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【 – 小学作文】



133班 杨钟毓 0011

Dear students,

As we know,safety is the most important thing in our lives.So,what should we do?Let me tell you!

At first,dont take restricted knives or things to school.Tts dangerous.If you cut yourself by accident,or even hurt others,it will be a serious problem.Secondly,dont have a both in the river alone.Actually,when you lose yourself in comfortable water,you may meet emergency.Thirdly,dont fight.Boys and girls,as students,we should get on well with other people and make a good friendship.Finally,we should pay more attention when we go to school .Also,if we meet emergency,we should call the police and find the help immdeitaly.They will help us out。

In a word,we should care about more in our safety, in this way,not noly do our parents dvery happy,but also we have a richi and colorful life.



133班 成文媛 0008

Dear students,

As we know,safety is the most important thing in our lives.So,it is our duty to obey the school rules.As a chairman of al the students,I should tell you some imformation.At first,you shouldnt bring the restricted knives or things to school.It may increase the danger.And you cant have a bath in a river by yourself.Its not really safe.We shouldnt make a joke on our lives.We also cant fight with others.The friendship between us is very expensive.On the way to school or home,we should take care of the safety.If something happens,we should call the police and ask someone for help.

So much for these.But do remember,safety is the first.We should put it in our heart.



133班 徐格睿涵 0039

Dear students,

As we know,safety is the most important thing in our lives.So,we should build a safe school in case we dont feel safe.Im a chairman in the sdtudent meeting.So it is my duty.

First,we cant take the restricted knives or things to school.Because they are very dangerous.And they can hurt other people easily.Next we cant have a bath in the river.Water isnt always good for us.It can take our lives.Fighting isnt a good thing,either.It can make us to lose our frienshipos.I believe you dont want to feel lonely.And its important to call the police if you meet some emergencies.

These are my advice. I think you could obey these rules.Of course,if you break the rules.Not only will you feel dangerous,but also other people wont love you.



134班 刘玉莹 0083

Dear students,

As we know,safety is the most important thing in our lives.So,we should learn how to protect

ourself.Because it is valuable and priceless.

First of all,we shouldnt bring resteicted knives or things to school.Theyre to dangerous that we can hurt other people by accident.So please remember it forever.Also,we cant have a both room instead of in a river.And we shouldnt fight with other students,your will become a good sudent.

And please be careful when you are in the way to school.It is the most important.If you meet soe emengency,call the police at first.And then shout loudly to look for help.You shouldnt deal with it by yourself.Because we are too young to do that.

At last,I hope everyone will be away from these dangerous things.Thank you very much!



135班 姜柳然 0202

Dear students,

As we know,safety is the most important thing in our lives.So,we should obey some rules in our school.First,we shouldnt bring some restricted knives or things to school.Knives are really dangerous.Then,we shouldnt fight with others.Eighting is dangerous too,and it may bring us some problems.After that,we cant have a bath at the river ourselves.At last,we should be careful when we go to school and go home.If we have some emergencies,we should be calm,we can call the police or ask some people for help.

As a student,we should obey these school rules.Then,we wil be more safe happy and healthy!



137班 夏尔頔 0318

Dear students,

As we know,safety is the most important thing in our lives.So,we cant take the restricted knives or things to school.Because they are very dangerous.Although the weather is very hot.We cant have a bath in the river.Because we dont know what will happen when we have a have a bath in the river.And we cant fight with others.If we do it,maybe we will get hurt and the teathers will be very angry.When we get hurt and the teathers will be very angry.When we get to school or go home,we should be careful.If we miss the emergency,we should call up the police and ask for some help.

Lets obey this rules,we will be safe.



137班 黄劲羽 0380

Dear students,

As we know,safety is the most important thing in our lives.So,we should pay more attentiong to our lives.First of all,we cant take restricted knives or things,If we did that,it woud be very dangerous.And we shouldnt have a bath in the river by ourselves,but we could swim in the pool with our families.Although we are actinv teenagers,we cant fight with others.Do you think so?If we have some problems,we can communicate better with others,and it is very polite.Perhaps,we will meet a emergency one day.Dont be afraid of it.At first,we can call 110 to ask for help.Its{foluolunsa的作文}.

very necessary to read a first-aid book.We must pay more attention to the safety,and we cant let our parents worry about us.Lets do it from now.Come and join us!



138班 叶露璘 0383

Dear students,

As we know,safety is the most important thing in our lives.So,its necessary for us to obey the dangerous things,for example,restricted knifes.Because we may hurt others or get injured by these things by accident.No one can afford the duty.Second,we shouldnt have a bath in a river without permission,especially in summer.In general,rivers are very deep,and there are many dangers around us when we swim or have a bath in the river.Third,we should show we love to others instead of fighting with others,so please be friendly and dont fight.Finally,we should be careful in the way of going home,if we meet any emergency,please call the police for help.To obey the rules is to protect ourselves.Come on!Lets obey the rules!



139班 周天若 0449

Dear students,

As we know,safety is the most important thing in our lives.So,what should we do?At first,dont bring restricted knives or things to school.We are pretty young,sometimes we cant keep calm.If we do that,we may hurt others by mistake.Then we shouldnt have a bath,in the river.If you want to swim,you could go to swimming pool with your parentspermission.As a student,we cant fight with others.One finger cant lift a small stone.So we should get along well with other people.What would you do if you met an energency?The best way is calling police or asking for help.We should pay more attention to our lives,and we cant let our parents be worried about us.So make a decision today.We will have a better life tomorrow.



139班 黄宇轩 0457

Dear students,

As we know,safety is the most important thing in our lives.So,we should learn to protect ourselves.First,we cant bring restricted knives or things to school.If we do that,its quite dangerous for us because of it.Apparently,its really dangerous.And we cant fight with others.We probably hurt each other and the teachers will be angry.

When we go to school or go back home,we should pay attention on safety.If we meet emergency like robing,we should call the police and ask for their help.

I hope everyone can have a great life.Lets hold our hands and build a safe school together. Better safety,better life.



140班 谭诗雅 0572

Dear students,

As we know,safety is the most important thing in our lives.So,its our duty to keep safety in the school.As a student,we should obey the school rules.We cant bring restricted knives or thing to our school.These things are dangerous.On vacation,many students like doing some activities,like swimming and going hiking.But,we must notice our safety,so were not allowed to have a bath in the river.I think its right for us.We always have good friendship with others.Dont break it.If you want to have a great memory,you shouldnt have fight with your friends.If you have some problems and you dont know how to deal with them,you can ask the teachers and friens for help.Please join us,we can keep safety in the school together.



145班 李思勤 0901

Dear students,

As we know,safety is the most important thing in our lives.So,we should obey these rules.First,we cant bring restricted knives or things to school.Its very dangerous.If we were careless,we would hurt other students,or teachers.Next,we cant have a bath alone in the river.Its dangerous,too.Because there are many stone in the river.And the running water is very fast.Then,we cant fight with others.Its bad for our friendship.We would get injured if we fought.Finally,we should take care of ourselves after school.If we had emergency,we should call 110,or ask someone for help.

I suppose we can do them well.



148班 唐闻晓 1140

Dear students,

As we know,safety is the most important thing in our lives.So,we should keep safe in our life,but,how do we keep safe?Many people all care about this problem.

At school,we shouldnt take restricted knives or things to our school.Because its too dangerous,and it will hurt other people or ourselves.Morever,we cant fight with others.Its not only bad for us,but also bad for other students.

When we go back to school and go home,we always meet some emergencies,at this time we must remember we shouldnt get nervous,we should believe we can solve this problem.Then,we should ask help to others or call 110.

As for on vacation,we shouldnt be allowed to swin min the river,its not safe and make our parents feel worried.

I hope erverybody can obey the rules and keep safe in our life.



151班 熊无成 1326

Dear students,

As we know,safety is the most important thing in our lives.So,we have to do something useful for our safety.There are some rules that we should obey.First of all,you cant take the

resticted knives or things to school because they are dangerous.Every doesnt like to get injured,does he?Of course,we could have a boath in the rivers and we shouldnt fight with others.Because we should e friendly to others.

So we chould be good students and make more students.Its bad for us to get to school alone.On the way to school.If wehad the emergency,wed better call the policeman first.I think its the most important thing.If we obey all the rules,we could get the safety easily and the world would become more and mor wonderful.Lets set up the most beautiful school



151班 龙瑞宁 1324

Dear students,

As we know,safety is the most important thing in our lives.So,its srucial for students like us to be careful at our school.But do you know how to keep yourself safe?

First,dont take restricted knives or things to school if you want to be safe.As we know,things like these right hurt ourselves.

Second,treaving a bath in the river without pemission is also bad for you.Because there are many studens where the water.

Next,dont fight with others,it might be dangerous!

Last,conceutuate more on you safety when you go to school,if you tave emergency,you can call the police or ask others for help.If we dont want to make our parents worried,dont do these things!



154班 杨舟 1572


Dear students,

As we know,safety is the most important thing in our lives.So,you cant do anything if its very dangerous.If you did something dangerous,you would make your parents worried.So,you cant bring the restricted knives or things to school.They are very dangerous.They can hurt others.And they also can hurt yourself.Besids,you cant have a bath in a river by yourself without permission,either.Its also very dangerous.If you want to go swimming or take a shower,maybe you can go to a swimming poor with you parents.And you cant fight with others.You should be friendly with others.Then,you will have a lots of friends.Whats more,you should be careful when you go to school or go home.If you meet emergencies,you can call the police or call your parents for help.

Think twice before you do!Its very imprtant!Safety can make your life be beautiful!



153班 彭坚

Dear students,

As we know,safety is the most important thing in our lives.So,at first,dont bring restricted knives or thing to school.Its not only dangerous,but also its bad for yourself.Next,youd better not have a bath in the river by yourself.If you do want to have a bath,you can ask your father to go with you.Besids,you shouldnt fight with others.So that you can get on well with your



quartier, amoureux, vraiment, faire du mal, séjour, s’ennuyer, à table, souhaiter, tranquille, se tromper

La vie

La vie est un voyage, on y avance pas à pas. Et si chaque pas est merveilleux, si chaque pas est magique, la vie entière le sera aussi. Vous ne serez alors point de ceux qui arrivent au seuil de l’autre monde sans avoir vraiment vécu. Ne laissez pas votre vie en friche, mais faites qu’elle devienne une mélodie pour vous et pour autrui !

Puisque la vie est un séjour éphémère sur la terre, vivez sans tarder : sensations, passions, désirs, rencontres, amours… Ne négligez rien de tout cela. Un jour, vous découvrirez combien cela est grand et irremplaable ! Chaque jour, apprenez quelque chose de nouveau sur vous-même et sur les autres. Chaque jour, essayez de voir le monde en rose et de faire grce à ceux qui vous ont fait du mal.

Comme tout le monde le sait, la vie est parfois étrange avec son lot de surprises et d’imprévus. Alors, quand les

moments difficiles viendront, ne vous ennuyez pas. Reposez-vous dans un quartier tranquille, mais ne vous abandonnez pas. Surtout, ne vous trompez pas en vous laissant convaincre du contraire.

En fin de compte, je souhaite que chacun tienne à sa vie et réalise son rêve.


lettre, téléphone, carte, famille, partager, confiance, communication, solitude, sourire, cadeau

Remède à la solitude des jeunes

L’époque est révolue où l’on s’écrivait des lettres et des cartes de vux à l’occasion d’une fête. On préfère aujourd’hui se téléphoner, s’envoyer des SMS. On dit que c’est pratique et qu’il faut vivre avec son temps.

Certes, avec les progrès prodigieux de la technologie, tout devient facile : un message ou un coup de téléphone, un e-mail… c’est à la fois rapide et commode. Mais cela ne veut pas dire qu’on peut se passer de la communication interpersonnelle. Aujourd’hui, pris d’engouement pour tous ces moyens de communication modernes, beaucoup

de jeunes ne partagent plus leurs secrets avec leurs parents, n’ont plus confiance en leurs amis, mais se confient plutt à des inconnus connus sur Internet. Donc, il est normal qu’ils sentent souvent la solitude.

Pas de remède ? Mais si. Pour commencer, écrivons à la plume une lettre affectueuse à nos parents et à nos amis. Et puis, profitons bien d’un petit moment, par exemple de leur anniversaire, pour leur offrir un cadeau que nous faisons par nous-même. Nous verrons leur visage s’épanouir en sourire, et nous nous rendrons bien compte que la solitude, enracinée depuis si longtemps dans notre cur, sera remplacée par une énorme douceur.


se souvenir, excursion, autocar, métro, prendre, campagne, nature, se promener, pique-nique, guitare

Ma première excursion

Je me souviens souvent de ma première excursion que j’ai faite avec mon oncle, laquelle est l’un de mes meilleurs souvenirs d’enfance.

C’était un beau matin du printemps. Mon oncle et moi,{foluolunsa的作文}.

nous sommes partis de la maison pour faire un tour du lac. Nous n’avons pris ni autocar ni métro, mais nous y sommes allés à vélo, car nous préférions respirer l’air frais de la campagne et écouter les chants d’oiseaux. En chemin, mon oncle m’a raconté des histoires sur des animaux sauvages et les aventures de sa jeunesse. Elles me plaisaient beaucoup. Nous nous sommes promenés au bord du lac et nous avons bavardé avec les pêcheurs. vrai dire, il chantait mal, mais j’aimais ses chansons et quand je voyais le paysage pittoresque devant nous, je me sentais heureuse. En fin d’après-midi, nous sommes rentrés chez nous avec des fleurs qu’un villageois nous avait permis de cueillir dans son jardin.

Voilà ma première excursion. Elle n’est pas extraordinaire, mais chaque fois que je m’en souviens, je me sens bien émue et je pense à mon enfance perdue.

Autres :

Je pense souvent à la troisième année au lycée, c'était une vie dure mais très belle.

On menait une existence monotone: on se levait à 6

heures et demie, se livrait au travail à sept heures, restait à l'école jusqu'à 21 heures et se couchait à 23 heures, épuisé. Je travaillais sans désemparer et tentais toujours de finir tous les exercices qui me tombaient sous la main. De plus, je ne pouvais demander du secours à personne, y compris mes parents parce que je ne voulais pas les inquiéter. Quand j'échouais aux examens, je ne m'en prenais qu'à moi-même au lieu de trouver des excuses.

Outre les difficultés, heureusement, on avait de belles mémoires. Travailler avec mes chers camarades me soulageait beaucoup. Nous nous encouragions, nous nous aidions, et bien sr, nous nous plaignions ensemble des défauts de ce système éducatif, tout le temps!

Le dernier jour arrivant, le 9 juin 2009, les parents attendaient nerveusement notre sortie devant l'école ou à la maison. J'ai vu quelques-uns de mes camarades éclater en sanglots ou de rire, mais moi, j'étais tellement calme.

Depuis deux cent cinquante ans, l’humanité a connu un


2010-2011 高一作文


Qingdao, located in the ea

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