
关于hobby的80英语作文 英语作文80字

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篇一:《英语作文my hobby》

英语作文my hobby

参考作文一 My Favorite Hobby

I have many hobbies, such as reading, skating, and watching TV. But reading is my favorite hobby.

I like reading for three reasons. First of all, books introduce me to a new world, which is colorful and without time and space limit. Through reading, I can trace back to ancient Egypt, the cradle of human civilization. It can bring myself to the United states, a glamorous land I have been longing to visit.

Secondly, reading can better myself by showing me a new horizon. In the past years, most of my knowledge has been obtained from books. I have learned from many people by reading about their ideas on science, politics, life and society.

Finally, reading bridges the gap between my dream and my goal. In order to succeed in my career in the future, I must keep reading, my favorite hobby.





My favorite hobby is reading, a rewarding experience and it has changed me a lot!

I love reading when I was a youngster and I always hooked by the character or the soul because I think every book is a life and it’s a perfect friend if you appreciate her. We can communicate with her inwardly and reap the benefit we have never thought.

Reading also can give me some useful aids and help sometimes. The more and wilder I read, the more I will get. No pain no gain.

I spent my valuable time to read. And then, it cultivates my taste. I do feel like that.


Everyone has some hobbies. So do I. I like listening to music, reading novels, traveling very much. But my favorite hobby is listening to music. Sometimes I am even crazy about music. You may ask me why. I am crazy about music for many reasons.

First, you know, music is divided into some different styles. Such as pop, jazz, rock, blues, bass and symphony. Different persons have different appreciation about music. I appreciate light music, pop music and so on. I’ve reaped the benefit of music and changed my mind a lot.

Second, music is perfect to my spirit and soul. When I felt desperated, upset, alone and even sometimes I lost my temper, And then listening to music can cool down my crazy mind. Music is active and positive. It takes me to another world and made me to be another one. Now I’m an optimist and I will appreciate everyday and everything.

Third, music is the same as our language which is able to reach my spirit and bridge the gap between my soul and the external world.

In a word, I must say, music is the common language of the world. Enjoying them and you’ll obtain lot happiness.


My Favorite Hobby

My favorite hobby is listening to music. When I am tired of studying, I usually listen to music either over the radio or by playing records. But the music I prefer is classical instead of popular, because the former can let me feel peaceful and comfortable while the latter can only make me feel uneasy. Indeed, classical music has become my best friend, so I can’t do without it even for a single day.


My Favorite Hobby

My favorite hobby is singing. I have never received any formal musical education, nor can I read notes, but this hasn’t affected my strong liking for singing. What counts to me is that singing never fails to bring me jot. Whenever I feel blue, I sing. And, miraculously, all the sad feelings are gone. What fills my hearts is, instead, a feeling of peace. It is not too much to say that singing has brightened up my life.


Watching TV is My Favorite Hobby

Watching TV plays an important role in our daily lives. In fact it is one of my favorite hobbies. Almost everybody watches TV some time every day making it perhaps the most common hobby in modern society. It brings us a lot of benefits. Watching TV can increase our knowledge of the world, give us information to improve our lives and provide a lot of fun. Watching TV widens our horizons. There are numerous TV programs representing all the worldwide affairs. People learn many things through TV such as economics, history, geography, and culture. Many TV programs provide the latest news of domestic and international events. Watching news every night on TV is many people!s most important routine. For example, people who are living in Canada but never have been to Mexico are able to know about Mexican history, culture and climate by watching a TV program called Discover Mexico. It is the same for other countries. I still remember clearly when I saw African tribes on the screen. I was fascinated by the marvelous jungles, the colorful weapons, the fierce animals and the fantastic wild ga


If someone asks me:" What's your hobby?" I can answer: "My hobby is listening to English songs”. Some English songs are very good. I like them very much and I am good at singing them. Such as "Sound of Music", "My heart will go on" , "Nobody" and so on. Sometimes I can sing them very well.

I like them, because their lyrics are wonderful. For example "Sound of Music" :"Doe, a deer, a female deer. Ray, a drop of golden sun. Me, a name I call myself…" Oh, how beautiful it is!

The song " My heart will go on" is also very good. "Every night in my dreams, I see you, I feel you…" That's so great. This is my hobby. I like singing English songs. They're so beautiful!


I have many hobbies, such as swimming, running, and listening to music, collecting stamps and reading. Reading is my favorite hobby.

In my childhood, my parents bought me lots of books. Every day before I went to bed, my mom always told me one story. Those stories enriched my life.

As I grew up, I can read by myself. Consequently, reading books becomes my favorite hobby.

I like reading books for three reasons. First of all, I think a good book is my faithful friend. It can increase my happiness when I am cheerful and happy; and it can lessen my pain when I am sad or lonely. Secondly reading books can widen my sights, improve my skills and make me wise. Further more, reading leads me to achieve my goal as a bridge. In order to succeed in my new career in the future, I must keep reading, thinking and practicing.

Reading has become a part of my life. I spend some time reading during the week. It doesn’t take much time but it’s important in my life. Without reading, my life would be terribly plain and boring. I want to have a good hobby which can enrich my life and it’s an outlet for my emotions. I am sure I will keep reading as my lifelong hobby and enjoy it forever.


My favorite hobby is singing. When I was six years old, my mother often took me to the KTV to sing songs with her friends. I liked to sing songs for those uncles and aunts with my innocent voice. When I grow up, I sing songs just for myself. Because singing can make me relaxed, every time I am in a bad mood, I sing some happy songs loudly and then I will feel better.

I love singing so much that I spend at least half an hour a day singing. I sing when taking a bath, washing dishes, walking the dog, and any time I can do it. To me, singing is really the most important hobby that makes me happy in my life.


My favorite hobby is dancing. Since I was a little girl, I have been fascinated by the beauty of ballet. I admire the graceful movements of dancers, and I am immersed in the romantic atmosphere during the ballet dramas. Owing to its strong attraction, ballet becomes my favorite hobby.

There are many advantages of dancing. To begin with, dancing is helpful to keep me in the pink. Second, it provides me with a gateway to relaxation. Last but not least, dancing makes my happy. It always brings enjoyment to my life. As is mentioned above, I am fond of dancing very much. I can’t live without my favorite hobby—dancing. (110 words)


My hobby is watching TV. It becomes an important part of my life. I spend two hours a day watching TV. When lying on the sofa and clicking the remote control, I feel quite relaxed.

I began to watch TV in my childhood, and soon I got addicted to it. Because I could keep balance between my hobby and my schoolwork, my parents didn’t insist that I turn off the TV. My favorite channel is Discovery and my favorite show is about history. I have learned many things from these TV programs , and they even become interests that I can share with my friends. When I feel upset, watching a variety of shows can console my sadness.

I will keep watching TV and learning things from it. TV is not only a tool to make my life colorful, but also a friend to accompany me by my side.

篇二:《hobby 英语作文》

Hi Sam:

I’m glad to hear from you. I’d like to tell you about my favorite hobby. My favorite hobby is doing Chinese KungFu. I still remembered how I started. The Chinese KungFu teacher asked me if I want to have a try when I was in Grade One. At that time, I didn’t know what Chinese KungFu clearly was, I just know it was one of the Chinese traditional projects. I joined in the club with great interest. As time went by, I found that Chinese KungFu was full of charm and magic. And now, it was become my hobby, part of my life. And I will go outside to practice Chinese KungFu whenever I am free.

I have benefited a lot from Chinese KungFu. It not only helps me keep healthy but also makes me stronger. It let me know how wonderful the Chinese traditional projects are. What’ more, it tells me to persevere in the things which I decide to do and helps me sharp my personality. With the help of Chinese KungFu, I become a strong and bravely girl.

What’s your favorite hobby? Hope to hear from you soon.


八年级英语(下)英语作文所体现。文章写的再好,只要缺少要点就会扣分。所以要点,也就是文章的第二段内容,要做到全,围绕中心。 实际上英语作文(书面表达)就等于两个字,翻译! 因为英语写作一般会给出几个要点,要求必须在文章中有-2015年春

只要按题目中给出要点翻译便好。注意:的连词1.不要漏要点-合全文基本时态:是现在时还是过去时–要点确定后,是全文连贯和文理通顺,重要的是用好动词,有的句子前后再调整合并将要点扩充成句子,可以在原文旁边或图上标出拟用的动词,写成从句或使用非谓语等其他手段,注意前后句问的连贯和一致. 2.时态要与内容符. 加必要3.文需反复修改语句连贯 4.条理清楚 注:通读全文?直接将该词的形式表出来,检查是否有错.改正拼写和标点错误,省略打草稿的步骤,最好一步到位.写作文是一个复杂的思维过程

,将时态也带进去,确定.一篇作学生运用英语思维,否则学生写出来的文章就是–写文章离不开句子。但英语的表达方式往往与中文有很大的区别,这就要我们老师在平时多训练的五种基本类型:一、主语了。+不及动词-My head aches. chineseenglish我头疼。(中文式英语)-Everybody laughed. 。多用简单句:注意:英语简单句大家都笑了。It rained.天下雨二、主语

(+连系动词+表语-English is very easy. 英语很容易。He looks tired. 他看上去是累了.注:连系动词常由三、主语be/look/smell/feel/become/turn四、主语+及物动词+直接宾语-She likes the flowers. )充当。表语常用名词她喜欢这些花。/形容词/数词Dad bought a car. /代词充当

父亲买了辆汽车。an apple.他给了我一只苹果。+及物动词+间接宾语(人)注:如把物放前,+直接宾语(物)可在物后加-He told her the news.to或for:他把这消息告诉了她He gave me

五、主语sb sth=buy sth for sb

..give/pass sb sth=..give/pass sth to sb ..buy 他恶心。+说明:上述各例都简化到了最低限度,在此基础上,我们可以加上一些修饰成分使句子变得更复杂,表达更丰He made us laugh.及物动词+宾语他让我们笑了。+宾语补语-He told me to stay home.

他叫我呆在家里。The smell made him sick. 这气味使富的内容。英语句子看上去纷繁庞杂英语句子。事实上,英语很容易教。 换言之,绝大多数英语句子都是由这简单句添加或简化而得来的。,但仔细观察不外乎五个基本句式。这五个基本句式可以演变出多种复杂的把回家的路上这消息告诉了她。She likes the flowers very much. 她非常喜欢这些花。如:He told her the news on the home. In fact, English is very easy to teach. 他按照教学大纲的要求,翻阅多年来中考作文试题,大致有以下两类情况:(一)命题作文

你们又有那些好习惯?有哪些坏习惯呢?请从饮食习惯,锻炼,阅读,上网,做家务等方面说说你自己的习惯。- 2.亲爱的同学们,(二)材料作文他生日的聚会,但是-例如:22.根据中文提示写一

60字以上的E_mail。(开头已给出)提示:Tom邀请LiPing参加 需要人照顾,而且他得为了即将到来的英语考试而学习。因此无法来参加这一生日聚会。他感到很抱歉。LiPing的父母出差(be out on business)要到下个月才回来(come back home),奶奶又生病在床,总之:要写好英语作文先要读好英语,在语言学习方面狠下苦功,教科书要读透,因为教科书中的文章都是一 些很好的范文短语、句型做好笔记。平时在练习中的错误也要做好记录,再对照正确句子,使地道的英语句子如同条件反射,,文笔流畅,语言规范,精彩的一些课文段落要背诵。平时在学习阅读时要注意收集积累,把好的词语、落笔就对。要有意识地用一些好的词组、句型、关联词和复合句等,使文句更优美生动。还有要按照题目或所给情景写文章练笔。写好后对照范文,找出差距,然后再练习,这对提高英语作文也很有帮助,在游泳中学会游泳,只有多练习才能练好。总之笔时就会得心应手,水到渠成,平时学习语言素材积累多了,体裁格式记住了又经常练习不断提高,到作文下1..


甚至做Dear Mary,

Mary写封信,针对她的困惑,谈谈你的看法并提出一些建议。 Everyone has his favorite stars and thereright because you are a student. You shouldn’s nothing wrong with that. I understand you. But I don’t think what you do is activities in you free time. You should stop writing to him and listening to his songs. You may also tell your problem to your ’t lose yourself. You had better read more interesting books and have more parents or teachers. Ifuture is in your hands. Best wishes! ’m sure they will help you. You should study hard at your lessons and get ready for your future. Your Yours, Li Ming

2是.李梅最近睡不好,她父母想要她取得好成绩,送她去各种课外俱乐部,她压力很大,不知道怎么办。假如你Dear Li Mei, Tom,请给她一些建议。 ISo they send you to all kinds of after-school clubs including language learning, music, math classes and so on. And you really ’m sorry to hear that you have too much pressure and don’t sleep well at night. Your parents want you to get good grades. donI think your parents really love you and they hope you have a wonderful future. If you feel uncomfortable, there are many ’t know what to do.

things you can do. You could talk about it with your parents. You should tell them that kids need more free time to relax. At the same time, you should study hard and try your best to get good grades. Best wishes! Yours,


3. 推介一下你的家乡——赞美家乡

South of Guangdong. It’s in the Every year there are many tourists from many places to come here for vacation. Some go sightseeing, some go shopping, ’s famous for the seafood .The weather is neither too hot nor too cold. It’

s a good place to visit. others go enjoying the delicious seafood.

My hometown has all kinds of fruits. When summer and autumn comes, many businessmen drive here to buy them.

These years my hometown has changed a lot. It is becoming more and more beautiful. My hometown is very beautiful, the people are kind and friendly. Welcome!

4Questions:.根据下面的问题提示,③ Why did you choose this hobby?

① What’s your hobby? 以My hobby② When and how did you start the hobby?

为题写一篇不少于80 词的短文。 my tenth birthday. It was about a cute panda. From then on, I fell in love with those beautiful little stamps. And I have been collecting them for five years. Now I have more than 2000 stamps. Some are about the places of interest. Others are about famous knowledge by collecting stamps. By the way, whatpeople, beautiful plants or animals. Collecting 5.宠物给孤独的老人带来的快乐。

’s your hobby? stamps is a very interesting thing. I have got a lot of fun and too much. Old people don’and easy to take care of. Old people don’t need to make them big houses or spend too much on the cat food. Second, cats are very clean t eat people watch TV or rest on the sofa, cats are always with them. They make old people’t need to clean the house very often. Third, cats are good companies. When old 6. 描写旅游过的地方。

’s life much happier. and the Palace Museum. And we took many photos there. We went to Tsinghua University on the second day. It is one of the best universities in China. The last day was my happiest day. We not only did some shopping on Wangfujing Street but also ate delicious Beijing Duck.

What a wonderful trip! I will visit Beijing again someday in the future.

8. 期末考试即将结束, 为题写篇短文。

visit some interesting places, such as Mount Tai and the beautiful beach city Dalian. Maybe I will stay there for one or two weeks. Ihomework. I think I will have a wonderful summer holiday.

’m sure it will be great fun. I will also practice the piano to improve my skill. Of course, I won’t forget to finish my 9. “不用你扫地,很多父母都希望孩子能将时间都花在学习上,办。请给报社编辑写封信。谈谈你的苦恼并希望得到些建议。 看书去!” 看了一会儿书,我去看电视,妈妈说: 你昨天回家觉得没事可做,“不许看电视, 便打算帮父亲打扫房间,父亲说: 学习去!”我真的不知怎么

Dear editor,

These days I am very upset all the time. Yesterday I argued with my parents. Yesterday afternoon, I went home after school, I have nothing to do. So I wanted to help my father clean the room, but he said,Later while I was watching TV, my mother came and turn off the TV and said, “study!“ You neednYou shouldn’t do that. Do some reading!’” I donrelax myself, too. I really don’”t know why I have to spend all the time on my study. There are also many other things for me to learn. And I want to t waste your time. Go to Yours, ’t know what to do. Could you please give me some advice? Li Hua

10. Dear mom,

感恩父母或老师 In my life there are lots of people I want to thank, but the person I want to thank most is YOU—-MOM. Words fail me when I want to express my thanks to you. You have been taking good care of me since I was born. When I am in trouble, you always encourage me.

Once I argued with my best friend and was very upset. You talked with me the whole night and finally helped me solve the problem. On Mathergrown up. But you are becoming older and older.

’s Day I called you up to say “ Mom, Happy Mather’s Day!” You are so excited. You said I had With your help, I have become a good student. Ithe future. ’m so thankful for your love that I will study hard and try to do better in Best wishes! Yours, 11. Hang Hua

One day a girl was going to the park at 11:00 in the morni

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