
与妈妈的代沟的作文 代沟英语作文

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The reasons why parents spend less time with children Nowadays in most of the families in China, both of the parents have to go out for work in order to earn more money to provide better environment for their lovely children. After work, these parents always take rest during leisure time. Unfortunately, this causes families spend little time doing things together. What is worse, rare communication between them and their children are become less and less.

There are the reasons why the problems of generation gap become more and more serious. The poor relationship between parents and their children is very common. I think these problems caused by the busy parents. Most of them are busy making money, so they have no spare time to go to the children, to education to children. Thought they have time, they still don’t try to communicate with their children. These cause parents and children cannot know deeply about each other and friction will appear due to the decease of communication .What’s more, these let children in the process of growing up lost many of the parents and the exchange and accept education quality of opportunity.

To solve this problem, the busy parents should sacrifice their spare time to communicate with their children actively and friendly to improve their relation. On Sunday,children ’day and some festival,

parents should take their children go to park or watch a movie , as it can reduce the quarrel between them. Besides this, the parents should try to give up their absolute power in family so as to make their children feel free to chat with them.

Now social pressure is so great, so most of the parents are nothing wrong to make money. Nevertheless they must find time to accompany their children. No matter how busy the parents are, they must put their children as the first consideration.


In retrospect, one of the greatest generation gaps was one between me and my parent. My parents and I have different opinions on one thing.

In home, I often like playing phone because I am curious about new thing. But my parents don’t agree with me to play phone. One problem lies in fact that parents don’t know much about using phone. In fact, I use phone to chat with my friends in order to strength our relationship. I also hunt for some useful information to solve problem that I confronted with. However, my parents don’t know what I am doing on the phone. They only thing it is useless to spent much time playing phone. They also thing that play phone can harm my eyes.

In order to deal with the generation gap, I think that I should reduce time to play phone and save more time to do other things. My parent should realize play phone have some advantage to solve something that we meet.





















“王室贵族”,再看我右边和蔼可亲,正与别人谈笑风生的妈,我不禁释然许多。 妈说:“我喜欢银色的小轿车。”我说:“行!我以后给你买。”“你还得给我买套房子。”“没问题,你喜欢住哪儿?北京?还是上海?”“城市倒无所谓,只要靠湖就行。别忘了,一定要别墅,不是别墅我可不住哦!”我笑了,说:“好,以后一定让你每天从自家别墅的车库里开出银色轿车,把全市的湖看个遍!”











Topic174 Every generation of people is different in important ways. How is your generation different from your parents' generation? Use specific reasons and examples to explain your answer.






[托福参看范文]Topic: 174

The principal differences between my generation and my parents' generation are in how they relate to others. My generation is more tolerant of other people's choices, less concerned about what others think, and more self-centered.

My parents' generation has stricter standards about what kinds of behavior are acceptable. They sometimes have a hard time accepting the fact that other people may have different ideas about what's right and what's wrong. My generation thinks people should have a lot of choices. For example, they choose whom they want to live with, whether or not to have children, whether or not to practice a particular religion, and what to do for a living.


My parents (generation is much more concerned about what other people think of them. Many grew up in tightly knit communities where people knew each other's families. Fitting in meant that you had to act a certain way. Many of my generation grew up in loosely knit communities, where we only knew about our closest neighbors. We didn't care what the rest of the community thought of us. Also, we were a very rebellious generation and often did things just to shock people.

Wherever we grew up, most of my generation didn't have to worry about having enough to eat or a roof over our heads. My parents' generation did. They grew up during the Great Depression, when many people were poor. For this reason, my parents didn't have time to analyze their feelings or think about their inner selves. They were too busy trying to get by. Children of my generation were well taken care of by their parents. Because of that, we had time to think about ourselves and our place in the universe. As adults, many of us have continued to be self-absorbed. We join health clubs to be perfect in body and go into therapy to be perfect in mind.

When I think about our actions, it seems that my parents' generation is more "outer" directed and my generation is more "inner directed."




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于是我起早贪黑地学习,夏天的文字咬了我一身的包,我忍痒继续苦干。有时,妈妈也送上杯茶,但我却从未喝过,我认为那是对我的挖苦、嘲笑。 成绩不负有心人。那次月考,我抱着第一进了家,本想妈妈会气傻,可是妈妈却笑了,我呆了

我依然不服从妈妈,我要为我自己做更多的事情,来气妈妈。于是我学着洗衣服,骑脚踏车我认为,我足够照顾自己了,于是,我决定离开这个家。 我把我的东西翻了出来,但在我翻东西时,我发现了一个小盒,我打开了它,里面有几本日记,日记里面有妈妈抱着我的照片,那时是多么幸福呀!从一本日记中我知道了妈妈对我的付出有多大,妈妈之所以这样对我,是想用激将法。上面写着“有时我也想对孩子说对不起,但又怕孩子无法长大,可是面对孩子那哭丧的小脸,也总是心如刀绞啊”,噢,妈妈,您用心良苦啊,为了我,您受了多少精神折磨

“吱”,门开了,妈妈回来了,我跑上去,一把搂住了妈妈,大哭起来。 原来,另一种形式的母爱更珍贵。



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