
北外学长,写作 北外技能写作

高中作文 zuowen 2浏览

【 – 高中作文】

第一篇 北外学长,写作

第二篇 北外学长,写作


总述:今年北外的语文考试题型有很大变化,往年学姐学长们都说是北京高考题型,但今年感觉像自主招生类的题。英语题型不变。准备的时候可以先根据攻略按上一届的题型内容来准备,有时间多再去准备其他题型(毕竟有时题型会发生一些变化)。所以,即使有时老师上课讲的内容、题型与你要考的不太相符,但最好还是认真听,提高了能力对任何题型的解题能力都会有所提高。 准备当然是越早越好,要制定计划并努力完成。注重复习英语。 一、英语 总分200 考试时间:上午9:00~11:30

【听力】第一部分是3分一题的有题干的选择题,一共三篇材料,只读一遍;第二部分是2分一题的完成表格,填空不超过3个词,读两遍,这一部分是PETS 5的题型。口音偏英式,非常清楚,语速较慢。但是短文很长,生词较多,所以平常一定要注意积累词汇量。题干往往是对文章内容的精练,也就是说不是原文中的表达,以至于要对于原文进行理解,有时感觉四个选项都听到了,但就是选不出来。建议重点练pets5的听力,而且要练真题,因为我感觉真题要比模拟题难很多。可以从模拟题入手再去练真题。同时练6级、专四,如果还有时间多可以去尝试专八。听听力的时候要训练自己记住文章信息,当然前提是迅速理解,最好不要用笔记,因为记的时候容易漏听信息。







【判断新闻对错】时事题。今年考了苏格兰9月公投,中国与澳大利亚建立合作关系,中国是不是仅有的两个申办下个冬奥会的国家之一,诺贝尔文学奖得主Patrick Modiano,还有一个不记得了。。都是很熟悉的新闻,但会在细节上考察。据我所知,他们很喜欢考诺贝尔文学奖得主,注意搜他们名字的英文怎么表示。就平常多听新闻就好,感觉没有什么好准备,重在平时的积累吧。建议考试前半年的新闻重点复习,还有国际上各国发生的大事都要熟知,尤其是细节。这一部分也不用太担心,我相信大部分人都不会很有把握的。如果你时


【choose the odd one】每道题给四个单词,选出不同的一项,范围很广,记得有一题考了汽车的牌子,有volvo, 其他的不记得了,还有一题考的组织的缩写,什么WTO之类的,还有一题考了城市名称。根据往年的经验可能还会考体育运动类单词,可以参考高中历史课本后的中英文对照,网上搜世界500强中英文名还有一些国家的重点有名城市,旅游城市等。这就靠平时的积累了,不会的就大胆的猜吧。

【逻辑改错】就是给你五句话,分别用英文表达它们错在哪。比如,John isn’t successful on his team,because he didn’t perform well in games. (貌似是这样的);He ran to the movie on three nights. He must love movies.还有一题是,All people I know cheat on taxes ,so I can do it,too.这部分是北外专有题型,没办法练,我就根本没准备,好在不难,没有语病,逻辑成立即可。后来听同学说有一篇文章《love is a fallacy>>里面有专门说到逻辑问题的专业名词,可以在考场上用到。


【作文】今年是材料作文,题目是校长当众剪男学生头发(因为长度违反校规),谈看法。据我所知去年也是材料作文那段材料大致是说一个教授在某学校演讲时说如今的青少年被惯坏了之类的。都要求写一篇no more than 250 words 的作文。作文方面结构很重要,注意书写工整,最好有题目,开头亮观点再论述,结尾再次重申观点,但表达不要重复。建议考前多练习专四的作文题,推荐星火专四作文,里面的话题和结构句子都很好,可以背一些词组句型。考前写几篇。有时间多可以看托福的独立写作高分范文,虽然内容很深,但有一些表达是很值得学习的,对于面试也会很有帮助。


【词汇】建议大家至少混熟六级词汇,专四词汇最好是背一下,这里六级单词推荐星火的全新大学英语词汇星火式巧记·速记·精练1-6级(马德高 主编),(我为什么推荐这本而没推荐更大众的新东方单词呢?因为这本书提供的记忆法更强大,尤其是一些词根总结,而且插图生动有助于记忆还有一些规则总结,拓展短语,辨析,美句都特别好)。我还有很多同学用百词斩软件背单词,可以试试。





还有填空题的形式:第二题是写出关于“吃”的俗语表达以下意思(例:受欢迎=吃香) 受重用=? 受得了=? 靠房租生活=?

(这道题真的是很变态!受得了=吃得消 靠房租生活=吃瓦片 受重用至今不知道!不过大家不用担心,这种题大都不会。)






2.小阅读 全部都是主观题 下面是原题:







(1) 短文用了什么艺术手法?

(2) 为什么作者说“这些问题都不只问茉莉,也可以拿来问人,人就会有答案了吧!”


3.大阅读 就是北京卷社科文阅读的感觉,两道选择题,一道填空题,难度不大但是有一篇



表情商,纵坐标代表智商,第一象限是“棒”,第二象限“呆”,第三象限“傻”,第四象限“假”,就图写作文。 我一开始毫无思路,因为怕时间不够边写边想,我写的作文大概就是先分别论述了智商情商,再指明没有正确的价值观的引导,智商情商都是多的 云云



三、面试(双语) 五分制,今年是面试划线,三分以上,分还是算低的

面试流程:先到先考。到达考场后,根据先来后到的顺序排队准备进入阶梯教室等候。然后又上楼到了第二个稍小一点的候场教室,最后进入第三个教室–备考室,桌上有你将要朗读的短文和回答的问题面试,有十分钟的准备时间,不许说话交流,考题不能带走。然后排队抽签,抽小教室序号进入考场进行面试,单人面试,考官两名,一位英语老师,一位语文老师。一般来说,英语老师较和蔼,语文老师较严肃,一直低着头。所以看到老师对你不感兴趣,千万不要紧张。注意礼貌,先敲门,问好,考完谢谢老师,再见,关好门等等。 不要喝太多水,以免想上厕所。转移时要带好个人物品,转移后是不允许再返回的。 据说北外面试采取的是一小时换一套题的方法

英语面试:第一部分free talk (1min)一般就是随便聊聊,我被问了学英语几年了,最喜欢英语学习的哪个部分。我知道的其他同学被问到的有,介绍家乡,北京天气怎么样,和父母一起来吗,今天起得早吗,几点起的之类的。 第二部分朗读一篇短文之后有一个口头作文任务,相当于小演讲(3min),之前候场准备的时候要打好腹稿。我的短文是关于监测系统surveillance system的(当时surveillance我都不认识好尴尬啊,不过后面标注了中文,于是我就猜测了一下它的读法,貌似和正确的差不多),后面让你谈利弊。题目下面有几个提示词,可以讲那上面的,也可以提出自己的观点,会有追加问题,我被追问

surveillance system可以帮人们提高道德素质吗?(因为我谈到surveillance system的好处有可以帮助警方破案,也会对人的不道德行为有约束作用)我答:不可以,只能约束行为但未触及根本问题没改变人们的思想。


1.谈谈你对此现象的看法 。2.你在读《祝福》这篇课文时的角色预设是谁,为什么 。3.口头作文:结合《红楼梦》的具体内容谈此。(3min)


有同学和我用的不一样的卷子,他们的题目是 :英语—你认为肢体语言有什么作用?追问:


语文—是否在住宅门口标上名牌的短文 口头作文简述住宅标名牌的历史演变和利弊。 听说还有问会不会让自己孩子穿有补丁的衣服之类的问题






最前面,当时填志愿的时候听取了直系学姐的意见 前三一定要填一个英语保底,于是我把英语填的是第三个志愿,个人觉得是很有价值的建议,因为英语专业录取的分不高(当然以后怎么样不敢保证),而且北外的英语是很强的。18个志愿不一定要填满,我就没全填,然后出于保险我选择了服从调剂北外学长,写作

【订酒店】要早点定,不然可能会订不到,我当时住的是离考场-北外东院最近的 七天快捷




第三篇 北外学长,写作


北外英语研究生有一门是写作,包括对一篇阅读文章的summary(300字)和commentary (500字),还有另外二选一的essay writing(题目类似GRE issue作文题,写800到1000字)。一开始知道考试要在3个小时内写这么多,瞬间石化,细想就算平时期末论文1500都要写到郁结,怎么写得完?不过不要担心,老师们肯定也灰常明白我们考生的苦衷。大概考察的要求只是我们在考试时能写出不要有语法错误,逻辑完整,内容充实,然后偶尔蹦出一两个精彩词汇和精彩句型,他们就心满意足了吧。


I. Summary II. Commentary III. Essay Writing Summary北外学长,写作

要看清是summarize the passage 还是summarize the views in the passage, 读完全文划出thesis statement 和各段的topic sentence 以及比较重要的几个论据(例子,数据,对比等),然后用自己的话联成一个完整的小passage 就OK了。


1. 摘要中也要突出原文重点(长度要合适,某个论点在原文长度最长,在summary中也同样如此)

2. 要记住使用linking devices,把全文结构脉络缕清。(不是罗列views,论点与论点之间的关系要体现出来。)Summary依然是篇完整的文章或段落,要有introduction(Identify the title, author and views), main body( views) and conclusion. (再说一遍Brief, just a few well-stated sentences that give a sense of closure.) (这样也可以凑字数嘛o(∩_∩)o")

3. 引用尽量不要超过4处,尽量用自己的话。要paraphrase一定要记得加quotation marks“”(但是考试的时候谁管这么多,中国的老师好像也不是特别注重这点。但是外教会判成plagiarism)

高手版(model summary)

In “How to Heal a Hypochondriac” (Time September 30, 2003), M. Lemonick reports on research into ways of dealing with hypochondria, a thinking disorder that makes healthy people believe that they are suffering from one or more serious diseases. Not only do hypochondriacs genuinely suffer from their disorder, but they create a significant burden on the health-care system. Research suggests that hypochondriacs fall into three categories: those who have a variant of obsessive-compulsive disorder, those who are hypersensitive to any physical symptoms, and those whose hypochondria were triggered by a stress life event. Cognitive therapy, in which patients are trained to direct their attention away from their symptoms, and antidepressant medicine both seem helpful in treating hypochondria. The most difficult part of treatment is suggesting that a patient suffers from hypochondria without angering or embarrassing him or her.


The author begins with arguing against the proponents’ rationales of mandating paid family leave. They hold “It will help families” and “The US is the only rich country that doesn’t have it.” The author believes the two reasons are “irrelevant” and “wrong.” In his/her view, paid family

leave will be counterproductive because legislation cannot change the laws of economics. Then the author argues in both the demand side effect and the supply side effect. Mandated paid family leave will increase the cost of hiring women, so the result is that less women will be employed, as is the case with the disabled after the ADA’s passage (The Americans With Disabilities Act). Meanwhile, it reduces women’s incentive to return to work after a long parental leave. Some other policies are more effective, such as work-for-pay programs, ending the marriage penalty and other flexible choices for the family. In sum, the author holds that mandated paid family leave is not the best option to families. More choices should be available for them. (此篇选自星火《五大题源》95面 做过的阅读或者经济学人杂志等上面的文章可以用来做Summary and commentary )

Commentary紧承以上的summary, 继续analyze and evaluate. Analyze 指 examine the parts of a whole. Evaluate 指对全文的rate, appraise, or judge and attach an opinion of value to worth to something. A commentary considers how the reading presents main idea. We can discuss the originality of the passage,/ insights of the author, /the humor, /your response on weightier matters, /and consider the facts and possible consequences or implications of the main idea./

Commentary 属于 written reaction 一种。Written reaction reacts to ideas, responds to content and structure, and analyzes the central idea of a reading and contributes an informed opinion, based on facts and reasons, not emotion. Written reaction 包括commentary 和 argument. 但是写的时候我两个都写,反正凑字数嘛。

An argument 是 examine, interpret, evaluate the views in the passage and state your own opinion. 而且require specific facts and reasons to defend and support a stand on an issue. 三步走

I. Take a position II. Defend it III. Provide logical reasons.

其实,经常写的book report(书评)就是introduction, summary, written reaction( commentary and argument), conclusion四部分组成。

Model Summary and Commentary

(A Reaction to Martin Buber’s Philosophy Summary)

Martin Buber’s philosophy, as set forth in Between Man and Man, seems similar to Plato’s in many respects. Although the philosophers disagree about the source of goodness, they both believe that goodness is an absolute, quite distinct from people. They believe we strive to attain goodness by making wise choices. Buber’s philosophy has important applications for teachers. Buber feels that the formal teaching of value is worthless. Nonetheless, he believes that the teacher presents a selection from the real world and acts as a model to the pupil (indirect teaching). Buber develops the concept of “inclusiveness”, which is the complete realization of the submissive person (i.e., the student) To develop the mental powers to make good choices, Plato suggests the (direct) study of mathematics, philosophy, and other disciplines. Plato attempts to outline an ideal society where everyone can live peacefully and develop to the fullest capacity.

(Reaction and Implication)北外学长,写作

In the educational situation, this inclusiveness means that educators must beware of dangers of such a relationship. They must refrain from arbitrariness and must exercise responsibility in interpreting the real world to the pupil. I agree: Teachers should consider the needs and rights of their pupils and try to respond in a way that will benefit them. This goal requires not only responsibility in the selection of classroom material but also fairness in grading, settling disputes, and other situations which arise. I concur with Buber’s theory about the teaching values: values are caught, not taught. A teacher should be of good character and should act as a role model for

students. How can educators accomplish this responsibility? Buber says they can do it by conscious and willed selection. In other words, educators should know what they want to achieve and select the proper means to achieve it. They should examine their basic principles and understanding what is happening – not merely what they think they are doing. They must be objecting as well as responsible. Finally, Buber believes that “Life lived in freedom is personal responsibility or it is a pathetic farce” (“Education”, Section III). Rousseau, in a similar vein, says that pupils are obliged to develop their intellectual powers to learn a vocation and provide for themselves. Like Buber, Rousseau is greatly concerned about the educator’s responsibility of keeping evil away from pupils. This idea of personal responsibility involves intellectual self – discipline as well as physical self-discipline, but it helps us to gain self-respect and stature in the eyes of others. It helps us to find a purpose beyond ourselves – and perhaps that is what life is really all about.


In short, although Buber’s tradition Judeo-Christian philosophy will not appeal to Any Rand fans or existentialists with leanings towards Nietzsche or Sartre, I believe it provides an excellent set of principles for undergirding education.



STEP 1: Position. (Controversial issues are controversial precisely because no single stance convinces everyone, because there is always room for counterargument and for other positions that have their own power to convince. // merely taking sides is not enough 比如说不能光写 Euthanasia is wrong. 这样太肌无力) (当然北外的题目通常不会太controversial)

STEP 2: Thesis (represent position directly and clearly, it should appeal to readers and not exclude qualifications and exceptions 限定一下 免得显得太绝对) e.g. topic: gay marriage A couple’s right to marry should not be restricted because of sexual orientation. (Improved) Every couple who wishes to commit to each other in marriage (qualification) should have the right to do so, regardless of sexual preference. (Improved 2) Everyone, gay and straight, will benefit from extending the basic human right of marriage to all couples, regardless of sexual preference. e.g. Life sentences with no parole are justifiable for all sane people found guilty of first-degree murder. ( exceptions: those insane people and those tried on lesser charges)

STEP 3: Finding Supporting Reasons( 这个找论据最头疼了,实在不知从何下手的时候可以从以下一一找)

1. Special rules or principles, such as law, politics and business. (E.G. A person is innocent until proven guilty)


2. Expert opinion and hard evidence ( detailed and current information)

3. Tradition (Bible, Constitution, sayings, writings, quotations )

4. Comparison→analogy 类比论证

例1 Marijuana use should be decriminalized. Analogy : It is no more harmful than alcohol which is legal( it is similar in effect to alcohol")

例2 Discrimination based on sexual should not be tolerated today just as discrimination based on race, common thirty years ago, is no longer tolerated.

例3 (oppose sharing the world’s limited resources) requiring the wealthy nations of the world to feed the starving nations is analogous to requiring the occupants of a lifeboat filled to a safe capacity to take on board those still in the water until the lifeboats sinks and everybody




5. Cause-and-effect因果论证 Depend on credible ,adequate hard evidence and expert opinion

6. Definition All argument requires definition for clarification. If we define a term by placing it in a category, we are saying that whatever is true for the category is true for the term we are defining.

例1 Thesis: Women must have suffrage, access to higher education, and sovereignty over their own minds and bodies. Reason: Women are individuals. (女性也是人,人人都有权享受选举 教育及自主自理等, 所以女性也同样有权。。。) Individual 就是一个category. All individuals are endowed with certain inalienable rights, the definition reminds that women belong in the category of “individual” just as much as men do and so deserve the same rights.


第四篇 北外学长,写作


1、 南欧三大半岛

2、 斯巴达克

3、 普罗米修斯

4、 《西厢记》

5、 《牡丹亭》

6、 TPP

7、 川端康成

8、 大江健三郎

9、 张仲景

10、 傅雷

11、 小李杜

12、 阿碦琉斯

13、 颠张狂素

14、 巴尔扎克

15、 但丁

16、 三大佛经翻译家

17、 欧洲三大思想启蒙运动

18、 “一条鞭子”的管理



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