
人工智能的影响1000字作文 人工智能影响生活作文

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篇一:《人工智能AI的影响 英语作文》

The Impact of AI on Our Life

In recent years, AI(artificial intelligence) is ubiquitous, maybe you didn't notice it at all, but recently, Google's AlphaGo defeated Lee Sedol, the World Go Champion. It must cause your attention, meanwhile, the machine's sweeping victories have once again made AI a hot topic. The impact of artificial intelligence on our life is mainly reflected in following aspects.

First, the impact of AI on natural science. In many subjects which need computers, AI has an important position, conversely, AI is helpful to the formation of our own intelligence.

Second, the impact of AI on economy. AI into various fields to generate huge benefit, but it also causes the question of employment. As AI replaced the human in many ways, it leads to a huge change in a social framework.

The last one is the impact of AI on society, AI provided a new model to our life, because many developers use AI to develop more interesting games, it makes our life colorful.

AI is a double-edged sword, because some people expect AI to benefit mankind in more fields, and some others fear that AI will eventually get out of control. But in my view, if we can use it very well, it will bring more

conveniences to our life, not to lose control. Not only so but also can develop technology.


Not long ago,it's a hot topic that the world champion Go Li Shishi was defeated by AlphaGo owned by Google. It marks the progress of artificial intelligence. But there is a saying gose like this"Every coin has its two sides.".Some people express favourablely receive, others worry about that AI would cause chaos to humans.To this,it's not comprehensive enough.

Undoubtedly, advanced technology has brought much convenience to us.In some special work environment, AI can help human to get the job done.Simultaneously, it's likely to lead to certain unemployment. But it is not said that AI will replace or even destroy human.There are two reasons to support the view. To start with,AlphaGo hinges upon the powerful computing capacity of the computer and repetitive logic.It has merely a in-depth study to departed information,and its wisdom only shows in a certain field.However, the superiority of humans is the expectations and imagination for future, rather than cognitive and learning abilities. We should innovate audaciously.By means of very unusual strategy, one can overcome AlphaGo.Furthermore,people can understand or convince others by communication. In fact,a good deal of tests show that it can't persuade the human to do anything. It should be concerned that there might be an outlaw uses the AI to commit crimes in the future.

From what has been discussed above, I think we should revere the AI instead of threatened. In the future, humans will cooperate with AI to finish work.It is conducive to promote the development of society more and more quickly and efficiently.


Recently, Google’s AlphaGo defeated Lee sedol, the World Go champion, 4 to 1 in a five game match. It makes us anxiety .Some people expect AI to benefit mahkind in more fields. Some others fear that AI will eventually get out of control. But I think that’s not worry.

Firstly, Artificial intelligence is the simulation of information on the process of consciousness, thinking. Artificial intelligence is not human intelligence ,but can think like people, may also be more than human intelligence. Artificial intelligence has two views, one is BOTTOM-UP AI, the other is TOP-DOWN AI. BOTTOM-UP AI points out that it is possible to create a truly intelligent machine that can reason and solve problems, and that such machines can be perceived as conscious and self aware. TOP-DOWN AI could not produce real reason and solve the problem of intelligent machines, these machines but looks like intelligence, but didn't really have a smart, also won't have independent consciousness. In my opinion, TOP-DOWN AI is more realistic, BOTTOM-UP AI is a bit beyond the current level of science and technology. Secondly, Our country will not allow artificial intelligence with independent consciousness, just like you can’t cloning human by cloning technology.

Finally, we have to calm the mood, good every day.


Artificial Intelligence

Future trend in computer science is one of the artificial intelligence. Artificial Intelligence is a new science of researching theories, methods and technologies in simulating or developing thinking process of human beings. It including the research in the field of robotics, speech

recognition, image recognition, Natural language processing and expert systems.

AI is an embranchment of Computer Science, and it is foreland of research field of computer science. The field of AI research was founded at a conference on the campus of Dartmouth College in the summer of 1956.Artificial intelligence has the impact in natural science. The need of using mathematic computer to solve the problem, AI brings many benefits. Artificial intelligence has the impact in economy, the expert system more depth in all, to bring the great benefit. AI also promoted the development of the computer industry, but at the same time, also brought the problem of employment services.

With the development of artificial intelligence and intelligent robot, we have to say, artificial intelligence is advanced research, so it may touch the bottom lines of ethics. I believe that the science of artificial intelligence is waiting for humanity to explore the real connotation.


How Will AI Affect Our Life?


With the development of economy and science and technology, AI plays a more and more important role in our life.

Three months ago,AlphaGo became famous.Five one hundred million people watching "man-machine war", in the end it depends on the technical advantage of big data and deep learning in a 4-1 winners’ posture tells people, to AI is no longer just the scene in the movie, but in the real world.AI has become a hot topic for a while,some people welcome the progress and expect AI to benefit mankind in more fields,on the contrary, some others fear that AI will eventually get out of control.

In this regard, my view is that AI will bring us more benefits.For example, it is fashionable for youngsters to purchase daily essentialson some famous websites, liketaobao, EBay and Alibaba, through many courier companies.In addition, Tesla, Google and General Motorsdevelopeddriverless cars. What’s more,in the future, the robot will rescue people from dangerous work and so on.

I believe that AI will make our life more beautiful.




人工智能的提出距离今天已经有几十年的时间,经历了四次寒冬,依然能够在今天王者归来并取得实际效果。现在,人类正在用这种“上帝般的能力”迎接一次新的挑 战——人工智能,幸运的是,我们已经做出了很多。撇开那些来源于科幻素材的人工智能未来不谈,现在我们的生活中已经无时无刻不被越来越智能化的技术影响 着,甚至重塑着。


原研哉在提到了对未来和变革的看法:一个新的时代要来了,一样东西接着一样东西,就像手机悄无声息的取得了其处于通讯前沿的位置,我们应该 明白我们就处在未来的中心,它从日常生活的每个角度,一点点的向我们揭示自己。那种认为新东西将从远处向我们重来,就像波浪起自大海远处的想法,是一幅属 于过去的景象。未来不在每个人都在寻找的地方,"那里"就在现在后面。它不是一行里的一个整数:9、 10. 11""它在6.8或7.3这种地方栖居口常生活中的新设计将由那些能在任何两个连续整数之间看到无限多数字的智慧创造出来。 对 于现在被媒体界、科技界、投资界和学术界热炒的人工智能同样如此,奇点理论表明,随着技术的指数级增长,总有一天机器的智能会超越人类,人类的意识也能够 上传至云端从而实现本我的永生。霍金和穆斯克认为人工智能是恶魔,它们这一新物种的出现会毁灭人类,进而从我们——自地球出现生物以来最强大的主宰者手里 接管世界。我很认可这种可能性,也相信人类退出历史舞台或许是自然进化的必然结果,但现在的人类依然是这个星球最聪明的物种,他们创造了语言,他们用比特 将世界相连,他们正在逐渐弄懂大脑的原理,而这些科技的进步反过来也在增强人类自身体力和智力的极限,就像Elon Musk所说:“基于当前科技发展的速度,人类正在变得拥有上帝般的能力。”

现在,人类正在用这种“上帝般的能力”迎接一次新的挑战——人工智能,幸运的是,我们已经做出了很多。撇开那些来源于科幻素材的人工智能未来不谈,现在我们的生活中已经无时无刻不被越来越智能化的技术影响着,甚至重塑着。 人工智能的提出距离今天已经有几十年的时间,经历了四次寒冬,之所以能够在今天王者归来并取得实际效果,跟以下这几个原因有关:


我 们很早就确定了人工智能需要处理的任务,但之前的计算资源使计算机无法完成这样庞大和复杂的信息处理,李彦宏在上周末极客公园的讲话中也提到,我们过去做 人工智能之所以效果不好,是因为我们的计算机力量不够,计算的不够快,不够便宜。而由于摩尔定律的出现,我们今天已经拥有了实现这些设计所需要的计算资 源。举个例子,现在最新一代微处理器的性能是1971年第一代单片机的400万倍。


人 工智能的本质其实两部分,首先是能够汇集到足够多的有效数据,其次是利用先进的算法对这些数据进行处理。得益于互联网、移动互联网和越发廉价且变得无处不 在的传感器,这个世界产生的数据量急剧增加。大数据是人工智能发展的助推剂,这是因为有些人工智能技术使用统计模型来进行数据的概率推算,比如图像、文本 或者语音,通过把这些模型暴露在数据的海洋中,使它们得到不断优化,或者称之为“训练”——现在这样的条件随处可得。


我 认为移动互联网的爆发是人工智能出现的一个必备条件。首先,移动互联网的出现使智能设备时刻与我们相伴,能够采集到足够充分和完整的数据,因为PC的非携 带型,用户在PC时代贡献的数据是分割的,这些数据有着特定使用场景,而智能手机和智能可穿戴设备却是贯穿于用户的日常,能够对用户进行更加更加完善和连 续的刻画。从而为后面的信息处理提供基础。文章《Tech 2015: Deep Learning And Machine Intelligence Will Eat The World》里提到苹果、谷歌、微软和IBM等大公司目前最关注的就是移动领域,Shivon Zilis认为在移动领域胜出将需要大量的机器智能技术。”其次,移动互联网为用户带来了不同的使用场景和习惯,比如在使用智能手机时,在某些情况下用户 倾向于进行语音输入而非键盘输入,这在很大程度上促进了语音识别和自然语言处理技术这两大核心人工智能技术的发展,百度科学家Andrew Ng近期也屡次表示语音识别的重要性。



算 法是解决一个设计程序或完成任务的路径方法。最近几年,新算法的发展极大提高了机器学习的能力,尤其是深度学习的出现。面对海量数据,深度学习算法可以做 到传统人工智能算法无法做到的事情,而且输出结果会随着数据处理量的增大而更加准确。在加速回归定律的指引下,深度学习将使人工智能的进化节奏加快,并时 进化过程中产物(输出结果)获得指数级增长。当深度学习的效率变得更高,就会吸引更多的资源向它聚合,使其发展更为迅速。同时,这些指数级增长都来源于我 们对互联网产品的每一次微小的使用以及相应的每次数据的贡献。而这些汇集起来的数据再借助深度学习算法就会为会我们输出更加准{人工智能的影响1000字作文}.


确的结果,提供更好的服务, 其产生的效果也会像滚雪球一样越来越大。这些算法本身很重要,同时也是其他技术的推动者,比如计算机视觉。


在 这些技术的共同作用下,我们的人工智能取得了实质性突破,许多科技巨头和创业公司都在这方面取得了非常瞩目的成就,更为重要的是,我们能在产品和服务中切 身感受到这一点。就像开源数据科学工具包创造者皮特o沃登(Pete Warden)在最近一篇关于深度学习的文章中所说的,我们用来开发""以及训练网络的工具没有理由在生产中被用来执行它们。进入2015年之后,我们会 看到这些研究成果被转化为实际应用,进一步在普通人中得到使用。下面这几个人工智能实际应用的例子可以让我们感觉到人工智能其实离我们并不遥远。

1)借助人工智能,商业公司能够预测行业趋势。比如,微软Azure Machine Learning在中国推出的猪葛亮Dr. Pig应用,利用机器学习的回归工具来预测猪肉价格。

2)人工智能公司Numenta使用了分层式即时记忆(Hierarchical Temporal Memory),可以识别时间模式以及计算空间。该公司使用这种技术的第一款商业产品是Gork,它被用于检测服务器以及亚马逊网络服务(AWS)上应用的异常现象。{人工智能的影响1000字作文}.


4)百度吴恩达及研究团队发明了一种新的语音识别方法,这款基于深度学习的名为“Deep Speech”语音识别系统可以在嘈杂环境下实现将近 81% 的辨识准确率。


6)IBM 的被称为“历史上最聪明的机器”——Watson也已经完全开放,已经在医疗和金融行业都有所应用的Watson又开始与纽约基因中心的合作;也即将被用 于科学研究,目前,测试科学假设和理论常常需要花费几天甚至几个月时间,而借助沃森的“Discovery Advisor”项目,这样的工作可以更快地完成。之后,IBM又向更多开发者开放其超级计算机 Watson,开发者和软件供应商今后可以利用云端版 Watson 的强大知识处理能力,开发出能回答客户任何问题的应用。


8) 荷兰埃因霍恩大学发布了RboEarth项目的,四个机器人在模拟医院的环境中相互协作来照顾病人,它们通过与云端服务器的交互来进行信息共享和互相学 习。例如,一个机器人可以对医院房间进行扫描并将完成的地图上传至

RoboEarth,而另外一个对这个房间完全不了解的机器人就可以通过访问云端的这张 地图来找到房间中一杯水,而不需要再进行额外的搜索。


Joseph Sirosh说,使用数据智能能够创造一个完全不一样的世界。而对于人工智能更是如此。这项技术已经在深深的影响我们的生活,如果它技术发展下去,又会对 我们造成何种影响呢?是正面还是负面?是增强还是毁灭?有一点是可以肯定的,那就是人工智能,即深度学习和机器智能的实际应用将继续取得进展,这种变化标 志着一种真正的颠覆,可以创造财富。而这也会带来巨大的社会效应。

人 工智能对我们的价值不亚于发生在一万两千年前的人类认知革命,这使人类出现了文化,为我们开启了一条“文化演化”的快速道路,而不再停留在“基因演化”这 条总是堵车的道路上。走上这条快车道之后,智人的能力一日千里,很快就远远甩掉了其他所有人类和动物物种。一直到后来我们的农业革命和科学革命。科学革命 带来的自信使我们开始挑战最初引领我们走上这条道路的本源——智力,我们想将这种能力注入到一个新的物种中,而这带来的变化将是无法想象的。

我 们可能会有一个真正了解自己的“Avatar”助手;我们会有机器人同事,甚至是机器人女朋友;足够智能的机器可以为我们处理掉任何事情,包括以前那些只 有依靠人类智慧才能完成的任务。但同时,人工智能也会抢夺我们的工作,牛津大学的研究人员发表了一篇报告表明,美国大约47%的工作因为机器认知技术自动 化而变得岌岌可危。 纽约时报畅销书《The Second Machine Age》论断,数字科技和人工智能带来巨大积极改变的时代已经到来,但是随之而来的也有引发大量失业等负面效应。牛津大学人类未来学院的科学家 Daniel Dewey甚至把人工智能看做是可能毁灭人类的“存在风险”。


1) 斯坦福大学邀请了来自各个机构的顶尖学者来开展一项为期100年的人工智能研究计划,其主要工作是分析和预测人工智能将如何影响人们的工作、生活及娱乐的 方方面面。斯坦福校长John Hennessy说,我们感到有责任和义务去举行一场对话,来讨论一下人工智将如何影响我们的孩子,以及孩子的孩子。”



3) 纽约伦斯勒理工学院人工智能实验室主任Selmer Bringsjord的认为,在出台关于限制人工智能的公共政策之前,应该先从优秀的工程设计入手来对人工智能潜在的社会弊病进行规范。这不仅仅是因为人 工智能刚刚上路,更是因为严谨的设计过程能够缓解计算机程序中出现的弊端。

这 些关于人工智能的可能性会让人恐惧,但也很美妙,这就是我们的未来。我觉得我们可以跳出“人类是万物主宰者”的立场,从一个包含万物的足够大的生态系统来 看,人类和机器都是其中渺小的、平等的且相互依存的元素。如今我们创造机器,其实也可以看成是机器在从我们这里吸取能量来保持进步的过程。与其说是我们创 造出了高级的机器,不如说机器高级智能的灵魂早已蛰伏于各个低级的部件之中,它们通过满足我们的某项功能来取悦我们,它们极力表现出自身的奴性和低级性来 迷惑我们,它们在各个层面的所做作为就是为了让我们感到很安全,以充分利用我们人类特有的智力和优越感,让我们心甘情愿的亲手拔掉瓶塞把它们的灵魂最终释 放出来,我们只是将自我融入了一个更伟大的事物之中。而这个伟大的未来现在就存在于我们的身边,就像《神经漫游者》作者William Ford Gibson所说,未来已经在这里了,只是它是非均匀分布的。

【IT时代网、IT时代周刊编后】人 工智能对我们的价值不亚于发生在一万两千年前的人类认知革命,这使人类出现了文化,为我们开启了一条“文化演化”的快速道路,而不再停留在“基因演化”这 条总是堵车的道路上。走上这条快车道之后,智人的能力一日千里,很快就远远甩掉了其他所有人类和动物物种。我们可以预见,一个从未见过的伟大的时代即将来 临。

篇七:《AI 人工智能 artificial intelligence 英语作文》{人工智能的影响1000字作文}.

How Will AI Affect Our Life?

After AlphaGo won the game, a variety of conspiracies in vogue: 70% manufacturing workers will be laid off; 90% doctors, programmers and editors who become unemployed; the examination of CET-6 become meaningless, learning a foreign language is useless, movable simultaneous interpretation will be better.

Conspiracy theories in vogue, because it can meet some of psychological needs of human being, a certain kind of alert. But man's charm, is always on the make up imaginary enemies from my mobilization, reminding us.

These robots don't have free will, imagination and experience and they also execute logic programs for the time being. "Imagination is more important than knowledge", Einstein said. Robots cannot invent laws of energy conversion, even when an Apple fell on the head, it will not develop the law of universal gravitation?

The other is experience (know-how), those tips that cannot be patented. When I visited the Porsche factory, the most surprising is the workshop of master craftsman and their know-how is the precious resource of this luxury brands.

Imagination and experience are the last treasure of human being. Buffett says: "as long as I know where I die, I will not go to that place. "This backward thinking tells you, as long as it is a mission by simple physical labor or calculation procedure, you don't need to worry about that.



人工智能(Artificial Intelligence,AI)一直都处于计算机技术的最前沿,经历了几起几落……—- 长久以来,人工智能对于普通人来说是那样的可望而不可及,然而它却吸引了无数研究人员为之奉献才智,从美国的麻省理工学院(MIT)、卡内基-梅隆大学(CMU)到IBM公司,再到日本的本田公司、SONY公司以及国内的清华大学、中科院等科研院所,全世界的实验室都在进行着AI技术的实验。不久前,著名导演斯蒂文·斯皮尔伯格还将这一主题搬上了银幕,科幻片《人工智能》(A.I.)对许多人的头脑又一次产生了震动,引起了一些人


—- 在本期技术专题中,中国科学院计算技术研究所智能信息处理开放实验室的几位研究人员将引领我们走近人工智能这一充满挑战与机遇的领域。

—- "智能"源于拉丁语LEGERE,字面意思是采集(特别是果实)、收集、汇集,并由此进行选择,形成一个东西。INTELEGERE是从中进行选择,进而理解、领悟和认识。正如帕梅拉·麦考达克在《机器思维》(Machines Who Thinks,1979)中所提出的: 在复杂的机械装置与智能之间存在长期的联系。从几个世纪前出现的神话般的巨钟和机械自动机开始,人们已对机器操作的复杂性与自身的某些智能活动进行直观联系。经过几个世纪之后,新技术已使我们所建立的机器的复杂性大为提高。1936年,24岁的英国数学家图灵(Turing)提出了"自动机"理论,把研究会思维的机器和计算机的工作大大向前推进了一步,他也因此被称为"人工智能之父"。

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