
妈妈教包饺子 教你包饺子

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【 – 小学作文】



学校:阎良区康桥小学 姓名:邢福赟 年龄:九岁 班级:三年级二班




饺子包出个"四不像",便对我说:"你这样包饺子的方法是错误的.应该先拿起一块饺子皮,然后往饺子皮里放馅,再在饺子皮的边缘沾一点水,再把它包好,这样就大功告成了!"真是一言惊醒梦中人,经过妈妈的一番指导,我包出来的饺子也有点像是饺子了.在我勤劳的劳动后,一盘饺子终于包好了. 然后,我就把饺子放进锅里去蒸了,一分钟,十分钟,二十分钟过去了,我的心有点迫不及待了,过了一个小时,饺子才出锅.















1. Edgar Allan Poe's life and his writing features. Do you think these features are reflected in his story "The Cask of Amontillado"? Give examples to illustrate your ideas.

He was born in Boston, the child of struggling traveling actors. He lost both of his parents at the age of two and was taken care of by Jo0hn Allan a wealthy merchant of Virginia. In 1826 he entered the University of Virginia and left after one year because of gambling debts.

In 1827, Poe enlisted in the Army for two years and served at West Point for about eight months.

From 1830 onward Poe was editor of a number of periodicals and wrote critical articles, short stories and poems.

In 1847, his wife’s death shattered him. He took to drink and drugs and died in loneliness, poverty, intoxication in 1849{妈妈教包饺子}.

Poe’s writing features

1. What interests him most is the deep abyss of the unconscious and subconscious mental activity of the people, the subterranean隐蔽的 recesses of the mind at work.

2. His most enduring tales are those of horror, the horror coming from the workings of an irrational or criminal mind.

The cast of amontillado isa great short story with a terrific mood from the beginning to the ed ,the brilliant techniques,notably psychoanalysis and irony impressed me most in the story.though there isn’t any violet or boldly description,id does make me horrified from top to toe.i hardly dare to read a second time by imagingin that gloomy catacombs. Contributed to the thoughtful details,such as ,the character of montresor is most vivd,his hypocritical maner,sly words and cruel murder make readers scare of him unconsciously.in my view the portray of montresor is a huge success.

2. Give a summary of the story "The Cask of Amontillado" and then make a comment on the major characters.

The story is set in a nameless Italian city ,and is about the narrator's deady revenge on a friend whom he believes has insulted him.{妈妈教包饺子}.

This story is narrated by montresor ,the protagonist,who carries a grudge against fortunate for an offense that is never explaned,montresor lead a drunken fortunate through a series of chambers beneath his palazzo with the promise of a taste of amontillado,a wine that montresor has just purchased,when the two men each the last underground chamber,monstresor chains fortunate to the wall,builds a new wall to seal him in,and leaves him to die.

The main characters of “The Cask of Amontillado” are Montresor and Fortunato. Montresor is the narrator and a wealthy man intent on receiving revenge on Fortunato who is both a friend sworn enemy of Montresor's. He has planned to

‘‘punish with impunity.

Fortunato has committed a "thousand injuries’’ and a final "insult," to Montresor, but no details are given. Fortunato is comfortable in Montresor's company, and has no clue of the deadly plan awaiting him at the hands of the man he considers a friend. Fortunato, is a respected and feared man and a proud connoisseur of fine wine, but he is also is singleminded . Unfortunately, he also drinks too much on the night we read about, which actually turns out to be his downfall.

Montresor is a cold and calculating man, revealed perfectly as he tells the story fifty years later, revealing no regret for his actions, and no real pleasure in them. He simply demonstrates no feeling whatsoever, making him seem a highly immoral character.

3. Hawthorne’s life and his view, especially his sense of evil. Tell the story of Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter and then comment on the major characters in this novel, especially Hester Prynne.

He was born into a puritan family in Salem. His father died when he was only four, leaving the widow and the child to shift for themselves. In 1821, he went to Bowdoin College where he made friends with Longfellow and Franklin Pierce. After graduation, he returned to his hometown and lived in seclusion for 12 years, reading widely and preparing for his literary career. The year of 1837 saw the publication of his Twice Told Tales, a collection of short stories, which was successful.

Theme and view:

All his life, he seems to be haunted by his sense of sin and evil in life. Reading his tales and romances, one cannot but be overwhelmed by the black vision which these works reveal.

Influence of Calvinism

11sin will get punished: “the wrong-doing of one generation lives into the successive ones” 22he believed that sin and Evil educates 33He seemed to be haunted by his sense of sin and evil all his life,he had a ‘black’vision of life and human beings,. 44

overweening intellect Is one source of evil hawthorne was concerned most.

The scarlet letter told a story of a puritan woman hester Prynne who was punished to wear scarlet a which stood for the crime of adultery.

11Roger chilingworth is a man interested in revenge ,not justice and he seeks the deliberate destruction of others rather than a redress of wrongs.22hester’s daughter is innocent,or perhaps intuitive .

33 arthur dimmesdale .the personal gult drives him to further internalize his guil and self-punnishment and leads to still more deterioration in his physical and spiritual condition.

44hester Prynne is portrayed as an intelligent ,capable,woman ,she speculates on human naure, social organization and lager moral questiongs,her tribulations also lead her to be stoic and a freethinker.she cares for the poor and brings them food and clothings.{妈妈教包饺子}.{妈妈教包饺子}.

4. Give the features of transcendentalism and give some examples from Thoreau’s work Walden to illustrate transcendentalist ideas.{妈妈教包饺子}.

It is a philosophical movement that developed in the 1830s and 1840s in the new England region of the united states as a protest to the general state of culture and society.transcendentalism,believes that individuals can intuitively recive higher truths than unavailable rationalism.

In walden,threau saw nature as a genuine restorative,healthy influence on man’s spiritual well-being ,and regareded it as asymbol of spirit.he tried to seek a way to unlock the secrets of the spirit.

In walden,Thoreau wrote a lot of beautiful scenery, the wood,the birds, the hills,walden pond and so on. However,the most a trrative thing to him was walden pond, the ponds and the pond in winter,using a lot of graceful and vivid words to make them attractive to readers.for examples,he told readers the details about the ponds such as the water ,the shore,the trees around or in it ,and the waterfowls , which changed with seasons.walden pond was a smll world which can give Thoreau enough space to ramle in his own world of tought, he gave symbolization to it of everrthing spiritual,philosophical,and personal,the pond was a self-reliance ecosyst which remind readers torau’s transcendental ideas.he wanted to show us that man can know nature and get close to it ,people can know nature and get higher truth form it.

The author also vividely described te pond in autumn and winter.when the water was flowing, the pond looked like a huge blue mirror.everthing it was frozen and everywhere you eyesight reached was white and holy.just like the pure green water,the ice was always green and looked precious diamond.,in Thoreau’s eyes.walden pond was the vitality and tranquility of nature and it can purify people’s soul.people those who came here would be happier than in anyother places

In spring,trucks took the ice-cutters to walden pond,leading the pond melting in an earlier period.the ice in walden was the greenest they had ever seen and it could be kept for a long time.walden pond was not noly self-reliance,but also can provide human beings what they wanted,it was both narual and society.he can fish and have fun in it,and gets lots of unexpected stories.some curious people’s humorous activities and question.

In wlden ,the pond symbolized the vitality and tranquility of nature.all pure things that human being have benn pursued.

5. Mark Twain's writing features and their reflection in his story "The Celebrated Jumping Frog in Calaveras County".

Mark twain’s writing style:—11colloquial style—-22regional language filled with dialects,and slang–33-satire and humous with different rhetorical devices—44-simple sentence structure or compound with a series of ‘thens’’and”or semi-colons.


11Twin uses coloquial diction to give an authenticity to the dialogue of the story. For example,wheeler ignores many grammatical rules ,and speak with an accent of sorts.he says”feller’instead of ‘fellow”,”reglar”instead of regular,”solitry”instead of “solitary”and even “dani”for”Daniel.there is also some regional language filled with dialects and slangs used in the story:’have him in the door””why blame my cast if””red”and “just so’s”—–

-22he also use humorous exaggerations ,the mare “always had asthma,or the distemper,or the consumption”the dog died of a broken ,andt “that frog whirling in the air like a doughnut’” if there is a horse-race ,he’d bet on it,if there is a dog fight,he’d bet on it .if there is a cat –fitht ,he d bet on it , if there is a chicken –fight, he’d…if there was two birds setting on a fence,he’d bet you which would fly first. he’d bet on anything.

33Smiley—he himself is just a joke,he bet on anything.the frog is” like a cat”and whirls “like a doughnut”twain makes absurd comparisons to add humor to the story 44personification when he describes the animals in the story.it describes the dog with human’s characters.he endows the frog with he human qualities of modesty and straightforwardness.

6. Give a summary of Stephen Crane's short story "The Open Boat" and comment on the major characters.

The open boat is not a story about four shipwrecked men,but relationship between man ,nature and fate.the captain,the cock the correspondent and the oiler are survivors of a shipwreck and are trying to make their way to solid ground.the captain ,who is bothold and wise ,is injured,but still in command of the small ‘dingy’they traveled in .

In the passage the moods of the men fluctuate:

Anger(their desperates situaion)—-empathy(the narue is indifferent to their ftes)—-aroused hope(see a lighthouse on the horizon)—–depair(too dangerous to reach it,fail to make contack)—-resolution(swim ashore)

Critics regard the central themes of ‘the open boat “to be

1 man’s eternal struggle against nature

2thefragility of human existence

3 the power of community

4extreme isolation from society and community

The four charateres are:

The correspondent—a condescending observer detached from the rest of the group . The captain—who is injured and morose at having lost his ship ,yet capable of leadership.

The cook:fat and comical,but optimistic that they will be rescued.

The oiler—billie,who is physically the strongest,and the only one in the story referred to by name.

These four charaters are represented as types

–:the correspondent is a pretentious,erudite,and mocking ovserver;

–the coo is fat and comic

–the captain is morose and indifferent

–the oiler is physically strong and industrious

7. Definition of naturalism and the reflection of naturalism in "The Open Boat".{妈妈教包饺子}.

As a genre,naturalism enphasized heredity and environment as important deterministic foeces shaping individualized characters who were presented in special and detailed cicumstances.”

the four man,captain,the oiler,the correspondent and the cook,stranded in the cocean in a small boat. Crane’s descriotions in these opening scenes show the antagonism of the men and the sea and the nature’s lack of concern for their tragedy:“the birds sat comfortably in groups,and they were envied by some in the dingey,for














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