
与范文比较的作文评价 高考作文范文

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【 – 高中作文】





Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic: Love and Learning You should write at least 100 words, and your composition should be based on the outline(given in Chinese) below:




Love and Learning

Some college teachers argue that students should give up love for the sake of learning. They maintain that love is time consuming and tears the students away from learning. If a student falls in love, he will certainly fall behind in his courses.

Students , however, hold that forbidding love affairs among college students is no good. They tell you that some one falls in love with someone and he studies harder and he makes greater progress while someone and he studies harder and he makes greater progress while some one else has not fallen in love but he cannot concentrate himself on learning.

As a coin has two sides, love can be both positive and negative. If you do not give yourself away in love but take it as a drive, you will make more progress in your learning and have good scores. But if you forget everything else except love, then you will become a "perfect" lover and a definite loser in your studies.


对于第一、二段来说,只要把汉语的提纲翻译过来就成了主题句。然后采用类比、例举等方式层层分析,细致地阐述其原因。阐述是应特别注重理据的典型性和逻辑性,也就是说,老师认为学生不可谈恋爱的主要道理在哪里,学生认为可以谈恋爱的主要道理又在哪里。在第三段,考生须表明自己的观点,一般都比较折中,但总的来说,应该有客观、公正的判断。在上面的文章中, 作者以”As a coin has …”以及”If…”来进行判断,既很好地表现了不能一概而论的观点,而且更进一步提出在什么条件下具有正面意义。可以说这是在紧扣主题的基础上有条件地宣扬了自己的积极态度。整篇文章也因此显得既完整又有条理。

(二) 对比两种事物

Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic: The

Difference Between College Life and High School Life. You should write at least 100 words,

The Difference Between College Life and High School Life

As a freshman, I can’t become accustomed to the new life in a short time. The reason is that there're many differences between college life and high school life.

In my opinion, the most obvious difference is the way of studying. We used to follow the plans the teachers made for us. We went to class, did the homework and took the exams, as the teachers instructed. But now it is up to us to plan our own work, and this is one of the reasons why I can't get used to college life quickly. High school teachers mainly taught us knowledge in the books, and we would receive and store all they said in our brains, while in college, we're expected to develop the ability of learning by ourselves. We not only receive new knowledge but also use our imagination. What is more important, we need to be creative.

Another difference is that college life is not so tense as high school life. When we studied in high school, we were tired of the endless examinations. Now the exams are only held once or twice a term, which makes us feel much more relaxed. And plenty of spare time is given to us. To be successful, we need to make good use of the spare time. Some of us may go to the libraries, looking for information we need. Some may take part in various kinds of associations, such as the Students' Union, to exercise their abilities. In a word, college life is more colorful than high school life.

Apart from the differences mentioned above, the life style differs much from what we used to have. For most of us, it's the first time we left our parents and live on our own. Therefore, we need to learn how to arrange our time. For example, what time to attend the classes, what time to complete the assignment, and what time to prepare for exams. Moreover, We need to clean our dormitories, make the beds and wash the clothes. Our lives in college are centered around

classrooms, libraries and dormitories. When we encounter difficulties, we have to overcome them alone.

My experience in college, brief as it is, makes me feel that college life is very unforgettable. So long as you treasure every day, college life will become a pleasant memory in the rest your life. 此类文章为命题作文。Direction中除了给出题目外,并没有其它的内容限制,导向性语言或素材。因此,考生应根据题目弄清其范围及内涵。只有抓住题目的实质,才能切中题意。 在本篇文章中,作者一开始就抓住主要矛盾,提出问题,为下一段分析问题做了很好的铺垫。中学生活与大学生活有许多不同之处,关键是要找出最主要的差别。这有客观的因素,也可能有主观的因素。本文的第二段,作者从学习方式的差别开始,然后是时间安排的不自主性与自主性,生活方式的差异,逐一阐述,基本上达到了主次分明,条理清楚。最后,作者以积极的态度表明,只要珍惜时光,大学生活必将成为美好的记忆,对文章进行了一定的



Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition of no less than 100 words about two persons you know or admire.

Franklin and Emerson

Benjamin Franklin, born in Boston almost a century before Ralph Waldo Emerson was born there, lived long enough to see the straggling colonies grow into a young nation. Emerson, born only thirteen years after Franklin’s death, lived long enough to see a little nation grow to be a powerful one mighty people.

Franklin and Emerson are both typical Americans—taken together they give us the two sides of American character. Franklin stands for the real, and Emerson for the ideal. Franklin represents the prose of American life, and Emerson the poetry. Franklin’s power is limited by the bounds of common sense, while Emerson’s appeal is to the wider imagination. Franklin declares that honesty is the best policy; and Emerson insists on honesty is the only means whereby a man may be free to undertake higher things. Self-reliance was at the core of the doctrine of each of them, but one urged self-help in the material world and the other in the spiritual.

In the making of American people, in the training and in the guidance of this immense population, no two men have been more than these two sons of New England.




在本篇作文中,作者介绍对比了他所景慕的两位代表性人物Franklin和Emerson 。



1) Youth

Youth is not a time of life; it is a state of mind; it is not a matter of rosy cheeks, red lips and supple knees; it is a power of the will, a quality of the imagination, a vigor of the emotions; it is the freshness of the deep springs of life.

Youth means a temperamental– predominance of courage over timidity, of the craving for adventure over the love of ease. it can exist in a man of sixty more than a boy of twenty. Nobody grows old merely by a number of years. We grow old by deserting our ideals.

Years may wrinkle the skin, but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul. Worry, fear, self-distrust bows the heart and turns the spirit back to dust. Whether sixty or sixteen, there is in every human being's heart the lure of wonder, the unfailing childlike query of what's next and the joy in the pursuit of living .In the center of your heart and my heart there is a wireless station: so long as it receives messages of beauty, hope, cheer, courage and power from men and from the Infinite, so long are you young.

When the aerials are down, and your spirit is covered with snows of cynicism and the ice of pessimism, then you are grown old, even at twenty, but as long as your aerials are up, to catch waves of optimism, there is hope you may die young at eighty.


2) Welcome the New Century

Never before have the people witnessed and experienced so many changes as we do in the 20th century, and the world is changing so rapidly that we hardly have any time to think before we accept the new things. Now the 20th century is giving way to Year 2000 and the people are looking forward to the ringing of the bell for the new year. In the twilight of a new century, how should we dress up and get ready for the morning that might be more colorful, more glamorous but more changeable? And what heritage should we take with us to the new day that we have dreamt of? A retrospect of the past decades may shed light on our future.

The 20th century gives us so much pride and also so much shame. The development of science and technology has made us possible to travel in the outer space, and the means of transportation and communication is so advanced and convenient that we have claimed the earth "A Global Village". We have numerous inventions every day, trying to prove that we are far from the normal creatures. At the same time, however, we also invent so many costly and advanced weapons to kill. World War One didn't end all wars. Millions of lives are still consumed on the battlefields or in the Concentration Camps.

China's modern history is a history of humiliation. We have been repeatedly beaten not because we are bad, but just because we are not strong. Our rights have been repeatedly ignored not because we are inhuman, but just because interests take the place of justice. Our wish to

communicate has been repeatedly blockaded not because we are lack of understanding, but just because "the Iron Curtain" is too cold.

At the end of the 20th century, we see so many skyscrapers, so many wealthy people and so many gorgeous events, but we also see the diseases, poverty, pollution and abuses are still haunting us like the fantom. Will they all knock at the door of the century gate and get across? Mostly it is for people to decide what to take and what to leave behind. The new century is not an amount of time but should be a promised world where we live and enjoy on the equal and rational basis. Now the Triones are fading and the breeze is coming. Why not wake up, dress up and get ready?






















因为不同,我吟赏烟霞,留步百花丛,提笔纵马边塞远,独钓江雪懒回顾 你可以和我不同,因为世界因此而变得不同!


















孔子说:“君子和而不同。”每个人都有自己的观点和想法,都有自己的个性。 为什么要和而不同呢?人与人之间在正确的价值观念、社会道德上大致应该相同。但由于人与人之间有着很大差异,生活的环境不同,接受教育的内容不同,人与人之间才存在着不同。正因为有不同,每个人在世界上才显得是独一无二的,世界才显得更加丰富多彩,富有朝气。



记述类 词雅文练,写景生动。 布局新颖,用词简达。 娓娓细说,清婉可喜。 写景状物,入木三分。层次井然,结构严谨行文洒脱,趣味隽永。 淡远情逸,隽永含蓄。 平铺直叙,亦有情韵。 简洁流畅,意义深长。 言近旨远,不同凡味明察秋毫,描述生动。内容曲折,耐人

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