

节日作文 zuowen 2浏览

【 – 节日作文】


















☆ 提纲:提出问题—分析问题—解决问题

☆ 第一部分:引题


☆ 第二部分:说明产生这种现象的原因或是这种现象的具体表现形式


☆ 第三部分:观点段



段落一:Nowadays, people have to face __________.(引出话题) It is true that ________.(对现象作出评论)

段落二:There are many reasons to explain it, but in general, it lies in three aspects. First, _____(原因一). Next, _____(原因二). Last but not the least, ______(原因三). 段落三:As to me, ______(作者的观点). On the one hand, ______.(支持的理由一) On the other hand, _______.(支持的理由二) Therefore, _______.(结论)


College Students’ Job-hunting

Nowadays, many college students find it hard to get good jobs. (本段主题句,引出话题,大学生找工作难) For one thing, students cannot find jobs that satisfy them. (指出表现1,难找到称心如意的) For another, the students find the companies’ requirements becoming more and more strict. They feel a lot of pressure. (指出表现2,公司的要求越来越高)

Many reasons lead to this situation. (产生这种现象的原因) First of all, the market has become competitive. More and more college graduates are hunting for jobs while the jobs are limited. (原因1:市场竞争激烈) In addition, the companies like to choose the best among the candidates while they have more choices. (原因2:公司挑选严格) After that, some graduates do not want to do the basic work in a company but to be a manager and so on and so forth. (原因3:大学生不愿从基础做起)

As far as I am concerned, firstly, college students should change their attitude towards the jobs. (提出我的解决办法1) Next, the school should give some lectures to the students about how to choose a job. (提出我的解决办法2) In conclusion, whether you can find a good job depends on yourself. (总结我的观点)






☆ 提纲:观点(优点或缺点)—观点(缺点或优点)—结论

☆ 第一部分:开题,引题(找出合适的方法引出话题);

☆ 第二部分:详写利弊的一端,或是利,或是弊,然后再通过转承句说出另一方面,举例或


☆ 第三部分:结尾,表明自己的观点,利大于弊,或是弊大于利,也可举出解决措施。



段落一:Recently, people have quite different views on ______.(引出现象) Many people assert ____.(一部分人的观点) However, others believe _______. (另一部分人的观点)

段落二:Those who hold the first opinion think ____. In their view, _____. (解释第一部分人所持观点的理由) Nevertheless, the objectors claim that _______. They believe that ________.(解释另一部分人所持观点的理由)

段落三:As for me, I stand on the side of _______.(我的观点) On the one hand, ______.(原因1) On the other hand, ______.(原因2) Therefore, ______.(结论)



Reading Selective or Extensively

Dofferent people will offer quite different ideas about reading.(本段主题句,提出不同的人对此有不同的看法) Many people assert that students should read selectively.(一部分人的观点) However, others believe that students should read extensively. (指出另一部人的相反观点)

Some may proclaim that selective reading is the best way to attain high efficiency.(具体说明第一部分人的观点) They maintain such an idea because students’ precious time for reading is quite limited.(扩展句:解释第一部分人的观点) In contrast, the objectors think that students cannot get a general view about the world without extensive reading.(具体说明第二部分人的观点) They argue that students should absorb all kinds of knowledge.(扩展句:解释第二部分人的观点)

As far as I am concerned, I agree with the former opinion.(提出我的观点) Firstly, reading selectively is not equal to reading with discrimination.(陈述我的观点,原因1) In addition, students would have less time reading relevant books.(陈述我的观点,原因2) Last but not least, reading irrelevant books only wastes time.(陈述我的观点,原因3) In a word, reading selectively is the best policy in study.(结论句,提出我的观点)

※ 立论类文章



Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic: Don’s Hesitate to Say “No”. You should write at least 100 words and you should base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below:

1) 别人请求帮助时,在什么情况下我们应该说“不”

2) 为什么有些人在该说“不”的时候不说“不”

3) 该说“不”的时候不说“不”的坏处


问:Why should we not hesitate to say “No”?


观点:We should not hesitate to say “No”.

分析: a. Some think it may cause the loss of face.

b. Some people believe that it shows their inability.

c. Some people are afraid that their refusal will end the friendship between them.

结论:We should learn to say “No”.

a. Lead to misunderstanding sometimes or even hurt others.

b. The friendship may break up because your friend will not trust you any more.





参考范文 Don’t Hesitate to Say “No”

It is well known that in our daily lives there are many occasions for us to say “no”.(主题句:提出观点) On the one hand, when someone asks something that is beyond our ability, we should definitely say “no”. On the other hand, if we are asked to do something that violates the law, we must also say “no”.(具体指出两种情况)

However, there are many people who always say “yes” when they should say “no”.(举一个反例, 是文章“转”的部分) For one reason, they think if they say “no”, they will lose face.(原因1) what’s more, some people believe that it reveals their inability if they say “no”.(原因2) Furthermore, some people are afraid that their refusal will end the friendship between them.(原因3)

Above all, sometimes it is hard for us to say “no” when we need to.(指出有时我们会难以开口说“不”) As a matter of fact, it will lead to misunderstanding sometimes or even others’ hurt if we lie by saying “yes”.(造成的后果1) What’s more, the friendship may break up because your friend will not trust you any more.(造成的后果2) In conclusion, although we feel very sorry when we say “no”, we should learn to say “no” directly.(结尾句,得出结论)


段落一:It is well known that ___.(提出观点) As we know,____. No one can deny_____.(强调观点) Therefore, _____.(证明观点的正确性)

段落二:Many examples can be found to prove it.(提出事实,论证观点) Take as a typical example

that ____.(指出具体的例子) People____.(人们的习惯做法) In addition, ___.(其它相关事实)

段落三:As we can see, ___.(就自己的观点) There is no doubt that___.(再次强调观点) In conclusion, ____.(得出结论)

※ 综合类文章




Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic: The Day My Classmate Fell ILL. You should write at least 120 words according to the outline given below in Chinese.

1) 简单叙述一下这位同学生病的情况

2) 同学、老师和我是如何帮助他的

3) 人与人之间的这种相互关爱给我的感受是……


问:What happened on that day and how did you feel about it?{学习技能的作文}.


事件:It so happened that one day my classmate Susie suddenly feel off the chair.

分析: a. What did the teacher do?

b. What did the students do?

c. What is the result?

结论:In my opinion, our society is full of love, the most valuable and beautiful thing in the world. 从这个思考过程中可以得出综合类文章的写作策略:




参考范文 The Day My Classmate Fell Ill

It so happened that one day when we were having class, my classmate Susie suddenly fell off the chair to the floor. Her face was so gray that I can still remember it clearly.(交代事情发展的背景,也是文章的总起句)

First everyone was shocked, and then the teachers and the students crowed together to ask how she felt. Miss Gao called the hospital at once, while other boys helped her to stand up and put her on Li Lei’s back. Some girls gave her some water to drink, others opened the door and helped Le Lei go downstairs.(具体描写当时的情况,大家的不同反应) Fortunately, the hospital is not far and Susie was sent to it within 10 minutes.(当时的有利因素)

As far as I am concerned, such an incident reveals that our society is full of love and warmth, and everyone will give a hand to those who are in trouble.(本段主题句:提出我的观点) Love is the most valuable and beautiful thing in the world.(扩展句:进一步强调观点) Without it, the world is just like a desert.(话题“转”的部分) Therefore, we should love each other and make the world a better place.(得出结论)


段落一:Nowadays, _____.(陈述现象) As we can see, ____.(进行扩展或举例说明)

段落二:It is true that _____.(提出本段的观点或描写具体事件) First, _____.(说明原因一或是事件的第一个方面) Next, _____.(说明原因二或是事件的第二个方面) Last but not the least, _____.(说明原因三或是事件的第三个方面) Therefore, ____.(得出本段的结论)

段落三:In my opinion, __.(提出我的观点) As a matter of fact, __.(对观点进行强调) Therefore, I __.(得出结论)

※ 图表类文章



☆ 提纲:总结图表,确定主题(对图表进行概括和描述)—分析—结论

图表包括:表格(table),曲线图(line graph),条形图(bar graph),饼状图(pie chart) 要求:根据图表上的数字,找出所反映的社会现象,并从中看出主要问题和发展趋势。注意要结合题目和所给的提纲。


段落一:According to the figures given in the diagram/picture/pie chart, we can see that ___ is increasing in the past _____, while ____ is decreasing.(从整体上对事物发展的趋势作概括)

段落二:Possible reasons for this are as follows.(问题产生的原因) On the one hand, ____.(原因1) On the other hand, ____.(原因2) Furthermore, ____.(原因3)

段落三:From what has been analyzed, we can draw a conclusion that __.(得出结论) As a matter of fact, with the improvements in ___, the trend will go on in the future.(提出改进的方法或措施) Therefore, ___.(最后再强调观点)


Directions: In this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition of no fewer than 120 words on topic: The Problem of Piracy. Study the following chart carefully and base your composition on the information below.

1) 盗版现象日益严重;2)为什么在我国会有这么多盗版事件发生?3)我的看法

参考范文 The Problem of Piracy

According to the figures given in the picture, we can see that the problem of piracy is more serious in both the tape and video areas than the book area. In fact, there are more real books than pirated products in the book area.(从整体上对事情的趋势作概括:图书领域的盗版现象没有磁带和光盘领域那么严重)

Possible reasons for this are as follows.(问题产生的原因) On the one hand, the pirates can get a large amount of profit through these activities.(扩展句,原因1是利润) On the other hand, consumers lack consciousness to resist the pirated products.(扩展句,原因2是顾客的意识较差) Furthermore, the government has not paid much attention to it and no effective measures have been taken to stop piracy.(扩展句,原因3是政府的政策力度不够)




How I Finance My College Education

To study in college costs energy and time, as well as money. It is certain that college students should finance a portion of their own college educations. (说明现在的社会现象) However, it is hard for some students to pay their tuition and fees. (转折句,引出问题)

There are many ways to solve this problem. (本段的主题句,提出解决方法有多种) First of all, some can do part-time jobs to earn money. (建议的方法1:做兼职) Secondly, excellent students can get scholarships, which can reduce the burden from the family. (建议的方法2:拿奖学金) Finally, students may apply for bank loans. (建议的方法3:贷款)

In spite of all these, there are many ways for me to solve the problem. (对我适用的方法) First of all, I will try to get a scholarship. (方法1:奖学金) In addition, I can do part-time jobs to earn money and gain social practice. (方法2:兼职) Only in this way can I actually finance my college education.(结论句)


段落一:Nowadays, people have to face _____________________.(引出话题) It is true that _________.(对现象做出评论)

段落二:There are many reasons to explain it, but in general, it lies in three aspects. Firstly, ___________(原因一) Secondly, ____________________(原因二) Thirdly, ________________(原因三)

段落三:As to

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