

节日作文 zuowen 2浏览

【 – 节日作文】




dear mom and dad,

it has been two weeks since i last wrote to you. i am so sorry that i don‘t write you very often.

however, i have been busy with my preparation

for the final exams. as you know, i‘m coming home on jan.14th. but before that, i have to take the final exams for all six classes i‘m taking this semester. recently i have been in and out of the library a lot to do some research on the term paper for one of the classes. most professors gave out the review problems already so that the students can study for the final. i think i‘m doing okay studying for the final.

besides reviewing materials, i‘m also planning to host the new year party of my department. you know there are so many talented people in my communications major, but they picked me to host the party! great, isn‘t it?

well gotta go talk to you soon.

love you,

dear mom and dad,

it has been two weeks since i last wrote to you. i am so sorry that i don't write you very often.

however, i have been busy with my preparation

for the final exams. as you know, i'm coming home on jan.14th. but before that, i have to take the final exams for all six classes i'm taking this semester. recently i have been in and out of the library a lot to do some research on the term paper for one of the classes. most professors gave out the review problems already so that the students can study for the final. i think i'm doing okay studying for the final.

besides reviewing materials, i'm also planning to host the new year party of my department. you know there are so many talented people in my communications major, but they picked me to host the party! great, isn't it?

well gotta go talk to you soon.

love you,


dear mom and dad,

i love you.

i love you so much.

thank you a lot for bringing me up.

today i want to tell you something.

i know you work very hard every day.

i know you do many things for me.

i know you love me.

i know you want me to be a great student.

i know you want me to be very successful in the future. i promise you today.

i will pay attention to teachers from today on. i will study very hard every day.

i will read english 10 times a day.

i will speak perfect english.

i will respect my teachers and love my classmates. i will exercise every day.

i will be healthy, happy, confident and responsible. my dear mom and dad,

don’t worry about me.

i have strong confidence in myself.

i believe i will realize my dream.

i will contribute to society.

you will be proud of me.

my teachers and classmates will be proud of me. i love you.




这是梁继璋写给儿子的信, 看后很感动, 觉得不只给儿子, 其实可以适合所有人看!

Michael Leung, a famous TV Host and MC/DJ in Hong Kong, is also a child psychotherapist.

The a letter that he had for his son is quite moving. It would not only provide a guideline for children, but also benefit for all ages.







My Son,

I’m writing this list based on three fundamentals:

1. Life is unpredictable. No one knows how long we’re going to live, so some things are better said earlier than later.

2. I’m your father. I’d be the only one to tell you these things.

3. Everything on this list came from my own experience. I learnt them the hard way, and hopefully that’ll save some unnecessary steps in your life.


Below are the things you need to remember at all times in your life:

(一) 对你不好的人,你不要太介怀,在你一生中,没有人有义务要对你好,除了我和你妈妈。至于那些对你好的人,你除了要珍惜、感恩外,也请多防备一点,因为,每个人做每件事,总有一个原因,他对你好,未必真的是因为喜欢你,请你必须搞清楚,而不必太快将对方看作真朋友。

1. To people who are unkind to you, don’t sweat it. Through your lifetime, no one is obligated to be nice to you, besides your mom and me.

As for the people who are kind to you, treasure them, be grateful, but at the same time, be extra cautious. Everyone does everything for a reason. When someone is nice to you, it doesn’t mean they like you. You need to be able to see through the surface, instead of making them your true friends immediately.

(二) 没有人是不可代替,没有东西是必须拥有。看透了这一点,将来你身边的人不再要你,或许失去了世间上最爱的一切时,也应该明白,这并不是甚么大不了的事。

2. No one is irreplaceable, and nothing is indispensable. With that in mind, even when you lose the people or things that you love and treasure the most in the future, you would understand that it’s not that big of a deal.

(三) 生命是短暂的,今日你还在浪费着生命,明日会发觉生命已远离你了。因此,愈早珍惜生命,你享受生命的日子也愈多,与其盼望长寿,倒不如早点享受。

3. Life is short. While you’re wasting it today, you’ll realize you’re at the end of it tomorrow. So

the earlier you start treasure your life, the earlier you can enjoy it. Instead of hoping for longevity, start enjoying life early.

(四) 世界上并没有最爱这回事,爱情只是一种霎时的感觉,而这感觉绝对会随时日、心境而改变。如果你的所谓最爱离开你,请耐心地等候一下,让时日慢慢冲洗,让心灵慢慢沉淀,你的苦就会慢慢淡化。不要过分憧憬爱情的美,不要过分夸大失恋的悲。

4. The thing called “The Best Love”, or “The One”, doesn’t exist. Love is a feeling of moments. It will definitely alter and decrease over time and moods. If your so-called “Best Love” left you, please be patient and let time heal your wounds. Through time, your heart will come to peace and your pain will ease. Don’t over expect the beauty of Love, nor over exaggerate the pain when you lose it.

(五) 虽然,很多有成就的人士都有受过很多教育,但并不等如不用功读书,就一定可以成功。你学到的知识,就是你拥有的武器。人,可以白手兴家,但不可以手无寸铁,紧记!

5. Although a lot of successful people received high education, you might not be successful if you don't study hard. The knowledge you consume will become your weapon. You can start from nothing to your name, but you can go nowhere if you have nothing in your hands. Never forget that!

(六) 我不会要求你供养我下半辈子,同样地我也不会供养你的下半辈子,当你长大到可以独立的时候,我的责任已经完结。以后,你要坐巴士还是Benz(奔驰),吃鱼翅还是粉丝,都要自己负责。

6. I don’t expect you to support me for rest of my life, so I’m not going to do the same for you either. When you’re grown enough to be independent, it will be the end of my responsibilities to you. From that point, it’s completely your own responsibilities and decisions, whether to take the bus or drive a Benz, or whether to eat shark fins or rice noodle.

(七) 你可以要求自己守信,但不能要求别人守信,你可以要求自己对人好,但不能期待人家对你好。你怎样对人,并不代表人家就会怎样对你,如果看不透这一点,你只会徒添不必要的烦恼。

7. You can require yourself to be accountable to others, but don’t expect accountability from others to you. You can require yourself to be nice to other, but don’t expect the same from others to you. However you decide to treat others, them won’t necessary do the same in return. You must be clear on this, or you’ll just torture yourself unnecessarily.

(八) 我买了十多二十年六合彩,还是一穷二白,连三奖也没有中,这证明人要发达,还是要努力工作才可以,世界上并没有免费午餐。

8. I’ve been buying the Lotto for almost twenty years, but still poor. I had never got the third place even once. So remember, you have to work hard to be successful. There’s no free lunch in the world.

(九) 亲人只有一次的缘份,无论这辈子我和你会相处多久,也请好好珍惜共聚的时光,下辈子,无论爱与不爱,都不会再见。

9. You got your family by faith, and it happens only once. Please treasure every moment we spend together, because we don’t know how long it will last. After this lifetime, we won’t see each other anymore.



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