第一篇:《四级口语 教你如何听懂老外说话》
免费?宅在家学英语?怎么报名? 最牛英语口语培训模式:躺在家里练口语,全程外教一对一,三个月畅谈无阻! 洛基英语,免费体验全部在线一对一课程:/ielts/xd.html(报名网址)
学外语的人在和老外交流时总是害怕会犯错误而导致误解,害怕听不懂对方而导致交流无法进行。其实听不懂也不必如此担心,下面就为您支几招应对策略。 For those of you still worried about making mistakes, you should just remember countries like Britain, America, Australia and Canada are all very multicultural countries. Multicultural means lots of different cultures. In London alone there are people living here from all over the world. Most of them speak English but there are many different accents. Not everyone speaks perfectly and people do make mistakes. 你们很多人担心犯错,你们应该记住,像英国、美国、澳大利亚和加拿大这样的国家是多文化融合的国家。多文化融合指的是有很多不同的文化。单说伦敦,就有世界各地的人住在那里。大部分人说英语但有很多不同的口音。不是每个人都说标准的英语,而且,人们会犯错。
But as English speakers, we don’t worry about it. We are really used to (familiar with) hearing non-native speakers of English speak English. We don’t care at all if they make mistakes as long as we can understand them. So as non-native speakers of English, you shouldn’t worry about making mistakes. Small mistakes are fine. But even if you make big mistakes and people can’t understand you, they will try to understand – or they will tell you if they don’t understand. This gives you a chance to say again in different language what you want to say.
不过作为一个说英 语的人,我们不需要担心这个问题。我们已经很熟悉非英语母语的人说英语了。只要我们明白他们的意思,我们根本不在乎他们是不是犯了错。所以,作为非英语母 语的人,你不需要担心犯错。小错误无伤大雅,即使你翻了比较大的错误别人不懂你的意思,他们也会努力去弄清楚——或者会直接告诉你他们不明白。这给了你一 个机会可以用不同语言再次表达你想说的话的机会。
There will be times of course that people maybe won’t understand you but you won’t know that if you don’t try to communicate. Just try your best and really DON’T WORRY. Your English is probably better than you think.
Someone talked about not understanding people when they speak English, so I thought today I would discuss what you can say when you don’t understand someone. 一些人说当人们说英语的时候他听不懂,所以我想今天我来说说如果你听不懂别人说话的时候你可以说些什么:
If someone is speaking really quickly, don’t be afraid to ask them to speak more slowly.如果对方说话太快,可以大胆的请他们慢点说。
I’m sorry, but can you speak a little slower please?
That was a little bit to fast for me. Could you speak a bit slower please? And don’t be afraid to tell someone you don’t understand.
免费?宅在家学英语?怎么报名? 如果你听不懂,就直接说听不懂:
I’m sorry I don’t understand.
I’m sorry I didn’t catch that. (I didn’t understand)
You could just ask them to say the same thing again.
I’m sorry, could you repeat that please?
Would you mind repeating that sentence again – I didn’t get what you said? (I didn’t understand).
There is nothing bad about asking someone to repeat or speak slower. It’s better to ask than to pretend you understand (make someone think you understand when you don’t). It will really help you to communicate with English speakers. Sometimes they don’t realise they are speaking so fast or using difficult words, so it’s good for you to tell them.
I do understand the problems a lot of you are talking about. I studied French and German at university (a long time ago!) and I didn’t have many French or German people to talk to. I made sure I listened to a lot of native speakers on the TV or radio or on cassettes from my teachers. I spoke to myself. I spoke to my classmates and I read a lot. Reading aloud (reading and speaking the words as you read) is also a good thing to do to practise speaking. Fortunately I did have a chance to visit those countries as they are not so far away as Britain or America is from China – but a lot of the time it was up to me to try to improve as best as I could without being able to speak to French of German people.
请在 网上 申请报名”
For those of you still worried about making mistakes, you should just remember countries like Britain, America,
Australia and Canada are all very multicultural countries. Multicultural means lots of different cultures. In London
alone there are people living here from all over the world. Most of them speak English but there are many different
accents. Not everyone speaks perfectly and people do make mistakes.
But as English speakers, we don't worry about it. We are really used to (familiar with) hearing non-native
speakers of English speak English. We don't care at all if they make mistakes as long as we can understand them. So
as non-native speakers of English, you shouldn't worry about making mistakes. Small mistakes are fine. But even if
you make big mistakes and people can't understand you, they will try to understand – or they will tell you if they
don't understand. This gives you a chance to say again in different language what you want to say. 不过作为一个说英语的人,我们不需要担心这个问题。我们已经很熟悉非英语母语的人说英语了。只要我们明白他们的意思,我
There will be times of course that people maybe won't understand you but you won't know that if you don't try to
communicate. Just try your best and really DON'T WORRY. Your English is probably better than you think.
Someone talked about not understanding people when they speak English, so I thought today I would discuss what
you can say when you don't understand someone.
If someone is speaking really quickly, don't be afraid to ask them to speak more slowly.如果对方说话太快,可以大
I'm sorry, but can you speak a little slower please?
That was a little bit to fast for me. Could you speak a bit slower please?
And don't be afraid to tell someone you don't understand.
I'm sorry I don't understand.
I'm sorry I didn't catch that. (I didn't understand)
You could just ask them to say the same thing again.
I'm sorry, could you repeat that please?
Would you mind repeating that sentence again – I didn't get what you said? (I didn't understand).
There is nothing bad about asking someone to repeat or speak slower. It's better to ask than to pretend you
understand (make someone think you understand when you don't). It will really help you to communicate with English
speakers. Sometimes they don't realise they are speaking so fast or using difficult words, so it's good for you to
tell them.
I do understand the problems a lot of you are talking about. I studied French and German at university (a long
time ago!) and I didn't have many French or German people to talk to. I made sure I listened to a lot of native
speakers on the TV or radio or on cassettes from my teachers. I spoke to myself. I spoke to my classmates and I read
a lot. Reading aloud (reading and speaking the words as you read) is also a good thing to do to practise speaking.
Fortunately I did have a chance to visit those countries as they are not so far away as Britain or America is from
China – but a lot of the time it was up to me to try to improve as best as I could without being able to speak to
French of German people.
That is what you should all do with your English. I wish you LOTS of luck with your studies and I hope the
advice helps.
4.最好是看一些资料和光碟。属于日常口语方面的 ,能锻炼自己的口语和听力。
5.记忆词汇的时候要掌握内在规律,比如 发音方面的 词形方面的 意义方面的等等
这就是你们学习英语应该做的事。祝你们学业顺利,希望这些建议能有用处。 教你如何才能听懂老外说话
英语好的刚出国都会觉得没学过英语 如果你自认为英文还不错,但还没出过国,那你一定不知道老外是怎么说英文的。相信每一个刚到国外的人都会有一种
我们在国内学的英文都是书面用语,实际在生活中的英语完全是另一回事。我们基本是把书面英语当口语在用,所以到了英国,如果是初来匝道,你真的会觉得自己跟白痴一样。 Cheers mate!
拿英国人最常用的“谢谢”来说,你在这里绝对很少听到“Thank you”这样的说法,像“Thank you very much”更是很少提及,那英国人都怎么说谢谢?他们会说“Cheers”,Cheers不是干杯的意思吗?那英国人干杯说什么?干杯他们也说“Cheers”。。。原因是英国人认为Thank you太过正式,也太老土,年轻人都说Cheers! 而且会在后面加一个Mate, Mate在英国口语是伙伴的意思,刚来那会天天听到人说“切梅,切梅的,不知所云,后来才知道就是谢谢啊!
除了说Cheers, 英国人还会说“Lovely”代表谢谢,可不是说你可爱哦!还会说“Brilliant”“Cool” “Excellent”“Nice one” 这些,最近几年流行说“Ta”来代表谢谢,没错就是是说“Ta”,就是thanks 的简化,相当于轻描淡写的 “谢了”,英国人是有多懒啊。。。
还有一些英国妞喜欢说法语的“Merci”和意大利语的“Gracias”来还有德语的“Danke” 表示谢意。
有次看到一个中国留学生在酒吧买了一杯啤酒,对着吧台那伙计深情地说了一句“Thank you very much!”搞得吧台小伙手无足措。
就算人家说了谢谢,也不用回别人一句“You are welcome!”我几乎没见过老外说过这句话,说这个好像是帮了别人多大一个忙似的,用中国话讲就是太把自己当一回事。 总结一下英国口语的谢谢:
Thank you(英国老头老太太才说);
Thanks/Thanks a lot(稍微正式的场合)
Thank you very much/Thank you so much(没事别说);
I do appreciated/Much appreciated(如果真的想感谢别人);
Cheers/Cheers mate/Cheers bro(最常用的说法);
Lovely/That’s great/All right/okay/Brilliant/Excellent/Super/Awesome(很地道的说法); Cool/Nice one/Wicked/You star/Fab/Ace/Ta(非常地道的说法);
See you later!
英国人和人道别说再见,很少说:“Good bye.”或者 “Bye-bye.”第一个显得太正式,第二个太孩子气。他们会说: “See you/See you later!”还会直接说一个“Bye!”如果对方要出远门,他们会说 “Take care!”
一般周五下班的时候,很多人道别的时候会说:“Nice weekend!”以表达即将来临的周末。 See you/See you later(最常用的说法);
Bye (不太常用);
See you around/See you soon/Catch you later(如果马上就能见到);
Take care/Be careful(如果对方要出远门);
Cheers (也可以当再见用)。{怎么像外国人那样说话}.
Are you alright?
“How are you ?”
“I’m fine, and you?”
“I’m fine too.”
现在回想起来这是一个无比白痴的对话,实际中的老外见面绝对不会这么对话,并不是说老外不说 “How are you?”而是不会反问别人好不好,一般来说,如果他们认识你,他们见到你会说 “Hello”或者“Hi”,然后问“Are you alright?”很熟的话就会说“You alright?”或者就一个词“Alright?”这个时候你可以回答 “I’m fine/ I’m great,”后面一定要加一个“Thanks.”如果你今天不是很好,你可以说“Not too bad, could be better.”此外 “How('re) you doing today?”也是比较常见的说法。
英国虽然不是处处都表现得像绅士一样,但就说话这方面,可以说英国人是极其绅士的。 比如我们要买一杯咖啡的时候,我们会说“我想要一杯咖啡。”往往就变成“I want to have a cup of coffee.”这样对老外说的话是非常不礼貌的,老外想要一杯咖啡会说: “我能来一杯咖啡吗?”应该是“Can I have a cup of coffee please?”不仅要用敬语开头,而且后面还要加上一个万能的please.
同理问别人叫什么名字说“What’s your name?”是非常不礼貌的,尤其是对女生,一定要用“May I have your name please?”
“Can I …please?”(基本礼貌)
“Could I …please? ”(很礼貌)
;May I…please?