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第一篇:《关于家庭暴力的英语作文Domestic Violence》





Should We Do More to Deal with Domestic Violence?

Domestic violence has always been considered a phenomenon that does a great harm to family relationship.Some people insist that this problem should be treated with caution and solved effectively,whereas many others just regard it as a exaggerated incident.And as far as I can see,I strongly support the former.

It cannot be denied that domestic violence indeed exist in some families all around the world and it does damage the environment of a family.Actually,many teleplays and movies often use domestic violence as a subject to give a big shock to the TV viewers so that they can feel the happiness of having a harmonious family.Living in a condition where domestic violence happens frequently,the people will not only be injuried physically but get hurt badly in sprit.It brings them a great pain and makes them bear a huge living pressure,probably even deforms the weakers’ mind.What’s worse,the majority of the children who has grown up in domestic violence are introverted and frail and it endangers the elders’ health to a large extent as well.Furthermore,many family conflicts,such as divorce and separation,are also caused by domestic violence.

The harm that domestic violence brings is very serious.So what’s the effective way to reduce and even eliminate this problem?Firstly,the laws concerning the domestic violence must be made to protect the people who’s living in domestic violence,which can give them a powerful weapon to defend themselves when they suffer it.For example,if domestic violence happens,the victims can use their legal rights to ask legal branch for help and the criminal shall be investigated according to the laws.In addition,government should set up a domestic violence control network to record the family that is suffering from domestic violence and give more care to them.

To sum up,domestic violence is a problem we cannot overlook and government

and the victims will play a very important role in solving it.And with our joint efforts,I believe this phenomenon will be effectively solved someday.

第二篇:《domestic violence 家庭暴力作文》

The Domestic Violence

The domestic violence, it’s another name: family violence, is one branch of social science problem all around the world nowadays. Domestic violence refers to the violence or physical abuse directed toward one’s spouse or domestic partner, usually violence by men against women and parents against children.

Alcohol consumption and mental illness can be co-morbid with abuse, and present additional challenges in eliminating domestic violence. Refusing to submit to a husband’s wishes is a common reason given for justification of violence in developing countries, for instance 11.2% of women in China have been suffered from their husbands.

Just as what we always seen on the newspaper, there is a large number of women, kids and the old have been badly hurt because of family violence every year. The bodily injury and the Psychological trauma may result in family breakdown even lead to a rise of crime rates. What’s worse, the family violence influence on the development of children and their whole life if the person do violence on children who’s bring them funk, anxiety, pessimism. Children are the biggest hope for a country; they will inherit the tradition and brilliant in the future, but The psychological shadow from the violence will be usually follow them and become a bomb in their life.

Actually, family is one of best place for us to get a relax or recover from the hurt when we feel difficult or get in trouble in the society. So it’s significant to create good family atmosphere. On the one hand, preventing and curbing family violence is our own need. It’s also a process to prevent crime in another way.

To prevent and curb the domestic violence, I think, the most fundamental way is to develop the idea of sexual equality. We should strengthen the whole citizen’s moral education, approach must be adhered to and real efforts must be devoted to developing a harmonious socialist society in China. As the equality concept prevailing, the risks of the violence will be dropped dramatically. What’s more, a law is needed to protect the innocent by punishing the guilty. The law cannot make all men equal, but

they are all equal before the law. We should set up the domestic violence control network to protect disadvantaged and afford the legal case.


Should We Do More to Deal with Domestic Violence?

Domestic violence has always been considered a phenomenon that does a great harm to family relationship.Some people insist that this problem should be treated with caution and solved effectively,whereas many others just regard it as a exaggerated incident.And as far as I can see,I strongly support the former.

It cannot be denied that domestic violence indeed exist in some families all around the world and it does damage the environment of a family.Actually,many teleplays and movies often use domestic violence as a subject to give a big shock to the TV viewers so that they can feel the happiness of having a harmonious family.Living in a condition where domestic violence happens frequently,the people will not only be injuried physically but get hurt badly in sprit.It brings them a great pain and makes them bear a huge living pressure,probably even deforms the weakers’ mind.What’s worse,the majority of the children who has grown up in domestic violence are introverted and frail and it endangers the elders’ health to a large extent as well.Furthermore,many family conflicts,such as divorce and separation,are also caused by domestic violence.

The harm that domestic violence brings is very serious.So what’s the effective way to reduce and even eliminate this problem?Firstly,the laws concerning the domestic violence must be made to protect the people who’s living in domestic violence,which can give them a powerful weapon to defend themselves when they suffer it.For example,if domestic violence happens,the victims can use their legal rights to ask legal branch for help and the criminal shall be investigated according to the laws.In addition,government should set up a domestic violence control network to record the family that is suffering from domestic violence and give more care to them.

To sum up,domestic violence is a problem we cannot overlook and government and the victims will play a very important role in solving it.And with our joint efforts,I believe this phenomenon will be effectively solved someday.

第四篇:《综英作文 家庭暴力的危害与解决方法》


The domestic violence

The domestic violence It’s an other words: family violence, intrafamilial violence, intimate violence, nons tranger violence etc. It is one branch of Social Science.this word begin in the 60’s of this century from.America scholar Wei.

what domestic violence is?

The opinion that the person was hurt or did injury who’s basic on Kinship or relationship.the person they know each other..They live in the same .house..such as father/mother and children., husband and wife.etc.

What ‘s the harms of domestic violence?

The first,The domestic violence to encroach on which is disadvantageous family group ‘s the legal rights.such as women,children, oldster, deformity etc.The women cannot bear domestic violence who get a divorce or on occasion walk out of their homes and never return.

The second, the domestic violence influence on the development of childreen and them life.If the person do violence on children who ‘s bring them funk, anxiety, pessimise.

The third,It’s from chokey ‘s report.,The domestic violence to give rise to crime. About one hundred wormen prisoner who kill her husband.

What ‘s the effective way to dealing with domestic violence?

The law is made to protect the innocent by punishing the guilty .If bigamy, domestic violence to or maltreatment and desertion of family member(s) constitute a crime, the criminal responsibility of the wrongdoer shall be investigated according to law.

To set up domestic violence control network, afford the legal case

In regard to the domestic violence to or maltreatment of family members, the victim shall have the right to make a request, and the neighborhood or villager committee as well as the units in which the parties concerned work shall dissuade the wrongdoer, and offer mediation.

When the women or children and disadvantaged groups who sufer from the domestic violence. The Women's Federation set up Buildings to providing refuge,esp for homeless people.

When person into the domestic violence, The Legal Consultancy Center give legal consulting service and reduce the Costs.{关于家暴的作文}.

In the end , we must be strengthen the whole citizen’s givic and Moral Education, approach must be adhered to, and real efforts must be devoted to developing a harmonious socialist society in China.



家庭暴力是社会学的一个分支;它有多种形式的英文表达法,例如: family violence, intrafamilial violence, intimate violence, nons tranger violence ,最早提出这个问题的是在六十年代的,一个叫wei的美国学者首次提出的。













最后,必须加强公民的道德教育、促进中国社会主义的和谐社会的建立。 Domestic violence is a social negative phenomena in recent years, more concern for the community. In this paper, the judicial relief for domestic violence related issues for analysis. This article is divided into the following three parts: The first part is the concept of domestic violence and their way of judicial relief, first introduced the concept of domestic violence on the outside of the domestic violence legislation and our definition of domestic violence.Followed by means of judicial relief, respectively, from the criminal and civil legal systems are analyzed; the second part deals with domestic violence, the practice of judicial relief problems. By the lack of preventive measures, the victim may be charged with no proof difficult, law enforcement results in this connection, the lack of finishing the

analysis of norms in five areas; the third part of domestic violence to improve judicial relief. From the development of "anti-domestic violence law," the police to intervene to improve the mechanism, the establishment of the Family Court, the establishment of a comprehensive anti-domestic violence community to analyze four aspects of the system in order to improve the judicial relief.











格,在发生家庭暴力时仅仅是逆来顺受,由此更助长了丈夫的嚣张气焰,从而使家庭暴力反复性与循环性并存。 广西法学会刑法学研究会会长张英忠教授指出,引发家庭暴力事件的原因在相当程度上是由家庭婚姻的现象所致。现在市场开放了,但在开放的同时有些人过分的追求所谓的“思想开放”,受一些负面因素的影响而丧失伦理道德,贪图享乐,追求金钱美女,“包二奶”、“养情人”的现象似乎司空见惯,对家庭、对婚姻没有责任感,这种现象称为家庭婚姻的现象。《婚姻法》第三十二条第三款又规定:“实施家庭暴力或虐待、遗弃家庭成员的,调解无效的,应准予离婚。”该条表达了准予离婚的一个理由,从表面上看是为了保护家庭中受危害的一方当事人,通过解除婚姻来达到这一目的,使受害人远离被害人。殊不知因为此条款也助长了家庭暴力行为,使那些施暴者借此达到离婚的目的。

女性经济的不独立也是产生家庭暴力的一个原因 无可否认,在现代经济生活中男性仍然占主导地位,并且随着经济体制的改革,女性下岗的问题也十分严重,这样使越来越多的女性困在家中,她们无经济收入也无经济地位,只能依附于丈夫,这样很可能成为丈夫随心所欲施暴的对象,丈夫对妻子施暴,有很大的原因是觉得自己对妻子有足够的控制力。如果妻子有相应的社会




(一) 完善立法,加强对家庭暴力的打击力度





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