
写讲作业的作文 关于写作业的作文

写作指导 zuowen 2浏览

【 – 写作指导】


It was a warm afternoon, with few customers in the antique shop. In the there was only one tourist, in the big shop, wearing a yellow hat and carrying a large bag. He was watching various antique displayed in the showcase unconcernedly. The shopkeeper just finished his lunch and walked like a penguin with his giant body swaying from side to side. He decided to take a nap and didn’t take too much attention to the tourist, for a tourist like that can be seen everyday and they came to here just for fun or to widen their eyes.

But just at that time, an aged and timid voice flew through the shopkeeper’s ears, ”Boss, I— I— have a nice thing, would you like to have a look?” The shopkeeper opened his eyes slowly and had a glimpse at the man, an old man about sixty years old with a shabby cloth and grey hair. The shopkeeper got up drawlingly and asked.” What’s the nice thing? Take it out and let me have a look.” The old man hurriedly put his canvas bag on the counter and took out a well wrapped bag with great care, then unfolded the wrapped paper. The shopkeeper found it’s only a incense-burner, with black body, simple, style and few engraved marks on it. After a simple examination and detailed observation, the shopkeeper was shocked and put the incense-burner on the counter slowly and pretended as if nothing was special. But the shining bright eyes could hide his excitement .The shopkeeper shook his head and said:” it’s just a valueless thing.” Actually, he had already known it’s a nice incense-burner which was given by Thailand in Ming dynasty. And nowadays a nice thing like this which was preserved well was fewer and fewer.“ Excuse me, then how much does it value?”“300yuan, I’ll take it”“300?’’the old man couldn’t believe his ears,’’ last year I even wasn’t willing to sell it with a higher price of 2000yuan …300? In fact, the incense-burner is the best liked thing of my wife, and she always use it to burn incense and worship the gods or pray. She loved it so much that no one can touch it.

But this time I’m only urged to sell it for the reason that she’s ill in the hospital and we can’t afford the medical charges. Could you value it a little higher?’’ “It’s really a pity to hear that, but it’s not the same situation as before. At most I can give you 500 Yuan for it.” “Ok, forget it. I think I’d better to sell it at other stores.” After that he wrapped the incense-burner and intended to leave. When the shopkeeper started to say anything, the tourist turned to the old man and observed it and deterred the old man, then said, ”can you let me to have a look?”He couldn’t wait to let the man answer and grabbed the incense-burner and unfolded the wrapped paper quickly. After the tourist’s detailed observation, the tourist answered racily”3000 Yuan, I’ll take it.” “Ok, 3000 Yuan, you take it.” The old man glanced at the shopkeeper complacently and satisfied with price greatly. Then he took out 3000 Yuan to the old man. The shopkeeper couldn’t bear it and cried out. “Wait! Wait! Little guy, don’t you know its unreasonable

and improper to do that!” “What?” “Can we have a talk over there? the shopkeeper grabbed him to the other side. “If you deal with him in the street, then it’s beyond my business, but in my shop. Don’t you thin it matter s my point of honor? As an outlander, I advice you should make little trouble for yourself!” “Are you threatening me?” “Ok, you can see it” the shopkeeper’s eyes were shinning with angry and like a wolf to guard his food.

The tourist was a little afraid for that the shopkeeper realized that the method made sense, and then he turned to the old man” I was kidding with you just now, and I can afford 4000 Yuan for it.” But the tourist couldn’t even say anything under the urge of the strong shopkeeper. The old man saw it and shrugged his shoulder and felt very sorry. Whatever he handed back the tourist’s money with an apologetic smile and the tourist gave the incense-burner back Strangely, the shopkeeper didn’t get it instantly, but looked at them up and down.

Suddenly he burst into laugh.” don’t pretend like that, and I have doubted you after the determination of buying the incense-burner, while the real one is till in your bag. The shopkeeper started at the tourist. “What do you mean? I even don’t understand.” His face was filled with innocence.

” You should see it, the one given by the old man is genuine and then you pretend to buy it and at that time, you change it with a counterfeit. Actually you aim to let me buy the fake one.”

“No, no, you have been mistaken me!“

“Mistaken? You think m foolish enough so that I even can’t recognize the wrapped one have been exchanged. Just now its wrapped with the paper of Southern Weekly, but not it’s China Daily. The old man and the tourist thought it’s time to escape, But the shopkeeper had a quick mind and warded off the door. “Believe it or not, you’ll be caught if I press the alarming apparatus.” “what’s on earth do you want to do?” cried the old man” leaving the incense-burner.” “What? Why?” “You should think it over, and you’ll be put into the cell through all your life when considering your behaviors of scalping of cultural relics” The shopkeeper said craftily. The old man stared at him angrily and his face turned green. “Of course, I won’t take it without paying anything. How about 50 thousand? That’s the best idea, and you can give me the incense-burner.” The shopkeeper said complacently. The tourist took out the thing unwillingly after a quick glance at the man. The shopkeeper found it’s wrapped with Southern Weekly paper and his heart was at ease and instantly went to reach the coffer to get 50 thousand. The old man caught the money and stuffed it into bag, thus went with the tourist. He couldn’t wait to unfold it, like a child unfolding his birthday present. But there’s no free lunch in the world, as the shopkeeper saw the burner. In the incense-burner lied a small paper then the shop keeper cried. He was taken in. They finally win the money.



我自己能写作业了 我喜欢的作业作文 | 2014-07-31 13:54

作业对大多数同学都是一件很烦心的事,当然了我也不例外,作业对我来说也是一件很犯愁的事。刚一上学就要面临写作业的问题,每天放学后最烦心的事就是写作业了,眼睛看着作业,心却已经去玩了,还总想让妈妈陪着,不监督,我就玩,所以往往很少的作业我却写很长时间,都把休息时间占用了。那样写作业我累,妈妈更累。 我记得有一次我十点多才马马虎虎的写完作业,妈妈打开我的作业本一看真是一塌糊涂,结果把我给训了一顿,过了一会我看见妈妈偷偷地哭了,我心想妈妈这么辛苦不都是为了我吗 !我就在这一刻下定决心以后我一定要好好学习,从那以后,我每天放学回家就认认真真的写作业。慢慢的,我写作业的速度提高了,写作业也不觉得难了,学习成绩也提高了。现在我非常喜欢写作业,在写作业的过程中还得到了许多的乐趣,现在不用妈妈陪着了,我自己也可以独立完成作业了。

‘只要努力,你准行 ’这就话,伴着我在学海中一次次的努力,一次次的进步 ,现在,每当我遇到困难时我就相信,我是最棒的,我准行。佳木斯市篇二:小学生经常不写作业的原因及对策探究 小学生经常不写作业的原因及对策探究



一、 小学生经常不写作业存在的主要问题



二、 小学生经常不写作业的原因分析

(一) 对学习不感兴趣



(二) 不能合理安排课余时间



(三) 没养成良好的学习习惯


(四) 教师的教育方法过于简单


三、 小学生经常不写作业的教育对策

(一) 表扬激励正强化








四、 结束语




当前,乡村语文作文教学常常面临这样的尴尬:每当作文写作课,学生就要么冥思苦想,半天也不见动笔;要么抓耳挠腮,左右张望,一副猴急相:要么拿出作文选,不辨模样闷头就抄,要么??凡此种种。 为什么会出现这种痛苦的现象呢?笔者作为多年从教的一名乡村教师,以为问题出在以下几点:

一. 缺少作文兴趣。 很多学生都害怕写作,把写作看作负担,谈写作而色变。为了努力完成老师布置的任务,不断重复相同或类似的语句,有的学生干脆抄袭,敷衍了事,还有的甚至懒得动笔。每当作文时,不是唉声叹气,


二. 缺少阅读积累 学生的学习科目有十多种,每天的绝大部分时间在课堂中度过,做作业、复习、预习之余,应花点时间来阅读课外书籍。课外阅读是课堂教学的有力补充。据调查,中学生对课外阅读兴趣广泛、视野开阔,而且有向高品位发展的趋势。但是,不少学科的教师(非语文老师)与部分家长不支持学生的课外阅读,生怕耽误了学生的基础课程,学生一看课外书,就认为“坏现象”。“该念的书不念好,读杂七杂八的书就有劲。”于是,不论学生读什么课外书,一律禁止,不准涉及。殊不知,光是基础学科的知识是不够的,浩瀚的书海,奇珍异宝琳琅满目,学生不读书,又如何去了解祖先们的宝贵的文化遗产呢?没有了词,更谈不上继承与发展。所以学生写起文章来,也就枯燥、单调、乏味。

三. 缺少生活积累 学生的生活就两条线:家——学校;学校——家。课余生活十分平凡单调。两点一线的生活,与社会接触少,缺少社会实践活动,这些都使得我们的学生缺少生活的积累,所以作文中经常有无米下锅的烦恼。现在的中学生多数为独生子女,娇生惯养,缺少爱心,缺少同情心,感情苍白,心灵比较空虚,他们不善于从思想情感的体验中去寻找素材,以至于作文中出现无情、矫情、伪情的现象。{写讲作业的作文}.

四. 缺少写作技巧积累



一 激发兴趣。热情地鼓励,多加肯定,少点批评。每一个人都需要得到别人的承认和肯定,如果教师把学生的文章念出来,或在同学面前予以肯定和表扬,学生的劳动价值就得到认可,这是自我实现的需要,极其有利于内在动机的激发,变“要我写”为“我要写”。




二 多行。陆游的“书上得来终觉浅,绝知此事要躬行”,还有古人的遗训“破万卷书,行万里路”,都告诉我们:只是多读还不够,一定要多行,多阅历,多体验丰富多彩的人生。叶圣陶先生说:“生活就如














With the development of science and technology, electronics has been playing an important role in our life. Especially in our age, the electronic product updates faster and faster. Do you know what will electronics be in the future? The article that named Future Electronics: How Gadgets Will Change in 5 Years written by Jeremy Hsu shows us the new electronic devices in the near future. In this article, high-definition TVs and tablets will have to make room for tomorrow’s video greeting cards, and gadgets that can read human emotions. Electronics will match you and need more space and also have new mobile forms in five years. I had a bit difficulty in reading the article, but I found it to be a very fascinating one.

In this article, Jeremy Hsu states that we will use the new electronics which to transform how consumers see, hear and interact with future gadgets. The big change for the next fives years is that audio will match you, more digital storage space is needed and people can expect new ways to interact with their games. He provides examples and some professional views to support the idea of the change in electronics.

There are some technical terms in this article, but its sentence is so simple that we can understand it easily. I find the article to be smooth. For example, the paragraph 11th, we should know the terminology’s meaning such as “HD videos” and “Blu-ray disc”, while the structure of sentences are plain and the other words are simple. I think that ordinary can get it simply.

This article is short, and logic is strong. This article consists of four parts and each part has a subtitle which can make us better to learn about the meaning of article expression and the structure. The first part is the introduction of the overall, the second part is “Sensory Overload”, the third part is “More Space Needed”, and the final part is “New Mobile Forms”. This theme is popular and so many people discuss it because science and technology are closely related to our life. I am aslo interested in the information about it. At the same time, the author compares present electronic products with future, stresses the prominent features and preponderance of electronics in five years.

Jeremy Hsu’s choice of subject for the article seems to be very appropriate. For example: Hollywood may push up frame to be speeds well beyond the 48 frames per second on display in The Hobbit and closer to 1000 frames per second, which shows future electronics can provide a better visual feast for the eyes. The striking contrast in the digital lets us more deeply feel its development.

The author wrote the article is objective. Many viewpoints of professional, such as “The big change for the next five years is that audio is going to match you” said Rich Doherty, director and co-founder of the Envisioneering Group. The author is just stating a fact that will realize in five years.

I think that this article is worth reading, and it makes us want to know more about electronics in the future.


J. F. Kennedy was the 35th President of the United States. He was born in Brooklyn, Massachusetts, in 1917. His father was Ambassador to England who was exposed to politics at an early age. Kennedy decided to enter the political arena and he ran for Congress from Massachusetts. He was elected to the Senate in 1953 with the term ended in 1960. Later, he was elected to President that same year at the age of 43, so he became the first Roman Catholic President and the youngest man ever to occupy the presidency. He had planned to run again in the 1964 election year. But unfortunately, he was assassinated on November 22, 1963, in Dallas, Texas. Though Kennedy served America for such a short time, he had inspired people all over the free world because of his youth, his spirit and his style.





























姓名:______ 成绩:______

一,请写出带有数字的成语。如:一诺千金。 ———— ———— ————

———— ———— ————

二,请在( )里填上适当的词语。

开心的( ) 打扫得( ) 飞快地( ) ( )的小狗 ( )的春天 ( )得像蜂蜜

三、有趣的成语接龙,首尾相接处可以同音不同字。 头头是道 — 道听途说— 说三道四—( )—( )—( )—( )—( )







· 我不喜欢写作文,每到了周五,我最害怕写作文了,当老师布置作业的时候,我就期待着作业里没有一篇小作这个作业,每次都一样,可每次都令我很失望。写作文时,我嘟着嘴巴,心情极差,总是想快点写完,然后去玩。这样,我写的作文就很不好,可当我静下心来认真写的作文就不一样了,作文本发下来,老师给我打个漂亮的优加看得我心花怒放,小学三年级作文《我害怕写作业作文》。

· 我不喜欢写预习作业。预习时,因为太麻烦,所以我很讨厌。每次都要把每个生词组两个词,画线,写近义词,还要写多音字,要查书,查资料……每次都要半个小时以上,我很无奈。可渐渐的我发现,认真预习课文后,上课的效果就不一样了,上课能积极发言,回答老师的问题了。

· 我不喜欢写数学作业。写数学作业时有好多计算,有时还要写横式、竖式、验算。特别是现在学的两位数乘两位数,我特别容易算错,有时错了,还不知道哪边错了,弄得我晕头转向,错了还要擦了重算。真是头大啊。于是我让自己细心再细心,因为我最喜欢看作业本上的红勾勾和优了,看到它们 ,心里像喝了蜜一样甜。

· 总之,还是那句话:我害怕写作业。不过我知道只有把作业写好了,才能牢牢的掌握所学的知识,才能多多的看到红勾勾和漂亮的优加。

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