
关于健康的高中作文 高中作文网

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当今社会中,人已经知道,重要的是保持健康和良好的生活习惯,对于饮食健康也越来越重视。请以Good Eating Habits and Health为题目,写一篇关于好的饮食习惯与健康的作文。请涵盖一下要点。


2.过去,人们生活水平不好,吃的垃圾食品较少,所以很健康。现在,我们应当多吃蔬菜少吃肉,少吃垃圾食品 。



1. 内容连贯,语法正确。

2. 字数100字左右。

In current society, people have known the importance of

keeping healthy and good life habit. In the past, people ate three meals at home, and they ate more vegetables and less meat . They were very strong and seldom went to see doctors.

Now life is better, people eat more meat, fish, eggs and other food with more fat. They often go out for good meals with their families and friends. But they get easy to be ill.

And sports play an important role in our diary life. less exercise are bad for health. Good rest, less meat and fish, more vegetables and enough exercise are good for health. So I


exercise every day. I eat a lot of vegetables. I eat fruit and drink milk every day. I drink a cup of water 15 minutes before each meal and eat much vegetables and fruit. Of course, I love junk food, too, and I eat it once a week. And I sleep nine hours every day.

The better we get into good eating habits, the happier our life becomes.


班别 姓名{关于健康的高中作文}.


请根据下面内容谈谈你的看法,写一篇以How to keep healthy为题目的演讲

稿。词数: 100字左右 要点:(1)保持健康的重要性;(2)保持健康的方法;

(3)保持健康的结论;(4)你的看法。 词汇:跳绳jumping ropes






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4、作为中学生,首先我们最好多做运动,比如打球,跑步,游泳和跳绳。 As middle school students, first we had better do more exercise such as playing ball games ,running, swimming and jumping ropes(绳子). (3分)

5、第二,我们应该拥有一个平衡的饮食。Second, we should eat a balanced diet.

6、我们最好多吃水果和蔬菜。 We'd better eat more fruit and vegetables.

7、不要吃那么多垃圾食品,因为它对我们的健康有害。 5-7 (6分) Don't eat too much junk food because it's bad for our health.

8、第三,有足够的睡眠很重要。Third, it's very important to have enough sleep.

9、最后,尽量让自己每天都开开心心。 8 (2分) Last, we try to keep ourselves happy every day.

10、正如人们说的那样,笑一笑,十年少。 9-10 (4分)

As people often say,smiling makes you ten years younger.{关于健康的高中作文}.

11、这就是我的建议。 That is my advice.

12、我希望我们能健康和享受我们的生活。 Pa.3 (4分)

I hope we are healthy and enjoy our life.

How to keep healthy?

All of us want to be healthy.(It's very important for us to keep healthy because we nearly can do nothing without good health. )Here is my advice about how to keep healthy.

As middle school students, first we had better do more exercise such as playing ball games ,running, swimming and jumping ropes(绳子). Second, we should eat a balanced diet. We'd better eat more fruit and vegetables. Don't eat too much junk food because it's bad for our health. Third, it's very important to have enough sleep. Last, we try to keep ourselves happy every day. As people often say,smiling makes you ten years younger.{关于健康的高中作文}.

That is my advice. I hope we are healthy and enjoy our life.

篇三:《高中征文——科学饮食 健康生活》

科学饮食 健康生活



可是,我们可以看到,无论春秋冬夏,用餐前后很多同学拿着碳酸饮料在喝。每到就餐时,都可看到许多人在泡方便面,香气四溢。 还有一些同学买外面的小贩用发泡塑料装着的外卖。在校门外的大路边,在满是尘土的路旁,津津有味地吃着路边烧烤。到小店用0.5元或1元钱买来一、两包香气扑鼻的零食在吃。在早上寝室关门的最后五秒钟,冲出寝室,不吃早餐,在两节课后,纷拥到超市以零食充饥。这就是“食以伤人”的行为。



状态,有着丰富深蕴的内涵。我们每个人的生活习惯都不同,健康的生活方式有利于预防疾病,延长寿命,但是,许多人并不懂得珍惜自己的健康,没有完全做到对社会、对家庭、对个人的健康负责,而是沉溺于不良的生活和行为方式之中,使自身健康遭受损害。为此,世界卫生组织提出并向全世界推广健康的生活方式,也就是健康的四大基石:合理膳食、适量运动、戒烟限酒、心理平衡。专家得出了这样一个公式:健康=(情绪稳定+运动适量+饮食合理)/(懒惰+嗜烟+嗜酒),做好了这几个要求,健康自然就不会是那么困难的事情了。 让“科学饮食,健康生活”深入人心,从思想转变为行为,只有形成共识与舆论,才能使“科学饮食,健康生活”这样一种温情而上进的氛围弥漫在校园中。控制金钱,可以得到财富;控制餐饮,可以得到健康;控制情绪,可以得到幸福,学会控制,可以得到更多!




In the world , everyone want to keep healthy, because it is not comfortable to be ill at all. To lead a healthy life ,one should eat healthily at first. To be specific, we shall eat more vegetables as well as fruits, because they have much Cellulose and vitamin . On the contrary, we shall eat chess less. Besides, life habits are also important, like doing exercise on time, have enough sleep. What are more, no overwork and no smoke?



In the world , everyone want to keep healthy, because it is not comfortable to be ill at all. To lead a healthy life ,one should eat healthily at first. To be specific, we shall eat more vegetables as well as fruits, because they have much Cellulose and vitamin . On the contrary, we shall eat chess less. Besides, life habits are also important, like doing exercise on time, have enough sleep. What are more, no overwork and no smoke?



In the world , everyone want to keep healthy, because it is not comfortable to be ill at all. To lead a healthy life ,one should eat healthily at first. To be specific, we shall eat more vegetables as well as fruits, because they have much Cellulose and vitamin . On the contrary, we shall eat chess less. Besides, life habits are also important, like doing exercise on time, have enough sleep. What are more, no overwork and no smoke?

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