
初中7科期末复习计划作文200 初中期末复习计划

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1. 请用一般过去时描述你的一次旅游经历(或以书信形式告诉你的好朋友)

A Trip to Xi’an

Last Sunday, I went on a trip to Xi’an with my parents. It is 30 minutes drive away from my home. So we took a bus there.

We went to The Drum Tower and hit the ancient drum. At noon, we enjoyed the special dishes of Xi’an. In the afternoon, we visited the North Square. There was a music spring(喷泉). We saw many people watching the spring. It was such a beautiful place. We took many photos there.

或 : Dear Tom, We had a good time in Xi’an. …………………………………………………………………………………………



2. 暑假就要到了,你有什么打算?是去旅游还是待在家中帮父母做家务,还是与朋友玩耍?请说一说自己的暑假计划。

例一: Plans for The Summer Holiday

Summer holiday is coming. I plan to stay at home. I have a lot of things to do. My parents are busy working, so I am going to help them with housework. In the morning, I get up at 7:00 and do some sports. After that, I will learn to cook. In the afternoon, I want to do my homework. At night, I will read some books or watch TV. I will have fun in this summer holiday. I am looking forward to it.

例二:Summer holiday is coming. Some friends are going to stay at home, but my plan is different from others. I plan to go to the beach with my brothers. We will stay there for five days. We will enjoy the sun in the beach. We can play volleyball. We can also (也) ride the waves in the sea. I really look forward to my summer holiday.

subject is P.E. He likes P.E because he thinks it is interesting. He has P.E classes on Monday. Gina likes music very much. Music is a relaxing subject. She has music lessons on Friday. Kate’s favourite subject is history. She enjoys the funny stories in history classes on Thursday. 4. 我最喜欢的科目 My Favourite Subject—English

I love learning English very much. English is very interesting. I can learn a lot from it . I have a good English teacher. He teaches us very well. He also makes English easy and fun. I can know about the history and culture of western countries. English helps me communicate with foreigners. So I like English.

How to study English well

I love learning English very much. I have many skills to learn English well. First, read a lot and look up the new words in a dictionary. Second, watch more English TV and movies. You can enjoy yourselves and learn English at the same time. Third, you should enjoy listening to English music. Last, practice speaking English every day. All of the above(以上所有) will help you a lot.

5. 我最喜欢的运动 My Favourite Sport

Doing sports is good for our health. My favourite sport is basketball. It is an exciting sport and it’s easy to learn. So I like it very much. I am good at playing basketball. I often play it three times a week with my friends. I hope to be a basketball player someday.

怎样保持身体健康 How to Keep Healthy

Doing sports is good for our health. If you want to keep healthy, you must(必须) do more sports . You can go swimming, go skating and play basketball. I often go swimming twice a week. I like sports and my body is healthy. Second, You should eat more healthy food like (比如说像) vegetables and fruits. Last, you should get up and go to bed early.

6. 我的学校生活 My School Life (另起下行空两格) My name is subjects, such as Chinese, math, English, art and so on. I like English best. After school, I often join the swimming club. I often go swimming in my free time. At night, I am busy doing my homework. How is your school life going? 7. 描述某人的周末 My Weekend (另起下行空两格) My weekend was great, but a little busy. On Saturday morning, I cleaned the room. In the afternoon, I went to the park. I saw many people doing sports there. On Sunday morning, I did my homework. Then(然后),I played basketball with his friends. At night, I watched TV. The interesting TV made me laugh and happy. I had a good weekend. How was your weekend?

8. Winter is very cold and snowy in Canada. After class, I often have snowball 我最喜欢的季节 There are four My Favourite Seasonseasons in a year. 或 加拿大的冬天My favourite Winter in Canadaseason is winter. fights and make a snowman with my friends in the snow. I can also go skating on the ice and go skiing on the ski hills. We must wear our scarves and gloves outside to keep warm. I like winter.

9. 我的家乡 My Hometown (另起下行空两格) My hometown is Xi’an, the capital city of Shannxi. It is also the start(起点) of the Silk Road. It has a long history and rich culture. There are many places of interest, like(比如说像) The Big Wild Goose Pagoda, The Bell Tower and so on. The dishes of xi’an are very special. They taste and look good. You will have a lot of fun here. Welcome to Xi’an!





1、认真审题,特别是审清题目的比喻义,从审题中明确文章的写作中心。 2、选取典型的事例表现中心。叙事具体清楚。 训练题目一:《我们一起走过》




训练题目二: 从小到大,我们听过、唱过多少支歌啊!乘着歌声的翅膀,我们度过了美丽的童年,步入了多彩的青少年。在以后的岁月里,我们仍然离不开歌声。请以“我想唱首歌”为题写一篇作文,也可以另拟题目,文体不限,字数不少于600字,文中不得出现真实的地名、校名、人名。




要求:开放思维,自定角度,写一篇不少于600字的作文,文体及表达方式不限。 [应试指导]有句歌词说:“万物生长靠太阳。”可见阳光之于万物何等重要。单从字面上看来,文题只限定了故事发生的大致背景,即要在阳光之下,可以写白天发生的事情。如春游、社戏等。只要考虑选择一些主题积极的内容来写,扣住“阳光”这一故事发生的背景,就不会有太大的偏差。





你爱茶,走到哪儿,都喜欢拎着茶杯,当你掀开茶盖时那淡淡的茶香氤氲在空气中,让人心旷神怡。无意间发现你也如茶叶般枯瘦。不见了你矫健的身姿,不见了你健硕的皮肤,只是那弯曲的背,深深的皱纹,但你那犀利的眼神仍是那样的令人颤栗。 你我走过的日子是短短的童年是次次的误读与简单的包裹,是你无声的爱与我的无知彼此充实。爷爷,到了此刻我才懂得了你,原来你是爱我的。


小时候,我参加了“书法社”,可是在社里我总觉得自己的字与我的同学相差甚远,这时你鼓励我说:“好好努力,正如茶那样即使原来多么平凡,但经过了杀青、晒干、炒制……那原本翠绿的它变得柴瘦、干枯,但它冲泡时的清香令人心醉,这时它拥有了美丽的内涵,只要努力就会拥有美丽内涵。”我应了一下,然后就离开了。过了一个月,我参加了书法比赛得了三等奖,虽然有些遗憾,但得到了老师的肯定,我原本以为当你看到这一切时会很高兴,但你只是看了看,扬起嘴微微一笑。我拿着奖状,心里有许多不甘,心情也直落谷底。新 |课|标 | 第|一|网



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