接装配一些小电路,加强对模拟、数字、高频电路(这三门可是电子线路的核心)的感性认识;工具吗就找最便宜的吧!电烙铁、万用表是必需的,如果有钱可以买个二手示波器

电路图吗,无线电杂志上经常刊登,无线电爱好者的入门书对实际操作很有好处 另一块是单片机、CPLD/FPGA、DSP

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