
孤独的老人需要陪伴800字 孤独需要陪伴作文

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陪他们,聊聊往事,回忆过去,一起吃个家常饭。可是这些,对于他们来说就像是一种愿望,一种奢侈的幸福,是那样的可望而不可即。子女天真的以为 给父母金钱与物质上的满足就是最好的回报,其实他们不知道父母真正需要的是子女的陪伴,是一顿家常便饭。


生活中,不少空巢老人的心灵被孤独填满着。在老人的心里,他是一个被世人遗忘,拒绝,无人关心的孤寡老人。当他们的世界变得冷清,感觉自己被抛弃的时候,内心的孤独感就油然而生,心理也渐渐趋于脆弱,怀疑自己的存在价值,对生活持有悲观的态度,他们的情绪也随之受到影响,变得抑郁甚至对生活绝望,看不到丝毫的希望。无依无靠的他们没有老伴的陪伴,也没有来自子女的陪伴与奉养,生活艰辛,内心孤苦,渐渐地使他们陷入孤独的泥坑 。他们的内心缺少了一种温暖,一种来自于家庭的爱与关怀。不论曾经的他们是多么的辉煌,生活是多么的熠熠生辉,然而如今的他们只是一个孤寡老人,一个渴望拥有亲人关怀的老小孩,一个满脸沧桑的糟老头。没有人愿意停下脚步,坐下来倾听他们的故事,陪他们聊聊天。


孤独是一种没人陪伴的寂寞与无助,孤独是一种由内而外的孤寂的情绪。每个人献出一份爱,努力的去温暖孤独的老人,给他们一份爱的关怀。每个子女常回家看看,给年迈的父母一份心灵的慰藉 ,而不是金钱与物质的满足,或许他们的晚年会更加的有意义,更加的幸福,心底也会滋生出一份不一样的温暖。


14 Ways to Help Seniors Avoid Isolation十四种帮助老年人避免与世隔绝的方法

19 Apr 2016 By : Jeff Anderson作者:杰夫.安德森2016年4月19日

Loneliness and social isolation have been clearly linked to poor health outcomes. “A Review of Social Isolation” by Nicholas R. Nicholson published in The Journal of Primary Prevention, observes how “social isolation has been demonstrated to lead to numerous detrimental health effects in older adults, including increased risk for all-cause mortality, dementia, increase risk for rehospitalization, and an increased number of falls.”Ways to Help Seniors Avoid Social Isolation 孤独和与世隔绝跟不良健康状况有着直接的联系。尼古拉斯.R.尼科尔森发表在《一级预防》期刊上的《论与社会隔离》阐述了这种联系是如何作用的,“与世隔绝已被证明会对老年人的健康造成许多不利的影响,这些影响包括总括性死亡率和痴呆症的提高,并且增加了再入院治疗和患病的风险。”

Unfortunately, isolation among seniors is alarmingly common, and will continue to increase in prevalence as the population grows. Learn how to help your loved ones stay healthy by reading more on the top ways to help seniors avoid isolation.


Ways to Help Seniors Avoid Isolation

“A Review of Social Isolation” notes that the prevalence of isolation among “community dwelling older adults” or seniors who live at home rather than senior living communities, may be as high as 43%.


“With a prevalence of over 40% and the sheer number of older persons projected to increase exponentially… social isolation will likely impact the health, well-being and quality of life of numerous older person now and in the foreseeable future.”

Considering the demonstrated risks and the increasing prevalence of this issue, it’s certainly worth addressing how we can promote social integration among our older loved ones, and even ourselves – for it has been shown that family caregivers are themselves at a high risk of social isolation.




Here are the top ways to promote connectedness and social health:


1. Make Transportation Available

Lack of adequate transportation is a primary cause of a social isolation. Because many seniors do not drive, this is a big issue for them, so anything that helps seniors get around and make independent choices about travel promotes their social health. Creating a solid public transportation infrastructure and providing special transportation options to seniors and disabled people will help promote their social integration. For example, our blog recently reported that giving free buses to seniors promotes their health. Family offering rides to older loved ones and helping them to learn to use public transportation will also help them maintain social connections and a healthy sense of independence.


2. Promote Sense of Purpose

Seniors with a sense of purpose or hobbies that interest them are less likely to succumb to the negative effects of social isolation. Besides providing a sense of purpose, many hobbies and interests are inherently social in nature. Anything that involves a group, for example, playing bridge, could be said to be socially healthy. If a senior is bereft of ideas for what to do, there are always planned events at the local senior center. Volunteering is also great way of maintaining and expressing a sense of purpose. Encouraging seniors to remain active in their hobbies and interests, and providing them opportunities to volunteer can help them maintain their sense of purpose and keep them from becoming isolated and lonely.


3. Encourage Religious Seniors to Maintain Attendance at their Places of Worship

For seniors who have been regular churchgoers, this weekly social connection has been shown to be quite beneficial. Nicholson’s review observed that many studies have shown the benefits of churchgoing for seniors: “Those frequently attending religious services have been found to have lower mortality rates than those with infrequent attendance.” Older church goers not only benefit from the social interaction and sense of purpose that weekly worship provides, but they also benefit from the watchful eye of other churchgoers, who are likely to recognize a decline in an isolated senior that may have gone unnoticed otherwise.{孤独的老人需要陪伴800字}.


4. Give a Senior Something to Take Care Of

Many experts note that the act of nurturing can relieve feelings of social isolation. In the peer reviewed paper “Emotional Benefits of Dog Ownership,” Eve Beals succinctly outlines the benefits of nurturing a pet: “Pet owners remain engaged socially, have less depression, suffer less loneliness, feel more secure, have more motivation for constructive use of time and require less medication than non-pet owners. Animal companionship facilitates establishing friends, is a social lubricant, gives a reason to get up in the morning and is an icebreaker.” Obviously, you would need to make certain that the senior is capable and willing to properly care for the pet before giving a pet as a gift. Assuming the senior is capable of caring for a pet, nurturing and caring for an animal companion can be quite beneficial. Even tending a garden can satisfy our nurturing drive, so giving a senior a plant or gardening supplies as a gift can be beneficial too. 许多专家提到养育行为能减轻社会隔绝的感觉。在其他相像的论文中也提及此。伊芙.比尔斯简要阐述了养宠物的好处,“养狗的人能得到情感慰藉。宠物主人比那些不养宠物的人在社交中扮演被需要的角色,会更少感到沮丧,承受更少的孤独感,更有安全感,能更好运用时间,也不怎么需要药物治疗。宠物的陪伴是社交润滑剂,它减少了交朋友的困难,给你一个早起的理由,它同样是破除尴尬的好帮手。”但在给老人们宠物作为礼物之前,你必须得确认他们是否有能力并且乐意照顾宠物。如果老人有能力照顾宠物,那么老人养育和照料宠物,而他们得到宠物的陪伴,二者相得益彰。就算是种地也能满足我们培养的这种感觉,所以给老人们一棵植物或者园艺用品作为礼物也是同样有益的。

5. Encourage a Positive Body Image

Nicholson’s review notes that some research has shown that many older adults avoid social

interaction because of a poor body image. “Individuals with a poor body image attributable to being overweight may decrease or cease interactions with their social networks to the point where they could be at risk for social isolation. For example, individuals who are overweight may be self-conscious or embarrassed, and, therefore, less likely to engage in their social networks.” Compliments and positive comments can go a long way to boosting the self-esteem of seniors. Similarly, discouraging seniors from fretting over their appearance or catastrophizing the cosmetic effects of aging may help them avoid becoming self-conscious to the point that they avoid social interactions. For seniors who are genuinely overweight, addressing the root problem by encouraging weight loss through healthy eating and exercise can be helpful too, but always be positive and sensitive in efforts to encourage older loved ones to lose weight.



6. Encourage Hearing and Vision Tests

Seniors with undiagnosed or untreated hearing problems may avoid social situations because of difficulty communicating or embarrasment. Encourage seniors to have their hearing checked and hearing problems treated. A hearing aid may be the only barrier between a senior and better social health. Vision tests are important too as sight problems “limit opportunities for social interactions with others” according Nicholson’s landmark review on social isolation research.


7. Make Adaptive Technologies Available

Adaptive technologies, ranging from walkers to the above mentioned hearing aids, help seniors to compensate for age related deficits and deficiencies that can impede social interaction. Many seniors do not take full advantage of these devices. Sometimes they may be embarrassed because they don’t want to appear or feel old. In other cases, the device may be overly expensive and not covered by insurance. Both as a society and in our own families we can encourage and facilitate the use of adaptive aids that make it possible for seniors to have active and involved social lives.



8. Notify Neighbors

Because socially isolated seniors may be vulnerable to a variety of unexpected problems and may have underlying issues such as dementia, their loved ones should consider informing members of the community that there is a vulnerable adult in the neighborhood. Trusted neighbors within a block radius or so should be introduced to the senior if feasible, informed about any particular issues the senior may have, and asked to keep a friendly eye out in case anything seems amiss. 由于不合群的老人更易遭受各种意想不到的问题,尤其是那些潜在的状况,如老年痴呆。老人的亲人应考虑在附近的社群中通知在他们之中有一位弱势成员。如果可行的话,相隔一个街区的可信的邻居或其他的人应当被介绍给老人,并向他们告知这位老人有可能会出现的问题,以防意外,也希望他们能多留意一下老人。

9. Encourage Dining with Others{孤独的老人需要陪伴800字}.

The act of eating with others is inherently social. In “Food and Eating: An Anthropological Perspective,” Robin Fox writes that eating is “a profoundly social urge. Food is almost always shared; people eat together; mealtimes are events when the whole family or settlement or village comes together. Food is also an occasion for distributing, giving and sharing for the expressing of altruism, whether from parents to children, children to in-laws, or anyone to visitors and strangers.” Encourage seniors to share a meal with others whenever possible, whether it’s with a church group, the local senior center, or a friendly café or diner. Dining with others is also likely to help promote better nutrition, which is crucial for the elderly.


10. Address Incontinence Issues


For obvious reasons, a senior who experiences incontinence may be hesitant to leave their home and could become isolated. When family caregivers and health professionals make sure that incontinence issues are appropriately addresses, for example through medications and


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