
table,salt,cooking,salt cookingfailure

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第四部分 外语运用能力测试(英语)A卷(50 题,每小题 2 分,满分 100 分)

Part One Vocabulary and Structure


There are ten incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Mark your answer on the

ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.

1. If the car you have rented is clearly unsatisfactory, you can always it for another.

A. shift B . exchange C . switch D. replace

2. Every manager needs a secretary that he can to take care of something that may occur

in his absence.

A. bring on B . hold on C . count on D. focus on

3. The shirt is a real bargain because it is good in quality and in price.

A. valuable B . remarkable C . available D. reasonable

4. Shopping for cloths is not the same experience for a man it is for a woman.

A. when B . that C . as D. than

5. Nina back home if she had known that her husband would go to the bus stop to meet


A. couldn’t have walked B . shouldn’t have walked

C . mustn’t have walked D. wouldn’t have walked

6. A news report is usually very short, when it is about something very important.

A. besides B . except C . apart from D. except for

7. In this advanced course, students are required to take performance tests at monthly .

A. gaps B . lengths C . distances D. intervals

8. American women were the right to vote until 1920.

A. ignored B . refused C . derived D. denied

9. Seldom any mistakes during my past few years of working there.

A. would I make B . have I made C . I made D. shall I make

10. The proposal seems to oppose the government economic policy.

A. designed B . to design

C . have designed D. to have designed

Part Two Reading Comprehension


In this part there are three passages and one chart, each followed by five questions or unfinished statements. For each of them, there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best one and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.

Questions 11-15 are based on the following passage:

Happiness is becoming a huge area in psychological research and even in government policy, with the UK government exploring a “ happiness index” . It is tough, though, to define exactly what happiness is, and what makes us happy.

There are two broad ways of looking at happiness: short-term happiness (a great cookie, a bottle of wine) and long-happiness (financial security, achieving your goals). Both types of happiness are valid, and important. The problem is, they’re often in competition.

Let’s say you’ve got a goal of losing 50 pounds this year. You know you’d be happier and healthier if you weren’t carrying that extra weight. To achieve long-term happiness, you need to go on a diet. In the short-term, though, it’s not that easy.A chocolate cake, or a large glass of wine, might just the thing to cheer you up at the end of a long day – or to celebrate with friends. It’s the same with lots of other goals. It you’ve got a tendency to prioritize long-term happiness at the expense of day-to -day pleasures, you should start looking for some small ways to bring a little joy back into your life. I am not suggesting that you go out and get drunk every night, or that you stuff yourself with cake. There are a plenty of other ways to enjoy yourself. Don’t pin all your hopes of happiness on some far-off future, though. There’s no point working a 60-hour week and making yourself thoroughly miserable in the belief that things will be perfect as soon as possible you're making a six-figure salary.

11. A proper title foe the passage is

A. Happy Thereafter. B . Beyond Happiness.

C . Happiness in. Happiness Out. D. Happy now or in the Future?

12. Paragraph is mainly about .

A. what makes us happy B . how to understand happiness

C . how can we be happier D. what happiness can bring us

13. The example in paragraph 3 is meant to emphasize that .

A. both short-term happiness and long-term happiness is important

B . we tend to seek short-term happiness instead of long-term happiness

C . p eople prefer long-term happiness to short-term happiness

D. s hort-term happiness may contradict long-term happiness

14. The word “ prioritize” (last paragraph) probably means “ ” .

A. treat something as more important than others

B . improve something 's value or quality

C . put extra emphasis on something

D. look for something that is difficult to find

15. The author suggests in the last paragraph that sacrificing short-term happiness for long-term

happiness .

A. works well B . can be justified

C . is not worthwhile D. makes no difference

Questions 16-20 are based on the following passage:

Thanks to the introduction of new drugs, many of the early problem in organ transplants, such as tissue rejection, have, to a great extent, now been solved. However, there remains a major problem. The people in need of transplant surgery far outnumber the available organs.

Many countries, such as Britain, have huge waiting lists people whose lives could be saved by being given a kidney, lung, heart or liver transplant. Sadly, many of them die before they research the top of the list.

Under the present British policy, people are asked to carry donor ( 捐赠人 ) cards, and\or put their names on the national donor register. Thus, if they lost their lives suddenly, for example, in a traffic accident, they have given permissions in advance of their death for their organs to be used. If they have not given done so, surgeons are faced with the task of asking the grieved relatives for permissions to use the organs of the dead. Of course, often the relatives are too upset even to think o f such a thing until it is too late. Organ transplants have to take place quite soon after the death of the donor.

Dying and donating organs is not something most of us like to think about, and only about 14% of people have registered. Now it has been suggested that, instead of the present register, there should be a register of potential donors who haven’t made up their minds.

16. Nowadays a major problem in transplant surgery is ___.

A. the shortage of qualified doctors

B. the back of transplant organs

C. tissue rejection

D. immature techniques

17. It can be inferred from the passage that transplant organs most likely come from ___.

A. people who die in fatal accidents

B. criminals who are sentenced to death

C. patients who die from serious diseases

D. people who are mentally healthy

18. What is the advantage of registering in advance to donate organs?

A. The transplant many take place soon after the death of the donor.

B. The donor’s relatives would agree with the surgery

C. More people would choose donation of their organs after death

D. Surgeons will not be liable to any legal consequences.

19. The low percentage of people who have registered to donate organs indicates that ___

A. the present register system doesn’t work

B. dying and donating organs is an unpleasant issue

C. very few people know how to donate their organs

D. permission from relatives is hard to obtain

20.What has been proposed to get more donor organs?

A. Asking more people to register to donate organs after death

B. Having more people carry donor cards when they get around

C. Encouraging more people to consider organ donation through registering.

D. Getting more people to donate organs by offering huge monetary rewards.

Question 21-25 are based on the following passage:

Recently, the Americans Health Association surveyed 1,000 people nationwide about their thoughts on sodium and heart health. 61% said that they believe sea salt is low-sodium alternative to table salt. They can be forgiven to thinking so. Sea salt is marked as a healthy food, added to soups, potato chips and a wide variety of packaged snacks labeled “ low sodium” and “healthy” . But in reality, sea salt and table salt are not terribly different, at least chemically. The real differences are in how the two are used in cooking.

Table salt comes from underground salt deposits. Companies that sell it typically add something to keep it from clumping ( 结块 ). During processing, table is stripped of many of its natural minerals. Seat salt, on the other hand, is made from evaporated seawater. With little processing, it retains most of its mineral, which some cooks say give it a better flavor.

But both contains the same amount of sodium chloride ( 氧化钠 ) by weight, which means they contribute equally to totally sodium consumption and have the same effect on blood pressure. Officials recommend that adults consume no more than

2.300 milligrams of sodium a day, equivalent to a teaspoon salt. You should eat less if you are black, hypertensive ( 患高血压的 ) or older than 40. Yet most Americans consume more than double the amount they need, mostly processed foods, so it is best to limit salt – Of any kind.

21. According the survey, more than half the people believer that .

A. table salt should be used in cooking

B . it is necessary to eat sea product

C . sea salt is high-sodium product

D. sea is a healthier choice than table salt

22. The different between table salt and tea salt lies in that table salt ______. A. contains more natural minerals than sea salt

B . forms clumps more easily than sea salt C . taste better than sea salt

D. goes through less pro cessing than sea salt

23. The word “ strip” in Para. 2 is closest in meaning to “ ” .

A. b reak B . add C . remove D. change

24. According to the passage, the proper amount of salt consumption is related to one’s


A. appetite B . age C . sex D. weight

25. According to the passage, Americans .

A. c onsume much more salt than they actually need

B . c onsume about 2.300 milligrams of salt a day

C . p refer fresh food to salted processed food

D. try to limit their salt consumption of any kind

Questions 26-30 are based on the following chart:



cilantro = coriander leaf = Chinese parsley = culantrillo = koyendoro = Mexican parsley = yuen-sai = green coriander = coriander green 芫荽叶,香菜叶,胡荽 mint 薄荷

Peppermint = brandy mint 胡椒薄荷,薄荷油

betel 萎叶

basil 罗勒,紫苏

mitsuba = trefoil = honewort 北柴胡,车轴草

bay leaf = bay laurel leaf = laurel leaf = sweet bay laurel leaf 香叶,月桂叶 oregano = wild marjoram = pot marjoram 牛至

rosemary 迷迭香

rosemary 欧芹

sage 鼠尾草,洋紫苏,茜紫

savory 香薄荷

thyme 百里香

tarragon 龙嵩, 龙嵩叶

fenugreek leaves = holba = methi leaves 葫芦巴

vanilla 香草,香子兰

horseradish 山葵,辣根(青芥辣的原料)

allspice = toute-epice = Jamaica pepper = myrtle pepper = pimiento = pimento = clove pepper = newspice 多香果,众香子

cardamom = cardamon = green cardamom 小豆蔻

cassia cinnamon = cassia = Chinese cinnamon = Chinese cassia = false cinnamon 桂皮

cinnamon 肉桂

clove 丁香

cumin = comino = cummin = jeera 孜然,孜然芹, 孜然芹果

dill seed = dillseed 莳萝籽,土茴香、野小茴,

fennel seed = fennel = sweet cumin 茴香籽

mace 肉豆蔻{table,salt,cooking,salt}.

mustard seeds 芥菜籽

poppy seeds 婴粟籽

saffron 藏红花

sesame seeds; benne seeds = goma 芝麻,胡麻籽,白芝麻

black sesame seeds 黑芝麻

star anise = anise = whole anise = Chinese star anise = Chinese anise 八角,八角茴香,大茴香

Szechwan peppercorn = Sichuan peppercorn = Szechuan peppercorn = anise pepper = brown peppercorn = Chinese aromatic pepper = Chinese pepper = flower pepper = sancho = Japanese pepper = Japan pepper = wild pepper =

fagara pepper 花椒

white pepper = white peppercorns 白胡椒

black pepper = black peppercorns 黑胡椒

Chinese five-spice powder = five-spice powder = five-fragrance powder = five heavenly spices = five perfumes = five-flavored powder 五香粉

coarse salt = coarsely-ground salt = coarse-grain salt = gros sel 粗盐 fine salt = finely-ground salt = fine-grain salt = fin sel 细盐

sea salt = bay salt 海盐

iodized salt 加碘盐

table salt = cooking salt = granular salt 餐桌盐

Chinese sugar = Chinese rock sugar = rock sugar 冰糖

dark brown sugar 红糖

fructose = granulated fructose = fruit sugar = levulose 果糖

granulated sugar = sugar = white sugar = sucrose = refined sugar = table sugar 砂糖

malt sugar = maltose = genuine maltose 麦芽糖

maple sugar = maple sprinkles 枫糖

beet sugar 细白糖,棉白糖

cane sugar 蔗糖

sugar cane 甘蔗


sugar substitute, artificial sweetener 代糖

marshmallow 棉花糖

corn syrup 玉米糖浆

maple syrup 枫蜜, 糖枫汁

orgeat = orzata = almond syrup 杏仁糖浆

ginger juice 姜汁

garlic juice 蒜汁

rose essence 玫瑰香精

Chinese chives = gow choy = garlic chives = ku chai 小香葱,细香葱

green onion = scallion = bunching onion = shallot (in Australia) = spring onion (in Britain) = Chinese onion = stone leek = cibol 青葱,大葱

ramps = ramp = wild leek = Tennessee truffle 野韭菜

spring onion 春葱(有大葱头的葱)

galangal = galanga (ginger) = greater galangal = (greater) galingale = (greater) galangale = Java root = Java galangal = kha = khaa = languas = lengkuas = laos (root or ginger) = Thai green ginger = spring ginger = new ginger = young ginger = stem ginger = pink ginger = baby ginger 仔姜

ginger = Siamese ginger 山奈,高良姜

turmeric = fresh turmeric = Indian ginger = yellow ginger = mango ginger 黄姜 elephant garlic = great-headed garlic = Oriental garlic 多瓣蒜

butter 黄油

caul fat 网膜脂, 网油,花油

lard = p

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